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A criticism I see with the Star Wars shows is how "samey" they kind of are. One idea that might be cool is a show set in Hutt Space. Make it sort of like a Scorsese gangster movie or something. I haven't watched Book of Boba Fett, so I don't know if that's too similar.


That's what TBOBF should have been. But it ended up being more of a Dances with Wolves meets Spy Kids movie.


Got my ticket for the 24th! LFG!!! ![gif](giphy|HKPuYYtmfuydPtfuHg)


Diane Morgan should be an Avenger


Please God just let marvel kill hulk and he's yee yee ass haircut son off and reboot him in the next saga. https://i.redd.it/2aqj88obhoad1.gif


Hulk was one of the most popular characters in the marvel pantheon. I don't know if they can capitalise on that,given the complex rights issues,which I am surprised they haven't found a way out of. Maybe they just aren't interested in him that much.


Erik kripke may be saying the wrong things about batman,but I still think tek knight is a great potrayal of a really bad batman. The stuff about his family being slavers,his butler being a black man,him not wanting to donate to organisations like black lives matter..it's literally a "get out" type situation. And I feel like the show didn't really make fun of batman,just like it doesn't really dunk on other superheroes. Characters like Web weaver or Teknight aren't meant to be serious dissertations on Spider-Man or Batman. It's just a twisted version of the mythos,that makes for intersting stories.


It's a shame that Tek-Knight never wore his armor suit or that we didn't even get to see what it looks like.


I was fully expecting his suit to have just a massive hole in the middle so it looks like Iron Man arc reactor, but with a hole instead. Too bad bro's looking for the deepest hole in hell right now


It's a little lame they couldn't come up with a redesign. I don't know how much I believe that the budget of the series is what prevented them from doing literally *anything* in regards to creating a suit for him. From what I heard about The Boys comic it's that Tek-Knight without the tumor causing his abnormal sex addition genuinely wanted to help and do good. Wasn't that the same with Love Sausage too? Love Sausage is genuinely altruistic and helps The Boys (Again, from what I've seen, not read so I might be completely off base) but relegated to a complete villain in the show.


i so badly want a Matt Murdock and Marc Spector interaction though I know it's unlikely :(


It might seem improbable but it's still very possible. Benson and Moorhead worked on the first season of *Moon Knight* and now they're directing *Daredevil: Born Again*. *Born Again* also has a subplot about a mayoral campaign so, I mean, come on. Carson Knowles is *right there*! You couldn't ask for a better opportunity to tease Moon Knight's greatest villain.


I do not like Eric Kripke. >***Let’s start with the Tek Knight sex dungeon part. Where did the idea come for it? And why bring Hughie into this situation now — kicking him when he’s down by having him sexually assaulted by his childhood hero after his dad just died?*** >Well, that’s a dark way to look at it! We view it as hilarious. Obviously, Tek Knight is our version of Batman, and we wanted to really play around with that trope: Batman’s fascist underpinnings as a really wealthy dude who hunts poor people, and then profits of the incarceration. So that was one. Tek Knight was already set up to be a freak, so we were kind of already halfway there. Then the notion came up of, he should have a Batcave — but let’s be honest, the Batcave would be a sex dungeon. Like, even the real Batcave is just this side of being a sex dungeon. It’s really dark, and there’s rubber suits everywhere. It’s not that much of a push to add a couple dildos and then a weird urinal that turns into a face mask. ![gif](giphy|zUVHYJXldaTbBoowpO)


Eric sometimes says things (Story wise/Characters) I think some people don't always agree with. It's just a lazy evaluation of the character and one that's just inherently wrong by people who don't read or understand the character of Batman. But then again, it isn't really something to lose your mind over. I think it's a bit more palatable since it's such an extreme satirization of the character. You have to take into account that it's fundamentally still The Boys. No one is safe from distorted and warped versions of beloved characters. You know what could've been interesting and different? A meta commentary on Bob Kane, Bill Finger and Jerry Robinson and the creatives that Bob took advantage of and overshadowed in his sociopathic pursuit of profit and fame. But then again, I understand that it's not topical.


I am going to be honest, even watching the episode without the context of the interview it was one of the first times I thought the show was really veering into the gratuitous part without the depth to back it up but I was hoping that perhaps I misconstrued it and there was a point to it but for it but the interview basically confirmed it was played for laughs and it just seems pretty tasteless. Maybe we see that unpacked in the coming episodes, but the interview doesn't seem to give that indication. I still do like the show despite the warts of S3 and this season, but I am kind of feeling like they are losing the plot a bit and the show is starting to spin its wheels this season and last season.


Yeah, i'm glad i jumped off at the start of Season 3.


One, that feels like a pretty poor understanding of Batman. Two, really bizarre that he saw Hughie’s situation as funny, I left that episode feeling so bad for him. Admittedly, I’m pretty sensitive when it comes to the topic of SA, but I really have trouble seeing the humor here.


