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An “employment” window like Banished - that shows all professions and how many people you have at each, and the ability to adjust that in the window instead of going to each building.


Or like a guild section, where you can assign people to jobs and limit the materials farmed. So I don’t end up with 300 planks. And better pause system




Might I add, a way to view the production and consumption of the whole region per month and year. Even better if it goes to individual buildings or families/household.


I read somewhere that the dev purposefully wants to obfuscate the production figures so that you can never have full visibility on these figures. Not sure what the rationale is, but I wouldn't hold my breath for the level of transparency you wish for.


1000x this, maybe not the auto-adjust feature but having the info would be amazing


Upgrade/perk system so unlocking everything is possible.


yeah just finish the base game and qol


I specifically meant what part of the base game to finish/release first


When I realized you can’t unlock everything I was kind of sad but I think Greg wants us focused on a region for food and a region for mining


Making the effect of the perks global while still keeping local cap on the number of perks. Makes you still make other smaller settlements to specialise. I’d rather see region-to-region trade be expanded upon though. Just set up a separate trading building with all the same mechanics as the current one but let us choose where the shit goes. Seems better for gameplay IMO instead of just steamrolling perks into one super town.


There is a mod on Nexus to give you unlimited points


Being able to refund development points would be great. But not for free.


Yeah, maybe an influence cost


Yes please! I want to experiment


You do know you can just troll another map?


There is a mod on the Nexus which gives you unlimited points


I would like to be able to have more dev points, i get that being limited forces you to expand and trade between regions, but the ammount we have is to limited imho. Maybe limit it for other regions appart from the capital


More than 6 units of militia. Tiers 4,5,6 of buildings. Qol for production buildings.


>Tiers 4,5,6 of buildings. Dude wants to supply 24 different types of foods and 18 different types of clothing and a level 6 church with gold tiles, a full alehouse per burgage plot, a disco rollerskating ring and a football stadium voluntarily I'll stick with max level 3 for now, thanks


Why would we not want this? It's literally what the game is about—building a complex, sprawling medieval city. The three levels for now are fine, but adding a bit more headroom for the late game would be nice. As of now, you get to the endgame too quickly.. Why is it that so many here are quickly overstrained by even the smallest amount of complexity in this game?


Because greg has to make it all and ballooning the nice to have request list will not help with building a stable game This is not a santa claus list, this is reality.


Doesn't make any sense in a hypothetical wish list for 1.0 really? What are you on about..


Tier 4 is the last for buildings.


The 6 unit militia cap is actually a big issue I think. Sure it's plenty for any of the claims battles when you mix in retinue, but the issue is you're gonna get attacked every year by 4 units of bandits from any corner of the map, and they'll immediately be in one of your towns if you've expanded...and it's not easy to deal with, with a single retinue coming from that town if you don't have militia available for every town that may be attacked, which is all of them except the middle territory. That's not even 1 militia per town lol


i was confused the militia system wasn't available for each territory. That was also before i realized there is no AI opponents on the map hopefully that changes when thats implemented.


Fingers crossed. That and maybe a simple multiplayer so me and my friends can trade...or raid each other haha


First? Policies. I'm a Cities Skylines nerd, so that might have something to do with it. A well implemented policy system can completely change the feeling of a town.


I need my cavalry, some stables and butcher and swineherd buildings.


im bummed at all the loading artwork has this dude on a horse and there is no calvary. also in a higher tiered settlement tournaments for a entertainment buff v just having the taverns.


Quality of life stuff and the perks being done. It desperately needs some extra tooltips and information for the player on *why* your city suddenly ran out of ale or why all your imported goods are just sitting in the trade post.


I think they need to reduce ale consumption or increase ale production or both, i literally just build a tavern and immediately queue up t3 houses immediately to get my dev points.


just pause the game at that point and mass upgrade. it’ll save u from stress


I'd say the farming needs to be fleshed out a lot more. Dairy (cheese was an essential part of the diet, from goats, sheep and cows), multiple meat sources (chicken was actually less common in peasant diets, but pork, mutton, oxen, fish were staples), hay (or pasture as part of crop rotations). So much more than berries from the forests (forest management was a big task in general). Even the straw from grain production was a needed material in construction, bedding, animal feed, insulation, etc. There's a whole rabbit hole of detailed gameplay ripe for those who want it. The lack of peas and beans in particular is glaring. They were both a critical part of the diet for both people and animals, as well as being a part of crop rotations because they put fertility back in the soil. The BBC made an excellent series called Tales From The Valley. A group of archaeologists get a farm from the 1600s up and running, and work it for a year. Gives those curious a taste of what it was like in that period.


Castle building. I want to have some grindy end goal to work towards


Ai opponents on the map....


I'd say fix the balance for trade and farming so it's easier to use effiently. Than maybe some later game techs and upgrades to makes the games less redondant in the later stages.


Farming is pretty easy tbh, although it would be nice to assign more than one ox for plowing, since I pretty much halt every production line to farm


Can't you have more than one farm house that employs an ox?


It is, but the autofarming with crop rotation is very inefficient. Farmers walk very weird path, sometimes halfway across the region and they often harvest field that haven't finished growing... and as soon as October starts, the game erases anything that is still in the field. I think that last point is an easy fix though : just make it so they don't plow a file that hasn't been fully harvested. That would make farming with several towns much more efficient while being actually more realistic.


