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Perfect example of S.I.G.N. Language, and how early it starts. **Shame**: what are you doing following a teenagers instagram? (Being a responsible parent watching out for their kids, that’s what) **Insult**: you’re a pedo! **Guilt**: why is this such a big deal for you? You’re making a whole fuss over nothing And the slap-in-the-face capper at the end, **Need to be right**: restates what the man has been asking her to do and ends with “Yeah that’s fine then” as if it was her fucking idea all along!! ___ This is one of the primary ways women go through life without facing accountability for _anything_ Even when confronted, she’s twisted it _so fucking much_ with these manipulation tactics that _she still thinks she’s in the right, so much that she posted it online_ Stay safe out there gents, shit is crazy




Well I’m glad your dad wouldn’t have tolerated your being a rude, obnoxious, blackmailing false accuser You saying > I think she was in the wrong Is about as meaningful as me saying I think a rapist is in the wrong. Rape is something people shouldn’t do, it’s wrong. See how supportive that statement sounds?




😕 pretty sure I clearly explained why




If something is wrong, then it’s wrong. How is me saying rape is wrong a bad thing?


i love how she posted a picture of the childs face, but made sure to NOT film her own face. almost like she ALMOST got it.