The Boys has always strayed pretty close to the line on topics like SA, especially when it comes to men. I think they understood early on that it wasn't a good idea to do the whole Starlight rape scene, so they toned it down. But in the first episode of the show they shove a cable up a man's ass and electrocute him. Not saying this is some "men can't be sexually assaulted haha" type thing, just that they don't seem to have as many reservations about showing it. And since they seem to have a lot more male characters (and are more willing to show male genitalia and male sexual situations). Would it be better if Kripke saw Hughie's situation as fucked up and not funny? Definitely. But it does kinda fit their pattern.


>But in the first episode of the show they shove a cable up a man's ass and electrocute him Reaffirms my decision not to get into The Boys...


One thing I think the show has kind of lost is the idea that the Boys are kinda supposed to be "villains" themselves. Like the heroes of the series are bad, but the Boys aren't supposed to be much better. Or even better at all, just the underdogs. But the nature of TV shows makes it so that they need clear good guys and bad guys. I think the show started out with them being fucked up and have walked them back to being good guys. With lots of viewers forgetting or trying to justify their bad actions.


>Like the heroes of the series are bad, but the Boys aren't supposed to be much better Are "The Boys" the only superheroes in the show or are there others? I've never actually seen an episode (never appealed to me), but from what I gathered the conceit of the show is pretty much "what if superheroes were actually assholes?"


The Boys aren't superheroes, theyre a bunch of (mostly) powerless mercenaries working for the CIA to keep in check and possibly kill superheroes. The superheroes themselves are all corporate owned celebrities whose fame and corporate sponsorship lets them get away with anything. Originally it feels like a show with no clear good guys, but they start to make the superheroes infinitely worse as the seasons go on, so the Boys look less and less like maniacs.


Ah ok, I kind of get it now. Thanks for the explanation!


Of course!


>Batman’s fascist underpinnings as a really wealthy dude who hunts poor people Man I just love satires of comic book archetypes by people who just 100% blatantly misconstrue the archetype in the first place lol


Yeah… Thats not it, Eric…


I ain't even gonna check the Drake subreddit right now but I'm pretty sure the shot of Kendrick dancing with Whitney and their kids put that entire place on suicide watch


Watching people compare Disney Star Wars lightsaber fights to Lucas Star Wars lightsaber fights is always funny too me. Especially since when they do, they only compared the sequel trilogy ones to the ones from the Prequel trilogy. Because yes, that's totally fair and not sus that you don't use original trilogy as also a point of reference at all. It's almost as if the Lightsaber fights in the Sequel Trilogy are supposed to be closer to how they are in the original trilogy or something, and showing clips from Original trilogy instead of Prequel trilogy will destroy there entire argument.


You could say the same thing about the writing, pacing and tone of the Kenobi show. It's palpable that they were trying to strike a balance between the prequels, the original trilogy and the Clone Wars cartoon.


We really got nothing for Fantastic Four today, huh? Damn…


It’s more of Captain America holiday


What does american independence have to do with the F4 when they have a Cap movie next year


It has the number 4!


Why would we? What does the F4 had to with July 4?


It’s July 4th! They revealed the first concept art on Valentine’s Day tho.


It has the number 4 in it lol


I feel like rufus swell could play a solid doom


I can also see him as Norman Osborn. And a lot of other villains. The man is good at playing villains


10 years ago maybe.


Obergruppenführer John Smith 🫡


I don't know why (It's maybe his built?) But Anthony Mackie doesn't really work with the blue suit like he does in the white one.


I actually think the suit fits a lot better on the blue suit


Marvel has been going harddddd with the Deadpool and Wolverine merch and promotion. I freaking love it!


Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the first Sam Raimi Spiderman movie are the quintessential Fourth of July. Winter Soldier because represents what Americans should be. As Steve Rogers is a person willing to stand up for what's right and call out Authority when something isn't right. And Spiderman because it's a truly patriotic tale about the everyman becoming something greater and becoming a hero he was always meant to be, and bringing down opposition that threatens the people he loves. Even having a red, white, and blue costume. In my opinion, these two films are the quintessential fourth of July movies. EDIT: Also forgot to mention that Top Gun Maverick is a quintessential Fourth of July movie as well.


**In Yoda's Voice** \-***"There's another"*** ![gif](giphy|m9523AAgxz9Lj7ZMau)


Well, yeah, that too.


Okay so we got zombie Deadpool and Wolverine in DP&W, over/under chance they’re in Zombies proper?


Doubt it but it's definitely possible. I'd wait for the plot to leak on 4chan the night of the premiere.


I actually think making Ultraman the main antagonist of James Gunn’s *Superman* is a really good idea. Partly because it can be used as a satire of the “evil Superman” trope, but mainly because it’s the perfect Lex Luthor plot. Lex Luthor isn’t just an evil rich guy who hates Superman, he’s *the* architectural comic book supervillain. Whether it’s building a giant death robot, sinking the West Coast into the ocean, or stealing 40 cakes, outlandish, comically evil plans are just his thing. Cloning Superman is right up his alley. He's done it several times before, resulting in Bizarro and Superboy.


