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Even in places where abortions are legal in life threatening situations, doctors are often hesitant to give them because they're afraid of being sued or punished. [A woman in Texas](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/woman-sepsis-life-saving-abortion-care-texas/story%3fid=99294313) had to wait until she got sepsis before she was allowed to have an abortion. Without going into too much detail, abortions are pretty gory and traumatic when the fetus has been dead inside you for weeks.


An identical case in Ireland in which the woman died from sepsis caused so much public outrage that abortion was legalized by referendum. Terrifying that the US is moving in the exact opposite direction. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar


I remember that case, that poor woman


And an identical case caused massive protests in Poland a few years back, which ended up in... nothing changing.


Because too many religious nutjobs just assumed that was "God's Plan" or some shit.


Nah, cause the American Evangelists have decided that abortion is evil and they'll do fucking anything to spread their message.


Why are you blaming America? Did America force Poland to be a devoutly Catholic country?


American evangelical groups pour a ton of money into European countries promoting religious agendas by funding local groups.


True, but Poland really doesn't have a significant presence of Evangelicals and in a country that's around 90% Catholic I'd think the political influence of the Catholic Church is probably the first place to look for religion influencing politics. Especially since the Catholic church pushed for the abortion ban in Poland in the first place.


US Christians lobbied for and won a law in Uganda to imprison or execute gay people. Go Christians, Go! Kill in god's name. You pathetic waste of life.


Ain’t much better in Muslim countries.


Who said it was? Why did you bring this up unprompted?


Do you seriously think Poland is fundamentally Catholic because of American influence. This is what people talk about when they say Americans are unbelievably arrogant. Just because you blame America for everything instead of celebrating it doesn't mean it's not American exceptionalism.


these laws are written in women's and girls blood. it's bullshit that roe was overturned. I only pray that a stronger law takes its place to protect us.


Don't pray, Vote. Bring your friends to vote. Voice out your concerns and make people vote.


whats really bullshit is that it was never pushed to be a federal law even though there were plenty of opportunities for it to happen.


Pray? Your prayers are meaningless. Vote. Donate. That's what you can do as an American to better your situation.


We have a lot of very stupid and ignorant people in the US who are motivated more by hyperbole and emotion rather than real facts, real life and science. They are fearful and want to go back in time for some strange reason. Its BS and the election this fall is going to be a landslide for the Dems because the Supreme Court needs reform too. Its too crazytown over in Magaville. I'm a Dem who doesn't like Biden so Biden's debate performance is more of what's been shoved down my throat already.


At least in TX, ballot initiatives are not allowed. This would be very easily voted down if it was put on the ballot, like it was in Kansas. Kansas voted it down and they have a stronger Republican majority than TX does. Most people don’t agree with this law, even Republicans. Only 11% of people polled actually want a total abortion ban. The problem is, men, older people (including women) and women who are uneducated on the issue, don’t care about this and will vote Republican anyways for other issues. TX doesn’t have a generous Republican majority, but as long as it’s even slight this law will stand since it can’t be put on the ballot on its own. This is why recreational marijuana is still illegal here too. The only way to ever get rid of it is to convince enough republicans to vote Democrat, just for this one issue…even though it doesn’t affect them directly. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-republican-states


100%. Everyone's head is in a different place. Some people will vote on a single issue like guns and totally not care if a woman can or can't make decisions for herself, or whether IVF will be allowed for people trying really hard to make a new life....they just care about their guns. Or they are misinformed and think all Dems are far left wing lunatics and they won't vote for any Dem because in their minds all Dems are for defunding the police and understand trans issues like a pro. That's just not true. Not as much hate on the Dem side. Things get convoluted because that is how the right wing media mixes it all up for their audiences....and serves up half baked truths and lies.


It’s only moving in that direction in states without referendum allowances (with a few exceptions I’m sure). Politicians are taking note too and locking down referendum procedures to make it harder for them to pass.


Exactly! This is the problem. I live in TX, and this would very easily be voted down if put on the ballot. Most republicans I talk to don’t agree with it, only 11% of people polled want a total abortion ban, and Kansas voting it down means we would way more easily. Unfortunately people are going to vote R for other reasons and don’t want to go over to a D vote just for this issue. Not being able to put it on the ballot on its own is a huge problem, and is letting a fringe extremist idea rule the land. 11% approval means 89% of people don’t agree…that’s scary.


