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Yeah I think people really failed to understand this fight. Kaneda did so well against Hatsumi because his ability (that is really a one of a kind in Kengan) is to make the opponent *fight wrong*, to make the wrong decisions, to play to their weaknesses instead of their strengths. Hatsumi was not fighting at full strength against Kaneda at all, and basically anyone else in the Kengan association would have a ridiculously tough time trying to get past it.


It is stated that less technical fighters would have a far easier time against Kaneda as they’re often more than willing to just brute force a problem and not overthink things. For example, if Kaneda had to fight Saw instead of Hatsumi he’d be fucked.


Yeah he’s a real matchup fighter, he’d probably do better against Carlos than Saw


As much as I hate to dunk on my boy, I think Kaneda could rock BB Cosmo’s shit as one of his biggest weaknesses is chronic overthinking.


I still wonder to this day why we didn't see Cosmo using the Zone even once in BB. Did Sandrovich just forget that this exists?


Jesus fucking Christ that would be depressing to see😭 imagine going from giving Ohma and Akoya trouble to losing to the least talented fighter in the entire history of the Kengan Association Edit: Miss-spell


Absolute garbage take. It's been said and shown multiple times that Kaneda is easily one of the more talented fighters we've seen. His major drawback is having a thoroughly mediocre body, nothing like almost every other fighter we've seen who are pretty much all superhumans


> It's been said and shown multiple times that Kaneda is easily one of the more talented fighters we've seen. No, he really isn’t. Dude doesn’t even break the stop 15 but keep telling yourself that bro👍🏾


he has a postive record with a normal human body in a league of legit monsters that should tell you know


> he has a postive record An official record of 8(9 if ya really wanna pretend beatin Himuro isn’t a meme feat at this point)and 6 losses is not a positive record dude. Sawpaing’s current resume is what I’d call a positive record.


9 > 6




Yeah it's harder to limit someone's actions when that's really just there only action




I wonder if this is the same reason why Saw beat Falcons so easily. He doesn’t give a damn about the ninja Miss direction because he only cares about knocking you the fuck out.


That would make a lot of sense. You can have amazing feints and the ability to redirect attacks from almost every angle but unless you have some strong attack power and or an armor piercing move like Fa Jin, your opponent might just tank the move and hit you most likely harder.


So Kaneda is gonna have a hard time against direct approach opponents like Saw, but Saw is gonna have a hard time against technical fighters like Hatsumi, who’s gonna have a hard time facing someone like Kaneda who excels in outthinking technical fighters.


It’s kind of funny how well this series manages to depict the rock paper scissor affect so interestingly


I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: Gozo would obliterate Kaneda. 


Wait a damn minute. Does this mean fuckin NEZU could beat Kaneda in a fight? •_•


Nezu was a champion. He only had the bad luck of having to face Mikazuchi Rei first when nobody knew what to expect.


> Nezu was a champion He is still a pretty stupid thug dude and if I’m being real here that champion title doesn’t really hold much weight when he was essentially just a medium fish in an incredibly small pond


I mean getting first matchup against Mikazuchi is such a knowledge check. Other fighter would lose too


That’s not really the issue. Him losing to Rei was as inevitable as Raian losing the KAT at some point even if he didn’t play with his food (AKA Ohma)at the finish line of the fight - his very backstory - his gullibility  - his design & personality  - the fact he gave up fighting after a single loss These factors don’t really scream “hard counter” to many Kengan fighters as Nezu has no training, only experience fighting less athletic as well as smaller untrained opposition, and frankly from a writing perspective would normally lose to a character like Kaneda  So my point is it’s more so surprising and funny af that someone like Nezu is a hard counter to such a complicated skill like this. 


Also Hatsumi beat Kaneda at that game. He outmaneuvers Kaneda, which is one of the single most impressive Fight IQ feats in the manga


Except for Gaolang.


Kaneda would still be able to use his mind control to some extent against Gaolong. While it wouldn’t be as effective as it is against Hatsumi, Kaneda would still likely be able to put up at least a bit of a fight.


Even if he did striking arts are harder to counter unless you have superior speed. One flash alone doesn't have much weaknesses especially if gaolang sticks to just out boxing to be safe.


Yeah but he won't stick to just out boxing because that's kanedas ability. He will use whatever Kaneda wants. Gaolang still wins just like ohma and hatsuni against kaneda but not because he would outsmart him


Why not? Determinate Prediction is stated to be more effective the more developed the opponents foresight, and Gaolang's normal foresight is highly developed, along with having pre-initative


While Kaneda is obviously the most proficient with the tactic, sealing the options of one’s opponents is a technique that a couple fighters have used before. Even if it’s far less effective than the mind fuckery that Kaneda did it would still be a viable option to make landing a hit on Hatsumi far easier. Ultra fast movement speed like Rei was also a very viable option before Hatsumi got PI.


