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I almost can’t blame them 🥺 I feel like mine either gave up or already finished and got the prize but I’m sitting like a silly goose 😞


Yup. My partner finished it on Friday; she got the reward and I didn’t. I had to use over 1000 drums to get the 10k points I was cheated out of. To say I’m pissed is an understatement.


Didn’t think about in that. Sigh.


That’s exactly what happened to me.


I was 30k short on just one of mine alone which my partner had already completed, basically having to do the whole thing myself sucks


I had to do two by myself as well, because my partners already received their last vault way before me. Wasted so much dice that it wasn’t even worth it 😩 my opinion, this has been the worst event ever. .


This WHOLE game has been worthless.


Some people are waiting til last minute in hopes it gets fixed. Spoiler alert: it’s definitely not getting fixed.


Here's 40 dice for you troubles


I was going to say exact samething. I had 2 partners messed up with me


From the post today it sure isn’t


I took a chance on a random partner and they haven’t made any effort 😡


Oh that’s the worst


Yep, just there for the rewards!


Same. Took a chance on TWO random partners and now I'm just left holding the bag


😭😭😭😭 I think I’ve finally accepted I won’t finish this one 😞 I’m so bummed lately. I keep feeling so close to completing the first album too but can’t get like 8 more cards. We need more sticker booms and more wilds instead of them making these events harder


What do you need? If I have em I’ll gift ‘em. I finished the first album. I don’t think I have the gumption to do the advanced album and fill up all over again. Would love to help someone else have the joy of finishing an album. Not going to lie… I almost cried, I was so happy/relieved. I was giddy for about an hour.


My hardest card to get so far has been Sweet Duets, haven’t even been able to get a trade for that one. Monopoly Tunes, Glass Harmonica, The Best Gift, and Beatboxer would all finish an album for me. Other than that it’s just Boogie Down and Groove on needed. My hardest part has been not even getting 5 star dupes to be able to trade them for what I’m missing.


I don’t have dupes of any of those at the moment(I forgot that I opened a vault yesterday so most of my duplicates got wiped out) But if I get any, I’ll come back by here and ping you.


Thank you! No worries, I appreciate you checking!


I haven’t finished a single event this go. I usually at least finish the digs.




Same here. I have contributed 30k so far. They have contributed 480. I cannot even find them in my friend list to attack them. 🥺


I think those are put there for us so we lose. Probably not real accounts. They are not on our friend list. So we have to carry the whole thing on ourselves and pay in order to win. It happened to me at the last event, which was my first event ever. This time I didn't accept any invitation from people who are not friends. I won't win anything but I'll keep my rolls lol


Yeah I agree. I had assumed it was one of the new friends I had made doing sticker exchanges. Either way, I’m done with partner events after this.


😭 ugh they suck! I don’t know if mine just has no dice or is thinking I won’t carry my weight because they are only putting in as much as I do, and I’ve only been putting in a little to see what they would do 🙄


I tried that at first, but once I realized he was doing nothing, I kept at it to try and finish.


I just got some wheels from one of my partners.. which means that their game didn't load that I Finished ours last night. It's still very lagged


Yes.  This happened to me.  I feel so bad that my partner is continuing  to work on a completed project.




My partner just let me know that this morning. She wanted to know why or how I was still sending drums!!! Sucks


I don’t think they gave up they just pisst off . I sent my partner (3) 100 envelopes only (1) was showing. I’m so frustrated grinding to complete this partners event , spending money for extra dices I’m screaming 😡😡😡😡😡


Oh man I wondered since I have sent so many partner gifts if they were even getting them


That is something to think about.


I’m in the exact same boat.. Completed 1 fully (50/50 with my mom lol) The other 3 haven’t put in any points since the first day. I guess I can just get some of chests for myself or just let the drums convert into cash when it’s all said and done. Idk lol


Feeling The same way.. at this point I'm not even gonna start another event with all of the dam screw ups they have caused with this dam game.. the sad thing is, I have 703 drums that I'm not even gonna use.. I didn't get anything from the event.. I did get the 500 dice scopely sent everyone but that's gone now...this game is so fucked up and I really don't know how much longer I am going to be playing it.


I will partner with you later if you want and we can get 1/2 way grab the dice. I have around 1,309 now and we will get more free. Or do you think it will add our points right? May just turn them in for cash. What to do, what to do.


It's up to you Right now I have 834 drums


Let me think about it - I’d rather have some dice than money. I’ll let you know soon I’m trading my right now.




Probably both.