Holy shit. I read the full article, they didn't even let her have the *normal* procedure. They forced the poor woman to go through induced labor - while in septic shock - which lead to two surgeries and multiple followups afterwards. Still had complications more than a month out.


>They forced the poor woman to go through induced labor - while in septic shock  This should be considered attempted murder.


It is literal torture.


How is that not medical malpractice?


It would be in any sane state. I don't blame the doctors here - they can be sent away to prison for years if they did anything else. There's even a bill being proposed in TX currently that could hold them criminally liable and even incur a **death sentence**. Insane.


> death sentence So pro life


Another law to hurt the poors. Rich people in Texas are going to another state on 'vacation' and getting the medical treatment they need.


It’s not so much about poor vs rich. It’s about demographics. White women have the most abortions. They want more white babies that might vote for republicans. 


It’s possible for white people to be poor lol


Poor white people also vote Republican.


Why can’t they see that with abortion allowed and accessible the people vehemently against abortion will outbreed those who support it.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted when it’s most likely true. It’s the same reason they’re pushing so hard for religion in schools as well as the defunding of public schools. They’re trying to brainwash children with religion doctrine so that they’ll have a future army of religious zealots who’ll vote for their party without question.


Don’t you realize, all those doctors that wait are just being performative — they are letting their patients almost die to try and make conservatives look bad. If they really cared about their patient they would give them abortions whenever they see fit and risk losing their license. Intentionally vague laws written by republicans in DC with the sole purpose of telling doctors how to do their jobs shouldn’t actually affect the way doctors do their jobs (except they should be preventing abortions), and if doctors do let those laws affect them then it’s because they are just grandstanding democrats. /s but this is literally the argument conservatives are using


Oh wait I didn’t see that you were trying to make a point. What…..no they’re not. I heard about a girl in Arizona that went in with ectopic pregnancy, Doctors had to consult with hospital lawyers because Doctors could technically get their license taken away because of these dumb laws that harm women


Blessed be the fruit.


I was in one of those private Reddit due date groups when I was pregnant last year. Someone in our group lived in West Virginia and almost bled to death because of a miscarriage. She probably would have if an er doctor didn’t risk prosecution by telling her partner to put her in a car and drive to the nearest hospital in Maryland *immediately*.


Damn that's tragic. It must be even worse if you're in a state like Louisiana that's hundreds of miles from a hospital that will treat you.


What on earth??? I thought abortion was only killing live children. Removing a deceased individual to save their mother should be seen as a whole different thing!


If you’re in the Dakotas and need an abortion, the clinic just a couple miles over the state line from Fargo, in Moorhead, MN, does terminations up to 16 weeks. I live pretty close by, so if any of you are coming up this way to access abortion care and need support, send me a DM. I can sit with you in the clinic, get you snacks, or just give you a hug if you need one. I haven’t had an “elective” abortion myself, but I did have an unplanned pregnancy several years ago that I considered terminating, decided not to, and then ended up needing a surgical abortion/D+C anyway as it wasn’t viable and I’d had a silent miscarriage. So I’ve at least experienced some of where you’re coming from. ❤️ Edit: I don’t know if it was this comment that made someone reach out to Reddit Cares, or something else I posted (maybe my post about being SA’d as a teenager), but I really am okay! The pregnancy loss was in 2018, and the awful abusive ex was a good 10 years before that, so like…I’m actually doing okay these days. Thanks though. Unless you did it as a weird troll/insult thing? Then like…find a new hobby, lol.


FYI sometimes people will report you to the “Reddit Cares” because they’re mad at what you’ve posted and simply downvoting you isn’t enough so they do the only other thing you can really do at someone on Reddit. It’s kind of pathetic and hilarious.


I didn’t want to assume it was malicious on the off chance it was out of genuine concern, but it’s so funny and absurd that this is how people choose to troll people 😂 Some people need to get a life.


If you report them, I hear that Reddit takes false reporting fairly seriously


I got a message from Reddit Cares and I still have absolutely no idea what I said that would make any one the least bit concerned for me. So what you said is the only thing that makes sense (as much as it can make sense).


Feel free to DM me if you ever need financial assistance for food/toiletries/gas etc for these folks coming across.