Kaolan during his fight with agito comes to mind


I don't think sealing is a real thing that Gaolang can consistently do, he did it once in one fight against someone who was already refusing to do anything but strike. If it was something he could consistently do, we would've seen it against Carlos or Jurota, because its very strong. I mean the truth is that Sandro probably didn't like the idea and decided to never use it again, but there needs to be an in universe explanation. In fact I don't think any other fighter has done it at all, makes me think its super conditional.


While nobody has specifically done ‘sealing’ outside of Gaolong there are other examples of fighters having complete control over the flow of the match and pushing their opponents towards certain actions and countering accordingly.


Well yeah, if that's all that sealing is then its definitely very doable and its in many fights in the series and irl, but then I don't really think you can do it to someone who is faster and has PI if you don't, you're kind of back at the start. You have to outspeed them or outpredict them. Or I guess in Carlos's case it just doesn't matter because he weighed 40 pounds and couldn't hurt Gaolang lol.


In Hatsumi’s case specifically we did see in his match against Agito that he was forced to approach due to the mindset change Agito had. This then allowed Agito to get into a position to knock Hatsumi out with an unknown factor. If Hatsumi fought against someone with superior PI that he doesn’t have much intel on I do think a similar scenario could be recreated.


Yeah, if he fought Kuroki or some shit he's going to get out predicted. I think another factor is that Hatsumi is a planner. He would've been out in R2 without planning but with it, he best a guy that very few people could've. The less predictable the game plan the better chance you have, I feel like he'd really struggle against a guy like Ohma because you have no idea what he's going to do next, he's too versatile.


"who was already refusing to do anything but strike" did you not read the chapter?


Makes sense, Limiting Line + Pre-initiative equals nigh on untouchable https://preview.redd.it/u42n9b86zjad1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96368792d758cfdec1f91497c7474d3f33516808


Wulong/Luohan takes a step further and make attacks phase through their molecular bounds


His "Limiting Line" was something that even beard was shook to witness. It's probably something a little above average PI usage. Especially that most people are sure that this blow hit him and this may give them an illusion of favor and then BOOM stardrop.


Can we agree this gives him a higher Speed Reaction than the usual?


I thought most people agreed that Hatsumi has top tier reaction speed, that’s kind of his gimmick alongside bullshido.


Justice should shred him then, since he breaks the tiers with his gimmicks.


I mean, Akoya may have faster reaction time, but Hatsumi has better speed feats. That and his impeccable timing, skill, and experience let him pull off phasing even before he got PI. Akoya can react faster to the same attack, but Hatsumi's gonna avoid it with style and make it seem like it took less effort, despite actually perceiving the attack later.


Pre-initiative is not reaction speed, is acting before the opponents makes the move


The manga literally says it isn’t Pre-Initiative.


Are you perhaps talking about the limiting line?


I'm fairly sure they're two different things, and that in the KAT Hatsumi did have the limiting line and didn't have PI until Omega.


Yeah I knew the limiting line is a different thing. I was a bit confused so I asked opposite mall if he is talking about the limiting line or not when he said "it's literally stated in the manga it's not limiting line"


They could literally just use the same strategy Kuroki tried vs Shen. Saw Paing is a fan of this one, too. Resolve yourself to receive an attack but make sure you can trade for it.


I miss the times when hatsumi and waka were top tier fighters


Hatsumi still is


Top of the verse when it comes to having relations to minors that is


Hatsumi should join Strike it Rich


Dude I wish, love him but he really still haven't recovered from the KA tournament disrespect


Hatsumi was never top tier


Hi bob how have you been


Hatsumi was never top tier


He was one of the top guys in terms of hype during the tournament, behind only agito and waka(Debatably raian too) Even his skill was probably around Kaolan’s during that time(and likely a bit better), making him at the very least top 6 overall


I mean most fighters don't, that's why, prior to the KAT, he was considered a top 3 fighter who participated in Kengan matches if he was at his best. He'd never lost a fight that he showed up for at the time and had beat the guys considered #2 and #3, Waka and Seki. Waka improved and the Seki one was unofficial but they're still Ws. If you were doing power rankings prior to the KAT with an elo system and ignoring his forfeits, he'd probably have been #2 going in. It's really a testament to how stacked that tournament was that guys like Seki didn't even end up being top 10.


I disagree with "top tier striking speed", it's the one anti-PI option it counters. Use PI or any other method to beat PI


Even if you have PI you still need: 1. to have BETTER PI then Hatsumi does. You need outpredict his own predictions for that strategy to be effective. And in a PI vs PI battle, Hatsumi would have an inherent advantage, due to his method requiring less motion and leaving fewer openings. 2. be fast enough to outpace his normal reaction speed. Or else the attack would likely phase through him regardless. https://preview.redd.it/20xjxtt5vjad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=088351fdca351e780b384e92300c47439d701878


the panel you sent is from before Kanoh obtained PI. No matter how good his reaction speed, it doesn't matter if you use PI to predict how he will react. But yeah, obviously you need better PI than him. Or techniques you can't simply predict and dodge in advance which is how a lot of PI users (Rolon vs Ohma, Kanoh vs Jurota) have been defeated until now. Or whatever new option sandro will introduce next.


