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Best to marry her before she takes all that luck and walks out of your life!


Maybe the luck will then be shared!


With your kind of luck? I don't think so!


Maybe OP spent all their life’s luck on finding such an awesome girlfriend. 😊 


Worst case she can start carrying you with her 10.5s lol


Is this the new meta? Gf carry?


The dream!


Hopefully people understand that this is a joke post (is it, right?)


Hahaha yes it is, she laughed hard while i was writing this and showed her it to her Im still crying tho


I have this with my wife. We also used to play black desert online and her gear was similar to mine despite a 10k hour difference in playtime (a lot of afk in BDO) because her rng was just crazy good. We genuinely don’t do anything 8* or above together any more unless it’s a hat. Even missing out on all her paintballs, I progress faster some how.


Yeah cuz no way op has a gf


Joke or not that relationship is doomed, because the thought was there.


Exactly. she should definitely leave him and find another guy who’s able to pull his own weight and get a similar amount of WGS as hers




I didn't ask any question.


had something similar with a buddy. he never got a wgs before. we went on a long walk together and he got 2 wgs over 5 hours and i got nothing for the next two weeks. we joked that he stole my luck and that i wont go hunting with him again, but i did. and we always have fun. youre already blessed and damn lucky to be able to be playing with your partner. also when she sleeps take her phone and spend all those shards on armor.


Hahah, yes, i am insanely lucky, but when it comes to actually luck she has been gathering them WGs. We do have a very small "competition" if someone gets a WG, the other person is always "ha ha ha.. happy for you" while trying to make a smile. And it has becoming a fun joke Good luck with you and your friend! The bonus reward for hunting with other people has also often been very good, and i wish you guys happy hunting!


Better sell them for some sweet Zenny!


During the double drops event, my gf raked in over 20 rarity 6 drops.  I got 7. Just try to remember: improving her gear makes hunts easier for *you*, too. 


Upvoting this. Been with my lady for 7 years and if she played this game I’m sure her super-luck would rub off on it too and I’d be typing this same post. Wishing you two a happy and long partnership ❤️


Amazing to hear! Maybe you can sneakily get her to play aswell? Happy Hunting <3


Lucky you to have a partner playing together while us soloing everything cry in the corner.. 😭 and Congratulations on back to back rare drop!! Its super lucky!


Let her carry you, there's increased chances for wgs when she slays 10* tzi-tzi for you


Yea dude, break up with her, she’s not worth all the WG luck, you are being robbed my man ROBBED BLIND


I feel like that with my alt lately since the main got 2 saliva last event and the alt got 7 but rng will do what rng wants 🤷🏻‍♂️ 


I get that it’s a joke but I never joke about breaking up with my gf. That and divorce (if we get married) are off the table of jokes. And it’s a pretty large table. It’s just my opinion but I think joking about it sets a precedent for its possibility and if I’m fin a commit to and marry the loml, ain’t no way I’m joking about breaking a covenant


You should actually get married and divorce her that way you get half her WGs in the process.


I'm tired at SAEDing pickles face, won't drop a saliva


Breakup with me I got 8 today (no double) :D


Show her that unhappy kid meme where people send to those who post double WGS drops in this sub. Show it to her every time she goes on a streak and you get none 😂




Right after reading your post I got 2 WGS from the next 3 8* fight.  Thank you! :) 


Man, I know that goes RNGeues, loves my partner more than me too.


Happy wife... happy life... dun forget this...


You should definitely break up with her. That's just unacceptable.


Well, it means she is unhappy in the relationship. /s Bad luck in love is good luck in the game.


