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It's an over priced air mattress, I know people who love them though and used them for decades. Might as well just get tempurpedic at that price in my opinion.


I did not have good Experic e with TempurPedic Breeze. It is overpriced foam material that heats. Despite the sale pitch. No luck with their WARRENTY. They would not offer 0 interest for purchasing it if it was quality material.


I have the hybrid adapt a d love never tried a breeze


what didnt u liek about the breezE? i was gonan get one


Dont. The cooling is a joke. Were returning ours


Holy crap really. What don’t you like about the pro breeze?


I have an original tempurpedic that’s lumpy now but it’s been great for 15 years. I prefer it to the new tempurpedic breeze we bought. We got medium and it’s like a rock. Cooling is a joke. Does nothing. And just for the price I can tell they really have cheapened up the mattress. It’s half the weight and very little sink compared to my original. I’m going to DIY a mattress as the industry is just horrible now.


DIY a mattress you say? Tell me more


Diymattress.net and YouTube would be your best bet to learn


FWIW I have a Luxe Breeze and it works really well for us. We're big fans. I guess it's a mileage-may-vary-type thing.


How long have u had itand what firmness rating?


We got it in February, though I've owned TempurPedics before. Ours is a soft. We also got an adjustable base, which significantly shortens the break-in period. I would strongly recommend an adjustable base anyway because they're so useful. For a while it felt closer to a medium or a firm, but once it was broken in (around April?) it was pretty darn soft, and now I would say it's close if not identical to how it felt in the store. It may not work for everybody. All I can say is that I sleep like a furnace, and so far this summer it's been great, even with the heat wave these past few weeks. Obviously a mattress won't change whether you personally sleep like a furnace, but all you do is scoot/roll over and the mattress is super cool.


I love mine. Only complaint is that the soft one breaks in too much and the medium starts too firm for a long time. The cooling does wear off but it’s not as hot as an original or a non breeze.


Oh I had no idea it can wear off. How old is yours? In Canada we just have soft or firm. The medium hybrid isn’t available for dumb reason . I was leaning soft


Mines about 3 years old now. It had a real chill to it when I would first lay down, actually I put a think blanket down for a few months. That said the only time I ever overheat if my kids wake me up in the middle of the night from a dead sleep and I’m fight or fighting. I do sleep better on these slow foam mattresses though


But you get a [reverse SSH tunnel into your home network as part of the deal](https://dillan.org/articles/how-to-get-root-access-to-your-sleep-number-bed). Who would not want that!


Hahaha this is fucking wild. Great work though!!


The bed rails failed after 2 years which makes the bed unusable. Not covered under warranty. they consider it "normal wear and tear". WTF?​


I don't know what you mean by bedrails but mines been great


I walked into one of their stores once and walked right out The whole thing just feels like a wildly overpriced scam product


It sadly is


Over priced air mattress. It cost me $700. For them to take it back. 


Its mostly old people who get scammed by it. It seems like every elderly person has one in their house. I got my grandmothers and it was the worst mattress ive ever slept on by far.


RUN DONT walk away from this company! We have had ours for 60 days. Service has already been out twice. First it wouldn’t fill at all, then It would fill the wrong side. The thing fills with air magically on one side only, creating a bubble and the greatest back pain I’ve ever known! The responsive air is a joke and THEY SPY ON US THROUGH THE APP!!!! Customer service is horrendous and we are fighting to send this piece of junk back! They have stopped returning our calls. We assume they are trying to get to 100 days so we can’t return. This company should be SUED for misrepresentation and bold faced lies!


What made you believe they are spying on you? That smells like a lawsuit waiting to happen


Every time we are on with customer service, they review our every movement. They are linked up to our app even when we aren’t communicating with them. They admitted so.


I just threw mine in pieces in the dumpster today…it was so satisfying. What a hunk of garbage.


We had one of the old basic models. Definitely an overpriced air mattress. Had to adjust the firmness often. One of the air chambers burst which caused a giant air bubble. Customer service was no help. Glad to be rid of it


We’ve had our sleep number for 10 years and the only issue we’ve had is the cheap remote for changing the number. It’s not extra fancy though just his and hers numbers.




