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I love TLW. If it tried to replicate the sense of wonder of JP it'd be decried as unoriginal. Instead it took on a darker tone and offered a different experience in the JP world. When I saw it in 97 I was thrilled. The T-Rex duo attack on the trailer is one of the best action scenes I've ever seen. Roland Tembo is a top tier character, making such original use of the talented late Pete Postlethwaite. And John Williams' score is such a revelation that adds to its perilous adventure feel. I sometimes (but not always) skip the San Diego bit at the end, but even that is fun.


I absolutely agree. It dared to be completely different than the first film, and I love all the nods to Hatari!


I tell people on a weekly basis at this point. It was a product of its time. It came off the back of JP but was fighting for the feel Aliens had with the gritty sci-fi adventure epic thing, people liked Jeff Goldblum, obviously... It had to be the way it was and I love it.


I read the book before seeing the movie, I remember watching the trailer online on repeat so much. The, "Mommy's very angry" line sent chills up my prepubescent spine. When I saw the movie, so much of it caught me off guard that it was like watching something entirely new and standalone. Afterward I commented, "It may be better than the book", in the sense that it seemed like it wrapped everything up fairly well. I remember the book still kept things mysterious and a bit melancholy, which to my child-brain was fairly unsatisfying. I still wish the audio alarm and the creepy carnotaurs made it into the film's one way or another.


Darker tone, apart from the gymnastics defeating raptors.


Perfectly said (except for skipping San Diego)


The Lost World book is so good though. I'll never understand why they changed so much for the film.


The book and film overlapped in development (book was being finished as the film started developing ideas). Any time that happens, you'll end up with different end results. IMO, the really important difference is scale - Crichton kept it a really small cast in the book, while the film went much larger, and most of the differences seem to stem from that one decision.


Yup! The book is fantastic!


This. At this point, I just want a complete reboot. Hopefully they do The Lost World novel justice next time around


This is another awful list from rolling stone. "Hey we need an article. Write a paragraph each for unpopular sequels. But don't give real insight!"


I’m a guitarist, and this is even more rage-inducing than the Top 250 Best Guitarists.


I hear you, i remember the top 250 performers of all time and people like Michael Jackson weren't even on the list


oh yeah it's real bad, the Highlander 2 entry is especially egregious >The 1991 sequel, Highlander II: The Quickening, roped Sean Connery into the saga ...implying he wasn't already in the first one


"It feels humdrum." Speak for yourself!


One of my favorite JP movies, the hate is unwarranted


the lost world is significantly better than any of the other jurassic park sequels and im so sick of this early 2000's brainrot take.


It certainly is, but it's still only a fraction as good as the original film.


7/10 is still a fraction though. A pretty good one too.


Tbf it does add that all the JP sequels are "varying degrees of terrible"


Which is 100% true.




Thank you! Seriously it is.


it's better than the rest but it's not good by any means. there were a few decent scenes though. that raptor in the tall grass and T-Rex waterfall scene from the first book are great.


meh. Lost World is not better then JW. it is better then 3, FK & Dominion tho


Yeah, this isn't an insightful take at all. TLW is maybe a disappointing sequel to JP, sure, but it's not "terrible."


It’s just sensationalism from Rolling Stone. They know it’s not terrible.


A girl defeats a raptor with the power of gymkata. It is terrible.


One moment. In JP a little girl hacks the park in like 5 seconds.


At the time lost world was pretty disappointing though I enjoy it for what it is. Honestly the way to make it a perfect film would been to make it: 1/3 Isla sorna 2/3 Trex being Godzilla SPOILERS BELOW YAR HAR Edit: also the book for the lost world is hilarious cause Ian literally died at the end of the first then he's just back in the next book and has Jeff goldblums attitude


Nobody seems to remember when TLWJP came out it was an absolute hit.


Havent seen it since i was a kid but a trex in a city will never not be cool


Man they cant put this here The main thrill of Jurassic park is the dinosaurs and after seeing them the first time they are less impressive every next time. Jurassic world even deals with this when they make the indo red to increase popularity with the park. They should put alien 3 on this tho


This is bullshit, The Lost World is a banger.


