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One thing to remember, sometimes female stalkers get other people to do the stalking for them. One woman I rejected for romance had her kids and their friends (some of whom looked to be around 20 and bigger than I am) stalk, and even once, assault me. I had to move to another town.


Dealing with cluster B personalities it's often referred to as using 'flying monkey's'. A reference to the wicked witch from the wizard of Oz.


I have been through it. It was hell. Your not alone.


Thank you for your words.


Did you go to the police


Yes, they told me to keep a record of everything they did to me, which I did. But I moved away before that got any further.




Yeah, so glad I had the sense to turn her down.


That's honestly 90% of things. Women just get other people to do their dirty work so they can get away with it.


Damn son, bitches be crazy.


I'd also argue that sites like that "Are we dating the same guy" are effectively just one giant collective collaboration of female stalkers, all reinforcing and encouraging this kind of toxic behavior among themselves. They are effectively just keeping and sharing private information, to pass along to the next female stalker that wants to know private details of her current obsession.




Even gossiping, something that women are well documented in doing both excessively more than men and more aggressively, is a form a group stalking as well. It's effectively going into the practice of seeking out and sharing, often even fabricating or exaggerating, personal information about another that isn't really their concern. Women will collectively bond over their ability to stalk others, and think there's nothing wrong with it because they enable each other in the process.


Someone better archive this, before they take it down.


[https://archive.ph/FnbQs](https://archive.ph/FnbQs) Done. Now, to be really redundant, we should archive the archive on other sites.


I'm surprised. psychologytoday is very feminist


I had a woman stand on my doorstep for four hours refusing to leave once. I had another one calling me at work who wouldn’t tell me who she was. Woman can be creepers too.


Ive had two female stalkers in the last five years. Both were aggressive.


Guess men should start reporting more


The truth about female stalkers is that it's perceived as innocent or harmless, even when those women do cause harm. It's viewed as harmless because they are targeting men and viewed as innocent because of this halo effect around women, and this idea that they wouldn't or couldn't do anything wrong. It would also often be dismissed as "she wouldn't do that" or as "girls will be girls" by others, because people do not seem to like holding women accountable for their actions, even when they are wrong. A lot of women would even encourage each other in stalking men, because they don't really see anything wrong with it or because they stalk men too, even when they do it with the most malicious or controlling of intents. Likewise, any form of stalking made by men is assumed to be malicious and dangerous, even when it could be completely harmless or benevolent, and any action by a man that could even remotely be perceived as stalking, will be seen as stalking. People would also have no problems even fabricating facts or projections about men to paint them as stalkers, because it fits their misandric narrative to do so. If a man accidently ran into a woman twice by serendipity, a lot of androphobic women would be happy to jump to the conclusion that he is a stalker or even looking to do her harm. Even just unrequited love or attraction from men is viewed as a threat, despite also being viewed as harmless from women.