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>*and holy hell the difference is insane* Yeah... unless you're prepared to do some serious modifications to the GMMK Pro, it's pretty shocking how bad it is. I was going to say "for the price" but actually... out of the box, it's just bad. Love the colour of this. Suits the 9009 colours really well.


Yeah, I think it was better for the money at the time I got it but it’s not even in the same ballpark as this board and they’re roughly the same price. Thanks! Green is my favorite color and I thought the green case would really compliment the 9009.


Board specs?


Oh sorry, I forgot the model of the board in the original post. It's the QK75N, with Gateron Black Ink V2s, Durock V2 stabs, and Geekark 9009 Tenguar keycaps. I got the flex cut pcb and pom plate.


Thanks! No problem, I just wanted to check it out. I got a QK65 and really liked it, now I need to think about the 75…


if you have the original qk65 it’s a massive improvement in build quality


I can't stop buying QK boards, started with a QK65r2, then a QK60 and now I'm looking at the QK75N. These are really very nice boards at the price point and I couldn't be happier with them.


Nice build. Funnily enough I also bought a GMMK pro around the same time, and I too just got my QK75n E-Blue today. What a funny coincidence. Do you use all of the foam? I feel like this board is a bit stiff with the case foam on.


That's awesome, I used all of the foam. I have the flex pcb and pom plate, though. So if you have a different plate and pcb that might play in to the stiffness of the board. I feel that this is pretty flexible.


Hey. Same. Also upgraded from GMMK Only issue I got with my QK75N is I went with anodized blue which is basically black and only becomes blue when very bright light is shined on it. But it feels amazing.


Maybe that spill was a blessing in disguise?


Awesome looking build! I have a GMMK Pro that I built early last year and it's been okay - I think for the cost of what I spent building it I could've built something arguably nicer. But oh well! It's still holding up well so I can't complain Nice Fuji btw, I'm currently torn with going back to Sony or going down to an X mount.


Yeah, I was happy with my GMMK pro, but I'm pretty glad that it died so I could build this. The typing experience with the exact same switches and keycaps is night and day. The "gaskets" on the GMMK just do not perform the way that the gaskets (and flex PCB potentially) do in this. Also the screen is cool lol Thanks! I thought I'd include a picture of my main hobbies at the end since the fuji is what took the first 4 pictures. I'm a big fan of the Fuji X system, mainly because I love having the physical dials for ISO and shutter speed. Also all of their first party lenses have aperture rings so it's very retro.


Hey, thanks for making this post. I’ve been tweekin a bit for my first 75 and am too impatient to wait for a rainy/insert your popular board. I was resigned to the gmmk pro or maybe even the keycron q1 max. Priced similarly…you ever test out anything you would consider on par with these? Also I shoot a Fuji xt4 but just inherited a hasselblad 500c/m…it’s scary…


This is my first foray in to a more custom style of keyboard. Before the GMMK Pro I used the Coolmaster Novatouch for like 5 or 6 years. Awesome to see another X Mount friend, I haven't shot film in years. I did a year of film photography in college and I loved the dark room, but I don't have the stuff to do it now. Edit: I actually made a sound test last night for my friends: https://youtube.com/shorts/_YStua_rAz8


Sounds great, They should give you a commission because I'm about ready to pull the trigger...