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Everything that a woman physically desires are things that are generally genetic and that hardly or impossibly change, except for the body mass index. The redpill stupidly always come with the idea that women want to assume a masochistic role under the concept of "scarcity" of alpha males as Rollo Tomassi would tell us in his work *The Rational Male*, but the truth is that this masochism is non-existent. All these qualities that a woman biologically pursues are all beneficial forms of male slavery because from sexual to economic relationships, women have the monopoly and real power in relationships. The woman suffers because she cannot tame this enormous statistical deviation that the 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6's men represent. And all this revolves around eminently biological attractions, fetishisms of all kinds and eminently acquired tastes; however, sexual selection by males obeys a Gaussian curve. Since, while 70% of men would accept any type of woman, only 30% of women would. Ultimately, the woman does not complain about the man's tastes and fetishes, but uses these fetishes against the man when she wants to compare it to her sexual problems. But the problem resides in that little can be done by the man to be able to change while the woman, in most cases it is possible. - The size of the breasts is compared to the size of the penis. The woman can enlarge and improve the aesthetics of her breasts, the man cannot increase the size of his penis. - A woman's weight is compared to a man's height. A woman can lose weight and get to her ideal weight with effort and determination, but the man must be operated to slightly increase his height to a few inches, at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars and in the end, it is not much use, because for radical changes, what is reported is a disability. Tens of thousands of dollars to increase 2 inches, for a woman who will continue fetishizing height insanely. Understand it well: the man is a slave to looksmaxxing to be accepted by some random woman; the woman, wants to get the best. And in both, there will always be a conflict of interest that materializes in misandric feminisms or echochambers of truly misogynistic men.




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The redpill, like other colored pills, are a metaphor for the movie "The Matrix" in which the red pill is an illumination regarding the workings of real life and the bluepill, mirages of the socialization process that seeks to calm the masses. In the case of interpersonal and sexual dynamics, these pills, through statistical studies and evolutionary psychology, seek to understand female behavior and her natural preferences. They are generally analytical, but they also have debatable prescriptive elements among their scholars and other people profane to this knowledge. The numbers that have been exposed revolve around the number 6 or higher because from the statistical analysis of psychosexual preferences, number 6 is repeated a lot as the ideal or preferred in many cases in what is understood as attractiveness for a woman: 6' tall, 6'' penis, 6 figures. This trident is enshrined under the trichotomy "LMS" (Looks, money, status). In objective terms, a defined jaw, more hunter eyes, a structured nose, the color of the skin, the facial structure make a "more feminine" or more masculine feature. Here is the base of the number 6, as a reference and in broad strokes, what is understood as attractiveness in the majority of heterosexual women, or entering the field of study of the blackpill. Unlike feminism, the colored pills have no doctrine, but rather adds to the advancement of evolutionary psychology, evolutionary theories in general, and social conditioning, although it is true that their interpretations have been able to lead to misogyny, animosity and it is a focus in the war of the sexes, not because women or men are not entitled to their preferences, but because of the inherent hypocrisy.


There are toys and other extensions for men with small penises. However, r/smalldickproblems It is clear evidence that this type of thing adds very negative points to contemporary dynamics. Literally a turn-off showing up on the first date with a plastic penis or a strapoon as reported. Regarding the bionic penis, we are out of the equation again. A lot of money, for what? Should a man mutilate himself for female satisfaction? It's stupid. Attraction is what it is, yes, and it has objectively measurable traits. It is not a preference, because preferences in a way indicate voluntariness, but there is no voluntariness in attraction. What is romantic love if not the extremely expressed desire for slavery? We will never know the history of your father or that of so many men who have lived in your father's time to determine under a fair judgement what could live or did not live.