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Nothing is preventing you but it will bring on a lot of unwanted attention. I think it's even awkward for me to be Catholic and wear something that makes everyone who sees me think I'm Jewish. I mean, what did the cross fall short of?


>"I think it's even awkward for me to be Catholic and wear something that makes everyone who sees me think I'm Jewish. I mean, what did the cross fall short of?" ...What does this mean? (And why is your flair "Orthodox" if you're Catholic???)


I'm not Catholic, I was giving an example.


Ah, sorry, I was confused by the way it was phrased. Thanks for clearing that up!


Yes many non-Jews have worn one to show support, although people may mistake you for being Jewish.


anyone with $10 or so can buy one and wear it. there is no impropriety if it was acquired legally. However, it may create a false impression of being Jewish, as most people who wear these are. So much so that anti-Israel militants now target the wearer for being Jewish, no other identity confirmation needed on their part. It might be a safety issue in some places. And Judaism takes a very negative view of creating a false impression.


Your neighbor put you in a bad position. if you dont wear if they will think you are avoiding the topic, if you do ware it then you may be subject to the same antisemitic attacks that us jews suffer. Its the equivalent is some ways to a christian giving a jew a cross and expecting them to wear it. so in summary - if you want to wear it go ahead and if you don’t then politely let your neighbor know that and explain why so they don’t get insulted.


That’s what’s my mom’s wife said, because she’s Jewish and I’m catholic and she doesn’t mind if I wear it but is afraid I will suffer the same threats that she’s been facing since everything has happened, I have been wearing since I got it I just put it under my shirt but if it ever accidentally comes out I don’t want people that I know thinking that I’m mocking Jewish people because they know I’m not Jewish


no one‘s gonna think you’re mocking anyone. And if anyone ever asks, you can just say that you support the community. I know tons of people that wear them. I would never think that you’re mocking anyone. However, yes, some people will assume that you are Jewish, you do not have to wear it if you do not want to. Or, you could always add the charm to a bracelet with some other charms, and then show the neighbor that it’s on your bracelet, especially if it has other charms on there it won’t be just like one single star of David.


You should ask this on r/Catholicism if it’s in regards to your religion. As for us, we don’t mind. Wear what you want as long as it’s with good intentions. If you want to wear it to show your solidarity with Jews or support for Israel that’s fine.


Louis Armstrong used to wear one and he wasn't Jewish. If Louis Armstrong can wear one, so can you. But the question is...do you want to?


Most Jews don't have a problem with non-Jews wearing a Star of David because: 1) it isn't a "religious" symbol in the same way a cross is; and 2) there are plenty of other uses for the six-pointed star outside of a Jewish context. Though, I would say that the choice to wear one is not to be taken lightly. In the modern West, most people associated the Star of David (or six-pointed star, more generally) with Judaism and the Jewish people. So, be aware that people will assume you're Jewish and have questions.


Why wouldn’t it be ok? I am Christian and I am Jewish. The start of David shows the connection of god to Israel. Christians believe in god . Jesus was a Jew . I don’t see the problem 




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I don’t think you should wear it. I think you should thank your friend graciously for the present, but tell her that it’s not appropriate non-Jews to wear it.