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Dude was front n center on his last album, why is this a surprise?


He's a big stepper


“What you doin wit a legend?” lol, Kodak was the poster child for the therapy that album sought to deliver but this is still entertaining


I know right?? I about say this thing.


Funny to see Kodak dancing to "make sure you hide your lil sister from him" like he didn't barely escape conviction for statutory




He was 16 at the time that case happens. They both were underage.


Idk man, that doesn’t really make it better. I feel like his inclusion on the album was him saying his actions were indefensible but he’s a different man now than he was then. In my understanding, the entire point is making the listener ask themselves the uncomfortable question of rehabilitation for rapists, with an emphasis on it being a cycle of sexual violence. Can those people rise above their circumstances, and their previous actions and be better people now?


It wasn't about changing into a different person, it was about accepting the faults and admitting that there is always a grey area, where people can do both good and bad, where no person can be your savior


I mean, if you orgasm against someone's will...I think you should be put down. You get rid of the defective genetics and show the next one considering what will happen. I say fuck'em☠️


There are many causes to pedophilia, and one of those is being a victim of rape from an adult in childhood. The entire song leaves a question about rape and pedos to the audience, asking them if there is an ability for people to heal. Kodak has healed, he doesn't still exhibit weird behavior towards minors AFAIK.


Didn’t he get in more trouble recently?


I get the straight up hatred towards sexual abuse, but saying someone should get killed for it is a straight up psychopathic take. It’s like a step beyond the already fucked up concept of retributive justice in the settings of jail etc. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Capital punishment should not exist. Hell, the jail system in the USA as it exists should not exist.


I'll be that psycho then. If you orgasm to violating someone like that, then fuck you and fuck your genetics. You should be buried up to your neck, and anyone that wants to chuck rocks at your face should have at it. If you cum from someone pleading no or hurting someone...yeah. Fuck you


Whatever makes you sleep at night…I understand the vitriol, I just don’t think personally there are many things worth killing another person for…including killing another person. All I’m trying to point out is you unironically become as bad or worse as what you detest when that’s your response.


I'm good with being bad or worse if a kid isn't fucked because of it.


The person who committed the rape was also a kid. You don’t need to try and appeal to my morality by mentioning that you’re just trying to save kids by killing rapists. Rape isn’t something anyone should support, but neither is murder.


I'm not appealing to anything. If rapists and pedophiles were slaughtered (via public display), then those genes would cease to exist, or the sick fucks would be too scared to do it in the first place. Age is irrelevant. Rape=death 🤷‍♂️


Them both being underage doesn't excuse him being a rapist bro.


I think he meant just the 'statutory' part.


You know I think you're right lol. My bad, English escapes me sometimes


Facts EOS


No he wasn’t. Why are you lying out your ass?


People blindly downvoting this is crazy. He was 19. Takes 5 seconds of research.


They just like us smh


We all make mistakes in life , another reason why Kendrick defended XXX . This cancel culture shit is so toxic , I’m tired of these type of comments.


Consequences for your actions isn’t “cancel culture” you dumb fuck


Consequences is the legal actions which he faced , people on the internet talking about crimes that were solved legally are apart of cancel culture .


People who decide to not fuck with you because you're a rapist isn't cancel culture. When you do shit like that you aren't only facing legal consequences, you face social consequences as well.


I love people like you who go out their way to use insults for no apparent reason. When a civil discussion can be had , you don’t have to agree or disagree with me . Respect me until I show you disrespect, your weasel ass would never talk to a man like that face to face unless he insulted you first. I detest you internet clowns.


You’re doing everything in your power to downplay and excuse rape. No shit imma insult you, you don’t deserve respect idc if it’s irl or not I’d still talk down to you either way. Talking about the fact that someone is a pos isn’t “cancel culture” dumbass it’s called not being an idiot, if you rape someone you’re going to be called a rapist point blank.


They was just at a pool party in Houston like a week ago as well. Like damn Drake got no friends in this industry. obligatory, awful human being tho, also Kodak mad thin now, he back on meth or something.


Damn I wonder when he did the Don Toliver video because he looked healthy


did he ever stop the meth?


I saw a video of Kodak going on a rant, and he seemed sober albeit very angry


Yall blame drugs if they gain weight and yall blame drugs when they lose weight… he looks healthier, why’s it gotta be drugs?


Cuz bro acts like he still on ice


He’s been like this his whole career. You ever think maybe he’s just a weird dude?


100% bro a freak, he also look like a nigga on ice.


Tbf, he was charged with illegal drug possession a while ago and I'm pretty sure he did cocaine and that is highly addictive


Not sure we should be proud of something like that.