Same with Indiana and Missouri! Come to Illinois and visit one of the largest planned parenthood! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/planned-parenthood-secretly-built-massive-mega-clinic-illinois-near-missouri-n1061716 Edit: We have good tourism too! See a show in Chicago, visit Lincoln’s tomb in Springfield, hike Starved Rock. Do some self care after the feetus deletus.


People never report you to reddit cares helpline out of concern for your well being. It is a form of harrasment by conservative losers on this site whenever you write something they disagree with.


Bless your heart.


Some people do that to be jerks.


unrelated I just saw your username in the unsolved mysteries sub like 2 minutes ago. came here, thought damn that PFP looks familiar. omg. small online world.


That reminds me of when I was DMing someone on Discord, then saw the same person on Reddit only about half an hour later


You're a good human, the world needs more people like you 🖤


I’m in that area too and always happy to help!!!


Yes! I was so heartbroken when they had to close the one in fargo. i’m so happy they were able to find a spot across the river.


Dr: The child you've been trying to have for years will definitely die in utero or at birth. Patient: That's awful. What are my options? Republicans: You will carry that baby to term then dies, or until it dies and nearly kills you.


>until it dies and ~~nearly~~ maybe kills you.


Anecdotally, most people I've talked to about carrying terminal fetuses to term always refer to miracle baby stories that you hear in church or online. "Doctors told my mother that I was going to be born grape purple with no kidneys and three heads, but she decided not to abort, and then I was born without a single defect." I wouldn't be surprised that this is a driving factor for most anti-choice people, that even if there is a miniscule chance your baby doesn't die horrifically after birth, you should take that chance to give that baby life (even if the baby is severely handicapped with a poor quality of life and low life expectancy).


Yea I totally agree that this is a driving force for folks who hold this opinion. The problem of course with this logic is that these stories almost unilaterally happened to miracle babies 10 or 20 years ago. We have so much more advanced technology now, NIPT at 9/10w, better ultrasounds that allow for a detailed early anatomy scan at 12w, and then the later anatomy scan at 20w. Better genetics after amniocentesis. I’m not that old and they told my mom with certainty I was going to be the opposite sex because the technology just wasn’t that great just to see external genitalia well. Situations where multiple tests flag a false positive happen less and less now, and it just becomes cruel to force a woman to grow a fetus that realistically has a very very slim chance of survival.


I agree with your sentiments exactly. The technology has come so far now that these instances rarely happen like they used to. Unfortunately, if someone is anti-choice in general, you can't usually logic them out of a part of that opinion.


Ohio and Kansas are not on this list because the residents in those states took matters into their own hands and forced the issue onto the ballot. Abortion is codefied into the state constitution in Ohio and will be extremely difficult for Republicans to do anything about it.


The republicans tried very hard in Ohio to ban abortion yet the vote was two thirds in favour of legalising abortion. In a republican state. I had a discussion with a republican who was so upset that they included the words "or the health of the mother" as a valid reason. He was, of course, an older male, not someone who would ever be personally faced with this issue. Tough luck for his female relatives.


Ah, the party of small government.


Small government for the straight white men, totalitarianism for everyone else


forgot christian straight white christian men


Seems like an unfunded government overreach into women’s lives.


Imagine having the opinion that you would prefer a woman to go through the pain, health risk, and trauma of giving birth to a dead baby or a baby that will die shortly after birth. It isn't about "protecting life". It's about making women suffer.


I think a lot of these people are genuine when it comes to wanting to protect life, but they're so uneducated that they can't see anything past their emotional responses. Hypocrisy is abundant because they're blissfully unaware of themselves.


My 39 year old sister holds that view and she has a teenage daughter. It’s astounding


Obligatory r/auntienetwork for those looking for transportation resources to a safe state


So depressing living in one of those dark purple states. So much ignorance and cruelty.


“I don’t wanna have this baby.” *”Well, you have to.”* ”I can’t take care of it.” *”WOOOWWWW! DEADBEAT MOM, ANYONE? YOU SUCKKK!”*


"Put it up for adoption." is generally the response I hear.


“Hm yes I see. Oh, by the way, do you support state funded adoption services?” “…no.”


That's the Black mom version. If the woman is white, it turns into "perfect, our rent-a-uterus plan for infertile, white suburban couples is working as planned, here's your adoption paperwork!"


