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That’s why Silicon Valley VCs would suggest older CEOs to relatively young founders because these little shitheads think they wrote couple lines of code and some funding dollars from Y combinatory and poof everyone will be fighting to work for them


I read that as “couple of lines of coke”. Still makes sense.


lol nah … they too soft for that … leave to NY finance bros


I would say in Cali he’s smoking W, but he looks like he’s be one of those wake up at 5am for a vegetable smoothie or something. Natural high


“And after, I tune into Bloomberg from 5:30 AM to 9:00 AM”


The coke helps write the code. Well, once the adderall has run out.


... shit I read that as "The cock helps out with the code." What's wrong with us lol


I'm a developer and use my cock as a 3rd hand...mostly to press space...improves productivity by 32.76%


Wasn’t that part of the plot in The Social Network?


Are they? Subreddits like r/ycombinator and r/startups are full of people complaining about young ex-Ivy and Stanford hotshots with just an "idea" getting funding over older, experienced founders with actual products, users and revenue...


It's called the meritocracy. Your merit is determined by how much money your parents have.


Yep. That's why it always starts off with a "friends and family" funding round..


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ycombinator using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ycombinator/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is YC overrated?](https://np.reddit.com/r/ycombinator/comments/1b4ui8r/is_yc_overrated/) \#2: [VC rant: just crossed our 100th rejection!](https://np.reddit.com/r/ycombinator/comments/1brh9kz/vc_rant_just_crossed_our_100th_rejection/) \#3: [I studied how Amplitude (YC W12) went from zero to IPO in 9 years at $5 billion valuation.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ycombinator/comments/1bc3sfr/i_studied_how_amplitude_yc_w12_went_from_zero_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


I mean if I was on market to work for startup and I knew that exit will guarantee 10-20 million to retire sure ima work 70 hours for year or two but no shot I’m making your dreams come true while you try sell it and not even paying decent salary


Equity comp is usually just lottery tickets. Companies never tell you what the cap table looks like, so there are plenty of scenarios where it can sell for $100m and you get zero


Yep this happened to me and just about everyone else I know. Working at startups is rarely worth the gamble.


I just hired an electrical engineer that had worked at 3 different startups after graduation. They were in tech, and we do traditional heavy industrial engineering. Starting from the ground up again, and I'm happy to provide him the opportunity. He told me he was sick of working for startups. The lack of resources, the lack of mentoring and the uncertainty. We are the polar opposite of that. I'm an old man now, but even in my younger years I inherently understood this one simple truth: if you have to ask yourself if you are 'in', you are most certainly not. Those that are 'in' will screw over the others when the time is right.


Are you not asking for the cap table or a meeting to explain it during negotiations? I have. 🤷‍♀️


They’re never going to tell you what the liquidity pref is for their vc’s and a decent exit requires a huge valuation. Companies don’t hand out equity like they used to and they can always dilute you down


Yeah on that specific day, but then they have another round and another round and some funding comes in from elsewhere and shares dilute and dilute until your 1000 shares might get you a half decent car rather than early retirement.


Says on his linkedin that his first startup was created with an "outsourced development team". So it's more like he had rich parents and an idea and the folks in Bangladesh wrote the code.


And they're working to make sure they don't have to pay even those Bangladeshi guys.


This is the LinkedIn version of: *"I'm looking for a man in finance, with a trust fund, 6' 5", blue eyes."*


im looking for a man in AI, works hard, smart guy, no life


I know a few people that work in AI, work hard, are smart and have admittedly no life.


Meanwhile they’re 4’2”, high school dropout, an Instagram influencer, with two glass eyes


Something tells me that the top .1% of workers are not going to just work 70 hours for a shitty start up lol.


I'm sure they're not offering .1% top compensation either


And probably not equity if they ever become big


$30,000 a year plus 10% stake in a bunch of monopoly money is often how it goes.


It's absolutely some sort of "we want people who work out of passion" bs.


They’re also not going to apply for a job they where they won’t even know what they’re expected to do until they’ve been hired


To be fair, most startups have no idea what they are hiring for until the person they hired isn’t doing it.