Event / Quest / End-Game Content.. like in year 10, a Great Heathen Army of 3000 will start the invasion in 365 days for example, you can do quest to reduce their number.. Each run should have a random End-Game Content..


Large stables and being able to store wood logs in something other than a lumber camp. For some reason none of my store houses can take them.


I want my troops to set up war camps in the field, so they can rest instead of standing doing nothing in the middle of the forest. Of course this would cost resources, like food to maintain them there. You could attach horse and squire to the retinue so they can carry equipment. I want a priest assigned to the church to augment influence, and a citizen specifically designed to collect taxes. I want festivities and events in town. I want a Inn upgrade to the bar , so we can have foreigners visiting the tavern, they may want to joi the military or trade, or just pass by to tell some history, they could spread some rumours about the military situation of other lords (" i heard they saw a large military force coming from north")


Spend influence into development points


I want the simple things fixed first. Archer damage is literally 0 right now. Had to download a mod to fix saw pit. And the AI expanding like crazy is ridiculous. Everything else can wait until the game breaking no fun things are fixed


I really need to be able to see icons of buildings. Like I sometimes get confused if I already build a building yet or where it is. I know about tab, but that doesn't show it good enough imo


More interesting maps and landscapes and city walls.


Cavalry so that archers can be unnerfed without being op


Too many things to fix first before expanding imo, such as farming which is completely bugged.


While I’m excited about the new ideas circulating..until certain things that bother me are fixed I probably won’t check out the new stuff :(


I’d just like to be able to take my village from town to legit city. Stone walls, castles, bigger buildings, etc. would love to be able to have a big city in the center of the map and then smaller towns and villages around it. Long-term I’d love if you could play on adjacent maps and trade woth your off-map towns. Would especially love a river system wide/deep enough for barge/boat travel and fishing. 


I just really want more in depth UI eg. to know the rate at which my resources are being used. If I knew how much food I needed to feed everyone, I could trade the rest. I’d also know if I needed to build more bakeries etc. For now it’s just trial and error which is kind of annoying


Plotable areas (like farms) for lumber camps/foresters. And let me have them cycle through the areas so that they have a new area to cut down when they finish the other one. Also, if i could make gardens as a seperate attachment to burgage plots so i can also remove the seperately. I want to be able to grow outry village and put the bug gardens at the oute edge so my core village can get denser.


Just an order I'd prefer them from top to bottom. Allowing all burgage plots militia to pick up chainmail. Not just lvl 3. It's nonsense to not protect your troops just because of their housing level. Logistics and markets ... upgrades? Updates? Let me gosh dang stock 100 firewood for my 50 houses. I have 500 in my stockpiles I don't want to have 80% coverage whilst my storehouse workers are "waiting" because there's nothing to do. One way to do that would be to have markets be built like burgage plots. Have the markets be like extra storehouses that are specific market storehouses which have possible extension slots for clothing, firewood, food. One stall each. Supply served and counted from the market storehouses resources. In a way like the trading posts work. Only resources in there can be used. Archers to do more than they do now. A little quicker, more damage from back or flanking damage but keep as weak as they are now to front. Archers in medieval times weren't ever the killing machines other medieval games make them up to be and it should stay the way it is now for that aspect. Cavalry to be added. I'm pretty sure one of the hidden military perks is horse breeding. Probably on the right trading side some mule breeding. Oxen in the farming tree. More manor buildings. The breeding reworked. Just magically spawn multiply sheep's can... well. At some point a yearly 300 new hatched sheep either break the game or the economy.


Definitely the options for food, like meat production and processing. And then the military, even a small one like increasing the size of retinue just to get it even with 36 per unit like the enemy by being able to put two garrisons. Well, there's a mod like that anyway, but it's better to be in the base game.


Fixing the treasury counter in the top right so it correctly shows the monthly treasury income, would be enough for me for now.


New maps and customisation options. For me this would add more replayability than development of whole new systems while also requiring way less dev manpower. Basically grow out EA gameplay as a really broad sandbox while developing big new systems in the background.


I just want it to stop making my keyboard stop working. Makes it where I can't save or quit. Unless I'm missing the button you can click to find the menus for save and quit it needs one so I don't need the keyboard to work to quit the game. First time it happened I thought it was my keyboard battery.


Combat and armies, first of all remove the stupid 6 unit cap. I pretty much stopped playing once I hit that cap. Seems kinda pointless expanding when I can’t even raise militia to defend my new towns and instead just have to park mercs in them.


I think they implemented the 6 militia cap due to the base map, you cab easily conquer the entire map with two well developed cities, especially with two fully upgraded retinues and archers.


I think a removal of the 6 unit cap is agreeable so as long as there are trade offs with fielding larger forces for extended campaigns. For instance, food and heat source should add on to the consumption of the local economies as this will continue the spirit of the settlement management side of the game. This means additional sources will need to be set aside for campaign in the form of a baggage train serving as a mini mobile granary-store house (which can be raided), or a slightly higher rate of consumption of food and firewood/charcoal. Since your militia IS the economy, I also think the loss of each militia men should always cause grief which can be done by lowering their home settlement's opinion by one point. I much prefer that we continue engaging with all the game's systems to achieve our desired outcomes without arbitrarily restricting the player. From that point, our creativity and material and human resources are the limit.


I need that militia spam damnit