I’ve noticed that some people will participate in the game and then once I start putting in, they stop. I feel like they just start to get me to start and expect me to keep rolling the dice for them.


Oh maybe. I have patented with them all before just don’t know any of them and they were all equal contributors.


On the last partner event, it showed that my partner finished but in my end, I still had to keep playing. 🤷‍♀️ This game has been glitching for a while.


Ive had to do that on SEVEN vaults! Pink, blue, top... every single one was off by thousands! My partner's got their prizes and i still had to put in thousands each and every time. Im literally STILL doing it. I HATE SCOPLEY


They probably didn’t give up they might of finished already we just getting fucked rn smh


My wife finished on hers but on mines we still need 30k smh


You have a 30k discrepancy?!?! Oh hell no!! I thought my 10k was bad!


I literally just went to put more and they messed me over again smh I’m done https://preview.redd.it/fundif9efjxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e58477251b475bf44f761cc2665a2725f97755


I won’t even be doing another partner event. The amount of drums we need to finish is in no way equal to the amount we can get without spending money. The spins on the wheels SUCK. The whole thing just isn’t worth it or fair.


Y’all gotta remember scoply is messing up everyone’s shit, just cause you don’t see your partner moving scoply fucked this shit up on this event. Me and my man are partners and watch this shit. Mines is done on my side and he didn’t even collect nothing. I completed the car for us and his is still at 8000 like I didn’t complete it. So it’s not the partners you have it’s scoply fucked up big time https://preview.redd.it/jjlp32ey3jxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f71acacea2f82757ebccff91525b6ac502e2e8


I don’t blame them after sCopley fucked up


Yea I’ve been carrying all 4 of my partners it’s killing me


Oh man I’m sorry


I carried 3 in one of my games. I ran out of time, gumption, and money for the fourth. So they're probably complaining about me here.


Nope 1200 away from finishing last float I carried at least 50% on each or more and my team has rocked this one. Other partner events were so so. I’ve won 2 out of the past 4 I’ve done and I’m pretty sure we will finish this one. I’m so sorrry. I’ve had plenty of ppl give up in the past also.


That’s great! One partner started to chip away. So I have hope the others might too :)


Still a few days to go keep the hope alive!! ⭐️🎩🎉


I feel like giving up because I’ve had legit the worst luck with the spins on this partner event 😭 I’m trying but if you’re my partner, I’m so sorry


They may have already completed and it didn't show on yours. That's what happened to me anyway


I hope not, but very likely since they have been solid in the past


They probably just can’t get anything. I’m trying my best and it’s a joke.


Man I have a partner where it says completed on their side but incomplete on my end. So basically he cant add more cause it completed and I cant add more cause I'm out of dice and spins so I gotta help myself. Waste more dice because monopoly cant fix their game ??? I give up


To be fair this partner event was a crap show. Also how does anyone who doesn't pay for dice win?


Sorry, but yes, we had to. I did. No point I got screw a lot.


Edit: The progress on each is mine.


I usually have the same 3 partners and all have been working hard.


https://preview.redd.it/fnbhsq6wpixc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b087d4b3d6d46350cb59f5e3c8e40066f4651dc2 I only had this one and one more to complete the whole thing and I didn’t want to wait around anymore so I just finished it. Lol had to put 71k into the other one also 🙄 at least I had 2 50/50 partners!


They might be showing completed and you are not. I didn’t get one of my vaults. This game is ridiculous


Im starting to suspect that’s the case as they have been solid on the other events


I got 2 partners I don’t even no and they gave up once we got the first dice




Yeah but I'm having a hard time helping too. Haven't got one fountain done yet and they are contributing we just don't have enough dice.


i have over 42k. and my partner has 960.


I hope my partner knows I’m trying. I put in a bunch at beginning which we lost(or I did). I still have two open spots because I didn’t want to leave them hanging. If anyone has extra slot- we can at least try for the 200 dice.


Yeah 2 of mine did can’t blame them tho


This is what mine looks like because I have no dice or drums 🫠


Nope. One left to finish.


I still need 1 partner. Pm me if anyone is open


Mine never contributed anything!😭


Oh that sucks


Ive spent 5k dice and just about 40k each on points for the event. They can pull the weight now...


I am giving up. My daughter finished ours today and on mine it’s showing we need 400 more points. I am done wasting my time on this.


In this exact order lol


Maybe they didn't give up. With the mess that was going on, I have the same partner on 2 floats. She usually carries every partner event for her partners. Right now I think she's just building up drums until the last minute.