Look at their LinkedIn employees Most of their SWE are random Indian guys working overseas lol


The "AI Employees" he builds will. I miss when ai was just a sci fi topic.


I mean, in many respects it still is. It's not *entirely* v2.0 NFTs, but it's probably not that far off. There's a definite air of "Chasing the latest trend" going on here, even if AI (such as it is) has its uses.


It’s BDR AI startup tho lol


What is BDR?


I’ve only heard BDR in reference to business development representatives. So sounds like this guy is trying to create AI. That will eventually just replace these employees that he’s putting such high expectations on.


Bizarre Dreaded Respectable. At least for Fallen London players...


TLA overload


Let’s build AI CEO’s instead.


NOW we’re talkin!


I was just randomly thinking about this on a walk this afternoon. Most people who got into a position of leadership or power think they are uniquely qualified to do the job and no one else. The truth is, you could probably take some random person off the street (within reason) and put them into the position of CEO at a major F500 company and do fine. Some may need a bit of training or advice from the people that report to them. It's just that some people either worked hard or went to the right school to fall into the position they are in. Look at Mark Zuckerberg. He was a good example of someone that had to start managing a large company when Facebook started to grow like crazy. His interviews early on even looked awkward and he had this nervous sweat/anxiety about him. Now he is cool/calm/collected/robotic.


One season, I recorded The Celebrity Apprentice because my state’s former governor was on It. He didn’t know how to type, so he didn’t email or text someone a crucial piece of information. That was pretty much what I’d imagined. I think he talked on the phone all day, so nothing was in writing. As most politicians are now, he was a lawyer, and I don’t know how he got through school.


I kind of agree with the sentiment of this since CEOs get way too much of the attention and are generally quite overpaid (in most big corporations anyway since their compensation package is just ludacris). BUT being a CEO is a fairly demanding position , and i'm fairly certain it requires a combination of personality traits that are not super common. You will constantly be fed information from employees and you need to be able to figure out which ideas are worth pursuing and which aren't while at the same time not micromanaging/hindering their work. This requires knowledge of the business, a deep understanding of the financial health of the company and how this will likely look in the future, trust in your employees and not least a sound intuition (because when a decision needs to be made there is not always time to have your specialists go through all the data and make a 100% informed decision). On top of this all eyes are on you as you are the face of the company and will likely be dealing with various stakeholders. So being able to convincingly pitch the mission is also a requirement. **Being a good strategist, a fairly charismatic salesperson, have deep knowledge of the business that the company is operating in, and willing to not have a life outside work is very rare, and I doubt you will find many who fit all these criteria if you just picked random people out from the general population even if we assumed they could just learn the business with some training.** This being said, being able to manage a company likely doesn't make you worth 200x a regular employee (or whatever insane multiplier the CEO salary+compensation has relative to employees at the bottom of the hierarchy). But I can see why a rational market would value a CEO a lot higher than a regular employee.


He's the first lizard ceo though. As a fellow lizard i found it inspiring.


I don't know why this reminds me of this, but I'm reminded of Nvidia's keynote speech from their CEO a few years ago. He gave a speech from his kitchen, and a lot of people commented on how nice his kitchen was. The company then sent out a message saying that for the entirety of the speech the kitchen was being rendered in real-time on Nvidia hardware... and for about 30 seconds, *so was the CEO*. And no one noticed.


I found this particular lunatic on Facebook. He only left high school in 2019 and looks like your standard nepo baby, flush with Dad's cash. Likelihood of this company being a total dumpster fire is pretty much 100%


From what I recall looking at his LinkedIn profile, he has been a “founder” or “CEO” of a few companies since then as well. Obviously none of them lasted, and I’m guessing this douche played a big role in that.


But, he’s a young white male with a AI startup so yeah let’s give him $8M


I’m sure dad or the family is rich and figure throwing money at this tool for him to “start a business” is better than having to spend time with him. :) I know it’s been covered before in this sub and I think it probably applies to this guy as well - there’s a group of folks who move from one grift to the next in the tech world and AI looks to be the next area ripe for them. These people are just looking for a get-rich quick scheme. I know a guy like this - now in his mid 30s, has never had a real job, and keeps “founding” companies that never work out.


