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Ohma Mid Diff. Toa’s Pseudo-Demonsbaine isn’t “formless”. Ohma just needs to put Toa Mudo in a bad stance and he is cooked, he won’t be able to counter anything.


Id say low to no diff. Toa lost to Rolon low diff who lost to Ohma mid diff. Only way Ohma goes above low diff is if he fucks around in the fight.


Real question, does Ohma have a way to hurt him other than demonsbane? Keep in mind the choke worked on Kiozan because he actively refused to fall on him


Toa can't protect himself from a blow he can't see coming. With Kure techniques and pre-initiative a hit to the vitals could take him down.


Toa Glazers on this sub XD


Lmao Ohma nearly killed himself and could barely stand after that fight and you call it mid diff? Did Kanoh low diff Gaolang in your eyes?


I don’t know what kind of Rolon vs Ohma you saw, but that fight was High Diff. And yeah Rolon low diffed Toa. But since Ohma actually needs to use a proper technique and a proper strategy, the fight is Mid Diff.


Nah rolon was like high-extreme diff for ohma. But otherwise I agree that toa gets low diffed, assuming ohma doesnt fuck around like he did against kiozan


Id say ohma vs rolon was high, arguably extreme diff. He did have to put alot of effort in, and he would certainly not have won without the bursts of possessing spirit and the kure family techniques.


ohrma uses "kure klan killing family technique: giant puncher-kicker double triple damage increaser headbut-liver shot" and instagibs toa


oh word that’s a triple K style technique!


Ohma hits Toa, Toa uses Maungamanawa to counter the hit, but Ohma Is ready and counters the counter with demonsbane, the only option for Toa Is to counter with Maungamanawa, and so Ohma has to respond with Demonsbane, but Toa has an ace up his non exhistant sleeves: Maungamanawa, but Ohma still has a way to turn this around, so he uses demonsbane, Toa then is forced to...


And then Toa gets a hole put through him because he can't go limp in the joints


Ohma shows him a real Demonsbane


"Nice bootleg Niko style bozo. Now check this out!" https://preview.redd.it/8ugz6rvvgbbd1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=134001e693c35ba00ce297ee5afa7479acae6169


"Oh thats the water kata. Yeah check this out" ***WATER KATA: SCREW-CUTTER JIZO***


I just wanna be different today and say Toa by submission.


Ohma mid-high diff


Ohma high diff, it be kinda' interesting since Ohma isn't as aggressive as Lolong and both of them prefer to counter


Ohma high mid if he’s completely serious


Ohma solid~upper high diffs. Anything lower than this should be very unlikely. Ohma struggled against Waka cause his only effective finisher against such a juggernaut was Demon’s Bane, which is hard to pull off. He’ll live the same struggle facing Toa. But since he got even more skills with the Kure (not even accounting Kuroki/Shen), he might’ve something else as a giant slayer move.


Ohma struggled against Waka with his heart giving out and considering the amount of punishment Waka took from Julius I think Waka is sturdier and more difficult to hurt than Toa. He also now has advance back, which he couldn't use against Waka and is much better at utilizing it.


Both Ohma and Waka were fucked up in their bout. It's kind of a moot point. And Toa was throwing Julius around when faced against his regular attacks - the same ones which messed Waka pretty hard. It outright shows how Gott Totter is on a complete different tier of offensive power. So comparing Waka's and Toa's durability is other moot point. Essentially, trying to argue that current Ohma is stronger than KAT Ohma isn't enough to prove much, since Toa also is noticeably stronger than KAT Waka.


Ohma low diffs gang if we've seen Lolong completely beat him, so does Ohma and the fact we've yet to see Toa and have constantly seen Ohma dramatically improve he clearly negs toa. It is very likely* Mind you that was over 4-5 years ago and Ohma was a dying Man. Is there any proof of that besides headcanon? No he won't Ohma is vastly stronger than himself in the KAT that is such an incorrect and infactual statement. Ohma has Improved Niko style, Kure clan techniques, pre initiative, etc. He has all the right tools and abilities to dismantle Toa like a toy. Ohma low diffs this pineapple bum.


