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You need to be available to local bitches who do not even want you.




I love your comment to Local Bitches! Take my upvote Edit for spelling and upvoting local bitches guy. :) You guys crack me up.


more like 'you need to simp and give all your money to local women who don't want to even look at you'


Any dating or gender topic group that is not _specifically_ focused on men's issues is going to cater to women and censor _any_ men's voice that they consider _in anyway_ to be harmful/offensive/detrimental/unflattering to women. This is why men's groups are so important. We've spent decades watching what happens when feminists infiltrate men's groups: They immediately move to take positions of power to make the above rule be fully enforced. You're dealing with professional public manipulators, provocateurs, and "influencers".


Oh haven’t you heard? You’re a man, you’re not supposed to have an opinion.


Or any purpose beyond wallet and self-maintaining dildo.


Exactly, you are supposed to be nothing more than a slave to be used (for money, labor, resources, etc.) and then discarded when needed. You are not even human so shut up because nobody cares. Actually, its not truly indifference because they actually get some bit of joy out of seeing men suffer. That's why they are really against the passport bros. They don't want you out from under their boot.




What makes you say he hates women?




Wtf are you talking about lmao


“Shut up and mow the lawn, you’re mental health isn’t more important then my superiority complex “




Bro there’s no way this is real


Why on earth would you think "men have **a right** to express themselves"? A company can set whatever rules it likes, use it or not that's *your* choice.


Honestly it’s better to not date




I actually currently have a girlfriend the reason I say this is because dating the is godawful for men. You should already know who you’re dealing with before you even show romantic involvement there’s just too many terrible, gross, rapey women out there


This is the subtle attack strategy of the other side. If we have the right to express ourselves we may make statements contrary to their narrative. If there is a logical discussion then the flaws in the narrative become more visible rather than reinforcing their points. It's much easier to simply silence your opponents before the discussion starts


Women, children and dogs have rights. Men have obligations.


>“ Forget about American/Uk women, let the Chads/Tyrone’s/Chapos do them all! Save your money, stay healthy in all aspects of your life, and travel abroad. I have done it myself. Dating in South America is a life changer. Do it” A lot of subs don't allow incel terminology. Your advice is also kind of bad.




What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.


One word .... patriarchy. This one word alone defines the amount of vitriol they have towards men. Patriarchy definition is "a female unable to take personal responsibility for her bad choices and blames men instead" I have more reasons than most to hate women ... but yet I don't. I could tell my horror stories starting with being molested by a woman as a child, being cheated on, verbal abuse, having to hire a PI to find my child because the woman ran. Etc etc etc and they wouldn't give two shits because I'm a guy.


I warn anyone to be careful talking to girls about this subjects. Some girls are extremely sensitive and any disagreement can lead to you been humillated in public and accused of been a potential criminal. In a meeting, the issue of consent was brought up, where a girl brought an image saying something like "Yes to one act doesnt mean yes to others, consent must be verbally given for all actions". A guy complained arguing that he never gets verbal consent from his girlfriend, because it is a given that they will have sex when they are in bed because obvious reasons and he never had a problem. Which led to the girls saying he was raping his girlfriend and they start singing chants like "No menas no" and others. I feel we need a guy who will sacrifice for us all, make mens rights mainstream, and get 100% support from every guy because the feminist are going to make his life hell.




The conversation was brought by this feminist demanding everyone gets verbal consent for each action or it is rape. I can understand why the average person will react at this because it is an insult to call rapist all couples who normally have sex and it is not asked verbally.


Uses classic incel terminology Entire dating advice is “move to another country” Yeah no wonder you got banned. You have a point about our right to express ourselves but your advice sucks ass


What's wrong with proposing moving to another country? I found love in Mexico, where feminism hasn't poisoned people's minds quite as much as it has in the Anglosphere (although neoliberal ideologues certainly are trying their hardest to change that!). EDIT: You're going to downvote me for sharing my own lived experience and personal perspective? Seriously? Are you that petty?


Moving to another country is ridiculous dating advice. “Oh, you’re having trouble finding a girlfriend? Why don’t you quit your job, leave your family and friends, and move to another country.” It’s a drastic response to an ordinary problem, and it’s not feasible for a large number of people


I know it's not for everyone, but that doesn't mean you get to dismiss my experience. You downvoted me when I didn't downvote you.


I’m not dismissing your experience, I’m saying that it’s poor dating advice to give to people when it’s not something most people can consider




This is so wholesome, it made my day!


People need to stop conflating rights with membership to things and expulsion from memberships with oppression.


They start at a minimum of $100/hr for 10 sessions.


Ive always made the joke with the guys at work: if you want a good wife find a brown girl who fallows a white god. Years later I ended up marrying a Fiji girl who already hand citizenship and god dam lifes good.




She very mixed religion but I completely agree with you on Jesus as the fist bible was written in Hebrew after all.