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This is the first time I've seen that headsculpt with the windswept hair. I like it, but reminds me how much we need swappable hair too so you can mix and match expressions


Could you imagine? For example,  the new Warbird Carol Danvers, with swappable hair and two different portraits? Or that 3pack Sharon Carter? Now you got my head racing haha I originally didn't like that feature due to my classified Lady Jayez being loose out of packaging but the idea of having different looks is just too good.


Haha, I'd settle for having gotten a preorder in for Warbird. But building off your example my perfect classic Ms Marvel would have neutral Carol head, determined Carol head, angry Karla Sofen head, mischievous smile Karla head, then at least 2 hair pieces to do classic Carol or Dark Avengers Karla


He looks fantastic but I’m a bit disappointed we haven’t gotten a new modern style hulk to go with him. At least a planet or WWH


I’m personally holding out for a new hulk in the 85th anniversary line, since we got skaar, shehulk, and hulk buster. People have said the rock might be for a hulk, too, but i wouldn’t know.


I am agnostic on the character, don't think I've read a single comic featuring them (I'm less keen on Hulk titles, excluding She). But, the figure looks like a lot of fun.


Honestly, my only comic exposure to the character is from the Wolverine Origins issues #41-45 (I'm pretty sure those four) but definitely some cool appearances.


There was a miniseries in which Skaar lands in the Savage Land that I'm keen to track down, though more for my love of Kazar and Shanna than Skaar.


I just want more Hulk Cast Members full stop - there's a whole host of big bruisers I'd like versions of and Skaar is a good start.


I whole heartedly agree as Hulk is my childhood favorite hero next to Wolverine. Stay tuned for an upcoming post I'm working on. Should be this next Wednesday or the Wed after.👀


Do we have a release date yet?


This. I originally meant to ask the same. I will update if I see any news.


I only see nathen explosion from dethklok


I'm very excited, especially cause from what I can tell, it's a new mold


Absolutely. Can’t wait to have this guy as most of the recent Hulk figures are sorta missing the mark for me, but this Skaar is brutal.


Completely feel ya there. The most recent Hulk I have is the 80th anniversary 2pack one and while he works for every corner of my M.U. I do also feel it's just missing the mark. I was honestly hoping we'd get a great update for the 85th.


I’m just kinda partial to my hulk being a little more handsome and badass looking, slimmer. I’ll get downvoted, but I’m a huge fan of the 2008 Hulk and wish we still had Norton. That build for the Green Goliath is what I love.


Then it looks like it's you and me back to back on that hill cause SAME HERE. I absolutely cannot stand the "dad-bod" look of Ruffalo's Hulk. Hulk is literally the Original Avengers level threat and is meant to be power, rage, and strength incarnate. Now let's compare Norton Hulk to Ruffalo Hulk, and tell me which embodies that characterization best. Haha I didn't intend to go on a rant but like I said before,  Hulk is my favorite Marvel character and I'm ready to see him truly be  "the strongest there is" on screen.


LET’S FUCKING GO. Truly nothing better than that final scene either where Banner controlled it. I wish we could have seen a version of the MCU with Hulk just being an absolute unit. Would’ve whooped Thanos. It’s an honor to die on this hill with you.


Maaaan amen. Still the best live action hulk moment. I hated seeing Thanos just so easily beat him, but absolutely abysmally loathed NOT seeing him come back in the Wakanda Battle. They can use the excuse of character development for Bruce but no, let's just get honest Disney,  you wanted Universal to have as little claim to the inevitable money making Machine that was Avengers: Infinity War. And we will never die my comrade because we shall become forever immortalized the day Hulk is portrayed right and everyone realizes the truth we spoke. 


OP, consider selling the 80th to buy the 20th. It’s my favorite ML figure and the fact that people criticize it is wild to me 🤷‍♂️ The digital face printing puts it well above the 80th imo (I’m also really looking fwd to Skaar). https://preview.redd.it/97um2zgvhf2d1.jpeg?width=2923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5edde3b7bd7f211f6b1a6d69bfdbd6b7d5323c2b


Y'know, I have been considering selling off some stuff, and I originally didn't like the 20th fig because of the face, but after seeing some in hand pics I have been wanting it. Plus I really like the white on the pants. And that gamma smash effect is just great. Plus I've been looking into custom heads just to try out anyway.  Because I will say this portrait is LEAGUES better that the 80th 2pack version.  Thank you for the recommendation,  I'm really heavily considering it.


I used to think I’d never sell stuff but it’s weirdly made collecting more fun for me. Everyone’s definitely different though!


Honestly that's what's stopped me from selling all this time. I have this stigma in my mind that once I sell a fig I'll "come to my senses" and miss the figure but, there is way more new shit that I want than there are older figures that I want to keep. Especially with all the updates in figure technology we're currently seeing. So...anyone looking to buy a 20th Anniversary Incredible Hulk? 🤣


Sidenote: my attachment to this character came from Wolverine Origin #45; one of the first comics I ever read. It features a team up with Wolverine, Skaar, Cloak and Silver Samurai against Romulus and Ruby Red, and I remember that was just the most random team up. Also, a Romulus figure would have been an insane two pack for the Wolvie anniversary. Also excited for that Astonishing Wolverine because although not completely accurate to the book, the timeframe fits with that #45 appearance so I'm content.


I'm not familiar with the character but I like the design so I'll pick him up haha


Exactly this reasoning has caused me to get so many random figures


Looks really good. I only have select hulks but this is a consideration


That second photo. Makes me want to do a He-man or Conan custom for him!


I’m very excited for this one. Been wanting him for years.




Yes, so pumped. Pleasantly surprised it isn’t a Build-a-Figure.


This is one of the figures I'm looking forward to the most so far this year!


Eh not really no diaphragm cut and no butterflies he's just gonna have worse articulation than a standard hulk fig


Does anyone know what Wednesday's reveal was? I haven't seen anything about it.


Broooooo, it's a 'modern' HulkBuster! 




Very excited for this figure! however, I will admit it is because of the custom potential…


I am very excited lol. I don’t know much about Skaar but he looks absolutely sick


Tbh I’m waiting for a Marvel select one


I wish I had space for hulk characters shelf