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Ffs, a _one day_ suspension for an officer blatantly flaunting the law and lecturing constituents about not getting in her way while she does or she’ll “find a reason” to pull them over. Disgusting. But also not related to men’s rights. The woman is a capital B Bitch but this isn’t reflective of discrimination against men. I could see many male officers doing similarly stupid shit


And you can bet they harass women as much as men anyway.




Oh definitely, USA had an entitled bitch cop problem (not a gendered thing) We prefer to use the acronym ACAB, for All Cops Are Bad, to mean that even the good ones are giving cover to the bad ones that definitely shoot people and plant evidence


Oh now😅 she is a mouthy immature little cry baby because she is a woman. I am surprised that she actually got any consequences, also, because she is a woman. We all know how you little girls are. Get off this sub little girl. No men want to hear your mouth!!


Shows the disconnect with reality, I think a lot of cops think like this. She is just dumb enough to admit it. And if you are a cop and see another colleague doing something unlawful and ignore it....you are also a bad cop.








She's a bitch, but this post is not relevant for this sub This doesn't include anything related to men's rights nor does it expose misandry




Then maybe you've lonked up the wrong video


They would have fired a man for this kind of idiotic crap but then again, I can't imagine any man talking like this.


If a female thinks she can be a cop she’s definitely a narcissist misandrist, look at the hire standards and how low they are for women


How us this men's rights related?


Probably because she got almost no punishment supposedly because she is a woman. But I would say male cops usually get their asses covered too. It also shows that women in positions of authority can be as abusive as men, which shows feminists depictions of men being the evil in society are all lies.