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Really it depends on the dose and your tolerance. Someone who has little to no tolerance could take 100ug of lsd and expect the trip to last around 10-12 hours. If you take a higher dose like 200-300, it could last 12-14 or even longer. Longest trip I’ve had was 17 hours but I took 900-1000ug and was gooooneeee. This is the correct info! Source: trust me bro, I’ve done my research and tripped a lot


I usually stop feeling like I am actively tripping at around the 13 or 14 hour mark, but the most I have taken is at once is 3 tabs so I don’t know what the duration of an even bigger dose could be.


when I trip the actual trip last 8hrs then I can sleep at around 12hrs. On a normal dose like 100-150


Mmm m m M.




When i was younger i was addicted to meth and when i had my first trip it was insane it lasted like 22 hours but i didnt know what i put my self into i was 15 and i did like 0.3g of meth and full tab of some strong acid (i was dumb, young and brainwashed from drugs and i thought that the meth will make the trip easier same as with weed and alcohol, god i was wrong) it was the worst experience of my life. In 20 days i will celebrate 1 year clean from meth🥳 so thats my experience with longest trip


up to a decade in some cases


For me, 7-8 hours.


If you want the worst case scenario, this is it: https://www.newsweek.com/woman-550-times-normal-lsd-dose-cocaine-1489045 Even those crazy fuckers were right as rain after a day.


They most certainly were not “as right as rain” the next day. I think two of them were in a coma, one for several days. But that was a lot of crystal.


Are you thinking of another event? This article doesn't mention these outcomes at all. Feel free to post a link.


I absolutely was thinking of another event, [this one right here.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1129381/) Reading the case report you linked, I don’t believe that woman ingested 55mg of LSD. Sounds like more about 5 mg (half a sheet).


Man, that one is fascinating. Even as bad of shape as they were all in, all of them returned to normal in 12 hrs. Safe to say unless you have the world's best acid hookup, most of us will never be in a situation where this type of scenario is even possible!


If youre taking orher shit, it prolongs your trip. Weed is the most common one


For me - 400 ug takes 2 hours on come up phase, 4 hours at the peak, then about 4/5 hours on the afterglow


That sounds short for 400. Even 300 would have me gone for at least 13 hours


That’s you - not me. I have a naturally high tolerance to most things. I’ve had 8 grams of blue meanies with minimal tripping.


Fair enough


exactly 12 hours for me on 250ugs (2 125ug tabs). started at 4pm, came down completely at 4am.