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I think the fact that it shows the number of trees that will be removed when placing a building seems to imply that it's a mechanic that may come in the future. Otherwise, there'd really be no reason for that information. I do agree that it'd be nice as a difficulty option.


The timber is deleted when development completes. They can exist in the backyard of a burgage with an extension. But they delete when you add the extension. So it does have a practical use if you need that timber.


I think you should just need to chop the trees as part of the construction process, there's nothing special enough about a logging camp and it's workers compared to construction workers for manual targeting with a camp to be anything other than needless micro.


Offtopic but damn I love vindland saga definitivamente ill recomend it to everyone :)


Agreed, cutting and uprooting should be an option across the board so that you need to plan early on based on forest coverage.


You should also get the trees removed added as lumber


nice, so i'll just place a single burgage or field over a huge forest, demolish it afterwards and never need a Logging camp again


It should be extra hard for fields. For most construction you just need to remove the tree, but for farming you need to go deep and remove the stump and roots. This was historically a very hard task. Hell ask a farmer today and they'll probably still tell you its a hard time.


Initially they planted around the stumps until they could be pulled (at least here in Ontario)


Wouldn’t it be more straightforward if the builders just had to cut them down and haul them away as part of the building process?


I do this now as a house rule: no building placement where trees would be uprooted. I have a perfect spot for a church but it's a clump of trees? Put the wood cutter to work there first. Don't necessarily need a setting for that. And uprooted trees definitely should NOT go into your lumber supply.


Why not? It isn't the entire tree that gets uprooted, just the stump that remains after the tree is cut down. The tree goes to lumber or firewood. Source: live in a state that is 90% forest, and have both cut trees down and pulled stumps.


Yeah, I basically make my town more interesting by building largely around hills -- I won't build on too steep -- and forests.


I think, a way to do it would be you have to clear out trees, and if you want to build in an area with stumps construction takes longer because part of a no resource activity would be clearing stumps and roots. Kind of like how it'll say like "flattening ground".


iirc it’s how banished does it. the builder crew comes in and chops the trees


I'm assuming this will be the case anyway in the full game, look at farthest frontier for example


Great suggestion, upvoted


I wouldnt be opposed to the workers needing to tear up stumps before leveling the ground.


I do that anyway, using the limited area feature of the logging camp. It's not very hard.