Yeah.. I appreciate the sentiment but this ain’t a flex.


Big 'Yo Dot I got you' vibes.




Mario when he can’t run as fast as sonic in the Olympic Games


That was the funniest line of the beef ngl


Do you feel conflicted about him being on Mr Morale - somewhat of a focus on it?




I actually do… it’s definitely the reason I haven’t spent that much time with the album(aside from the fact that it’s a newer release). I used to be a “separate the art from the artist” kinda person, until more recently I realized I don’t vibe with that as much as I thought I did. There’s more than enough good music for me to experience in my lifetime, so I personally think I should use my listening to support people who send messages I believe will encourage others to improve. And I think Kendrick does that well, so I listen to just about everything he puts out, but Kodak isn’t. Of course, it’s not Kodak’s album though, and the album also has the phenomenal Auntie Diaries, so I don’t avoid it completely in any way. But it can make me feel odd. There’s artists like X, who died when they were what I would now generally consider still a “kid,” and who had many wanting him to get out of the world he was getting himself caught in. Truth is that he’s done some atrocious shit, and I’m even doubtful he would’ve been able to get out of that, but we never got to see anyway. But unlike X, I’d say Kodak had that chance and it passed. Maybe Kendrick believes the opposite, but who knows for sure.


Regarding X, people say he would've grown, but he didnt. He died an asshole and will be remembered as an asshole who made great music. What if's like that are dumb. What if I smacked you? What if my dick fell off?


True. I admit I’m biased, X was a big part of my teenage years. I always felt like I had Mac on one side and X on the other. Goofy ass shit but whatever. I always wanted X to be better than he was, but you’re right, he wasn’t. I always want people to improve, whether it’s Kanye or Drake, but I can’t let what I wanted them to be like overshadow who they actually are/were.


Do you feel the same about other artists who have done bad things? Kodak is supposed to be a symbol of how the culture is often who kodak is, yet people still want the culture. There's a theory it was supposed to be X on the album instead of Kodak, I guess you would have fw it then. You're kind of proving the point tbh. You're just picking and choosing when it's convenient for you. You think x is okay so that's okay but kodak isn't.


I see this as obvious bait but I’ll entertain it. I wish you would’ve read the other reply before making accusations like that, because I’ve already mentioned dropping Kanye and Drake, both artists that were very important to me growing up. I’ve had to scrub many artists like those from my likes, playlists, etc. It’s anything but convenient. If you understand you’ll see that I saw X as someone who wasn’t quite a lost cause, but also you’ll notice that someone already came in and firmly but realistically checked me on my bias. There’s no need for that kind of hostility here. This was a pleasant discussion before the snide comments.


What snide comments? You do you then. It's a bit silly. Are you making sure you know the full history of an artist before you listen to them?


Yes because Silent Hill is my shit.


Yeah, fuck Kodak Black




I don’t really give a damn what Kodak says, if there’s anybody you shouldn’t take at their word though, it’s him. Jokes aside, I really don’t think we don’t need a post for every single artist that “picks a side.” The feud has been effectively done for the better part of two months. At the very least though, we should not forget who the people that we are spotlighting with posts like this are. I won’t cheer Kanye, and I won’t cheer Kodak. Choosing the “right side” shouldn’t garner praise. We shouldn’t have to cheer people on for basic human decency.




See the problem is that Kodak is himself a convicted rapist, so it's a bit hypocritical for him to be giving drake shit over something he's also done. Sure the girl he raped was technically an adult by letter of the law, but she was still a highschooler, and he did rape her.


"Do you want to get shot 4 times or 5 times" "I don't want to get shot" "Lmao y'all gotta stop. Shouldn't you be happy that you got shot less times?" "I shouldn't have to be shot at all" "You pretty much avoided the question, because there's only one logical answer..." 🤡


I felt like I shouldn’t have had to answer that tbh. Of course it’s better to be against that, but I don’t think we should be praising someone for making that decision, given it’s a large part of basic human morality. For example, if I were famous, and I saw someone like Andrew Tate listening to my music and cheering me on after a beef like that, I’d throw him out of the fuckin event. It’s very easy to pick the “right side” when that side is winning. And it’s just as easy to pick it without giving a fuck what that side truly aligns with. Not Like Us is the hot shit right now. Ain’t nobody vibing to The Heart Part 6.


