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all of the above button


There really should be.


I don't think it's a rise in antisemitic beliefs so much as a fall in social penalties for expressing them. They were always there, festering or latent, waiting for an opportunity to break into the open.


Absolutely right. It never disappeared ever! Actually, now we can see the true faces, and i don't miss the fake friends!


Far left political extremism, Islamism, and media bias are all tied together.




>are all tied together By Qatar.


Don't forget the ultra right, in Germany they call them "Nazi". I believe it's not different here.


The one that is by far the most dangerous is definitely Radical Islam. All the other categories mentioned may hate Jews, but it's the jihadis that will happily incinerate an entire city, country, or continent if it means killing a single Jew.


All of them were present to begin with, but I think its the far left that enabled the huge rise in recent years, and especially so after Oct 7th - Islamists were always open about it, however they were considered bad by everyone and therefore did not have a strong presence or ability to exercise it. After October 7th (though it started before) the far left has aligned itself with Islamists because of mutual hate of liberalism, and enabled it to become far more boisterous, and open about its antisemitism, and antiwesternism as well. The fact that they view Muslims as a minority for some reason, and the fact that they can only think in binary terms makes them unable to differentiate betweenmoderate and extremist Muslims - When we talk about the media, we are generally talking about the left media when it comes to this topic(though it exists in the right media in a different form as well). The fact that the far left went full antisemite, and that they tend to be the people hiring these days enabled the media to move more toward that drection by hiring people who align with those views. Since the media today mainly comes from elite collages, and elite collages have a huge imbalance of political opinion, you get the far left perpetuating itself there. - The far right, was always open about it but they were few and usually shamed societally,especially since the left kept that somewhat in check. The far left being the main social voice on the left right now, and being antisemitic has allowed the far right to be louder about it, and not face any pushback. The left wont shame them because all else aside they sort of agree on this point, they just come at it from different start points So while all are culpable, I do think that the far left Is what enabled it to increase exponentially. One can argue that it is actually the fault of both the moderate right and moderate left for not doing anything to reign in their extremes, and instead pandering to them for votes, but that’s a general problem we have in the US right now, which often exports its ideas to the rest of the western world


There's definitely state backed media Propaganda operations from places like Qatar,Iran and potentially Russia and China.




Look up [red-green-brown alliance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red%E2%80%93green%E2%80%93brown_alliance). Disparate groups with somewhat conflicting ideologies can come together or even simply work in parallel if they view they have a common enemy/ common goal. I would suggest that a lot of the online trolling & extreme antisemitism is coming from leftists, Islamists, & a nice sprinkle of far-right neo-nazis who are joining in for funsies under differing accounts- all in fairly equal parts. In academia revisionist history has been mainstreamed, so leftist acceptance of Islamist propaganda. The other major factor is the large sea of online useful idiots- not malicious antisemites but ignorant enough to carry water for some distasteful behaviors- esp. Holocaust revisionism and inversion. Younger gen esp. (but I'm pretty sure there are plenty of middle aged and older folks in the mix), using Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook to spread trending and trendy "issues" that help push both visual disinfo. (AI generated "all eyes on Rafah" or video of Allepo) & factual disinfo and more and more extreme rhetoric. MSM using Gaza Ministry numbers and facts from the beginning without any caveats or framing too. Running in the fog of war with disinfo then later barely correcting. Answer is (F) all of the above. It's a shitshow sandwich.


All of the above, but I also think there's some foreign government social media manipulation going on.


All of the above


Misleading media feeds them all.


You can't really isolate them into separate categories. They all feed off of each other in one big cycle of bigotry


I think this has been intensified by the revolution in modern communications and social media. Many of these Jew haters were mostly isolated from each other. If there were only a handful of other Jew haters on some level they’d understand their numbers are small, but they can feel dangerously empowered when then can link up with tens of thousands of fellow Jew haters. I don’t have a solution. Just an observation.


Couple of thoughts. When the pandemic hit, I said to my husband, next will be recession/depression then they will blame immigrants/Jews for their struggles. Sadly, I haven't been wrong. Islamic expansion, integration, and infiltration into the zeitgeist of political/social/religious thought has been malignant to all the West stands for. We are in the midst of WW3, but it's not global physical weapons, rather its global misinformation sponsored by Qatar, SA, Iran, NK and Russia that is destabilizing the West. When the West feels destabilized it looks for a scapegoat. We are the scapegoat; we have always been the scapegoat.


Interesting, I was the stupid one I was actually relieved when during the pandemic there was not a big spike in Jew-blaming. It conflated with my Zionism “see when we didn’t have a state people would have blamed us but now it just won’t happen anymore”. Yeah, it hasn’t aged well


Utter ignorance is the most important factor. We are 0.2% of the world’s population. They know nothing about us.


all of them and more.


Don't know what contributed the most. But is the main reason why the leftists (and others?) react they are thinking they are so very smart and well-educated they don't need jews? (Both sides, right and left, are of course  just as smart but just the left one have been told so first?) Also blaming jews for too much knowledge, so they're unable having their own kids? That's why everyone see fact resistance? Also having nothing to lose (except parts of their soul?) in having everything the wrong way?


all + social media.


Islamism IS far-right political extremism.


In the US, the far left, which has a history of antisemitism. As far as worldwide, all of the above.


Something that has existed for 2000 years does not rise because of “a factor”. The lingering preexisting antisemitism especially in Christian society where they covered it up for awhile, was just given legitimacy by events and basically all of the above plus some


Other: social media (and by definition, foreign funded propaganda therein)


The Islamist-Leftist alliance has been incredibly loud— leftists clearly don’t know anything about history given how this same alliance lead to the death of all the leftist revolutionaries once the Islamic state was established