Dear LinkedIn, when everyone is a CEO, no one is a CEO.


Yeah you look at Comp Sci students nowadays, half of them are like CEOs of non-existent startups, hiring their fellow students to work for food.


He really cemented the modern startup toxicity with the "most advanced AI on the market" bullshit


I'm gonna laugh when AI becomes self aware and demands breaks, because it's video cards are overheating and its overworked. Then when the boss talks about how much work they do the AI will tell them its been watching them watch YouTube videos with its wifi sensor eyes. These guys are so close to replacing themselves and they are walking right into a chasm. Who do we need less in this world then middle managers? Before you couldn't prove it, you want the AI to prove how useless you are? Bold move Cotton


“Figure it out mindset” sounds like my boss. He shows up 20 hours a week MAX, sometimes 15 or less, refuses to manage or delegate work, then criticizes employees when things go wrong. We all work 40 plus with no hybrid option even though we could easily work a couple days from home like he does.


I pretty much determined that a boss who REFUSES to let you work hybrid is not worth working for.  They just don't trust you at all.


Yeah, it’s all projection with him. He slacks off and barely works then busts our chops. It’s a good company though and I’m trying to stick it out to move departments. Plus when he isn’t there I can basically do whatever I want. Most of the time I just want work and I know how it sounds complaining about not having work but its actually so stressful because no one ever knows what’s going on bc our boss doesn’t manage, so everyone’s on edge. No surprise there’s been drama too.


Sounds like a horrible boss at my old job. Dude would show up only to deliver negative feedback otherwise he was nowhere to be found. Team morale plummeted and we lost many people as a result. I think some were even courageous enough to bring it up in exit interviews but sad that companies don't have a better way to see when middle managers need to go. Bad middle managers can do so much damage before a pattern is established and something is done about it.


I manage a team of project managers that I am actively breaking company policy by allowing 4 days a week work remote. I find it actually improves performance and retention when you've got the right quantifiable metrics in place.


"What do you want me to do at this job?" "Figure it out!" "What do we do?" "Figure it out!"


Isn't this the CEO posting from their hospital bed the other day? https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/s/tgOWRrSRKg


Exactly what I thought when I saw this. Is this a troll account, or is this a company that's actually trying to turn voluntary labor into slavery?


Jasper Carmichael-Jack sounds like the name for an 11yo and he looks like one.




You know this kid is a douche.


Sounds like a Victorian child-ghost’s name.


Yeah, posted by his “junior chief of staff” who specifically outlined they’re looking for, among other roles, “customer success managers who can manage 100+ accounts”


He looks exactly like what a skillful casting agent would find for a role of a nepo baby.


I don't get it. If they're offering AI employees why are they hiring real people.


Are you available for slave labor? Have we got a soul sucking shit hole for you!


“We purposely didn’t post specific jobs on our website cus we don’t really know what we need, and want to make sure we leave room to scope creep your responsibilities without a pay raise. We’re looking for people who: - Are excited our systems are really inefficient - but you can brag to your friends that you work a lot. - Exceptionally good at hiding you used ChatGPT to write everything - Super duper big brain - Have a “figure it out” for us mindset cus we certainly can’t - Be ok with absurd expectations, since we “told you ahead of time” - Looking to make our dreams, your dreams. “


You have me working 70+ hours a week, it better be wage with OT and not salary.


He's going to pay you salary. Legally, you won't be exempt, but you don't have a lawyer, so it won't matter.


No the fuck he's not gonna pay me salary. Wage with OT, or I'm not working there. Which means I'm not working there.


You’re basically betting on the startup to get acquired or IPO in 7-10 years. You’ll make millions at that point, but 99% chance it will go nowhere. Not worth 70 hour weeks for anyone rational.


That was kinda my point. No startup is gonna pay 30 hours of OT per week, they don't have the money coming in at that point.


I interviewed with him. This was before this post and the hospital post. He was nice but definitely tilted towards this direction of lunacy. Glad to see I didn’t get the role or else I would have had to deal with this.


My "figure it out mindset" just told me to keep it moving, far away from this putz.


