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This is what Rolon was doing to Yumi


waka beat julius, julius beat toa, that means waka beats toa. I am very smort


kanoh beats waka, jurota beat kanoh, goalang beat jurota. That mean goalang beats waka low diff. I too am very smart.


We don’t really know how strong Waka post KVP other than assuming he’s gotten ‘better’ to an unquantifiable degree. I’d say Toa high diff. I think Waka can counter Toa’s Hau the same way he did with Fei’s Weeping Willow. This is mostly gonna turn out like a Julius vs Waka 2.0 but if Julius had limp + Pusedo-Demon’s Bane (Maungamanawa) There is a chance Waka can potentially outsmart Toa with his battle iq like he did with Julius cuz Toa is pretty arrogant and smack talks like crazy. I’m more so leaning towards Toa due to him having similar specs to Wakatsuki but having a much bigger frame and weighs just about as much as current Julius (Chapter 267) + a move that can potentially one shot Waka (Maungamanawa) + can limp using Wai, which was shown to be extremely effective against Julius prior to Gott Totter.


waka hardly takes normal julius, what he gonna do against someone can actually fight and stronger than him with his pathetic karate? wild cat of kengan matchs




People who are saying Waka win this one don't understand the compatibility and uncompatibility between the styles Toa is the worse matchup for Waka, he is as strong as him, bigger than him and very good at redirection which is soft style. Julius before using Gott Totter was dominated by Toa, and unluckly for Toa he didn't know this ability can one shot and counter any redirection (and not water kata / limp as some dumb people are thinking since Kanoh vs Julius).


It’s a strange phenomenon, **Gott Totter at the very end somehow erased 90% of the fanbase’s memory of the absolutely raw manhandling beating that Julius received for a prolonged period of time before he landed that**. It should also be noted Toa made no attempt avoid it because he did not know that it just happened to specifically be the specific thing required to counter his water-like-kata. That’s the funniest part, it isn’t like Julius out fought or even out smarted him, he won off of a pure knowledge check after being literally beaten to the ground so badly his opponent had zero reason to expect such a thing.


> (and not water kata / limp as some dumb people are thinking since Kanoh vs Julius). https://preview.redd.it/ci55azhkjebd1.png?width=308&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdaaaa0b4fee0ffff8a2fb7eaa58b1db67eb8884 Bootleg water kata failed to disperse damage in the first application of GT. Bootleg redirection kata failed to counter on the second application of GT. Julius has feats of GT countering both.


The image shows the Toa dispersing the damage. Disperising the damage =/= no damage recieved


This is to clearly show that toa’s method of dispersing damage is from the water kata/limp equivalent, and not redirection. I believe the scene where toa takes damage through his limp is more keenly remembered by readers


Toa nightmare matchup


Current Waka is at this point unknown. We can only compare KvP Waka with KvP Toa.


KvP Waka vs KvP Toa is a Toa shit stomp on paper. Toa was matching Julius in strength, and Toa on top of that, had Niko style type martial arts. Theres no reason to believe Toa would lose unless you believe that he'd fall for a blast core (something that Waka has never landed)


Toa Mudo, low-mid diff, missmatch


Common Goatlander W https://preview.redd.it/a4iqypd16cbd1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45cf08771d178847804c3dff09f7bf88f391b09


Nag bro Omni man smacks hoelander


Homelander wins because I say so. He is USAversal


Just show him a sign saying 'free healthcare'. Instant lose.


For him, all healthcare is free. Land of the Free and allat


Unless he needs insulin.


Kinda' ironic since in the vid he's roasting A-Train for being fat


Waka low diff, Blast Core overwhelms him just like GT


If T-Niko was training Harou Also Toa beats Waka.


I was so confused


Waka wins high-extreme diff


what song


is this


What song




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Poor guy. this vid rly hard to get the song for XD


Waka wins. Mid diff at worst. Toa had a dream matchup against Julius and managed to lose. Toa is big guy and a champ from a different organization but he has no rep. Certainly less rep than Jurota and the three Chinese fists -- two of whom got their rep while sandbagging. Toa pretty much *has* to have a losing record against these fighters for his lack of rep to make sense, which means that some combination of Inconsistent Liu, Tai Chi Fei, and "Chinese style that puts heavy emphasis on one big punch" Lu Tian could take him out. Waka is faster than Julius. He has a more diverse striking arsenal than Julius. He has the martial knowhow to predict Discount Demonsbane and respond to traps. He's smart enough to bait Toa and land traps of his own. And Waka has in his backpocket a move Toa has no good counter to. Toa gets hit by some shit he fails to limp and loses.


I wish I could headcanon like this


It’s hard to tell, really. On paper, Toa should come out on top since he’s basically Julius with techniques, but his arrogance holds him back too much. He’d probably be dumb enough to try and take the blast core directly thinking he’s gonna humiliate Waka, only to find himself slumped on a wall with broken ribs.