💯 agreed.


Spider-Man fans: the clone saga can never be done on screen. Cloning people is too outlandish, even for Marvel. James Gunn and DC: Hold my beer


Now that you mention it, it would be interesting if they ever attempt to adapt the Clone Saga for a movie. The MCU still hasn’t really done a traditional clone story yet (I guess White Vision is the closest?) and I do think it is possible to streamline the Clone Saga to make for a good movie.


The only problem with that is, How would they go about doing it? What would be the main theme of a Clone Saga movie? What elements from the Spider-Man clone stories would you take from? Cause there is a lot of them. Which clones would you even include? And who on earth should be the main villain behind it all be?   This is a storyline that if not handled carefully, can ether be amazing, or an absolute disaster. And we seen the latter play out before us. I don’t know, how would you go about doing an MCU Spider-Man Clone Saga adaptation?


I had a personal idea that instead of just doing the Alien Costume arc as its own movie for MCU Spidey, they merge that with the Clone Saga where our Peter gets the black suit at the same time the clone arrives, and it creates public discourse over the real Spider-Man being characterized as this carefree vigilante menace who comes off as no more aggressive than the criminals he chases while the clone mistakenly gets all the acclaim and recognition for things Spider-Man would in his prime, and that simultaneously creates conflict between the two Spider-Men for Peter losing whatever public goodwill he had amidst the continued slander from Jameson and the authorities, as well as a conflict of identity which would be very in spirit with the personal crisis Peter experiences in the original story. Ideally Miles Warren would still be involved if only because MCU has had a track record of pulling from corners of the comics that haven't really been touched by the other movies, but he would have to essentially be written as a different character because his comics counterpart is problematic to put it very generously The movie would still end with the two Peters reconciling, probably tagging together to face whoever the symbiote latches onto next to become Venom proper, and the clone goes his separate ways, saying he needs to carve out a path that allows him to earn the respect Spider-Man deserves, setting him up to become Ben Reilly and later, either Scarlet Spider or Sensational Spider-Man. I imagined a scene where the clone ends up visiting Uncle Ben's grave out of a desire to figure out his ties to Peter in an attempt to get through to him at his point where he's completely consumed by the symbiote, and that's where he takes the Ben name from. I would've retconned May's grave as being directly next to Ben's in the cemetery and it would obviously have her surname at birth which is where he gets the idea to call himself Ben Reilly


I would rather see superior spiderman. Not anytime soon but maybe by Spiderman 6


I could see Sony going for it. Despite making bad movies, they are willing to get weird. But I kinda think any potential clone saga story will be replaced with a multiverse story instead. Ben Reilly and Kane from a different universe, etc. I hope not though.


It could be a cool way to transition a different actor into playing Spider-Man if Tom holland doesn’t want to anymore. But it would take a few movies to set up.


Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men remains my favorite comic podcast.


Kendrick dropped the "Not Like Us" mv on 4th of July. Drake, stay down.


THE BOYS SPOILERS >!I found Tek Knight and Homelander's interaction in the new episode hilarious, legitimately the funniest joke out of the boys this season!<


Tek Knight (the episode as a whole, really) left me both laughing and thoroughly disturbed, sweet lord.


Yeah definitely, but hey at least the money he "Donated" from his bank accounts all went to good causes.


Just read this theory that Cassandra nova is using telepathy to make herself look young and normal to everyone when in reality she is old, disfigured and frail. Ngl that seems interesting and could be a great scene when they beat her. Gonna be disappointed when it does not turn out to be true


Would be wild if they damage her and her face flickers for a split second, blink and you'll miss it, to look like the real one


It would be amazing if her real form was Patrick Stewart in drag


Here's another random thought: Last week I talked about Giancarlo Esposito in Cap 4. His character, in my theory (I have NO inside knowledge!!!), is someone in government but in the post credits is revealed to be a secret Kang and thar Kangs have set themselves up in the past with new faces and new identities. Holy crap! Kangs could be anywhere and anyone. (This is what Secret Invasion SHOULD have felt like but I digress!) Now I'm going to talk about FF. So here I want to establish that Reed has a Secret lab in his lab (more Secret than his Negative Zone portal if he has one!). In the post credits we see what that lab was: it's called the Bridge and let him see other universes. Now I expect this movie to end with his universe destroyed by Galactus or incursion so when the post credits shows this,  it's a flashback.  The word YESTERDAY appears and we see Reed meet with.. the Council of Reeds! But in the MCU they are Ioan Gruffud,Miles Teller and John Krazinsky. But wait you say? Didn't Krazinsky die already? Yes but stick with me. After getting information he needs from the other Reeds about how to handle the specific problems in his movie, Pedro Reed leaves. So do Ioan and Miles. But the meeting takes place at Earth-838,the Baxter Institute.  So this Reed isn't leaving. Instead as soon as the others leave,his Kang armor comes on! John Krasinski was replaced by a Kang after he was killed by Wanda and no one knows it!