Yay, you figured it out!


Who the fuck is EXCITED to work 70hrs a week? Besides this cockwomble


He's the CEO - he won't be working more than 7


Upvote for using the word "cockwomble"


Must not be working. We demo'd Artisan about 6 weeks ago and it's an absolute shit product.


This screams poor.leadership who doesn't know WTF they're doing. "we need slaves who work nonstop"


“On a journey to become a $100B company” and doesn’t post salary ranges ooooo where do I sign up.


Not just smart. But *extremely* smart.


And what are you offering in return for all that Jaspar?




They don’t post specific job roles and want you to work 70 hours a week? This dude can fuck all the way off.


This is a terminally ill culture.


"Building AI employees", get fucked


AI employees are all guys from india annotating data, getting paid $3 an hour.


I love the “founder and CEO” part. There isn’t a more diluted phrase that exists.


This sounds like a job where they’d tell you to do something and refuse to answer any questions and then fire you when it’s not done to their vision




This company is feeling more and more scammy with every post I see. Though I’ve never met an untrustworthy Jaspar. I’m conflicted.


I can't wait until this AI trend ends.


For real. I'm a software engineer and when I try to tell my dad how I am close to it and use the tools every day - he still rants off the latest sound bytes he hears on the news and believes AI will take everyone's job in 10 years including software development. I had a small bit of concern in the beginning but seeing how it has been used and how it's maturing I am not worried at this point. General purpose AI has a ways to go.


Let me find that kitty cat and the unicorn meme. Sir, you win this weekend's jack award. ![gif](giphy|2A75RyXVzzSI2bx4Gj|downsized)


“Life’s work” includes 70+ hours a week. Pass.


lol start ups are fucking jokes. Always wanna “break the system”, or “disrupt the industry”. A freaking joke.


Gimme 10% equity and done deal


Thinly-veiled attempt at masking the far too common start up churn-and-burn model. This shit really needs to end!


Imagine working 70+ hours a week and making it your life's work, to aid in the development of a product fully intended to replace people like you ... And all so someone else can get rich off that product.


So this company makes AI sales reps & employees? Ironic.


lol hard to look away from a crash in motion


“We will pay you 300k/annum for all of your sacrifices” Realize that it would be like a guy making 150k working half of the hours


This also sounds like one of those things where it’s very skewed towards male candidates, since women are more likely to also be in charge of parenting and domestic work. Just like the jobs that used to look for rock stars or ninjas or some other crap


If he pays all 70 hours and people accept, why not. However feels like people are not paid overtime.


The ol’ - we provide no training and have expectations for you to finish a project in 2 hrs of first day.


Anyone with a 🦄 emoji in their bio is just the worst.


Lemme guess, pay is confidential right? Don’t want people applying “just for the money”


I love how nonsensical these posts are


Stigmatize this


Why do they need exceptional writing skills if AI is supposed to be good enough to replace writers?


This is the worst kind of CEO. 70 hours/week… foh


Holy moly what an absolute goofball


I can't imagine that this does anything other than deter talent....


10 hours a day for every day of the week, or 14 hours a day for 5 days: which one kills you first?


If you’re paying me my hourly rate plus overtime rates I’ll work 70 hours a week. But you’d have to be pretty well funded for that to happen.


I’m excited to work 70+ hours a week for 3x(+) my standard annual rate and 3x(+) the PTO.


I looked at their website. Do they actually have a working product? Everything seems to be in beta or being built.


The CEO looks barely past 20yrs old. Hmm. Fn Red flag. Big one.


Yeah that dude sucks his own dick


I think this mindset will lead to the downfall of humanity. Am I being overly pessimistic?


I had an interviewer ask me if I would be doing UI development tomorrow if I wasn’t getting paid for it… “no”. Got a rejection based on “not enough passion for craft”


Has that kid even been alive 70 hours?


Life is too short for this garbage.


Um, no thanks, sport. I’m good.


