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Mentions the future foundation too!!!


I wish we can see Spidey in that suit.


Imo that’ll be the endgame for Peter: hands Spider-Man off to Miles while he and MJ join the Future Foundation to help the world as themselves


I would love this ending tbh


Heal the world, like the Insomniac game. Loved seeing Peter excited about all the R&D stuff at the Emily-May Foundation


You can in r/spidermanps4 lol


Yeah so can you in Lego Marvel Superheroes, obviously they mean in the MCU


I bet we will see it in a future crossover


This menas the futire foindation built their futuristic city. The plot will take inspiration from the og comics from the 60's and jonnathan hickman's run, as that herbie with the QR for the free online comics confirmed


- Reed’s upper lip isn’t as clearly defined as the others’ - does that indicate Pascal is keeping the mustache? - His chin is drawn as clean-shaven, though this could just be a stylistic decision - On the other hand, his hair is visibly a different color from his skin, and there is no mustache shape in that color. So maybe Pascal *is* shaving. - Or is that just the gray bits being highlighted? - I note all of this because I suspect, now that they’re closer to filming, they have a better idea of how the cast are going to look - (Compared to the Valentine’s Day promo art, where they were drawn to be recognizable) - Sue’s simply-drawn haircut is straight out of the 1967 cartoon - That’ll be fun to see in live action - And it’s using her maiden name, rather than “Richards” or “Storm Richards”, which is interesting - The Future Foundation graphic design elements from that “hidden website” return, confirming that it was actual design work done for the movie. - A Future Foundation, in the 1960s, that’s the reason the city look like that


Sue hair looks a lot like Jackie Kennedy


It looks like Human Torch has hair even though the actor has a buzzcut right now. Idk if these silhouettes are that accurate to what they’ll look like.


I mean it’s probably safe to say Quinn will be wearing a wig for Johnny’s hair.


Probably but the 2000’s movies also had him with a buzzcut.


That movie wasn’t set in the 60s though


I don’t think that matters.


One could argue that a buzz cut probably wasn’t a popular haircut in the 60’s.


I guess, but it’s a retro future movie with superheroes.


Thank God you're not working on this movie


What if he has it in the movie lol?


Unless he's going to fight Germany. He won't have a buzz cut


Right, but these aren’t the 2000s movies. And it’s clear from that silhouette that he won’t have a buzz cut.


>that “hidden website” What website?


When Marvel released the second piece of promo art, the Human Torch one, for "4-4 Day", it linked to [this page](https://www.marvel.com/fantasticfour), which has a hidden link to [this page](https://www.marvel.com/ff).


I honestly wouldn’t over think the Reed stuff from an outline tbh


You’ve really put a lot of effort into this Reddit comment!


>and it’s using her maiden name Of course they will let open the opportunity to adapt the wedding of Sue and Reed in the future


Aside for "Future Foundation", the best thing is Sue's hairs lmao full 60s, I love it!


I find it amusing whenever there's a image of the Fantastic Four where the characters all show off their powers and Reed is just... Reed. C'mon! Don't be so modest! Get stretchy!


It looks like Mr Assface to me!


Tbh, it's not like they could've done much to inject his powers onto these small side portraits, aside from maybe a long neck. Maybe, if the portraits showed more of their bodies, they could've gotten the opportunity to elongated an arm or a torso l. But yeah, i do agree and hope that they won't get shy with making pedro as noodly and stretchy as possible in future promotional material




Sneider reported that SDCC is gonna be all about movies and D23 will be all about shows. Seeing this promo makes me HYPED and I'm glad F4 will get so much focus.


I feel like shows will have at least some presence at SDCC cuz there’s no way they don’t bring Daredevil to Hall H. That would just be a major misfire


Yeah deep down I feel that way too, Daredevil footage would set the Internet on FIRE. Literally everyone's holding their breath to see how it looks on screen and how things are tone wise.


SDCC this year is about to be a fucking movie! I couldn't be more excited.


Ben Grimm looking like he’s reading the list of non-negotiables


I take it for granted that my hometown does this, it's so cool to see downtown SD come to life like this


Those who gone to the MCU panels in the past, how crazy were the lines to get in? Back before Endgame, I really wanted to attend a panel featuring the original Avengers cast but that never happened because of how lucky you need to be to earn passes.


I haven't loved some of the the castings we've been learning about, but I can't lie, I'm getting really hyped for this film It's been too long since the FF hasn't gotten some love. Plus I need some Fantastic Four Hot Toys in my life


God I miss San diego


F4 are coming to SDCC, baby!!!!! Also, we're getting Future Foundation baby!!!!!!


Are they gonna have those hairstyles? I hope Sue does at least, that one looks sick


I remember when I thought the SDCC was really cool. Then I moved to San Diego now it's just a huge annoyance.


Is it only really an annoyance unless you live downtown or in the Gaslamp?


Downtown and Gaslamp are really, really bad, it makes La Jolla congested as well. Guess I should add, my birthday and my wifes birthday always takes place around comic con, so it really makes us trying to enjoy our birthdays really really annoying and complicated.




Assuming these banners are accurate to the looks of the characters, it seems like we will be getting clean shaven Reed and CGI Ben. Super comic accurate.


It just ocurred to me that they could do a live performance at the painel, like they had Loki and High Evolutionary at stage to hype the movies... Imagine Pascal entering Hall H as Reed, bringing news of great scientifical achievements of retrofuturistic optmism.




So definitely no shot of a trailer, but maybe an official poster?


Well they haven't even begun filming yet so we're definitely not getting a trailer lol


Wouldn’t be a trailer, they started few days after SDCC. I wouldn’t be surprise if they have concept art


An official trailer for the Fantastic Four will likely release during Super Bowl 59 on FOX.


Well they haven't even begun filming yet so we're definitely not getting a trailer lol


That’s why I said no shot of a trailer