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Ask Emmett Till if we should believe all women.


I'm sure he will have a lot to say on the subject. I live in Hong Kong and we read about Emmett Till as a basis to never believe something without the facts.




The issue here is that while both men and women, as human beings, are equally capable of both great love and great evil, that only one is societally protected from the consequences of their own actions at the expense of the other




So I understand where you're coming from. The problem, and the reason why people act as if you're somehow responsible for other women, is that women treat men as if *they're* responsible for other men. I'm supposed to police other men when they say the wrong shit shit about women because if I *don't* then I'm immediately labeled as a piece of shit misogynist. That might be why you're getting hit with the responsibility argument. I didn't read anything in the comment I'm replying to that sounded wrong or that you were a bad person. I can't read what you posted initially, but I hope this helps.


Are you sure that you've responded to the right person? The only thing I said is that men and women are equally capable of both acts of great love and great evil/ that the issue relevant to this discussion is despite that it's only women are socially, physically and legally protected from the consequences of their own actions to the detriment of men (I'll actually expand that to enjoying those protections in just about every facit of life).. Never once did I "condemn you for being a female", and sure you aren't suggesting that not just agreeing with you is tantamount to doing so.. right? What did you mean about "wording things in a way that doesn't sound like you're talking about all women in general"? The focus of what we're talking about isn't even the actions of women, but rather the fact that the society we live in is structured in a way that it _would_ and _does_ aid and protect one sex while abandoning at best and condemning at worst the other sex. It's to the point that it's even beyond _encouraging_ some of these horrid behaviors, but even _financially incentivize it_ like in cases with alimony, spousal support or child support.. You say that you're well acquainted with all these issues so I won't patronize you by explaining them (also heading into work so don't have the time anyways) but I just wanted to make it clear that I (and upon further inspection I couldn't find anyone saying those things to you either) in no way was or is condemning you for being a female.


Everything you said DOES NOT justify "believe all women!".


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted, what you may be saying should be kinda obvious but it seems true to me, this shouldn't be an "only men" subreddits and shouldn't be a subreddit for men to control everything (I didn't know the word in English) so ye I agree with you on that


People in general being horrible on both sides is precisely why we should not believe all woman or men. This sentence, "Do you think there are no good women?", is why this person is getting down voted. This sentence implies that anyone against the phrase "believe all women" automatically thinks that there are no good women.


It seems to me that she explained what she was trying to say, to me, it doesn't make sense to stop at a sentence when you have 4 paragraphs of explanation...


It’s ridiculous and bigoted to say people should be believed or not beloved based in their sex. It’s hypocritical of feminists to say they promote gender equality, then tournament around and say women should be lived over men. I say believe evidence. I say we have concepts like innocent until proven guilty for a reason. I say any society that abandons such fundamental principles should no longer be considered civilized, well certainly not just at least.


It is assumed that the woman cannot lie because the woman is weak; it is assumed that women cannot lie because it is believed that manipulation is typical of men. It is believed that lying is a variable in men as a vice and for women as a necessity. Ultimately, it is believed that it is the man who manipulates the woman to get her submission. It is assumed, it is assumed. Everything is assumed. The beautiful is assumed to be more intelligent, the woman is assumed to be a being of light devoid of defects, and the woman is separated from all humanity and deified, while man is taken as a replaceable and malevolent being. In assuming things, we are as we are in our rights and as we always suffer. People want to assume, and in assuming they are exploited in their ignorance that sex is irrelevant to the inherent evil of many human beings.


I’ve posted about this a lot but my mom used this to sexually abuse male children including me. Believe women applied to her and not to young males.


This "Believe Women" stuff is some of the most embarrassing behavior ever engaged in by humans. At least stupidity of the past could be understood by the fact that they may not have had access to information, but to believe and defend this kind of thing in the information age is honestly a tremendous failure of human civilization. It shows that fairness and justice take a backseat to 'fitting in' for a lot of people even if it means giving up everything you believe in and just becoming a spineless mindless vessel being lead along by the latest trend setters.


The collectively that is women have lied for longer than living memory. 1. They refused the military service that was traditionally associated with suffrage. obtained it anyway then lied about the fact there after. 2. Introduced no fault divorce along with common property destroying the family and rendering their vows illegitimate. 3. Legalised adultery with the co existence of common property. 4. Massively modified sexual morals and never clearly defined standards of behaviour. 5. Defeated the equal rights amendment thus lying about egalitarianism broadly. 6. Attacked the due process rights to men and boys directly. 7. Assumed ill gotten gains through affirmative action under false pretences to the tune of trillions. 8. Lied about rape, pay, violence and history broadly. 9. Effectively destroyed the family and society at large through the undermining of the family unit and destruction of basic decency. 10. Openly and continually promote lies stereotypes, misinformation while undermining the rule of law and avoiding responsibility wherever possible. Believe women I think not


I fucking know right. Not just women. JUST DON'T BELIEVE ANYONE BLINDLY!? I've known so many cases of girls lying about guys for attention, and their group of "activist" pseudo-feministic friends badmouthing those guys and calling them "abusers" without a single shred of proof, only for it to be known later that the girl was lying in the first place.




It’s sad many of these concepts get twisted into gender issues. Defamation of character should be wrong regardless of the sex involved. The concept of innocent until proven guilty should be the norm regardless of sex. Etc, etc.


This is precisely why we as men will never support metoo or any system that is heavily biased to protect the woman without even asking the man his side of the story. As long as the playing field heavily protects women at the expense of men, men will not support it. Because contrary to popular belief we are'nt dumb.


I was accused of groping a girl in middle school, there was then a school wide assembly about rape, and nobody ever asked for my perspective, I'm just lucky there was no legal involvement


BUT ONLY if the woman is on the right side of the political divide, i.e. A democrat in the US or a Liberal in Canada. Look at what happened to the women who accused Bill Clinton or more recently Joe Biden.


I've literally had this kind of scenario this week. I have a restraining order against my landlord, so he sends his girlfriend in to mess with me instead. I called the cops and left the property. Later, the cops rang me to say they weren't arresting anyone, and that the girlfriend had made the allegation that I was "crouched in a dark corner spying on her". I told the cop she was recording the whole thing on her phone, and asked him if she had shown him the video. He said no. I laughed and said, well I was recording on my phone too and you'll see that I'm in broad daylight at the top of the stairs clearly in plain sight. He realized his mistake. But what if he'd taken action on that allegation without asking for evidence?


All you have to do is switch around a woke term/sentence and see if they agree. "Believe all men," would be immediately laughed at. And rightly so.


I’m a victim of sexual harassment school did nothing and wanted to punish me for punching him in the face. I said what he did was sexual harassment. Meeting was over nothing came of it