One of mine didn't even start 🥲


Saw I have a day left and was like I can probably finish 2/4


Always. I have a partner that invited me and did zero.


Yup. He invited me. I took a chance and agreed. He put 480 in on the first day, haven’t seen him since.


This is what ours look like right now mines is done but his is not . How like how. He’s very upset


I didn’t even get a 4th partner.


I need a fourth partner




Yup... three of the four just stopped playing.


Yeah 2 of mine I won’t finish because of this bs event and I always finish


Yeah, other than 1 I had to put like 60 K in each because my partner is weren’t doing anything


I accepted 1 just one because the invite was there and I had the things just sitting there, well he didn't do nothing,I finished the 4ok, and he has zero, honestly it's ridiculous you sent the invite and do nothing! I'm glad I was skipping this event, otherwise that would ve make pissed 😡


Yes and happens more times than I like to the point that I start having to put my all into that partners build with me and leave my others to pick up my slack. I hate partner up with random for this reason.


2 of My partners didn’t contribute a single bit.


I’m trying but every spin lands on low points no matter how high the multiplier. I feel so Bad.


I stsrted only using 20 or 40. I got more points that way. Using 100 at a time and I'd keep hitting 300. I even sent support a message asking if it was rigged to only hit 300 because that's all I was getting


Mine did, 2 events ago. I was so passed. Never, ever, teaming with that guy again. I learned my lesson.


Don’t you hate when they are arse hoes! I’ve managed to keep 1 great partner the rest are flakes!


Honestly I gave up and then another every us coming up is just getting to be to much


There is still a glitch. My daughter and our numbers are incorrect. It shows me 25k less than i am, and her also.


They said the glitches are fixed but it’s not true. It’s possible that the event is finished on your partners’ end and not yours 🙂‍↕️


I don’t have the dice, I’m trying my absolute hardest to finish my last 2, but I’m not buying dice.


Me and my mom mostly play together and we have a 10k difference on her side and she gave up. I'm thinking the same happened with my other partners too.


Yup mine hasn't done NOTHING!! *




yes & it’s not fair at all


I don’t blame them and honestly I don’t want to waste anymore dice in this event. Even if things were working smoothly I don’t think I would finish regardless


Trying not to, but it doesn’t seem to matter because I can’t keep up. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Do you know them? I’m wondering if it’s showing finished on your end, that’s why they stopped helping. 2 of my partners show as finished on my end, I got the reward and their end is not finished at all. One of my poor partners had to finish 75,000 points on their own because it showed as finished on my end and wouldn’t let me contribute more. 🥴


One of my partners is an IRL friend. She showed me her wheel yesterday where she has thousands of drums but it's not letting her spin. So she didn't give up she just can't actually participate.


Yes! But I don’t know if they just gave up or if it’s the game glitch. It’s frustrating as I don’t know if it looks like I’m doing nothing on their end also?


To some of my partners, it probably looks like I’m not contributing or just don’t care. But the truth is that I’m just simply not getting enough drums to spin frequently, and when I do spin, I almost always get nothing that’s going to make a difference. I really am trying to pull my weight, but I also refuse to spend money on this game. Maybe that’s the issue, but I doubt it. I know people who spend money, and they still complain. I’m thinking about just deleting the game once this event is over. Half the time, it’s not fun and just feels like work.


Fair point. I’m getting to that point too with the game.


I have one that requested to be partner and has not contributed anything. I did the first level and left it for my other 3 partners. Just about to close in on finishing the last of those 3. Won’t have time to do the entire 4th myself.


Mine didn’t even start and I picked them because they are active every day https://preview.redd.it/lpw78bx7tmxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ff678c9e95b6c29dd845904594a38b03bf0ece4


How can you tell if someone is active every day?


Constantly attacking me


Oh dang. Delete them after the event is over.


Plan on it


I’m close to giving up I keep getting low rewards for big spins & then I’m stuck 😭


Totally! Only completed with one partner, the other 3 did nothing to participate, so unfair! If people don’t like the game then just delete and be gone, stop wasting everyone’s time!


Yeah I’ve put in 50k+ and my partner stopped after 1500 😕 I don’t think I’m going to play this game anymore. They asked me today if I liked the game 😆 then when I said no asked how it could be improved. I didn’t feel like spending that much time typing so I just closed the chat box


Wrong time to ask for any player’s opinion…


I had one who put in 4k, so I thought they were serious, I put in 43k and then they disappeared. This time it’s impossible to tell if they didn’t receive mine or I didn’t receive theirs or if they were lazy and just took the winnings. Either way, I won’t partner with them again.