Honestly, I like the idea that the Kangs scatter throughout time with new faces and identities. Further that idea by saying that the Kangs discover the TVA is monitoring them, and that’s why they all change.


Exactly! It gets around the whole recast Johnathan Majors problem and provides the audience an opportunity to ask at every movie or show "Could there be a Kang hiding here?" I thought a third one could be Agent Paradox but I'm sure I'll be proven wrong on that one pretty soon :)


~~40~~ **70** downvotes for the *extremely hot take* that Kang doesn’t *need* to be jacked for his character to make sense. Un fucking real.


I don’t think any character who’s main power is shooting energy beams or telekinesis or whatever needs to be jacked either


Now you’re getting it 😭


I don’t think brainless dogpiling is a fandom thing as much as it’s a Reddit thing


Yeah time travel, his intelligence and his use of future technology is what’s mostly needed to make his character work. Sure he has a suit that does everything for him, he doesn’t need to be jacked. Kang isn’t Thanos, he can’t beat everyone in hand to hand combat. No matter how jacked Majors’ Kang is, he’s getting his shit kicked in if he fought Daredevil in the condition he fought Antman in at the end of Quantumania. Being jacked and being a good hand to hand fighter isn’t a requirement for Kang, it was just to give Jonathan Majors more to do physically.


Imagine we get a public Captain America trailer at SDCC?


I think we get a short teaser maybe a minute ? Then Agatha we get a 2 minute trailer. They will want to build on the hype from Deadpool as much as possible


I wish


I doubt it.


Marvel generally releases the trailer of the next movie either slightly before or slightly after the previous one. Biggest exception here has been Deadpool & Wolverine. SDCC is also in the 200~ day mark for Cap4. I would say 100% we’re getting a public teaser trailer. My guess is; - Agatha public trailer - Cap4 public trailer - Thunderbolts teaser (only SDCC) - Daredevil Born Again trailer (only SDCC) - F4 concept art - Multiple announcements Edit: formatting


For Daredevil, I expect a public trailer at D23 because it’s more Disney+ related.


To silence the naysayers abt the delays, "test screenings" and reshoots, I 100% believe they're dropping a teaser. The months are flyijg by. IT'll be February in no time. That is if it doesnt come out earlier.


I honestly feel like it’s kinda plausible just because Feige has always said go big or go home at comic con and this seems like an easy announcement they can do which will generate a lot of hype especially after Deadpool 3. But i agree they are for sure going to show footage of cap 4 it’s just whether it’s public or not. (And if it’s private it’ll leak anyways 😛😛)


And they could probably attach the trailer to deadpool 3 for the rest of its runtime in theaters which would be cool


Probably trailer for BNW, thunderbolts, and concept art for fantastic four


Now that we are 2 episodes away from the Finale of season 4, how do you think The Boys Season 4 is going to end and setup Season 5.


Butcher going too far to the point it disbands the group, they have to reunite again to fight President Homelander in season 5


Season 5 is definitely going to be about Homelander and his army taking over the White House


So basically with this Avengers 5 film having basically every major Phase 4-6 character in it. Sam will assemble whatever heroes are available as The Avengers. (i’d make Sam and Carol the new Steve and Tony type relationship of the Avengers.. not of the entire saga) They all fight whoever the villain is. Kang and his variants or somebody else as the multiverse is crumbling All the other teams (Defenders, Thunderbolts, Wakanda, Young Avengers, Midnight Suns, and Solo heroes) fight their own variants in different parts. I would personally like to see a scene where they all are in the same spot fighting basically what would’ve Kang-Prime. They are getting their ass kicked because they aren’t working as one United team. Sam basically gives a speech basically saying “Shut the fuck up. I don’t give a fuck who you were before or what team or city you work in, today we’re all one team. I’m the captain now.” With everyone on the same page, Sam ends it with an “Avengers Assemble” and everyone charges into the fight… but they lose the multiverse is destroyed.


Why would you finally introduce the New Avengers and make them lose in their very first movie together? This is the same theory everyone has about the ending of Fantastic Four. Why does everyone want the new heroes to fail? Wouldn’t that make Tony, Steve, and Nat supposedly returning in Secret Wars all the more pathetic? Like, “we tried to recreate the magic, but the new heroes aren’t hacking it. Better bring back the old ones so we can make money again.”


Well for Secret Wars to work the multiverse pretty much has to die. I think they can defeat the council of Kangs or whatever threat but lose the multiverse while saving everyone they can. It’s not set in stone that those characters will even return and if they do they wouldn’t be in the movie longer than like the final battle to not take away the shine from any of the main MCU Multiverse Saga characters.


Unless they lose super early in secret wars that’s how avengers 5 is going to have to end to get to battleworld.


