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It's sad because posts like this get tens of thousands of upvotes, whereas actual artistic photography gets maybe 500 at best.


That sub is a small bit of pics and the rest is just hating on Trump. They ought to just do that in their own sub


You just summed up 97% of reddit.


Username checks out


It's not subtle, but good on you for noticing.


Fr... gets annoying, anymore I just stir the fuck out of the pot anymore hoping for entertainment.


They should just rename the sub r / politics-pics


The mods have made it that way


I always wonder why subs are always taken over by radicals, if not fanatics, of a political party. I remember there was a guy who funded one of the biggest subs, but then he wasn't much into moderating so he gave his sub to some people, clueless that they were gonna turn the sub into one of those political cesspools.


It’s not hard to imagine people, specifically younger people being easily swayed in a direction politically on social media. What you see on popular subreddits like pics and politics is 100% intentional. The posts are carefully curated, enhanced by bot upvotes and is throttled up big time during election season. These people are here to push you in one direction and have you vote one way


This makes me lucky for getting out of this circle before reaching the age to vote


lol ghislaine maxwell or however you spell her name was a massive reddit powermod on some big subs


There was a mod called Awkward the Turtle. He gave himself a bad name by moderating a lot of big subs


Every sub ends up that way eventually it seems


They perm banned me last week for calling it a political echo chamber in a comment lmao


I don't know how many bots there are on Reddit, but it's more than zero.


Check out. R/nocontextpics its actual photography


how does "child rapist" get 43k upvotes? im not even a republican but this is just stupid and politically motivated


I think it's not meant as a joke. It's meant to get it onto Google images when people Google the phrase.


Who is googling the phrase "child rapist"?


It’s likely some combination of the words “trump” and “child rapist”


And "13yo katie johnson"


Biden supporters


joe many liberals does it take to change a log by bulb?


lol “my guy is very clearly a child rapist but that’s easy to deal with, just tell the other side ‘no u!’. That’ll teach em.”






record of the Epstein 2008 case just got unsealed that info from that makes if clear Trump is a pedophile for raping 12 and 13 year olds. For some wierd reason very main stream media doesn't talk about it so you get these kinds of posts.


The case has been dismissed multiple times for lack of validity. Its all just gas lighting and misinformation to cover up the fact that Biden is utterly incompetent at this stage after what we saw in the debate. 


That and his own accusations. Like the ones from his daughter's diary. But that accusation is far too flimsy to talk about seriously.. it's weird which rumours get air time or which victims are taken seriously. Wait, not weird. Convenient. That's the word. It's _Convenient_ which unproven stories these sort of people wield like a weapon and which they dismiss like the same criteria doesn't apply.


Even when a surprise story against Biden breaks the whole media and government come together to change the narrative and cover it up. When hunter bidens laptop was discovered, its existence was vehemently denied and they even got 50 FBI agents to lie and sign a letter saying it was “Russian disinformation” which we know now was incredibly false. 


It was settled not dismissed, likely epstein pulled some strings because a lot of higher ups were involved with him. Thinking this is fabricated just to hurt Trump is insane, a lot of powerful people in the media probably killed this story at the time.


Because it's accurate.


So any accurate random fact will be upvoted like that on the sub?


He was never convicted of raping a child. Accusations of that scale shouldn’t just be made lightly.


Biden's a child sniffer


donald trump has been allocated (and denied of claims) of rape but not child rape. ofc it doesnt make it better but its false info


When was he convicted of rape? Source ?


I’d like to note for future readers here that while Trump has not been convicted of rape, he has lost a civil suit on raping a woman. Basically, the court determined it was more likely than not that he raped someone. Also, in regards to child rape, his name just came up in released Epstein documents as being booked for “massages”. Make of that what you will.


They didn't even say it was rape. NY changed a law for 1 year just so he could be sued for this alleged decades old sexual assault.


A kangaroo court produced a ridiculous judgment against him based on the claims of E. Jean Carroll, who provided exactly zero evidence of her claims and is a genuine nutjob to boot. Things like this aren’t swaying anyone who isn’t a tribal partisan leftist. Also, source on there being anything new in the Epstein docs regarding Trump? The specific thing you referenced isn’t new, it’s old and unproven.


\*Trump bad\* # Gets 40k Upvotes


Actual Photography 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗘𝗗


Reddit in a nutshell.


Reddit has an unhealthy obsession for Donald Trump.


True, and they accuse anyone who's sick of their endless circle jerk of being a supporter of his as well as a million other terrible things.