Thank God my company will pay to fly any women out to one of the states that believe in women's rights, if they are in need of them.


Is that allowed? Can a Texas woman in need of an abortion simply fly to a state without a ban and have the procedure? I mean, down here (TX) we charge non residents a fee just to buy a car, lol. Is there no restriction on place of residence?


Texas cannot restrict the movement of residents and they can't prosecute someone for doing something legal in another state. You can't bring weed into Texas from Colorado, but you can leave Texas and smoke weed in Colorado. Abortion is the same thing. Can't bring abortions into Texas. Texas does have SB8 as a law though. Anyone can sue people helping you get an abortion, legal or not, if they find out you had one.


That is so deranged. Way to go Texas


It’s getting pretty bad here which is why I’m leaving at the end of the year.


They are trying to make it illegal or at least very difficult to cross state lines for an abortion, but they haven't succeeded yet: [More Texas counties are trying to prevent people from using specific roads to get an abortion | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-travel-ban-roads-west-texas-3997304c4156f131ee90bb1363735ba3) [Texas highways are the next anti-abortion target | The Texas Tribune](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/09/01/texas-cities-abortion-trafficking/#:~:text=Designed%20by%20the%20architects%20of,within%20the%20city%20or%20county) [Things to know about efforts to block people from crossing state lines for abortion | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-texas-idaho-alabama-state-lines-trafficking-d314933f3f7db93858561a0c6ad0b188)


Why wouldn't it be allowed? How would one state charge someone for doing something in another state?


I don't know how it would be enforced, but Tennessee has a law in effect starting yesterday, 7/1/24, that makes it illegal to "traffic" a woman across state lines to secure an abortion. That does not include parents of a pregnant child, but it would apply to partners, friends, etc.


It would cause chaos if it was upheld by the SCROTUS. Imagine states issuing warrants for things that are illegal in their state, despite you never stepping foot in said state. Get a traffic ticket one day and get pulled out at gunpoint. "You're under arrest for crimes against humanity. Texas Penis code 111.111. Sharing images that influence children!" And getting 39 years for uploading pictures of your gay uncle on your Facebook.


The Dormant Commerce Clause alone should be enough to strike the law down, so it's just political showmanship, but the fact stuff like this passes in the first place is maddening.


Truth. Apparently, the goal is to get as much BS before the Supreme Cunts as possible, in an attempt to undermine everything our society is built upon.


Fucking vile law.


Crazy, ain't it? But Texas actually has a bill that allows civil penalties, etc. for those who "aide" others obtaining an abortion so I was just wondering if other states with no ban take that into consideration? I'd need to read it in it's entirety. Poster below says it's Texas SB8. Off to read I go!


Yeah, I saw. Anyone can sue for it. Absolutely cursed timeline we live in.


Oh these states are working on creating laws to punish the women who do.


NM had a large increase in abortions due to women traveling from TX. NM is where the Satanic Temple opened their on-line abortion clinic. “Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic™ is an online clinic that provides religious medication abortion care. The clinic provides abortion medication via mail to those in New Mexico who wish to perform The Satanic Temple's Religious Abortion Ritual.” The name is chef’s kiss.


That's worth very little when you're bleeding out and in need of immediate attention


Wtf? In 13 states, even if the pregnancy is dangerous, they won't terminate it?


The exceptions (or not) shown in this map are not for pregnancies that are dangerous to the mom, it’s about fetal anomalies that are “incompatible with life,” in which the child will die within minutes, hours, or days of birth, likely in an incredibly uncomfortable and painful way, like not being able to breathe or eat. Texas has had an increase in neonatal deaths since Roe was overturned due to this.


Worth remembering that conditions that are fatal to a fetus can also cause severe pregnancy complications, which can in turn be dangerous / fatal for women.


What about disability and genetics diseases? Can they have abortions?


Nope. At least not in Texas (where I live. Idk the others’ laws).


And is it illegal to seek an abortion in another state? Or am I misremembering? Edit: Found this a few comments down https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/HhpoTNDoOd


Just one more question, will they terminate it if it's dangerous for mom in Texas and these 12 states?


The states with no exceptions for "health" are: Idaho, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi. They only have exceptions for the "life" of the woman, which means that a woman basically has to be on death's door before a doctor can perform an abortion without risking criminal repercussions.


