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Yes, it’s husband and I with our baby living with the in laws and sister in law. He also supports them and I hate it. He is in debt and if he didn’t give them money we could be debt free and start looking for our own place. I hate it, I’ve been dealing with ppd and the only safe place I have is our own room and then I feel bad for having my baby stuffed in 1 room but I have no other choice


My MIL passed earlier this year but for a few years, my in laws have lived directly across the street from us. Since my MIL passed, I have tried to get my FIL to move in with us. But we do not financially support them. Honestly, though, your situation sounds forced and different. I am sorry it is miserable. No real advice. But I hear you.


opposite situation. similar sentiment. we moved in with my FIL to save some extra money a year and a half ago when my first son was just two months old. it was supposed to be temporary, but after moving back to the area we kind of got stuck because we’re priced out of purchasing a new home.. it’s not worth the extra money. i hate it and i’m leaving.


Yep. We went 50/50 on a house over a year ago. They are still capable of taking care of themselves for now but the idea was that as they get older, we will take care of them to prolong them having to go into a home. They're super nice and I love them like they're my own parents but it's hard for the house to feel like my "home." MIL has boomer artwork and garbage knickknacks everywhere so there's no room for any of my own stuff. Little things keep adding up more and more and it's driving me absolutely insane. I 100% regret the decision of moving in with them but my husband and I are stuck with it until they die. Kind of morbid, I know, but it is what it is.