Or, if the sick guy is not American, they claim Reddit is an American website just to excuse their obsession with Trump and make themselves feel on the right side. ^(Reddit Democrats are nationalists and racists. Who would expect that? I apologize to the Democrats who are not nationalist and racist, I didn't mean to make a big generalization.)


> they claim Reddit is an American website To be fair, it is. The HQ is within the US and just about 1 in 2 posters are from the US.


Technically it is. But it is not "by Americans for Americans", it's "by Americans for the world". Reddit is worldwide.


It’s all hate. Ok a little bit of love. Alright fine maybe some lust as well.


Trump derangement syndrome.


Lets go Brandon!


Yes, redditors are *sooo* obssessed with Trump. [Redditors live in houses like this.](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/10/102316_coppa_trump_lindenhurst03.jpg?quality=75&strip=all) [Redditors drive vehicles like this.](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/S3AXNY/pickup-truck-with-trump-flags-S3AXNY.jpg) [Redditors dress like this.](https://www.cleveland.com/resizer/v2/https%3A%2F%2Fadvancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fimage.cleveland.com%2Fhome%2Fcleve-media%2Fwidth2048%2Fimg%2Fopen_impact%2Fphoto%2Ftrump-tshirts-8d76bb5538a54f2c.jpeg?auth=a430b07931961142b8bcdabce449203fa3fb4abfde31d6b261adbfe0f7e13905&width=1280&quality=90) It's like their entire personality is based on how obsessed they are with Trump.


"Trump's supporters are also obsessed with him therefore your point is invalid"


I was just making sure we established a clear definition of what "unhealthy" means. Redditors would like nothing more than for Trump to disappear from their lives forever. Only one group wants him around.


pics was good at one point but it has gone downhill recently


Since 2016. That’s when I unsubscribed.


I honestly still find it good. However the problem is when there’s something big going on like an election coming up. Everything becomes political. While I personally don’t care, there’s a million of other places to post it because many people do care and don’t want to see that.


Someone should post a pic of Biden and title it “child sniffer” and see how quickly it gets taken down.


Wasn’t the original video that everyone is referencing that supposedly proves Biden is a child sniffer edited?


Which video? Because there’s is a bunch of them.




I’m literally just asking a question. lol. Cause if I remember correctly, the video was edited to make it seem like he sniffed a child. If you can find evidence against that, be my guest.


I just unsubscribed from there a few hours ago too. For the same exact reason. It is so frustrating how so many subs are turning into political circle jerks. It's not like there aren't 53 bazillion other subs, and places online other than reddit, if you want to talk like that. Even if it's politics I agree with - I have certain subs to go to for that and we don't need to talk about EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE. Sorry for my rant.


It’s because most top subs are moderated by the same few people.


Most of them probably hates oligopoly too, but probably don’t see an issue with a few of them moderating all the top subs.


I think Orwell wrote a book about people like these


Rules for thee but not for me, one of Reddits most common mindsets, one I even find myself falling into from time to time from being on here so damn long.


Who also like gaslighting and provoking posters to ban them. Looked at some of their posting histories and holy fuck the terminally-online ones are unhinged.


This is the US election season after all. Maybe it'll get better soon


I thought the same in 2016 and 2020. It just piles on and gets worse each time.


Pick any random number of posts in order there, at least 80% would be about US political propaganda.


I’m not even American, I unsubscribe from every sub that spams me with American politics, and pics is notorious for doing that lol


I unsubscribe due to this exact fact. I dont care which senile old billionaire gets electec as we have our own problems here overseas. And many of these problems are due to the shit the americans did 20 years ago.


I saw this earlier and was waiting for a JU post about this




anything to distract from the debate…


Bro will literally vote for a pedophile rapist felon who is clearly grifting the American public than an old man.


Who are you even talking about?


I think it’s who is controlling the old man that is the problem.


So the establishment vs person who’s actively tried to overturn the democratic process.


Lol you don't actually care. The guy who was elected has not been in charge, probably this whole time, and you don't seem very offended by that. Also, the fact that you have been lied to about his health, repeatedly for years, doesn't seem to concern you either. This revelation should at least give you pause and question all the other things the democrats have told you. If they're willing to lie about something sooooo obvious, don't you think they would be willing to lie about things that are slightly ambiguous? And you folks have the nerve to accuse the GOP and Trump supporters of being in a cult...