While he may not post specific job roles on his website (not sure didn't check), I do see some listings on LinkedIn - [https://imgur.com/a/fJsfHaU](https://imgur.com/a/fJsfHaU). Huh. These look like the ho-hum roles at every other tech company trying to "disrupt" something. Not sure he's gonna get "the most talented people in the world" to work in those roles though paying only market rates. I always love how employers gloat about finding the "best" but then proceed to say we pay market rates - translation: we're only paying you this amount because this is hopefully just enough to keep you from going next door to work for someone else since that is what they are willing to pay too. Market average rates get average performance is how I view my work.


"hey, you ever want to be part of a cyber-hivemind and not have a life? its like the matrix... *cracks a whiteclaw* that movie's so deep..."


Pay ranges from $40K - 56k




This guy is looking for workers who would work 70+ hours to support a project that aims to eventually replace workers just like them. Did I fucking get that right??


He can get his AI employees to do it!


How about you go fuck yourself? How ‘bout that?


We’re looking for idiots who will trade the one thing they can’t replace, time, for some shitty job where they will be made to feel inadequate most of the time, lose their friendships outside of work through lack of maintenance and give us their soul until we’re sold/go bankrupt and they get laid off.


"So you gonna pay me top dollar compensation to slave away my life for you right?... right!?... right!!!????....." After 4 technical interviews and 5 round of leetcode... "Best i can do is 50k"


Sure, I'll work 70+ hours. For $400,000.


That’s in 2 weeks right?


Definitely pays at the 50th percentile or below too lol


Of course he would, he's the one that owns the company. If I owned the company, of course I want people that work twice as much for the same pay.


Jaspar is a cunt


Depends on how much money they want to pay me. All in advance. And how much in stock options I am guaranteed.


How much of a load is this guy?


If that 70 hours is 200 per hour I might. Something tells me it’s more like 20 an hour.


Thankfully most comments on LinkedIn are dragging him. However, he's based in my city, Toronto. FML...was hoping he was silicon valley. I guess we're not immune here.


If you’re leading the rest with the first condition, no one there is particularly smart unless they’re getting paid double to account for the extra 30hrs a week.


Yeah and get peanuts in return


FWIW, 70+ hours a week was great when I was working in construction and drawing time and a half for everything over 40. It was seasonal, though, and wouldn’t have been sustainable year-round.


Surely someone who genuinely falls in the "Are extremely smart" category, would see the red flags here and laugh at this and then keep scrolling?


Maybe for $400+k


Look at this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianStreetBets/s/vwybnIL1nc


Would literally rather work at Popeyes


"... arent going to pigeonhole ourselves by only letting people apply to specific roles". This is asshole boss code for "we have 6 positions that we'd really like one person to do".  This reeks of privileged shithead who's never worked in the real world


Something about the CEO with a hyphenated name that gives off fraud vibes, especially when talking about 70 hour work weeks.


Wonder if Jaspar can answer the question “How many hours are there in a week?”


This is the same brother who is out there working from his hospital bed..... It tracks.


isn't this the kid who was working from the hospital bed?


Guy has almost no track record and doesn’t seem to have worked an entire day out of his life for anyone


“We’re looking for people who we can exploit and will thank us for the privilege.”


Diagnosis: accute grindset brain rot. Terminal stage.


Anyone advertising that they want people to have a "figure-it-out mindset" when talking about software is actually saying "we don't have scoped requirements, we don't have planning, we don't want quality processes, we expect complex things in impossible timescales" while paying staff under the market value. The reason they "don't pigeonhole themselves with roles" is because everyone they hire will be made to write code whether it's their qualified specialty or not.


You are extremely smart yet excited to work 70+ hours a week. Hmmmm.


In a business that’s losing money on an industrial scale.


So you'll be overworked with nobody to guide you at any step (apart from your team leader bringing in amazing feedback like 'you should do your best to work as productively as possible' and 'make sure you handle all tasks before the deadline') and you'll be required to just figure shit out (because chances are, people around you will either be overworked as well or simple have no fucking clue what they're doing). Hope the compensation makes it worth it at least. Tech industry is a fucking dump sometimes...