What a weird perspective Its not about what is better, its about not giving attention/power to people that dont deserve it


There’s no need to play moral games in a rap beef. Both sides have dirt which calls their character into question Drake -Kissing a 17-year old on stage -Having sex with everyone’s partner -Potentially getting with kids -Associating with a pimp like Baka Kendrick -Cheated on his wife -Associating with abusers (Top, Dre, Kodak) -Potentially not revealing evidence that Drake sleeps with minors They aren’t saints. This is rap. Keep it to the bars and that’s it. No one signed up to be a role model here


Totally get that, and I wouldn't use Kodak to attack Kendrick, but damn Kodak is a nasty motherfucker


No you’re not wrong. He was in jail for a reason.


kendrick has repented from cheating on his wife that matter is resolved. HE is the one who admitted to it. Kendrick didnt have some secret dirt on drake he just pointed out the obvious


Listen in my opinion this was a rumor game. Kendrick has virtually no allegations against him save for this DV claim that hasn’t been substantiated Drake however has a video of him kissing a 17 year old. While I personally believe he hasn’t slept with minors it’s not hard to assume he would all things considered. Kendrick basically said if you want to play that game bet let’s do it. A lot more dirt on you then there is on me and you know it


This isn’t a plus actually he’s a horrible person lmao


No he's not


Mr. Statutory Rape isn’t a bad person?


No cause he didnt do it


barely escaping an actual conviction doesn’t mean he didn’t do it lmao you know how backwards this country is when it comes to rape victims?


LOL if he did it then he would of been convicted. Shouldn't cry rape if you didnt get raped now an innocent man has ppl falsely accusing him


Wow thats wild. I never knew one human being could be so retarded but lo and behold. I'm sorry your mom drank while pregnant.


Nah man hold back on the insults a little no need to stoop to his level


you have to be too young to be using reddit. many people don’t get convicted of a crime that they in fact do. please go read a book


Lol okay let's all call him a rapist cause he didnt get convicted idiot


Someone doesn’t understand how the legal system works. Most rape cases, as stated above, are skewed towards the rapist and against the victim due to (in the case of women) a victim blaming stemming from the sexualization of women and (in the case of men) toxic masculinity standards. 


Yeah cause women like to lie . Kodak doesnt have to rape bitches cause he can get what Ever women he wants .. sick freaks like you enjoy watching innocent ppl get blamed even though you dont know the facts


I bet you believe drake when he says exactly what you are saying rn. You not like us


No cause drakes a pedo it hit different when you prey on minors .


So your own moral system and beliefs are flexible when it's someone you like compared to someone you don't. Drake literally just says the exact same shit you are in THP6 to excuse his own pedophilic actions.


The thing is drake actually did it..Kodak is innocent as fuck..I know right from wrong so stop trying to bait me.


You must think all the predators from to catch a predator are good people since they are free lmao


Did I say that u little shit were talking about kodak


Yes you did ![gif](giphy|NIYbDsR0aDVeg)


Ah bro stop 💀


just like with Chris Brown, this is not a w


Kodak a legend I know yall a bunch of white fans lol Kodak is the culture weirdos


Being TEAM DRIZZY is a good way to end your own career right now.


Not exactly someone I’d be proud to have on my team if I’m gonna be honest


Fuck him


kendrick is a hypocrite for not holding the same attitude towards kodak as drake.


It would have been a killer angle If drake brought it up in a diss track, I don't get why he didn't


Yea I definitely think that's dum of him


He could've brought up both Kodak and Dre. If he was going with the wife-beater angle he could've asked if Dre taught him how to smack his woman around too. "Shih Tzu Kenny barking like he's Pitbull, now picture that with Kodak". This is how shitty Drake is. I'm a Kendrick fan and even I know how to diss him better than Drake.


You need to be his ghostwriter bruh ahahah


.....Or he wasn't willing to throw all those people under the bus just to get at Kendrick? Nah what ami I thinking, you're obviously right. You're better than the consensus most succesful rapper ever


He was willing to throw plenty of people under the bus to get at Kendrick, the crucial point being that The Weeknd, Metro Boomin, Kendrick's wife and Dave Free aren't rappers. He could've easily mentioned Kendrick's hypocrisies in who he associates with and covered it with the defence that he himself never said he was any better whereas Kendrick did. But no way would he bring Dr Dre into it because he's a good little doggie who wouldn't badmouth anyone more important or prestigious than him. Drake stans don't actually think wifebeating is bad you just think its bad optics. I'm also surprised Drake didn't bring the BHI and anti-Semitism up in the beef. It'd be a good angle, and it's one that's very difficult to respond to sensitively and if Kendrick had ignored it it would've looked like he was about to join Kanye in going Defcon. But, again, that'd require creativity and may not play well on Tik Tok. Credit where credit's due, it's not just me who's better than Drake in this exchange, you are as well cos i'm guessing you wrote your response to me yourself. But I can't rap for shit, I'm just like a guy yelling at football players on TV what they should do.