Umm I can interpret your question in two ways and will answer both: I set it back to 100 every morning. (So it does have to work every day) both mine and my wife’s side. I have adjusted what my sleep number is based on how my back is doing. (Had issues which why we got it in the first place.) Back is better now so can sleep with a softer number but still use a firmer number in days I’m feeling stiff or like it’s been over worked. Wife’s number hasn’t changed at all.


I’ve had mine for about 15 years with zero issues. No foot warmers either


Fifteen years ago they were still making quality products.


Mattress companies are ruining the environment by producing sub par crap now. They used to make them to last 15 years. Now, your lucky to get 5. We got 2.5 with our expensive mattress. All those huge mattresses ending up in the landfills. There should be stricter requirements on companies to produce a longer lasting product.


planned obsolescence i believe is the term. its been proven that companies do this on purpose. your absolutely right that it should be regulated


Same. Zero issues ever with it, even after moving and taking it apart a number of times now. It’s a basic one but it’s been great.


24 year owner here, love mine. Had 1 problem with my king in the 24 years--the inflator died & we had to replace it but the warranty is prorated & we had to pay a sizeable fee between that & they didnt have the same inflator so we had to pay more for a newer model. We replaced the top memory foam part after about 20 years with foam from a direct foam company & got better foam than the original.


I’m annoyed that I purchased it three weeks ago. I’m still in grace period but the adjustable bed is non refundable. I’m not sure if I should get a refund for the mattress and just keep the base. Like it’s not a bad mattress especially since I have back issues. But it hasn’t done enough for me to warrant this price tag


Yeah that is garbage that they won’t take the base back. And I agree - it is actually not that bad and helped me with my back problems, but the quality of the build, tech and service are garbage. Paying designer prices for Walmart service.


Ask about the restocking fee for the bases. It’s pretty hefty, but at least you’ll get some of your money back.


Holy fuck. My bed was $475 on Amazon. Bought it 8 years ago and couldn’t be happier. Bought 2 more for guest rooms.


Try finding executive leadership on LinkedIn and messaging them directly. I haven’t used this approach with Sleep Number specifically, but have before with other brands who’s front line is unwilling and/or unable to both help and escalate.


I love my Casper paired with eight sleep. I don’t have the base Casper. It’s the mid option. Love it!!


The best thing is to buy a coil mattress every 2-3years. I bought one many years ago with a pillow top. Best mattress I ever had. It went belly up 3 years later. Anyways, I bought sterns and foster before. Paid 4K for it and although it’s not a bad mattress it’s just not worth it. Again spending 1-1.5k every 2-3 years is the best option IMO.


We had one from when the company was called Select Comfort. The bed lasted at least 20 years, we loved it, but the plastic pieces were beginning to breakdown. So we decided on getting a new sleep-number bed. My wife and I jokingly call it "not quite ready for prime time". Sadly, that was 5 years ago and it doesn't seem like things are improving with this product. So sad.


We had the worst experience there. Bed felt like I was sleeping on an air mattress. The customer service was the worst I have ever experienced. The person was so rude, I couldn’t believe it.


Not discounting your experience but as a counterpoint we’ve had ours for 19 years and still love it.


I love mine so much im activly retrofitting it to install a third air chamber. (Almost)Turning my queen into cal king. Im so excited lol


Same! Purchased in 2005 and still in use. Some foam has been replaced due to wear but other than that, it’s been amazing.


About 6-7 years ago we spent dearly on the top of the line models (adjustability with a split top, heat AND massage). 2 years ago I had enough with it: was not comfortable (the foam padding sucked, you turn over and it feels like what it actually is - an air mattress). And mostly it was not as much fun for me to fuck my husband without the nice bounce back.


Love the last comment - it has been a bit more challenging than previous.


Yeah i learned the hard way myself,  i tried it in store n it felt good but on a full nights sleep after my side would keep feeling sunken in at my number and bottom out , going higher was uncomfortable,   we replaced it after about a year n change with a helix plus , which is also sorta bad imo,  way too firm, have had to put a topper on it but thats worn after 3 years , we just ordered an overpriced  helix topper to replace our walmart one n i regret it , its too soft now  , idk why matresses gotta be this way


All of those manufacturers are over rated. I found a local mattress manufacturer, worked with the owner.  Did a 100% Talalay firm latex and paid half the price of a box store or online.  Because they the manufacturer there is no run around.  I can walk into their production facility if need be.  I'm in process of having them redo my bed with a 2 inch softer top. Latex should last up to 20 years.  Good latex that is


Funny had our first Sleep Number for 15 years with no problems and are enjoying our new one. Not everyone's experience is the same. We love our mattress.