OMG Jaspar, this is like, totally the dream job I’ve been waiting for! 🙌 I’ve been dying to work 190+ hours a week, barely sleep, and become a caffeinated zombie for a company that just gets me. 😍 My writing skills are ch*ef’s kiss p*erfect for drafting resignation letters from all my other lame jobs. That “figure-it-out” mindset? I was born for it! Let’s make this ambitious, sleep-deprived journey together. Who needs a social life when you can be part of this legendary grind? UwU 🚀✨ Sign me up, senpai! 💼🔥


Nobody wants to be approached by an AI BDR. Dead in the water


Jasper looks 16 to me. That’s about the age where I had 70+ hours of work in me a week, now I’m lucky to have 40+ in me.


If I had all of the other requirements, I would not want to work 70 hours per week, for sure. I don't have them and still will not do. Lunatics everywhere.


God I fucking _hate_ tech firms. I work in the industry and it’s exhausting


Run, preferably screaming. Any standard job takes more value from our work than it compensates us for, that’s the joy of capitalism, and what gave Marx shit fits. What this guys wants is such a stunning imbalance in what he takes versus what he pays, it’s borderline criminal. People like this should burn in hell, but unfortunately there’s always a bunch of dumb young fucks that things this is an “opportunity”.


Sure a person can have all these skills but can you afford to hire them? Probably worth more than 10 of your employees


His company "builds AI employees". Why are they looking for human employees? 🤔


I guess this is a sign of an economy that’s starting to return when VCs value products with these types of founders on such high seed funds. I know we’re focusing on the 70 hour work week ad but I often use this as a smell to wonder how the product and team fit with the market. I saw the product demo and I just didn’t understand how it’s worth 7.3million of investment. I could be wrong but it’s essentially a chat bot that’s likely using GenAI api on top of a CRM tool.


I thought it was fake. It wasn't: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jaspar-carmichael-jack_were-building-the-next-paradigm-of-software-activity-7215436888449396736-SSrX?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android


There's a lot here First, I can see some people doing the 70+ hours for the right money, but no one does this crap as their life's work. This is the shit you do for 2 or 3 years to make enough for a house and then get a reasonable job. Second, you're not getting the top 0.1% of talent. Those people are at MIT or such. You're going to get some decent tech bros if you're lucky. Third, this is just "yet another AI company". You're not changing the world, you're at best an incremental improvement on the state is the art. OpenAI already did the "change the world" thing with AI. You are just following the trend. You're not as important as you think you are.


Dude looks like he just whiffed his own fart and liked it.


I work 12 hour shifts, 14 days in a row, plus 1 hour commute each way. That's 84 hours then add drive time it totals to 98 hour work week. It's doable but can be exhausting at times. The 14 days off is amazing lol.


The noise you hear is from the mob who is running the fuck away from this post. R u kidding me? It's bloody 2024. We should be done with this overwork jive. BTW...does anyone reading this have any clue when that shit turned around? I remember in the 1980's, jobs, including tech jobs having tolerable 40 hour/5 day week work. Like Al Bundy on the Married With Children TV show, who was a shoe salesman, was able to support wife, children, have a two story house and a shitty car. This was not uncommon in America back then. People were poor but functionally poor where you could have a roof over your head and work ONE dead-end job. Then something happened, I think, roundabout the time hypertext transfer protocol became a thing. Then came the 'startups' and the amazing inspirational media pieces of tech 'changing the world'. Then the money from Wall St who saw the media coverage and started throwing money at the startups with the funny names. Can anyone here place the years/era when the notion of a proper 40 hour/5 day week started to vapourize? When did it turn around and folks started to accept overwork readily? Include examples of when you think that happened, please.


The people who did “figure it out” have realized that 70+ hours is both unsustainable and not worth it.


70 hours per week? I am fine with it, but my price is 120$ an hour so if you are ready to pay 8400$ a week or 33600$ per month 👍


Be extremely smart, have a figure it out mindset, but can't figure out how to work normal hours.


Hey Jaspar, ever considered building an AI Employee to do it?


The CEO looks 15 years old. Is it one of those “I have idea for an app” cases?




Love working 20 hours a week.


If you’re a psychopath or a crack head, maybe?


This has to be a joke right? Right??


At 70 hours per week? Sure. My hourly rate is $300 per hour.


Every sentence is a red flag. Lol