Schrodinger's drizzy. He is simultaneously too dumb and unimaginative to see your genius angle, but also, all his numerous examples of creative works to dispell this insane take are credited to ghostwriters who are the real creatives. Really argued yourself into a win-win situation there huh. You should be getting paid to give your creative advice rather than whatever it is you're doing here. Oh what's that? No one will pay you for your genius rap ideas? Ahh pity......


I don't think he's dumb at all. He's very good at making and being a product. That's a skill. I can admire his craftmanship. It just doesn't move me. He doesn't (with rare exceptions) make art and that's fine because I don't believe that's what he's setting out to do at this point. It's a job to him the same way as mine is to me or yours is to you, difference being he can't get fired for half-assing it because half-assing it IS his job. Envious? Who wouldn't be? There's some Drake songs, like Marvin's Room or Wu Tang Forever (strange pick I know) or 6 God that I really like cos I feel they're songs that're reflecting him. I liked it when he did Honestly, Nevermind, I think that album is overhated. It was something new for him and honestly I liked it. And I think he'll never do anything like that again because more risks = less streams.


I think it’s cause once you open that angle up it’ll spread to the rest of the industry, cause let’s be real both Kendrick and Drake are aligned with people that have either done or supported horrible things. And they both look up to pac who was a rapist


Because Drake likes Kodak and wants to be on his good side


The more you actually think about it the more you realize Drake and Kendrick are both insanely hypocritical and don’t actually gaf about what they’re saying


fuck kodak




Kodak literally raped a highschooler man... if you can't see why people would have an issue with him taking kendricks side idk what to tell you.


When was he charged for raping a high schooler?


He raped a highschooler, only got charged for beating and "sexually assaulting" her, and pleaded guilty to reduce it further to just assault and battery. You really think that he bit her neck, breasts, and stomach and bruised her arms from holding her down while sexually assaulting her, but *didn't* rape her as the woman still claims he did? If the dude is capable and *proven* to have done 90% of the crime, I'm okay with believing the victim when she claims he did the last 10% too.


No I just asked when he was charged, wasn’t he also only 19? Also didn’t he plead guilty? Personally I respect an artist who doesn’t use their power to hide from allegations like Kendrick, or Drake. Edit, or Tupac


He was 21 at the time, she had only just turned 18, had it happened a few weeks sooner it would have been sexual assault on a minor. The only reason he plead guilty was to reduce the charge so that he wasn't spending 10 years in prison.


Are you talking about 2016, when he would have been 19? She was younger but I’m pretty sure he released a statement that’s been scrubbed from the internet. I’ll try and find it but I actually think it’s kind of enlightening when it comes to cases like this. To be in a position of power like that and to say that you will plead guilty and take the time as long as she can clearly articulate her side in court is a very adult way of handling things. Maybe drake and Kendrick should take a note, confess and just move on and get better like Kodak. How can you really get better if you can’t even admit what you’ve done.


Again, he didn't admit to what he did, he downplayed it and only admitted to hitting her during "consensual" sex. He never said that her claims were true and didn't own up to the rape.


He pleaded guilty to the charges she brought against him and didn’t bring them down, the judge decided to because he confessed. That would mean he would have had to confess bud. He specifically stated he doesn’t agree that he sexually assaulted or raped her, but that he would take the charge if she felt that way. I’m just saying you won’t hear about other rappers handling a case that professionally and genuinely getting better. I don’t appreciate the narrative from Kendrick fans that some people are just good and some people are just bad. Edit: if he’s gonna plead guilty and she felt he raped her why wouldn’t she just charge him with rape knowing he would plead guilty regardless of his feelings on it? It seems like they communicated and court and figured this out like adults, which happens in the real world with other cases like this. It’s not everyone’s favorite kind of resolution but it’s a much more realistic world.


Are you talking about 2016, when he would have been 19? She was younger but I’m pretty sure he released a statement that’s been scrubbed from the internet. I’ll try and find it but I actually think it’s kind of enlightening when it comes to cases like this. To be in a position of power like that and to say that you will plead guilty and take the time as long as she can clearly articulate her side in court is a very adult way of handling things. Maybe drake and Kendrick should take a note, confess and just move on and get better like Kodak. How can you really get better if you can’t even admit what you’ve done. Edit: or if it happened in Vegas like Tupac it wouldn’t have been a minor, just saying.