It’s politics, obviously the Dems are going to argue he’s not that old, he’s their candidate. I’ve never agreed with their arguments. Your assertion that he’s not in charge however just seems to be based entirely on vibes. The vast majority of what happens under a president is done by appointees and other staff. This is true of any president and is why things run smoothly regardless of Biden’s age. But if he were truly not the final say on things and an outright puppet, he would have stepped down from the election race by now, because the establishment dems see that he’s clearly not a good candidate and are asking him to do it. You’re accusing me outright of being in a cult here, but I barely like Biden. I haven’t touted him at all in this conversation. But the blatant ignoring of any downside of Trump by the right is so frustrating to deal with. Like, admit that he’s a bad person who’s done terrible things, but that you’re willing to vote for him because of policy anyways. At least be honest with yourselves.


Buddy you are absolutely in a cult. We all saw that Biden can't string a sentence together much less be in charge of the nuclear codes. Am administration is there to help the president do their job not have unfettered control of their departments. Trump made a good point during the debate, Biden has never fired anyone in his administration. Heads should have rolled after he Afghanistan failure. Heads should have rolled over his immigration failure, and Heads should have rolled after his failure with the economy. But Biden isn't mentally there to do it. You guys talk about "muh democracy" but clearly you don't give a shit about it. We elect a president. Not his fucking staff. And as I just noted, his administration is doing a VERY shitty job. Biden is losing on almost every key issue to Trump and that was before we all saw his dementia on full display. So yeah, you're in a cult. You've got blinders up if you can't accept the fact that this president/administration/party has grossly failed the American people. And if you have to look for excuses as to why his dementia isn't a horrific thing (not to mention the fact that you're fine with obvious elder abuse) then yeah you definitely are in a cult.


You’ve not addressed a singular issue of trumps, you’ve completely ignored them. Why?


Because a) nothing anyone has said or accused him of is new so there's no sense in going over it again and again and again and b) THE CURRENT PRESIDENT HAS DEMENTIA that seems to be a more serious, real issue at the moment. I'm sorry if a real actual serious ongoing problem interrupted your Trump bitchfest but if you can't focus on that fact for any amount of time without going "B-b-but Trump" then yeah you really need to consider the fact that you may be in a cult.


lol are you talking about trump or biden


i’d vote for a pedophile felon over a pedophile dementia patient who can’t walk down stairs. i’d rather vote for someone under the age of 70 but that seems to be out of the question sadly. (also their both grifting the public, they’re politicians, that’s their job.)


Correct me if I’m wrong, but Biden hasn’t been found liable for rape in court, Trump has. And correct me if I’m wrong, but Biden didn’t come up in Epstein documents recently as being booked for massages, Trump has. And correct me if I’m wrong, but Biden hasn’t brazenly tried to overturn the American democratic process to such an extent that he’s facing multiple felonies in court, Trump has.


Trump was not found liable for rape at court. If he was he would be in jail, lol. Trump was not implicated in pedophilia in the Epstein documents. He was simply an associate of Epstein. So were Bill Clinton and a bunch of other top democrats. Epstein was friend of half of the world's leaders. Don't let ideology fuck your brain and make you believe in misinformation. There are so many real and terrible things that Trump did, there's no need to make up shit.


Liable in civil court, yea he was. And was ordered to pay for it. He was not however found guilty, which would be in criminal court. Basically civil court has the burden of proof of “more likely than not”. And he lost to that burden of proof. New Epstein documents were released in the past couple days, specifically marking trump as booked for massages. You may not be up to date on that. Anyone else who was booked for massages, Clinton or otherwise, would similarly raise my eyebrows. I’m really not a super ideologically driven person, I think the Overton window on acceptability on the right has just shifted to such an extreme degree that even the craziest of actions by Trump get brushed off as no big deal. Edit: It’s really fucking depressing that the comment above got upvoted and this got downvoted.


I too have noticed shareblue does a bad job at upvoting comments.


> liable in civil court You're talking about Stormy Daniels? This wasn't rape and she wasn't a minor. He was found to be falsifying documents, that's it. > New Epstein documents There's nothing new here. Just a few documents relating to a case that we already knew about from 2016, which multiple media sources attempted to fact check and did not find to be reliable. Source: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation There are no other Epstein documents linking Trump or Clinton to massage or other sexual things. I'm not excusing any Trump action, I'm just trying to fight some of the misinformation that has become increasingly prevant on Reddit.