I am very doubtful of that. Sam will put together a team of heroes that are earthbound. Other characters will be involved in different storylines which will take them into Secret Wars. Thor could encounter a Kang variant. Jane could be exploring the timelines that are visible. Wanda could be the wild card. She is still struggling to cope with the aftermath of MoM. Immortus is sympathetic and offers to help her and convinces her that he is good. Also I have a question on how everything is destroyed. Incursions take out 2 universes. A lack of a anchor being can take out 1 universe. Does this have anything to do with the Scarlet Witch prophecy? In the comics, when Wanda expels her nexus energy. Immortus states that it will destroy timelines.


Can we please not make Wanda a villain again for the SECOND TIME in a row? What was the point of WandaVision’s hopeful ending if she’s just gonna keep back-peddling every time?


This is a trope that Marvel used in the comics numerous times. Given that Michael Waldron is writing these, it would not surprise me.


Why does CBM Twitter likes to project their opinions on James Gunn?


Its Twitter, a full of morons who like to hear the sound of their own voice. What else did you expect?


Because it is Twitter, what else do you expect from them?






Mackie also posted, “see you soon”. Taking a guess, that’s sdcc


Man if we get a trailer…


I wonder how that'll work considering he'd be knee deep into filming Twisted Metal season 2


Filming starts in August last I saw?


[Twisted Metal starts July 17th](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twisted_Metal_(TV_series)#Filming) according to the Wikipedia who sourced its data from ProductionWeekly


We'll def know in like a week. But i'm sure that (sdcc) would have been worked in his schedule in advanced.


Damn. The suit is growing on me. It looks pretty good here.


u/AValorantFan Wake up brother.


I’m awake, I’m happy, my 4th of July is made


There’s currently an untitled Marvel movie set to release in February 2026. Are there any movies that could realistically release in that time that isn’t a 2025 movie being delayed (Blade)?


This will probs be one of the dates answered at SDCC.


Shang-Chi 2 but I still think Blade's gonna end up taking that date


Spider-Man 4 probably


Disney doesn't set release dates for any of the Spider-Man movies


I don’t think Sony would want to release a Spider-Man movie in February, they would probably want it either in the summer or December.


I mean, both Black Panther and Quantumania opened to big numbers thanks to Valentines Day boosts, and Brave New World literally comes out on that day, so it could get boosted also. Then again, Madame Web probably scared off Sony from doing any more February releases.


Blade or Armor Wars, potentially Shang-Chi 2


The reaction to the Neil Gaiman allegations is the perfect example of why you should never form parasocial relationships with celebrities. Obviously they’re just allegations right now, but still, there are people out there legitimately heartbroken that someone they never met might be a bad person. I’m sorry to all the liberal art majors out there, but this isn’t exactly normal or healthy behavior. It’s weird, unhealthy and frankly, sad and pathetic.


You're kind of talking about parasocial relationships like people *want* to develop that behavior. There are a lot of contributing factors to how people end of that way, mental illness, unfulfilled needs IRL, ND behavior, youth, just being a human. No need to call people pathetic about it. People have hero-worshipped for as long as we've been a species. And, in a lot of ways, your interests and hobbies are a reflection of you. If something you chose to devote your time and interest on ends up rotten, it's understandable to feel down about it because it can feel like you're rotten for not picking better, even if that's the wrong way to think about it.


I'll have to wait and see. Apparently, there's the author of the original article and their connections/lack of sources that make it a little unreliable. But again, I wouldn't know for sure. Regardless, I don't think it's inherently wrong to feel disappointment over someone that you've admired, even having never met them. We feel things for people and places and animals we've never met before, yet we want a say in those matters regardless. We feel sad at indiscriminate death or enraged when bigotry is amplified all having never experienced or met these individuals. It's when it becomes obsessive worship that's alarming. When we begin to believe that we're owed everything and that we know these individuals extremely well. That we're *friends*. But we aren't. It's disappointing either way. I don't think it's that pathetic. People forget that they aren't characters in a story, they're real people who are capable of being the worst just like any other person on the planet. So they're either the best thing in the world or the worst for most people. I get where you're coming from, but I feel some of it is a little more nuanced to an extent. Hell, Scoot from YMS just passed away and people couldn't help being chronically online saying, "Why do I feel bad that he died?" or "I don't want to sound parasocial, but I feel sad..." To me, that's sad and a bit pathetic. Extremes where you're either engrossed with an individual or you're trying to course correct so much where you don't give a shit about death in general or shitty things happening to others you've never met? I don't know, kind of sucks. There's a balance to things.


“Pathetic” feels a bit rude to say. In some ways, I get it. A lot of people love his work and in some cases were inspired by him, so it tracks for some to be disappointed/upset by the news. At the same time, there is definitely a line b/w looking up to a figure and outright deifying them or acting as though you fully know them as a person.


Agreed. I should've said it without saying so much, but yeah.


Aye man. The boys…. I ain’t need to see any of that.


I was eating when I started up the episode, big mistake




https://x.com/UpdatesCAP4/status/1808929035353010292?t=LCOdr_VXuawKTPbtKL6Ijw&s=19 Defenders in DDBA Part 2!? Edit:["I should specify I meant one person specifically who signed on, as opposed to an ensemble"](https://x.com/UpdatesCAP4/status/1808934695570157582?t=H2zU-4hzBePUEz3g5YRdFg&s=19) Maybe She Hulk!?


