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I think allocating 100% of development resources to tutorialize draft 1 of an early access build would be a gross misuse of resources.


This guy managers.


Yeah. Tutorials are cool. But I find the current tips satisfactory and many players do enjoy the process of learning the mechanics. New features or QOL are surely more appreciated at this point.


Yeah part of the fun I'm having is learning new things, starting over and implementing that knowledge. The game has a learning curve and if you get of that, I think you'll lose some of the charm.


And honestly let the professional YouTubers do their thing! It's a great symbiosis--the devs focus on deep systems with hopefully at least a little bit of clarity or tutorial guidance. And then streamers, who have dedicated their careers to clear, entertaining communication, reveal tips and tricks and tutorials to us. And for any other gaps, the larger community updates a wiki and discusses questions on social media like Reddit.


I'd rather be able to demolish or upgrade buildings en masse before getting a tutorial.


Presumably the dev isn't spending *all* of his time coding, and hopefully he enjoys and wants to play his own game. A "let's play" style video of him playing one of his own saves and a bit of commentary on what he's doing and why, or what he's thinking needs more work in the future, would be great for the community and isn't a material overhead.


I hope the dev is spending what time he isn't coding with his family, friends or doing something he loves. Burnout is no good for anyone.


Hopefully he *is* spending all of his working hours making the game. It’s taken 7 years to get to this point. It’s gonna be a long road ahead.


Agreed. I haven't been hooked on a game like this since BG3 EA though. Heres hoping Greg will be able to build a few housing plots to attract a workforce.




Agreed! Plus, we have so many great content creators that are making playthroughs, tutorials, builds, etc.


You telling me the guy ain’t played his own game… but yeh you are right.


No, I'd prefer the dev deving


If the dev stops devving, who does indeed, dev?


Dev devs


I think Greg is gregging




yeah feels like a community all trying to figure out how to survive


Wow you have some hangup against minmaxers hey. Then again I am first to criticise parasite youtubers who rush in with half baked theories and bullshit "BIGGEST VEGETABLE PLOT IN THE WORLD" trash to win those views with their misinformed fake news mechanics so I can't really talk


As long as he makes his roads spell funny shit and tortures his villagers like sims im game. I’ve watched hours of tutorials already on YouTube but I’m here for dev mayhem.


Just seeking clarification; you are looking for a dev play through where they play the game normally and maybe discuss why they designed something or a historical anecdote about another thing, not a dev tutorial?


Yeh that’s the kind of thing I was interested in knowing. Not like a step by step beginner guide. Almost like a director’s commentary on a film. Usually though, they are a while after release. Just want to know the mind of the maker and his angle as to how he’d play it.


No he should just focus on his job and keep fixing bugs and work on planned features.


I found the playthrough by One Proud Bavarian quite informative and fun in terms of historical context. Many cool facts about village styles etc.


This was where i got the idea from tbh. That guy gets it


I think that would be a bit of a waste. Buttt maybe you can watch The Spliffingbrits 6h livestream of the game, he's really into the mechanics and little things Greg implemented and might come close to filling your needs.


Cheers, I’ll check it out.


Also have a gander at OneProudBavarian. He did a stellar job at blending the historical into the play through.


No. You can learn medieval history on your own and i dont want all game mechanics be explained just for another game be ruined by game breaking min maxing. For me this game is supposed to be chill city builder with some small scale combat on the side. Already seen streamers bitching about it (oh my brain is lacking dopamine now after sweating every other game) And trying to overcomplicate the game. No this is supposed to be region scale city builder, i dont want 10k total war battles it just doesnt fit in.


I'm actually enjoying it more when I removed the other AI player. Just dealing with bandits and expanding the town is pretty fun


Great idea if there was more than one dev lol, especially since lots of stuff will change with updates anyway, so I'd focus on those


I always very much enjoy dev community streams.


That would be cool in the future after the 1.0 release. There’s clearly a lot of thoughtful historical research that has gone into this but in EA it seems premature IMO.


Oh for sure. I think there may be some vision for playing this that only the dev understands. It has unbelievable potential! I worry many are too focussed on how many chicken coups can sustain a helmet manufacturing trade post than the sheer beauty of the game :)


Tis I!


I want them to play challenging difficulty ...


If there were more devs on the team, yes. But there aren't, so no.


Idk.. i never watch videos like that. 😆 I find it boring. Let me explore the game. I have 75 hours in it right now, and I learn something new every time I play it.


Just use Google if you don't know something. It doesn't need much of a tutorial yet, you figure a lot out from just playing it through a couple times


I just want my archers to have more than gummy worms in their quiver.


Just to clarify the aim of my question. I was not aiming for some kind of min max tutorial. More a stylistic commentary of the method in the madness of you will. What their vision was for a play style etc. Glad people have engaged in the post though so crack on :)