I should write an article of “50 Most disappointingly lazy Rolling Stone articles”


I feel about Jurassic Park and sequels how I felt about TMNT and sequels. I enjoy it. I’m glad it exists and that I have plenty of stories to read and watch.


I rewatched the 2nd one, its legendary as the og but its still quite good


JP movies are released in order of quality


This is a rather terrible list all around. Most people,were disappointed at the time in Lost World so I can see it being on here but in the days since it’s found a better reputation. If there can be three Terminator sequels on this list(and yet leave off the actually worst sequel in Genisys) they should have included Dominion on this as it’s the worst film in the whole franchise by a country mile.


Movie critics fail to see the underlying tones. I personally love the story of Roland Tembo being the "bad guy", but Nick Van Owen let all the Dinosaurs go in the Ingen camp causing chaos and death. Roland Tembo was the only one to stand against the Bull Tyrannosaurus Rex buying time for his men.


Other criticisms I get, but no sense of wonder? Is everyone expecting to feel a sense of wonder every time they see a dinosaur on screen? JP gave us that wonder. Now we know there are dinosaurs and we know what CGI can be like. What wonder did you expect from LW?


TLW movie misses the mark in many things and gets some right.


I thought this had to be old but apparently it's not. Unfathomable how you can put TLW on here but not Dominion.


This is what I thought strange, especially when number 1 is Rise of Skywalker


Well at least they got that right.


I lost all respect for Rolling Stone when they put Boston bomber on front cover NOW THIS


I'm old enough to remember a lot of discourse about how terrible TLW was a sequel to JP. But then JP/// came along and everybody forgot. 😉


I’m a big *The Lost World* apologist (it sits at a very generous 4-stars on Letterboxd for me), but this isn’t a ridiculous take. It’s a movie that’s perhaps less than the sum of its parts: it has some of Spielberg’s best set pieces (the T. rex trailer attack) and imagery (the shot of the raptors closing in on the poachers in the high grass), a grossly underrated John Williams score, and an interesting theme to explore (man’s meddling with nature, whether to exploit it, study it, or protect it). But, the script doesn’t quite fully flesh out that theme though as elegantly, or develop a set of characters whose perspectives clash in interesting ways, in the same way the first one did. And structurally, it stops and starts and shifts direction at odd points, so we never settle into a real groove - the poachers aren’t villains or a threat long enough so the alliance with them feels like a suitably dramatic moment, and while I’m a fan of the San Diego segment, it comes off a bit like an extended epilogue. As a Spielberg film, it’s definitely less well-built than average, and given that *Jurassic Park* sits at the top of such a strong filmography, that’s disappointing. Doubly so given that the second Crichton novel was just as good, if not better, than the first.


I definitely think it’s great though.


And yet still stands as the better sequel compared to the other 4 following this


What The Lost World fans are going to say about Rolling Stone is exactly my thoughts on all "JP Good JW Bad" crowd.


Rightfully, JW bad is the general consensus.


No, it's not a "general consensus", just in the terminally online circle jerks that can't stop crying about JW being "bad"


Yep. Hot take, the movie was a hot mess, and thats not even taking the book into account, which was wildly different, and much better than the movie we were given. character traits folding into others, yet they create a whole other group on the island that the book didnt have. the whole san diego trex thing was god awful. No Doc Thorn was the real travesty. **Edit again** JP3 was a rollercoaster of fun, totally different than the original and TLW, i tihnk i like it because it kind of takes set pieces in the books and puts them into this 3rd movie. Jurassic world was overall, fun, even the ending that got implemented in the sequels which diminished JW imo


As a fan of the Lost World, honestly as much as I like the movie, in the context of it being a Jurassic Park sequel: Rolling Stone is right.


From what I remember Spielberg asked Crichton to write a sequel so he cloud film a sequel.


I feel like anyone who wrongfully critiques this movie is a brain dead individual. This is no different.


Lotta publications hated it back then. I’ve always defended it and loved that it chose to be different than its predecessor. I think people tend to overlook how amazingly snappy and clever the dialogue is too. People were just looking for the wrong thing and set up their expectations all wrong for TLW. From my perspective, it’s in the same way I think a lot of people today had set up the wrong expectations about the JW films. Sometimes you have to release yourself from that expectation and find that a movie has a lot to love about it on its own merits regardless of critical reception or public perception.