Thank god I'm not the only ones significant other steals there 6 drops I have had a total of 23 rarity 6 in my playtime she's already at 43 and hasn't even unlocked 8* yet 😭😭


It was other way around for me and my wife. We both rock breaker builds since launch. 3 months ago she pushes into g8 hunts and no wgs . 1 month later I finally slay the monster I sat on since November that was a 7* urgent rath. Well even b4 I went g8 she hadn't gotten 1. I had em raining on me. By my 8th 8* I had 3 which I doubled on wgs. Another month goes by.... no wgs for her. Then I cam up with a silly conclusion that I swear to. I know get a wgs in first 3 hunts usually on g8 hunts. I have to say I honestly think .... the more armor/weapons you have at G7.5 then..... the desire sensory gets tickled... And on this note I had way more armors and weapons as such and told her to be patient her luck will change when she brings more weapons / armor to g7.5 It's as if the game has a desire, algortihm that says " what's up doc..? How many pieces of wgs you need?....... only 4?! Come back when you need 12-20 " she doing good now and she's about 2 hr lower then me. 154 and 152


Don't dump her man


First its the hoodies, now its the WG drops. Is nothing is this world sacred for men anymore? (BTW she's a keeper, but I figured you know that already).


Killed 100s of 8 star, no wyvern gem. Bought season pass coz I passed 50, and I need 2 more wyvern gem to upgrade my lvl 8 rathian bow from level 2 to 3. New patch drop with track monster of your choosing. I chose Legiana 8 stars. That single day of patch drop I got 5-6 wyvern gems in about 10 monsters, right after I paid my season pass. P2W for luck amirite? Its been 2 weeks+, I aint getting a drop of wyvern gem again. The drop rate is just bull crap. And is anyone getting laggy on the game? Like freezing for 1 second for 3-4 times per round?


This is about how it goes when me and my wife play borderlands. I'll be getting commons from bosses while she'll be dropping legendaries off of trash mobs.


Bro, you've got a GF that'll game with you. I don't want to hear you whine about your "bad luck." You can fuck right off with that. 😆😂😫😭


Ugh this hits home My gf is only now on rank 7 monsters, has like 15wgs mostly from me carrying lol She struggles against the 7 stars, she really just unlocked it She got her first on the jyura event when she was level 20! When tziki released she got double drop, but takes me months to find one lol Every time I invite her to an 8 star fight, she gets paid out It's not fair haha


You helped your girlfriend get that many wyvern gem shards? That's awesome! You're like a good luck charm! Most people would kill for drop rates like that, and you're out here helping your girlfriend get them. That's awesome teamwork.


I have literally threatened my boyfriend over this same issue. If he gets another rare drop I'm breaking up.


Turn this into ultra points with her and tell her that you’re still luckier since you have her


Marry her, then take half her WGS in the ensuing divorce.


It sounds like she’s got the luck and you’re in the splash zone! /s but seriously I have the same thing with my wife and she hardly plays lol


U need to breakup !




@op You’re the best Drop she’s gotten in real life 😘 lol


I haven't gotten a single one lol. Only from quests


I SWEAR my husband gets the good drops right before I do. He’ll get a rare part we both need, then a few fights later or a day or two, I’ll get it. It’s like the game knows


Get married and if it happens again, divorce her and take half the WG’s


It comes in waves.  My wife got 12 Zinogre plates before I got my first, then I ended up passing her during the thunder week.  Your time will come.


Some BS luck happened to me, too So, about 3 months ago, right around when Zinogre came out, I needed 1 singler Diablos Marrow to upgrade my hammer to grade 7 and it was like this for 2 months I had to rely on the Barroth SnS because thats the only weapon I could actually get drops for. Btw this is what was blocking me from killing almost any 7 stars with it. Then I get the drop, finally upgrading my hammer all the way to G7L5, and then there's WGs so I was like "oh cool I just have to kill 2 Tobi and the urgent Rathalos and-" *LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER* NOW I HAVE TO DO AN ENTIRE NEW STORY WITH EVEN HARDER MONSTERS (naw but fr wtf was capcom thinking making the 3subs and devilj mandatory story) Because the update came out the next morning, Unfortunately I couldn't do it... I was I on the verge of unistalling, but I've been with MonHun forever, and I'm to loyal, so I spent 10$ JUST EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE WGs BUT NO NOW I HAVE ALL THIS EXTRA STUFF THAT IM FORCED TO PICK IT ALL UP AND NOW I HAVE TO GET RID CUS OF THIS SHITTY LIMITTED INVENTORY WHY IS THIS A THING IT NEVER HAS BEEN.


Shes clearly using you… has been biding her time waiting for the perfect opportunity to enchant you and steal your luck while you also praise her being the good boyfriend that you are. Theres only one way to get your syphoned luck back… you remember medusa?? Thats right you know what must be done.