Both are horrible people. Not saying they dont deserve a second chance, X's chance was stolen from him he shouldnt have been killed. But kodak is outright an awful person and not trying to improve


He literally has improved and tries to improve countless times 😭


it would be a different story if Jocelyn is your friends/family


No it wouldn’t obviously you’d have some sort of “grudge”


jesus christ


Lmao yeah okay buddy. Being against ANY kind of sexual assault is being a “white knight”




Nah Fuck Kodak, because he's a rapist. If you hear "Fuck Kodak" & take it personally that's a you problem. People who stand for their morals don't gotta give a fair shake to a rapist. This ain't a Saturday morning cartoon- people aren't all evil or all good. Him having done good doesn't negate being a rapist. Maybe it does for you & that's you.




Theres no excuse or justification for rape so there's no forgiving or keeping with rapists. it's a line in the sand for me. & Anyone who feels some kind of way when others say "Fuck Kodak" again; it's a them problem. I'm not putting anything on em, if they feel some kind of way about it it's not my problem. I'm not responsible for anyone's feelings by saying Fuck Kodak.


we’ve been saying fuck X for years bro. he never made good music and he was a terrible person


Honestly you shouldn't have posted this..... it's Kodak black didn't dude just get a pardon for some pedophile shit....fuck him kendrick doesn't need this.... he a BUM. Lmao


He got pardoned for making a false statement to buy a firearm


You right that sexual assault case was in 2016


This shouldn't be a surprise. Mortal man kinda spoke to this situation. It's a tricky thing. You don't want to allow yourself or any innocent person to be victimized, but you can't just throw people in the garbage. That's probably my favorite song of kdots. It's reiterating Christ's message that you should have grace and forgive people. It's a tough ask.


![gif](giphy|Ivh84aa8vOIKh0ZYVR) This ain't it man


Not a flex


Fuck Kodak, this certified pedophile.




Kodak is mentally 10 years behind everyone else if he can’t see the irony in this lol


Fuck Kodak


Chocolate, call me Reese’s, can’t catch me without the piece.


bro cant be the same weight in any pic or videos he was fat now he probably off yercs again


I mean he had like 4 features on MMATBS


Anyone except DJ Alcoholiks rn will side with Kendrick, siding with Drake is basically walking into a death trap


He’s on Mr. Morale. Are we surprised?


he has great hair


What you doing with Kendrick? What you doing with a legend?


The only thing I hate about MMATBS is his involvement. I do not support this guy.


This concert looks terrible lol


I'm in Kendricks corner 100% but this post kinda feels like it would be the same thing as r/ drizzy posting Dr. Disrespect being on their side. Like yeah its true but are we proud of it?


I’m not surprised man Kodak’s Rich Interlude was my favorite moment on Morale!


Yeah this ain’t much of a flex big dawg


I wish he wasn’t.


Kodak is a colorist loser


Kodak got a weird case why is he around??


Lol this piece of shit dj need to shut his mouth


That concert looks boring af


Yak n Mild. I love it haha


"My name's Kodak Black but when you see me I'm white"


Drake chose lil yachty and 21 savage over Future, Kodak, Uzi, and Roddy rich .. terrible decision


Crowds dead


How ironic.


Yeah but Drake has Big Latto on his side 😂😂😂




Nah. Silent Hill was still lame as fuck despite of the message. Fuck Kodak.


Kendrick shouted him out kinda on Euphoria too. “Kutthroat business you got shit twisted” KTB is Kodak n them Edit: Lotta Kodak hate in here. Understandably so but did everybody forget Dr. Dre was just on stage with dot a week ago? Lol


Dre is more likable than Kodak even though he whooped Dee Barnes ass. That's the difference. Kodak. Great rapper, horriblly unlikable.


Ngl that dj is so annoying


The certified pedophiles are dancing !!


can we not talk about this mf he a piece of shit


The irony


People have to understand he is not on mr morale despite being a POS. He is on mr morale because he is a POS and Kendrick is saying that’s how he saw himself pre-therapy. It is intentional to say we are all human and the world doesn’t get better till we fix ourselves.


i love Silent Hill, i empathise with Kodak because i suspect he has a developmental disorder (ask me how i know), but that being said... fuck this dude


Cool, but like also fuck Kodak Black


DJs make the world go round




![gif](giphy|9LHpVfuqKHAli) worry bout them rapist being the pedo side


Meanwhile P Drizzy still paying for Human Traffickers to live a lavish lifestyle


"You know who even bang a set out there is CB"


Ofc we got a weird ass drake fan in a Kendrick subreddit looking for attention