Oh I know Kanoh didn't have PI in that panel. I was just saying if they were *both* predicting each other, as long as Hatsumi is capable of reacting to their attacks, he would still be able to dodge. If both fighters have PI it effectively keeps them on an even playing field, even if one has a slight edge. But yeah attacks that are specifically able to bypass PI, like Ohma’s ability to suddenly increase his speed, would still be effective, certainly.


Sandro need to confirm this because even tho I agree he didn't have PI in that fight, how the hell did he managed to counter hatsumi 3 strike cloud bullshido and even break his finger in the process, you need stupidly high level of reaction time...or PI


Isn’t this whole fight him learning how to use PI and achieve it by the end if the fight. At least that's my understanding from what Kure Erioh Said about kanoh getting faster after the first dragon shot and him saying that Kanoh have achieved PI after the fight.


. . . .  Jesus how the fuck did Agito beat this walking cheat code??


Yeah. Putang Ina vs Anti- Putang Ina is a top-tier showdown.




Another Justin W then 🔥


Lol also calf kicks


I feel like the only way to beat this Besides the way you’ve mentioned is to be a master of faking the other guy out


Kaneda’s spiderweb is a great example of a counter


To dumb it down to simple terms to understand it, your basically waiting til the last ultimate moment before you move. A real life example is like when you dodge something about to hit you or you crash into and it’s scraps you, only it didn’t scrape you and instead misses you by cm.


Hatsumi actually expected Kanoh to copy his martial art before the fight, and that is when kanoh abandoned his 'pride' when training with the previous fang of Metsudo (forgot his name), causing him his match and lost against Kanoh. Other than being the higher tier fighter, Hatsumi's opponent, in simple terms, needs to do something "out of the box" moves that can catch him off guard to damage and even win against him. Be a "blank canvas" you can say.


Made a post a while back about “Foresight killer” techniques stuff like Just out speeding their reactions, determinate predictions is a pretty hard counter, just being better at foresight than the opponent, and Ohma was onto hiding the inception in the opponent’s blind spots.


But what is stronger pi killing metamorphic rock punching gaolang fist or beyond pi hatsumi dodge?


Depends on what's on hatsumi's pockets, if there's any rocks he's fucked


By reading his movements. By herding him into strikes. By throwing strikes with more generous hitboxes, like kicks that land on the shin rather than on the foot. By closing in on him. Hatsumi's fast and precise but he's not unhittable. Once Kanoh switches from trying to keep Hatsumi at range to trying to close in on him he immediately starts landing. Kaneda is able to land basically just by tricking him. Good fighters would find ways to hurt him.


iirc, it's said only Kuroki could even fight Rei, so yeah, you're right lol


It’s not a magic spell that’s unbeatable and 100% perfect, you can just do a move your opponent isn’t expecting.


Koga is low tier. So his opinion doesn't really matter tbh lol


Anyone with PI probably solos 95% of the verse. Hence why there are only like 10 or so fighters who are true top tiers, minus Shen and his 4 Bosses


Kaneda would perform well against Cosmo who tends to overthink. I think Yumigahama Hikaru would murder Kaneda. Simply becuz stats


“hatsumi” shut the fuck up


This ability doesn’t pose much of a threat to top tiers, probably not at all, R3 Kanoh shit all over this ability, whys this even being bought up now? Hatsumi ain’t even in the champions tourney


1. This is an improvement of Hatsumi prior ability that incoperates Pre-Initative. I would also like to point out Agito didn't “shit all over it” either, Hatsumi dodged Agito’s strikes at multiple points, he was simply overwhelmed by the latters developing PI and Dragon Shot. 2. because I wanted to? The mangas on break I can talk about whatever I damn well please💀.


The manga goes out of its way to reestablish that the top tiers really are top tiers, and that matchups make fights, only for half this sub to go nuts over the idea that fighters are only numbers lol


1 reread the Kanoh vs Hatsumi fight, it’s stated and shown verbatim that after Kanoh unlocked pre in, he treated Hatsumi like a child and started tagging him constantly, it’s only until Kanoh let Hatsumi get into range with his move to use his dragon shot. Hatsumi then gave up on using the limiting line you talk about so much just to grab his hips and get dragon shotted again 😭😭 and it should be obvious that I’m talking about a R3 Kanoh that already developed pre in, so your response means nothing honestly for the convo I could never understand why people argue against the literal manga 2. Waste of a post All in all, Hatsumi pre initiative is implied to be in its early stages anyway and his reaction definitely isn’t good compared to the likes of Kanoh Raian Ohma Gaolang Kuroki etc etc, this new ability wouldn’t pose a threat at all to them which is my point, pretty clear considering Sandro had Hatsumi fight Kaneda instead of being in the champion tourney 😭😭


Waste of a post is crazy, we got limited posts now? You gonna stop us from posting silly little discussions now? https://preview.redd.it/daa2vrrhxkad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b749c7f0be3b8dbc33236d764ca7035a536b4ab What you so serious about bruh