I wonder how Jen would be like in a show with a tone that's totally different from hers. Also in a show where she's not the POV and can't just reach out from your tv and unplug it. It's highly likely she's not who they're teasing, but I so hope she is.


My theory is that it's Jessica Jones. Considering she's been rumored to be to coming back for awhile now in DDBA specifically. But while it would never happen imagine the hype if they bring Spider-Man into part 2 to lead into SM4.


Oscar Isaac! I know, I know. It's extremely unlikely. I'm just trying to milk as much speculation as I can out of the fact that Benson and Moorhead are directing *Daredevil: Born Again*. Either way, the Muse and Mayor Fisk subplots sound more Moon Knight than *Moon Knight*. Maybe *Born Again* can scratch that itch for those who are feeling it.


It ain't happening but imagine if it was Tom Holland.


Charlie is going to be a broken broken man after marathoning two seasons of this, Spider-Man 4 and Avengers (🙏) pretty much back to back https://i.redd.it/df1rh3ixnjad1.gif


I hope bro is going to swim in his Disney money like Scrooge McDuck after all that


If he is in the first two then i don't see him appearing in the next Avengers movie. It's been a long shot assuming that anyway.


I saw his recent photo when they wrapped filming and Charlie looks like he’s aged a decade since shooting started. Prayers for my man.


wtf? That’s a long ass time.




Wouldn't this report being accurate mean DD wouldn't be in Spider-Man 4 or at least not have a major role? That movie is supposedly going to film later this year which would make sense given Avengers 5 is reportedly starting production in March so it'd need to largely wrap filming by then. So the movie would overlap filming entirely with DD BA S2


Honestly a lot of the production timelines for these upcoming Marvel films seem to be unclear but tbh I feel like it would be probably easier to film Charlie's and Vincent's scenes while they are on set. Maybe SM4 and DDBA share the same locations potentially and they can show up there? Many scoopers are pretty firm Matt will have a role in SM4 plus Charlie and Vincent's comments still point to it happening.


I think they’re waiting to find a director with Spider-man 4, to let whoever gets chosen put their own touches on the script before they begin filming.


Good God that's sexy as fuck


Do you think one of the reasons the MCU is loosing steam is because people aren't too keen on the Avengers anymore, due to them being a paramilitary team? I see many citing how the X-men, F4, GOTG feels like family but the Avengers feel more like work, I kinda agree with that but I don't think that's a bad thing, but perhaps a lot of people do, and it's making them start to see the Avengers as a bunch of fascist douchebags?


> I see many citing how the X-men, F4, GOTG feels like family and the Avengers feel more like work The most twitter opinion of all time


I think it's the opposite. People have often cited the *absence* of an Avengers movie as one of the reasons why the MCU lost steam.


I mean, despite there not being an active Avengers team, most of the characters are still "avengers-adjacent", the X-men and F4 are still nowhere to be seen and GOTG only had two appearances recently


being "avengers adjacted" doesn't make them the avengers, none of them have interacted with each other since 2019, there's no dynamic period


New The Boys episode made me gag a couple of times lmao, on the bright side, TIL if you search Web Weaver the first result is a cool looking fashion Spider-Man instead of... webhole man


Where the fuck is Tek-knigth's suit tho


No budget for it


I know right, I was waiting for him to bust out some nanotech shit while getting choked kinda underwhelming that they're just like >!"Yeah, he's dead,"!<


[Simon Pegg believes a possible "SHAUN OF THE DEAD" sequel or reboot would be a "cynical and exploitative exercise".](https://x.com/discussingfilm/status/1808897736680300870?s=46)


lol I remember the press tour for The Force Awakens, he acted like a whiney and entitled OT purist.


Thanks Simon, you get it.


TBH, I don’t know what a sequel would even be about. Maybe there could be fun exploring the new status quo w/ zombies, but I feel like the movie is a complete story.


The ONLY thing I wouldn't mind is a sequel with everybody back and Edgar Wright having a perfect story all on his own. A reboot would be atrocious no matter what.


Do you think Marvel going with the "Ultimates" origin for the Avengers is aging badly because of the whole government-sponsored and militaristic stuff and Gen Z's growing distaste (rightfully so) for the military? Perhaps future adaptations will avoid this origin because of that, opting for the classic origin instead?


Nah there are way worse examples in contemporary cinema.


If they had stayed with SHIELD, yeah, I agree. But they didn’t. They quickly broke away and became their own thing. The MCU has never really advocated for government sponsored heroes. In fact, Winter Soldier and Civil War specifically said that was a bad thing, snd were praised for it.


*The Avengers* specifically subverts Millar's Ultimates origin by making them break away from SHIELD in the movie. It is actually quite brilliant in the way it mixes the ultimate and classic origins.