Rolling Stone try to give any form of insight challenge (impossible) This is coming from someone who thinks TLW is shit btw. I just can't stand these types of lists...


Man oh man, another mf who really doesn't actually know anything about the franchise and saying stuff he doesn't really understand


I like The Lost World, while fully accepting that it's nowhere near as good as the original. Nothing ever could be. However, imagine how much worse it would've been if Speilberg didn't direct it. I honestly think it would've been so bad it would've also dragged down the reputation of the first one. Something else I've never understood - why did they need Crichton to put out the 2nd novel in order to get the film started? The stories have barely any similarities. Was it something to do with contracts?


Not writing the name correctly is wild


It could have been lot better.  My gripes are with nick van Owen character-his actions directly result in the deaths of everybody. Gymnastics girl scene is cringe. The San Diego scene just feels out of place-like a second movie was just condensed and tacked in the end. Other than that it was fine I guess. 


Oh look, another pretentious article by some self entitled 20-odd year old jerk trying to be productive in a work he doesn't care about because he thought he'd be interviewing famous people and writing about cool things he researched but instead their supervisor demanded a sensationalist "top worst-list" shiting on well beloved things just to make people mad so they engage with their decadent business


Lost World is my favorite Jurassic Park movie.


The Rexes attack the trailer was one of Spielberg's best directed scenes. The rest of the movie fell flat. The decision to use a more accurate coniferous forest was jarring. Isla Nublar was a tropical, rainforest and Isla Sorna felt like Northern California. That immediately changed the film's connection to the first and made it feel off. The other issue is that Spielberg didn't make it dark enough. It just felt like it lacked the wonder of the first movie. Spielberg is not really capable of doing a horror movie either, it's his sacrene approach to film. I hate to say it but James Cameron or John McTiernan should have directed it. As Spielberg insinuated in interviews, this was a cash grab for him. If I were a billionaire I'd pay to remake this movie, I don't even care if its released. I just want to see it done right. I'd film it in Kuai'i, stick to the original script with a few changes, and throw in sequences from the first novel that couldn't be done in the first movie like the T-rex swimming.




I can tell a based oppinion when I see one, and good grief whoever wrote this shit cannot be farther away from a based oppinion. The Lost World is anything but a disappointing sequel


This is hilarious, it’s a freaking talking point memoir that every whiny “THE ONLY GOOD MOVIE WAS THE ORIGINAL” douche has been copy posting since FOREVER


But if we posted an article saying how bad Jurassic World is, nobody would swoop to denied it. Guess we’ll have to wait for the kids who grew up watching that film to join the sub with their own nostalgia.


I actually agree. TLW is my least favorite film of the franchise. Bleak and cruel.


I don’t agree with this article. The lost world is one of my favorite films and what makes it speciale is that it is different from the first one. It is a perfectly successful film and it is well made all thanks to Spielberg. “The Rolling Stone” should revise its journalists.


TLW is one of my favorites. it has horror elements. which makes sense when giant lizards are running around eating people


All these list articles are clickbait done by AI or mindless individuals. Pay no thought to them.


TLW is good up until San Diego, then it becomes too silly. Should have ended it with the island escape and the Rex captured as a teaser for JP 3 in San Diego.




LW is ok but the pacing always felt off to me JW was solid but primarily because it copied JP


Going from JP to TLW is pretty disappointing


The Lost World > Jurassic world. It’s not even close.


I’m inclined to agree. The lost world is a dog shit film. Inconsistent character motivations, terrible pacing and very boring.


Wow. It doesn't compare to the original but this is just scathing. **EDIT:** They got the fucking name wrong.


What name did they get wrong? The Lost World: Jurassic Park is correct


And that isn’t what they called it.


Oh in the text it is


That's exactly what is written


Its Jurassic Park: the Lost World i think


No, it's The Lost World: Jurassic Park


And I oop


I mean, it narrowly beats out Fallen Kingdom for worst Jurassic movie for me.

