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EDIT - I actually counted its 8 Granaries.


Do you have enough market space?


I've got about 70 open slots right now.


hm does it work if it’s only one family per stall maybe you need more families working graneries so there’s more stalls?


Yeah, that's def what i'm trying rn. Just made 2 more granaries, closer to the market and the trading zone, so we'll see once their stocked.


yeah i was having a problem with firewood for some reason but i had a ton of wood cutters and storehouses going. i ended up setting my market to import firewood and setting a count and for some reason that helped. could be just buggy too


Double check that as many of your food stalls as possible are being run by granary workers and make sure the granaries are as close to the market as possible. With that many families you need a lot of goods making it to market every month and your bottleneck is almost certainly there. Having a ton of excess in storage is nice as a buffer but if it isn't making it to market fast enough there will be shortages.