In Texas (and I believe many of these purple states), they will allow terminations when the mother’s life is at risk, but the legal system is being very unclear about what exactly that means. Does the mom have to be actively dying? Can it just be clear that without intervention the mom will be in danger? Doctors don’t want to risk it, so they have to wait on hospitals’ lawyers to tell them if they can do it or not and then moms are more at risk of severe complications and death anyway.


The lack of clarity is very much on purpose too. If no doctor is sure when it’s allowed, they will always play it safe. That way conservatives can effectively ban it in every circumstance without the negative optics of saying “even if the mother dies”


I'm so sorry to hear about it. I hope it all changes for the better soon


No. Plain and simple, they don't care about the mother.


They care that she be punished for sex. Even in the case of a much wanted pregnancy, conceived within marriage, where the couple is devastated to lose the pregnancy. If something goes wrong, then that’s gods punishment, and his punishment shouldn’t be thwarted. Woman must always be punished for sex, always.


No they won't. There are strict penalties for any doctor who defies the laws. Including Texas: up to life in prison, $100,000 in fines, loss of medical license. Everyone in the USA needs to [register to vote](https://www.vote.org/) if they haven't already.


Correct. If the mother dies, that was God’s plan.


A disgusting plan they enjoy telling us


Haven’t you been paying attention? It’s about to get a lot worse. Yesterday’s SC ruling all but sealed that we are sliding into fascism.


ALWAYS the southern states.


Idaho has entered the chat.


Idaho GOP is insane. You need an ID and to be 18 to go to the library by yourself.


I’ve heard the racism and homophobia in Idaho can be worse than in a lot of southern states too. Especially because if you are black, Asian or Latino up there, you will stick out like a sore thumb. It’s a shame because the state has a lot to offer regarding nature, but a good chunk of people avoid it for their safety.


It looks like a nice map of where the future battle lines will be drawn during the civil war.


Is Virginia a southern state? That's the one where the mother can terminate the baby after it's born...supposedly /s


Yes, but Virginia shifted from a red to a blue state since 2008. It's kind of the odd man out politically in the South. Population growth in NOVA caused that shift.


Please don't even say that sarcastically. There are too many people who believe it.


those mfers really banned abortion because their religion said so, but they'd insist they are much more advanced than middle easterners any day 


Land of the free! Ok, well, not so free…


High rates of Maternal/Infant mortality is the same map.


Now show a picture of the least educated states


I swear it’s hand in hand


It’s good to see a map showing states thats I’d never raise my daughter in.


Having gone through fetus mortus (fetal death) with my wife on the sixth month of pregnancy a few months back, this seems just insane. It's ridiculous to feel lucky about any aspect of that experience, but I really am grateful to live in a progressive country where this kind of thing doesnt happen. Having said that, our government is conservative and some parties have flirted with tighter restrictions on abortions.


Also remember infant deaths are SKYROCKETING in those states. More so than when Abortions were legal/semi-legal. In Texas 2,240 infants died, 255 more than in 2021, an increase of 13 percent. So it's time to stop saying that banning Abortions are good. Yall are literally killing more children.


Shit still makes me pissed off at RGB for not getting out of office during Obamas term.


Unfortunately, Iowa now has an abortion ban in force. It has an exception for “fetal abnormality incompatible with life.”


People who ban all abortions are monsters. No other way to put it.




Always a surprise to see Kansas going against the Midwest trend, always seems like they're ahead of neighboring states in terms of progressive moves. Still a long way for them to go though.


This is because abortion access was a statewide referendum instead of being decided by state legislators, similar to some other red states like Ohio.


There's actually a famous book called *What's the Matter with Kansas?* that talks about its changing politics throughout history, and why a state once known for left wing populism became so associated with the modern conservative movement.


I’m always surprised by them and their policies as well! Need to keep a strong hold on them


It depends. For issues actually voted on by Kansas citizens, yes. Kansas has a handful of solid blue or blue-leaning counties that (not coincidentally) have the biggest population. Thanks to those counties, we have a democratic government and no abortion ban. But sadly our state legislature is full of people voted in by the rural areas simply for having a (R) next to their name, and some of the shit they try (or do) push into law is even more ass-backwards than Missouri.


Don't get caught with a joint though


Shitholistan in purple. That's new, we usually leave the garbage red.