Let’s see - Biden - Old, Has a stutter Trump - 91 felony charges, Rapist, Was on epstein island, Made fun of POWS and soldiers, shared nuclear secrets, tried to overthrow the government on jan 6th, shared information of CIA Agents with Russia, and also old. Yeah i don’t know about this one guys, this is a **really** hard choice.


Lol you're so full of it. No he wasn't on the island, no he didn't make fun of POW he made fun of the POS McCain which liberals did until they sucked the establishment cock to reveal they had no real ideals, no he didn't share nuclear secrets, no Jan 6th was already debunked, no he didn't share CIA info with Russia, and no he isn't a rapist violating the rules of court to get what you want isn't exactly a win. As for Joe I'd like to say he could be convicted of things, however they said he's too old and feeble to stand trial yet can still apparently run for president. He hid documents from when he was VP in the home he rented to his son (for above the usual prices of homes in the area, which was likely to funnel money from his son's deals and positions he gained from his dad being in office) in an unsecured garage during the time when his son would frequently have random guests over who could easily see these documents. Plus there's the alogations from his daughter that he would sometimes get into the shower with her naked, plus the countless videos of him sniffing children and women, fondling children, and the parents around him trying to maneuver their kids away from him. And no I won't make up an accusation that he went to the island since like Trump there isn't evidence he went there.


let’s ACTUALLY see trump - awful person, 91 felony charges, (not actually proven to be a rapist and may not be one), is associated with other billionaires, is a billionaire (automatically makes him a bad person), (never actually tried to overthrow the government, i don’t know if people just don’t know what happened jan 6th or if they’re just high on copium), old biden - awful person, dozens of instances of him being a pedophile, rapist, awful person, is associated with billionaires, literally doesn’t have enough mental capacity to make a single speech, cannot talk coherently, cannot comprehend how to use stairs, cannot think for himself (doesn’t have the mental capacity), cannot walk for himself (doesn’t have the mental capacity, is not anywhere close to *resembling* fit for office. literally. cannot. lead. “bad person” over “literally to stupid to lead” any day.


Hahaha I love the typos in a post about how dumb Biden is. If you are not a soros bot good job at mocking conservatives spot on satire.


Fuck. Thank you! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills talking to some people about this election.


You are. Biden isn't just old with a stutter. He has dementia. If you can't recognize that, you need to step away from politics because you have terrible judgement. Literally everyone can see it.


So between a narcissistic maniac that has tried to overturn democracy, has felonies and significantly more in court, and has Epstein documents clearly labelling him as booked for massages… and a senile guy. You choose the former? Like, I get it, Biden is faltering. I have never really disagreed with this take. But even if he was comatose in a bed, the vast vast majority of tasks done by his administration are carried out by staff and appointees. It wouldn’t be ideal, strong leadership is a good thing, but it wouldn’t be country-ending. Compare this to someone that has actively tried to usurp an election. And whom once in power has now been legally granted immunity from basically any action he undertakes while in office. That may not be country ruining, maybe. But do you really want to take that chance?


Dude, have you ever stopped to ask yourself, if the democrats are willing to lie to you for years about Biden's obvious dementia, what else are they willing to lie about? You have TDS, it's very clear that you've let your political hatred cloud your judgement and you need to step away from politics. I get the sense that your probably miserable on a general level and politics isnt helping that. But this is a good opportunity to step away, take stock in what you've been lied to about, and determine how much and for how long you've allowed yourself to be lied to. You may realize that a lot of what you've been told about Trump may not be as accurate as you think. Good luck!


I know right? It’s what the far right does. They live in their own echo chamber of lies. They lie so much, they start to believe their own lies.


The sheer irony. Lemme tell you dawg, if you think you AREN’T in an echo chamber yourself you’re delusional.


I mean hes here. Outside of this echochmaber I have a feeling you don’t leave yours much.


WHY ARE THESE THE ONLY TWO OPTIONS?! Please give me a good democrat candidate. I’ll rub your shoulders if you do.


Biden may not be the best president - and i wouldn’t call him amazing, but he’s all we got. I don’t want that criminal trump, who can give less than two shits about america, or its people, to be above the law and sitting in the white house. Voting biden is a vote against authoritarianism. Also, if you WANT TO SEE what trump would like to do, google Project 2025..




# 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 4 ➜ Don't harass other individuals We do not tolerate any form of harassment, including but not limited to personal attacks, insults, racism, or threatening language. While it is okay to have disagreements and different opinions, do so in respectful and civil discussions.