Dump her ass


We need this in greentext


Dudeeeeeee, same here. My bf keeps stealing my luck and all the WGS, plates, and mostly… freakin djo SALIVA 😭 He used to show me his drops. Now he knows better. Now, he hides his smile, excitement and phone from me once we finish a hunt. But yet, I always have a feeling when he gets a rarity 6. I somehow ALWAYS KNOW. I’m glad someone else feels my pain. Good luck on your drops sir.


OP's face when his gf kept getting rare drops: https://preview.redd.it/t3gdctg2shzc1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274377246aab2c82bc948ff77e482d0cc9a812ed


Same thing happened to me. My wife finishes her story quests and unlocked the 8* monsters first. So we farmed all the 8* monsters for WG from her account. She was able to get her G8 weapon relatively quickly while I only ever saw one WG in that same amount of time. It was frustrating and I wanted to quit so many times. Even considered divorce to get back my amazing RNG. But we have two dogs together and I love those drool monsters too much. So instead I took a small hiatus and just started playing again when this season started. Now I'm the one with all the luck, getting WGs, Zinogre plates and Deviljho salovas. I finally caught up in gear with my wife and we're enjoying the game together again. Stay strong and have hope, King! Your time will come!


She doesn’t steal luck. It’s her lucky day. It happens often where you don’t get anything for weeks and then you get a backlog of luck and get it all in 1 day. This has happened very often in my friend group. It plays on people playing with friend and they hope the envy will make you spend.


Lucky dude, I sneakily installed MHN on my wife’s phone and it was gone the next day 🥹 Her sole passion is dragging me down in overcooked…


Happens that way with my wife too.


Just borrow her phone ana delete her account.


Ngl my wife has been doing the same thing. I’ve been trying to look up a good divorce lawyer but luckily enough, the internet keeps dropping every time I hit search on Google.


Remind me of when my partner and I were playing base MHW (this was the same year as release). After 450 hours of grinding... not a single Atk jewel drop... my partner? Well, she only had 150 hours but managed to get over 5 atk jewels to drop.... 3 of them she got in one day. The struggle in base MHW lol


She's a keeper don't let her go


Get used to it. 20 years down the track she'll be taking everything in the divorce too.


Haha, just have to suck it up, there are days the jealousy I felt when my wife get 5 WGS in the mere 2 hrs of playing. There are also days where I get more than 4 WGS where she get nothing. There are good days & there are bad days , just congrat her. It nice to be playing as a couple though.


Hahah, yes, no we are obviusly happy for eachother. Good you can play with your wife! But she thought it was really funny and is just pulling my leg a little.


What you need to do is remember her account. Once she sleeps, quietly steal her phone and use your account in her mhn, then change the avatar matching hers and rename her. Slowly put her phone back and change your account to hers and change your avatar and name to your character. Next day just say "there was a bugp making some people loose or gain LV and items. Also the titanic id is also all messed up."


Easy, get married but don't sign a prenup.


What’s funny, is this is the EXACT opposite for me and my wife. We do everything together, but she’s higher level than me. We kill a monster, I get rares, double rares, etc.. I have 19 WG, she has 4..I have 6 Saliva now, she has 0 😂


I feel this post! When my partner and I go for our runs, she tends to get more of the Rarity-4 and above materials than I do. Still love her though! Glad your partner’s having a great time too with the game!


Don't worry. She just wasted all the luck today. Tomorrow is your time to shine.


I just got my first WGS drop from a marked monster TODAY and you guys get multiple in one day? Fugg outta here, y’all stealing MY luck.


This sounds like a chat gpt summary


Desire Sensor put you through the ringer today.


Its ok as long as you're the one getting all the tails ( literally and figuratively) 😏


despair sensor upgrade to the desire sensor?! Damn mhnow is truly the next gen monster hunter


She belongs to the streets (this is obviously a joke)


Ah yes, your "girlfriend" that got "9 rare drops" in a day... bet she's "from Canada" and "goes to another sub"


Wtf bro there is no thing such stealing luck


That's clearly a joke


It sounds like your girlfriend might be a witch I would suggest you dunk her in a well to be sure ofc