Ladies we are losing our right to healthcare. These republican man hate women. Vote smart.


Goddam middle ages :(


The states who make exceptions aren’t any better than the ones who don’t. Abortion is a human right FOR ANY REASON. If I ever got pregnant I would abort no matter what.


Christian fascist states.


Crazy that women vote for this


Thank you Kansas, thank you


I feel so bad for every woman in those states. Crazy. Theofascism is a fucking crazy drug, Welcome to Gilead folks.


Yeah 10 weeks preguntame in MO and my Obgyn told me to get the genetic testing because if something is wrong I have to go to IL to get the pregnancy terminated. Even if the baby has a genetic disorder that would kill it within a year of birth. Oh and there is only one clinic and they stop doing abortion at 22 weeks. Had this been before roe v Wade overturn I could have just gone to washu that day. So I don't think mo actual has an exception or if they do doctors are too scared to do abortions.


Surprised to see Alabama with a Fatal Fetal Anomaly Exception in place. Shockingly reasonable for Alabama.


Yeah, and now those are the places the doctors are leaving. They don't want to practice under those circumstances. It's going to be bad.


Yup, OBGYN clinics and even entire hospitals are shutting down in Idaho because so many doctors are fleeing. It's very bad


My GFs maga dad things overturning RVW was a good thing because it brings the choices closer to the people instead of at a government level, and now people can just travel to another state if they want one…. The guy is oblivious or ignorant that making it legal everywhere makes the choice way easier for everyone. He’s so right wing, it’s hard to stand.


Men's opinions on abortions are pretty much irrelevant.


A map of states to never live in.. cool!


The single star on the Texas flag is a rating


So happy I took my family and moved away from Texas.


Too many folks letting politicians make their medical decisions for them and not medical professionals.


Also known as, states experiencing increasing brain drain in 2024.


Republicans are filth. The Supreme Court bases its decisions on the highest bidder. Remember in November who it was who destroyed the Court by appointing incompetent judges.


Is it the 1800s? Abortions being illegal in some states was outrageous enough already and now they are not even allowing it for the mother's safety?


Republicans want more suffering in the world. In their mind if god did not want an 11 year old to give birth then he would not have made the rapist.


Of all of the terrible things about our country, I think this is the worst. God we can be dumb fucks. Especially the south


This is pretty fucking terrible


my fucking god... u/TheDorgesh68 already told the story of the texas woman who literally needed approval from some dude and the doctors needed to make sure she was dying... my god, sometimes i wish i was american just so i could vote 1 vote extra against the complete horror of these situations.


Also known as the shithole states.


Republicans won’t stop until they control all women’s bodies. 😡


You need to change the colors on this map to reflect the red shitholes those states are.


The south stays losing 💪


Sometimes it seems US is a bad joke. No pun, just suffering from waiting for the fun to come..


You could have picked a worse colour scheme but it would have been difficult to do so. I guess just straight red and green would have been worse.


Didn't Idaho just make an exception?


Texas wants more disabled babies born so they can execute them as adults.


Same as teen fucking age.


Whenever I see these us maps it's always the lower right quadrant that's so medieval and backwards. What's up with that?


Now overlay it with education rankings.


Added them to my list if states my kids are not going to school in.


I would do anything to be able to go back to 2016 and show people this map


States to never visit or spend money in.


Heartless, cruel legislators.


I wish all the GOP lawmakers' daughters to have an ectopic pregnancy, because every GOP lawmaker is against the common good.


Ugh on the purple states




Gilead here we come…Hail Satan


Dog shit states


new growth industry: grief counseling in purple states


Its weird how this is such a massive culture war, yet in europe it is absolutely not controversial at all.


Wtf America


Nah, that baby is dead regardless of the method LMAO


These people are absolutely insane


Not hate like GOP hate


Abortion is murderer. There is no debate here.


So let’s just say for example, you have a 14 year old girl that is autistic and is r*ped by her 19 year old brother and gets pregnant, you’re fine with that situation and expect her to carry a baby from the event that has mentally scared her for the rest of her life and possibly ripped her family apart. You’re so thoughtful and kind…


IMO both abortion on demand and no abortion on demand is hurting society, But i guess first option is lesser evil.


Cool, since the constitution doesn’t direct the federal government to allow abortions, the directive should be given to the individual states.