Well anybody even considering voting for a pedophiliac qualifies for a psychological examination in my opinion ... Btw the felon apparently is the one suffering from dementia


You didn't watch the debate did you?


me when i spread misinformation online of biden being a pedophile


Ashley's diary is pretty clear about relations between her and Joe.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-afraid/ Unfounded Meanwhile, there are plenty articles about Trump that provide empirical evidence.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/ True


Democrats really like shooting themselves in the foot...


Not by chance the right wing is on the rise. Except for the Tories. Democrats should learn from the Whigs.


Trump is a horrible person but I don't think he's a child rapist?


he is tho wtf


Wait, really?


No, actually. He's been convicted of falsifying business records. He went to an infamous island (which doesn't mean much, it just means he went.), and there are allegations. But that's it.


He actually didn't go to the Island, if I remember correctly he did use the plain to go to his resort, however unlike others he cut off his relationship with him when Epstein was inappropriate with his staff.


> He went to an infamous island (which doesn't mean much, it just means he went.) The recent proof that came out shows he was booked for "massages" on the island. An island used for child sex trafficking. Are you still pretending he's innocent? Remember, Epstein was "suicided" while Trump was President with Bill Barr as his AG.


Funny how this "proof" comes out after Biden flounders hard in front of 200 million people.


I mean everything is a conspiracy to y’all so not that funny.


no, its just people trying to propaganda-bait you into voting towards whatever side they're on that day


There's proof that he had appointments on Epstein's island to receive "massages" where all the sex trafficking victims were underage. The truth is screaming at you in the face, but Trump supporters have decided they're deaf.


Show me, was it planned or did he actually go? If I plan to go to a party but don't and something terrible happens there, that doesn't then mean I was a part of that terrible thing.


Yeah and even if he did go. Did he stick it in. Knowing Trump he respectfully declined and went home and had the maid jerk him off.




It's been like this since 2016.


Basically, they're obsessed with Trump since he became famous


He became President of the US, of course he is going to be discussed constantly.


They literally just shout any accusation they can regardless of facts.




Keyword: allegations.




Sham case, changed a law and didn’t actually give any real evidence that he did it. Ideologically driven judge just went “I believe you, guilty”. Kangaroo ass court.


I got downvoted because I commented on another suer's post saying "Oh you mean we can't trust 'Mr. Grab-Her-By-The-Pussy'...? I said "But we can 100% trust 'Mr. Turd_Burglerson' though, huh?" And honestly, people acted like that wasn't a rhetorical question... The OP's username is "Turd_Burglerson".... It's a troll account. Like when people are so blinded by hatred and malice that they completely forsake any common sense or prior knowledge.. it's a bad time. I dont care who you vote for... But running around desensitizing people en masse to the severity and gravity of terms like 'Child rapist'... Isn't the best idea. It's disgusting.


Well to be fair, it’s not exactly out of line for trump if you look at his track record. 🤷‍♂️


I really wonder sometimes if bots have anything to do with turning really popular subs into political slander.. Bot generated engagement, votes, some bot comments, all this done to persuade people to vote a certain way. This is all over social media.


You’ll get banned from there if you call any white supremacist groups “feds.” That happened to me four months ago. Can’t wait to unsub from that place when the election is over.


Moderators of r\pics glow in the dark


Hit them with your car


I got a word for pics moderators…


It’s been like that for years. I unsubbed when Biden got inaugurated, they were circlejerking about it for days. Nothing against Biden or anything but it was just weird how political the sub had gotten.


Political circlejerk basically describes all of reddit now aside from the more niche subs.


Literally just this: https://preview.redd.it/w28qv87ygoad1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a36476aa3184c12aa23939bffa521b48faf98b36


Heyo, that’s the same reason why i quit that sub 🤠


So, out of all subs turning political, which ones actually don't get political? In the Disturbed sub the lead singer is being hated on for his stance on the Gaza/Hamas war. It's just inevitable.


Everything is so politically hyper focused. Don’t need my life to revolve around the soap opera with federal elections.


I thought it would be just one or two posts but literally everything is about politics💀 Coming from someone who isn’t American it’s just really weird how politicised a subreddit about pictures is.


Exactly. Got banned a couple years ago from making a satire post pointing this out.


Why are people calling him a pedo did i miss something???


Simple fix for me was to block the accounts posting that shit. It's usually only a handful of em. I don't see that post on r\pics. Most likely because I've already blocked them. I haven't seen a political post from there in a while. If I see anything political from any sub I block the account that posted it. Besides, those accounts post shit like that on other subs too. Gonna unsub from all of them? Nah. Just block the account. That's my take anyway. You're not always gonna be able to escape it but you can at least trim the fat.