Why did you get a new one? Curious.


Because after 15 years and 6 military moves the first one was worn out :D


Paid $500 for my king with adjustable base on Marketplace Washed the enclosure and put a new latex foam topper inside Really like Sleep Number but their prices r crazy for what u get


With a 10k price range you could shop around some really really nice mattresses. Kinda surprising they don’t care about retaining you as a customer though.


My thoughts exactly. I trusted that when you drop that much for a bed - that I would have 0.0% chance of being disappointed. It is the formula of price, quality and experience that tells me to do everything I can to tell others that sleep number is a crap company and product. For everyone telling me they have been pleased - congratulations and I don’t doubt it…but if you pay that much and there is any chance you have an experience like mine, you should run.


Not really happy with mine. But I'm outside of the return period. Gonna suck it up until I decide to pony up the cash and get something else.


Who is dumb enough to buy a 10k mattress set? Only in ‘merica




The worst company to deal with. Total disappointment.


I’ve had a sleep number bed for nine years now and I’ve had no problems with it. The key for finding the right mattress for you is comfort and support. Sleep number might not be right for everybody. I kind of wish. Mine would be a little bit firmer. In my opinion, all mattresses are a little bit overpriced. when shopping, look for mattresses that have trial periods. That way you can see how it works for you and your personal sleep habits. Because obviously you’re not gonna take a nap at the store. That’s just weird..


Im glad I read this and a few comments. We spent $15K on a tempurpedic luxe breeze split king and I kicked myself for not looking at a sleep number bed. The tempur imo sleeps hot, however its not as bad as it could be.


I’m so glad I found this. I was literally getting ready to buy one today- had saved up for a while. We had the Casper snow for about 2 months and it was hurting my lower back but I couldn’t tell if it was too soft or too hard. Any suggestions on what to get? I just want someone to tell me what to buy at this point.


I've had one for a little over 15 years. I'm satisfied with it & have had no problems. Mine doesn't have foot warmers though.


Same but not quite as long yet, I love that nothing really wears out and I can get replacement parts if something fails


You are good paying them more for a bed that cost you 8-10k? For that price I should never have to put another nickel into it. I could literally buy a decent mattress every year for the next 10 years.


Mine was around $5k vs the mattresses that I was comparing it to that were over $2k and I’ve already got 2 mattresses worth of use from it


Sorry you had to find out this way. Your first clue should’ve been that the manufacturer is also the retailer. Your second clue should’ve been from reading the warranty criteria compared to other brands.


Why is this a red flag? Vertical integration is pretty common with consumer goods. 


If the techs who came out at least smoked with me, that would make one positive thing I could say about this bed other than "my wife loves it" :(




I swear by them


Same. We have 3 in our home and our first one lasted 22 years.


Congratulations. I bought mine because my parents bought 2. I would be fine if they owned up to the lemon they sent me. At this point I have no idea if the initial improper installed damaged it or what. But I fully expect something to break given my 10 month experience and I will NOT give them another dime. I will just end up with a less than functional $10k bed - which is insane.


I LOVE our sleep number bed. Expensive - yes. But I feel as if it is worth it!


I just hope you don’t have anything that breaks (spoiler, it will).


Well, it’s been 4 years and no problems yet.


I have my bf’s sleep number at my house and he watches the app to see when I go to bed!




Haha she's probably just kidding he's probably just hidden a few cameras around the bedroom/house and an AirPod in her car and on her bike and run, girl that's crazy listen to yourself


I swear. Sleep number has an app


No I am dead serious. Sleep number has app that will tell you how you sleep. He follows it. So he knows when I go to bed by the movement in my bed


We had one years ago. Only kept it for the trial period and it became moldy. It’s a poor product.


I make a bed for half that that will never need a tech support visit. I am the owner of the company and I handle all customer service. No AI no robots just me. Sorry your dealing with that.