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Are you saying the product is disappearing or?


Not disappearing, I am missing this space completely when doing my eyeshadow. It’s looks like I took a Q-tip and wiped off the crease area of my eyelid lol.


So the shadow isn't sticking? Are your eyes deep set? And what tool are you using to apply it there?


I don’t think it’s the shadow not sticking, maybe the way I am applying my eyeshadow possibly. When I’m almost done applying eyeshadow I’ll look straight into the mirror and tilt my head all the way up to get a full view of my eyelids and that’s when I notice this gap. I don’t believe I have deep set eyes (I just googled and my eyes don’t really fit the description when I looked at pictures) but my eyelids are big and look a little hooded. I typically start off with a flat brush on my entire lid, then when I do my outer lid and crease I’ll use a pencil crease brush.


It's kinda difficult to say since there's no photo reference, but I also think it has to do with the application process too.


I have been taking the time to pay attention more as I’m applying the shadow to my lid. So far, I have not been leaving the weird gap I described lol. Thank you for taking the time to reply, i appreciate it!