>It is actually quite brilliant in the way it mixes the ultimate and classic origins Why do you think that? I don't disagree, just wanna read your analysis


Not only it integrates the core elements of both versions (SHIELD, the Chitauri, Loki, Hulk) into a single narrative but also plays thematically with the differences between both origins. Fury thinks he is assembling basically the Ultimates, a group of soldiers he will control and manipulate, but that fails. When they get together later they do it independently of SHIELD (and even against them at the end) so they are no the Ultimates anymore but the Avengers. I also love how the main factor that inspires them to finally work together as heroes is Coulson's dead. He was shown to be almost the only one in SHIELD that believed in the Avengers Initiative in a non-cynical way. He, being an original creation for the movies, feels like a character taken from the 616 comics that prevents the MCU from going the way of the Ultimate Universe.




The notion that Gunn would give a bunch of characters in the movie deliberately ugly suits just to make some kind of meta commentary feels really contrived. Also, Terific costume is literally his suit from the comics already. It is not overdesigned or corporate so I don't see why he would make Hawkgirl and Green Lantern's suits worse for this plot but not Terrific. Superman's suit itself is arguably more "overdesigned" than Terrific's so the idea wouldn't really make sense. I think that outside of the Lord's logo these just are the suits Gunn wanted to give the characters and I don't see them getting different versions in this movie.


Yeah the loops people are going through to say it's a jab at the MCU really does feel incredibly insincere. It's okay to admit the suits look bad even as corporate uniforms yet also acknowledge those won't be their final costumes and they'll likely get accurate ones later on, it doesn't have to be one or the other. All this discourse only reminds me of that insane Vol. 3 claim that "Gunn is making fun of Disney for firing him, hah, what a genius!" when he's stated he submitted the script for it before he got fired.


Let’s settle this - is Malkovich playing Puppet Master or Franklin Storm? I think he’s Franklin.


Mole Man.


I see many people thinking doom will not be the villain of secret wars for either it being too soon and lacking buildup or it will be a waste to use him and should saved for later on. So here’s my take on why those reasons are not really a big deal imo. No build up - as many have told even thanos had minimal build up before infinity war and is a beloved character, same for Darth vader in empire strikes back you don’t need hours of build up to make characters iconic, especially for villains. Plus at the very least he’ll be teased/introduced in F4 and play a side role in A5 then become the villain of A6. Which is more than enough to build him up. Save him for later- just as how doom is still an active player in the comics after 2015 secret wars, the same thing will happen in the MCU. I feel like it will quite literally end the same way as the comic with Reed fixing his face and putting him in latveria. Just like how Loki was still a player after A1 had him as a villain. So even after secret wars he’ll pop up from time to time


Doom getting the Beyonder's powers means nothing to the audience, we haven't seen him clash with the heroes multiple times and come up with new schemes so its just a hollow achievement


Why are we not hearing the same complaint for thanos then, he should fought with heroes multiple times beforehand to make his snap more effective and not just a hollow achievement. It’s because it’s a different medium it’s not the same as comics especially for villains.


if you plan to have Doom be just the finale villain similar to Thanos then sure go ahead (even tho his rivalry and history with Reed isn't really getting explored here in this version of the movie you have presented also Doom is nowhere mentioned to be in Fantastic 4 so he'll have a very small role at max) but having Doom stay after Secret Wars will make not look good essentially you want Doom to pull off his biggest triumph in his first appearance and then he just kinda comes back again and again doing nothing on that same level. Thanos was done justice cuz the Infinity War is structured similarly to Infinity Gauntlet he shows up kicks ass gets the stones snaps his fingers and then eventually loses Doom has so much potential for stories before Secret Wars but you just wanna rush to him being the big bad for sake of it


It’s quite literally like the comics, you think doom has been uninteresting after secret wars or they stopped using him. They could use him in different and interesting ways post secret wars. Bigger is not equal to better, you don’t need doom to pull of something more bigger than secret wars to keep him interesting afterwards.


It's not like the comics because comic audience expectations are different from moviegoing audience expectations. Comic fans are used to Doom being a team-level threat who has arcs where he becomes cosmic-powered, then returns to his norm, so on and so forth. That is an expectation built on decades of precedent and caked into his character arcs and motivations. It's part of the fun. Comic fans are also used to filler issues that don't amount to much. Wasting an issue on a filler Doom adventure at a lowpoint in his arc isn't a big deal. Movie audiences don't have such an expectation and don't have precedent for it. If Doom comes in as a Thanos-level villain and gets his ass beat and de-powered, and then Marvel brings him back 3 more times to get his ass beat by a smaller Avengers team and the Fantastic Four, audiences are going to ask "why the fuck does Marvel insist on bringing this guy back to get his ass beat over and over? He didn't succeed when he had all the power in the universe, now Marvel wants me to care about him when he's just threatening New York and the Avengers can take care of him over the weekend?"