We don't know how much Lolong got pushed by Toa. What we do know is that Medel claimed Lolong won *despite* of Toa having he bested in every physical stats. Not to mention that this is the kind of feat we can't just take for granted to every other S tier, cause the only cases we have are precisely Lolong vs Toa and Ohma vs Waka - and we do know how much Ohma struggled. We lack other examples of superior skilled S tiers facing superhuman foes. >No he won't Ohma is vastly stronger than himself in the KAT that is such an incorrect and infactual statement. Ohma is vastly stronger tham himself in KAT and Toa is vastly stronger than KAT Waka as well. Completely moot point. I'm not saying Ohma will get all fucked up facing Toa, but if you have to use your end game right of the start and a single mistake can cost you the fight on the spot, then it is a high diff.


It's fine to speculate it wasn't a lot as we are shown no damage for Rolon and comparing Rolon to a corpse is illogical. We can though it's literally shown to us verbatim Lolong beating Toa. That's fine though we can speculate that they will definitely win as what we're shown throughout the series. That's headcanon and false there's no implication of Toa being "vastly stronger than Wakatsuki". The gap between a corpse Ohma and Current one is so wide it's honestly laughable. Btw What is a "moot" point? Once again that Ohma was vastly injured,weaker,less skilled than Current Ohma. I agree Ohma literally one that fight only due to demonsbane but we have current Ohma who has had dozens of upgrades that tremendously boost him and Toa simply can't compete. Which results in this pineapple bum getting low diffed


Damage isn’t the only thing which determines difficulty. Otherwise Hatsumi vs Bando would be a stomp, or Gaolang vs Jurota a low diff. Toa was throwing Omega Julius around with Breathing Mountain, until Julius unleashed Gott Totter. So, even if you assume that Julius only improvement was GT, the way Toa dominated base Julius is enough to put him decisively above KAT Waka, cause KAT Waka won against Julius extreme diff.


Those are very specific situations that don't situate with this hypothetical topic. Well yes but it is still an indicator come on it doesn't make sense for someone to have an extremely difficult either way fight and be unscathed that just logically doesn't make sense as battle damage would be a clear indication of why the battle was extremely close. This point isn't relevant but anyway Julius isn't Ohma idk why you're comparing the two. He's also vastly inferior to Ohma except strength. Once again as seen in Kengan A>B and C beat A so C>B isn't correct as compatibility is a very noted and key factor in Kengan. A>B Everytime but A can't beat C at all while B beats C every time. A>B B>C C>A.(Compatibility) I see what your point is but this isn't relevant to the topic of the post. As Toa vs KAT or Current Waka is another topic in itself. Kengan isn't DBZ where just because Goku can beat Vegeta Everytime and Gohan can beat Goku so he's above Vegeta outright.


Ohma is inherently stronger but if he fucks around like he was doing with Kiozan, he dies


Ohma. Ohma is fast and tricky and can probably land blows Toa fails to limp in time, and without limping things we have no reason to think Toa's durability is on the same tier as other super-heavies. Even if Toa IS as innately tanky as Julius or Waka -- which I doubt, given where he seems to rank among A-listers -- he's an easy Demonsbane target. A less smart, slower, less diverse striker than Waka without specific anti-Niko techniques will get smashed by Demonsbane.


Ohma high diff




https://preview.redd.it/32a3ukhugdbd1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ea2cbd208ef28bfabdf3adbe4d6f0fc66321b5 Ohma probably


Ohma low diffs Look how many amps and improvements he's gotten, toa is getting negged so bad. 😭


Ohma no diff


Ohma Mid-High Diff. Toa will get starstrucked by his Demonsbane and will forget his actual Niko style and that's a wrap lmao.


Ohma with mid diff


Ohma's got too many more options, and can also compete in a full on Redirection kata-off. Plus, Lolong's ability to defeat Toa was probably related to his mastery of pre initiative, which Ohma also has Edit: Forgot to add Toa's name


Ohma wins,toa is legitly a menance but overall tokita is a better fighter on every aspect except for strenght and durability.


Omar wins in 10secs


Ohma destroys that loser lol