I mean he’s on the list.


"Guys it's been a whole 45 seconds, we need to post something about Trump again" - literally everyone on that sub


Is it just me, or does this sub lean towards the right?


I think it's just the tendency of subs to be left-wing circlejerks. If there were more right-wing cesspools, there would be more leftist posts in here.


For someone with the flair “Tired of politics” you sure bring up politics a lot.


Yeah what they mean is they are tired of being in a minority political party. Reddit is filled with young educated people so its gonna be very left but in maga tradition they are the victim.


I try to talk with people instead of imposing myself. Reddit is full of people without charisma, it doesn't need me to be one too


What does that even mean?


Big time, but don’t expect people to agree with you despite overwhelming evidence.


Trump derangement syndrome.


Seriously imagine defending this man-child just because Biden is old.


- All posts must be manually approved, so your post will take some time to go public. Wait until a moderator manually approves it. - If several hours have passed and your post is still pending, you can [contact modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r%2FJustUnsubbed) to have it approved. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JustUnsubbed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


R/pics is a default sub that has been around for years. It’s been a shithole for over a decade.


Posted by a guy who’s voting for Biden ironic isn’t it


i like the political circlejerk posts but don't they deserve their own sub?


>r|pics >looks inside >baseless political claims Truly the picture subreddit of all time


political bots


Lol that post is so funny for some reason


Been that way since 2016. Literally this site’s downfall.


And yet they completely ignore the fact that Joe Biden's daughter had a diary about him r wording her. 🤷‍♂️


how is this a "pic"


I love the idea they’re spreading, “when in doubt, lie about your political opponent.”


There’s but *one* thing I’d like to say to these people: *Have you seen the alternative?*


Everyone has, anyone supporting Biden has just pretty easily concluded that it’s better than openly allowing corporate interests to own our lives *even more* and stomping out everyone’s autonomy in the name of religious lunacy.


Those upvotes can't not be bots. No way real people just go there like "Oh look at this photo of Trump with some goofy caption. This made my day!" Like how can you be so obsessed with someone. It's a sub for pics not political circle jerk. They should really just shut up and vote for whomever they want. Not a Trump fan myself but Reddit's obsession with him is annoying. That's why you don't join big subs. They usually end up becoming this.


He really did?


Is this not a pic? Is he not a child rapist?


As if this sub isn’t also a political circlejerk


nah, more representation from both sides, gladly this one hasn’t been taken over yet


That must be why pretty much every comment agrees with OP and any comments that disagree are downvoted. Yes, very balanced dialogue.


yea, because this is a place to complain about subs that fell off, and we can all basically agree which subs fell off despite political orientation, this isn’t a political circlejerk, it’s just a general circlejerk, which is slightly better.


I kinda do see your point to an extent. But I would be lying if I said that majority of the comments are a bit more right leaning. It’s not as representative of both sides as one would hope. We should honest just leave politics out of everything and only have it in politics related subs cause otherwise we get conversations like this.


that’s just statistics, there’s far more left wing cesspools on reddit, therefore there’s a lot more people unsubbing from left wing cesspools, therefore more right leaning people post and interact with this sub, meaning there’s more right leaning interactions. but it really is just “right wing post -> right wing comments” “left wing post -> left wing comments” for the most part


I meant in terms of political ideology. I never see people unsubbing because a sub made fun of Biden, but people unsub because Trump was mocked almost daily. A similar thing happens whenever someone posts about trans issues; the majority of the comments tend to lean towards transphobia and pro-trans comments tend to get heavily downvoted. Point being, this sub has a very clear political bias and it would be foolish to pretend otherwise.


there’s plenty of people on here unsubbing because of far right ideology. making fun of trump simply happens a fuck ton on reddit, so justunsubbed posts containing that subject matter happen a ton. comments follow the post, if the post is “unsubbed cause was taken over by trans people” then there’s gonna be a lot of people saying “yeah that happens a lot” but if you go to one of the posts saying “just unsubbed cause of rampant transphobia” all the comments say “yeah the right wing sucks”, you’re just interacting with the wrong posts. and no, it doesn’t truly have clear political bias, you just get served with that cause that’s what you interact with or smth (i’m not gonna pretend i know how the reddit algorithm works)


Agree to disagree I guess, but I know what I’m observing.


and that’s why human observation is all but disregarded in the scientific fields.


Now you support general scientific consensus?


👍 okay.