Except that we *had* seen Thanos come into conflict with the heroes multiple times before *Infinity War*, through his various past attempts to get the Stones via his allies and cronies. The fact that the Avengers had foiled his plans multiple times without realising is exactly what made it so effective when Thanos finally took direct action against them and won.


From the top of my head only times thanos was connected to the heroes conflict was avengers 1 and GOTG which is 2 movies. And for doom you have F4, A5 and potentially more to build him off like thanos. Him trying to solve the incursions on his own way apart from all the heroes can easily be built up which will make his victory against beyonder/kang effective just thanos winning against the heroes in infinity war


> avengers 1 and GOTG which is 2 movies. Along with *Iron Man 3*, *Age Of Ultron*, *Guardians 2* and every other movie that linked to the Infinity Stones. > And for doom you have F4 and A5 Both of which can only be cameos battling for screentime with everything they've actually set up. > make his victory against beyonder/kang effective just thanos winning against the heroes in infinity war It's way too late at this point to do something like that without it being a rushed, shoehorned cop out.


You could say the same for Kang tbh


He had 2 appearances as the main antagonist so far which is still better than doom’s 0.


What about thanos tho he also had like 3 scenes before infinity war. Doom will have F4, A5 and maybe more to work with before secret wars which is same as thanos.


Thanos also had other things tied to him that appeared in other movies: the chitauri, gamora, and the infinity stones. Doom currently has nothing tied to him that appeared in the movies while kang has had multiple things that could have tied to him appear. Some of the potential ones include the bangles and the ten rings.


Doom has nothing tied to him yet, F4 and A5 could change that and give him things to build off of like the chitauri, gamora and the stones. And again I’m not telling them to abandon Kang, he’ll still be the villain of A5 and play a role in A6 but doom will just take his place like he did with beyonders in the 2015 comic.


If doom was gonna be the main villain of the saga I feel like they would have fast tracked fantastic four to phase 4 instead of waiting till phase 6 since a key part of doom being god emperor was his rivalry with reed. It would also be wrong narratively for the biggest thing doom has done to not be his final plan.


Yea I do agree that releasing F4 earlier would have been better but maybe due to rights issues or whatever they didn’t. Although I think it’s still not to too late for them build that rivalry up imo.


They can build the character and his relationships/rivalries up properly in the next Saga, instead of shoehorning and rushing him through this one at the last minute.


The issue is not there is no buildup, the issue is that they are clearly building up for kang to be the main villain of secret wars. If doom had been introduced early in phase 4 like kang was in loki. He could have been.


Kang will still be the villain of A5 and play a vital role in A6, I’m not telling them to abondon Kang just that doom will bet the next natural progression to Kang. Similar to 2015 comic where beyonders where will built to be the villains and actually are till the last moment where doom defeats them and becomes the next big bad. Kang will play the role beyonders in the mcu.


If avengers vs x men does indeed happen, I wonder how’ll they’ll market it since I imagine in happening in secret wars so ig it’s unlikely to change the title to avengers vs x men. Also I could imagine them saving that title for a later movie with a more grounded and personal story between the two teams. But even if they change the name to AvX will the movie truly reflect the title since it’s basically a multiversal war which happens to be between two universes with only avengers and mutants respectively (what are odds of that) but we did get AoU too so I won’t bet on it. There’s another option where avengers 5 becomes AvX and secret wars keeps its name. But I’m not sure if the first avengers movie since endgame will be an AvX movie.


I think avengers 5 will be avengers vs thunderbolts movie with multiverse stuff happening/being built up in the background(which is illuminati and cabal destroying other universes). So basically Sam will be fighting thunderbolts with his avengers team where as the illuminati will be facing the multiverse threats. So like two main groups like infinity war one earth based and another cosmic/mulfiverse based. Secret wars pt1 will adapt the times run out ending with mcu vs fox x men Universe and ending in creation of battle word And lastly secret wars pt2 will follow the 2015 comic pretty accurately from there.


Is armor wars before or after avengers 5 ??


[Hugh Jackman on Wolverine in #DeadpoolAndWolverine:“These 2 poured their heart and soul into ensuring this was the best version of Wolverine yet. When I read the script, I never felt someone care so much about my character as me, until these 2”](https://x.com/CineGeekNews/status/1808758034509840800) [Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman on if there are any romantic elements between ‘DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE’. “It’s certainly a movie about friendship and brotherhood… Romance too, like you see romance in sports… Wolverine expresses love with his claws”](https://x.com/CineGeekNews/status/1808762538429198781)


https://www.youtube.com/live/jSOMZSHqfgk?si=yFZBMXfdlrku4FWJ Is it me or is the background music part of the actual film? 


https://x.com/MCUWikiFandom/status/1808769005198438770 Can some one explain to me how this makes sense? What information tells us or gives the idea that he'd be close to "180"?


He was 27+66+12 = 105 pre-time travel, with 66 years being under the ice and 12 years being in the modern era. Biologically, he was 39. Then he was 105+78 = 183 post-time travel, assuming he went back to 1945 and aged another 78 years all the way to present day 2023. Biologically, he was 117.