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man we cannot catch a break at all weather wise to start the year.


Sadly not :( But at least we get a nice double header of Xfinity and Cup series tomorrow for a full day of racing


People who have the day off do


Canadians celebrating Family Day: šŸ˜


Canadians that still have to go in: šŸ˜­


Does everyone have the day off? Bc tomorrow is Presidentsā€™ Day in the states, but if you were demand essential during Covid you still work.


Tomorrow isnā€™t a major holiday so a lot of the private sector will go on like a normal Monday. Iā€™m considered essential and tomorrow isnā€™t holiday pay and I rarely ever work on Monday. What a great time to be scheduled for a Mondayā€¦


No. Presidents' Day is a federal holiday but it is not a holiday everywhere. Here in Florida, public schools were still open as normal when I was a kid and now, working for the state, we still do not get the day off as it's not a state holiday.


I work from home, but tomorrow isn't a holiday for my company. So by the time the 500 starts I'll be done with my work day anyway for the most part.


Quebecers who don't have Family Day : :(


Family day is a provincial holiday only in some provinces. For us that work in federally regulated industries (transportation, trucking, banking, etc) it's not a day off.


Being a government worker has its perks!


Iā€™ll sit in the back of my class and sneakily watch it on my laptop, life finds a way.


What time are the Xfinity guys starting? Iā€™m guessing before the cup guys


Xfinity is starting at 11:00


Awesome. So glad the wife and I have tomorrow off from work.


Thankfully, there doesnā€™t seem to be *any* chance of rain for Atlanta next week (at least **seemingly**)ā€¦


There was a possibility according to the forecast a couple days ago but we look good here now. Looking forward to it


Now you know that is dangerous thinking for around here in late February/early March. Now that you said something, we are going to have some low pressure system push in and spin tornadoes across Alabama and Georgia next weekend. /s please lol


Proud they made the call early


Same, glad they called it this early so people aren't getting to the track to wait in the rain.


Agreed. I was literally about to get my food/snacks ready and then head out to the track to wait on NASCAR's decision. Now I can stay home and save the gas.


Will you go tomorrow?


Hell yeah brotherrrr double header


Nice! Have fun


Absolutely. I'll be going early to catch the Xfinity race.


I hate when they've got that 20 minute window at 8pm and say they're going to try and get the race in. Good move on NASCAR to call it as early as they did.


I'm able to plan my Sunday in Virginia better.Ā  Ā Guess we're going bowling todayĀ 


Exactly that used to annoy me that they would do that.. Iā€™ve been going to Daytona for years so I know but itā€™s so many first timers that go to the 500 that donā€™t know any better and get their time wasted


never seen em call it this early, honestly glad they did


Yeah same here. Good call, credit due and given. There was really no realistic chance today, nor yesterday, once the rain moved in. I'm in North Carolina, and have been monitoring the weather since Thursday, they pretty much knew the hand they were facing. Good on them for being realistic about it, and making the call pretty promptly.


Yup, I love to see them postpone early when itā€™s obvious. Even if I donā€™t love that they have to


Saves me from driving from Orlando for nothing.


I'm glad they're willing to call races earlier now, instead of having people show up to the track for nothing and the home audience having to watch old clips and banal booth talk for 4 hours.


I donā€™t think they any chance to get the race started today.


Hasn't stopped NASCAR from trying


Was really hoping weā€™d get a primetime slot like the 2012 Daytona 500 but 4 PM works I guess


I wonder if the delayed start will still have all the festivities with a green flag close to 5? Usually they don't do any pre race stuff for delays but seeing as they didn't even pretend to try to race today they may do some of it.


Hopefully they'll have at least a little bit of the normal pre race stuff, but on the other hand....wow, it's a pretty tough lift, running that Xfinity 300 mile race, hitting reset as soon as it's over, to put the Cup teams on deck for their 500 mile race. That's quite a bit of work. They'll get it handled, I'm sure. Monday looks like a good clear day all day and evening. Really, if you've been monitoring the weather forecast and radar data all week, this wasn't at all unexpected. So it's a big doubleheader day for tomorrow šŸšŸ†šŸ˜Ž


Kind of hoping for a little pop up shower in-between the Xfinity race and the 500 to push the 500 more into Primetime. I love primetime NASCAR!


Probably helps itā€™s a holiday, and part itā€™s probably easier for everyone working at the track to have an 11 and 4 start for the races instead of 11 and 7


Not too many people outside schools/government jobs actually get it off...


This. My brother has a government job so he's off tomorrow; I do not & have to work.


A lot of schools donā€™t have the day off, either. Source: am teacher


I think their hand was forced in 2012. The original plan was actually to start it at like noon Monday but more rain meant they had to wait till the evening.


Fox still has an obligation to attempt to show its primetime lineup without preemption. Now, we will still get a nighttime finish and the race will still probably go long. Also there is some leeway if it rains again tomorrow.


I do feel bad for anyone that had tickets for today and canā€™t make it tomorrow but the reality is when planning this trip you have to do everything you can to include Monday in your plans. Iā€™ve never planned to go to a race without having a contingency for rain out. Itā€™s an absolute necessity


Been to so many rain outs in NASCAR that you almost have to expect it.


One reason l love the addition of the road courses and pray for the rain at those instead of the opposite


Yeah, when I got our tickets in September I made sure we were prepared to stay until Monday. Honestly, thatā€™s probably the move going forward at any race


NASCAR is doing such a great job with their early weather calls this year. Props to them.


Oh itā€™s for rain, I thought the trucks were still on GWC


![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc) Theres only 3 trucks left running and they still wrecked /s




Lol no doubtšŸ˜


Wasnā€™t planning on going to the 500ā€¦ But the rainout fit our schedule! So Iā€™m taking my 12yr old daughter whose bday is today and driving down to Daytona tonight!!! 8hr drive but will break it up and hopefully get there in time for the xfinity race as well. Pumped!!


Iā€™m glad I have a conclusion, but man I am bummed out beyond belief, maybe next year I can see my first Daytona 500 in person but itā€™s not very likely.


Canā€™t hang around for an extra day?


Off until Tuesday but have a 12 hour drive


Had that happen to me in 2012, sucks ass. It was also going to be my first.


Time to call the boss and get Wednesday off man!


The sad thing is thatā€¦ I am the boss šŸ˜‚


Time to make an executive decision


That's a real bummer. I feel for ya. I've been rained out, but not the 500. F! Brutal.


Sorry to hear that :(


I really wish this didnā€™t happen 50% of the time šŸ˜­


I hate this so much. I get so excited to have buddies over, make a bunch of food and watch the 500. Instead Iā€™ll miss the first stage while working tomorrow. Just kills the start of the season excitement for me.


Kills the event for me unfortunately. Itā€™s Daytona day and weā€™re subject to it being on Monday. Sucks


I love all the nincompoops yelling at nascar they wanted an even more advance notice than this ā€¦.thats on you at that point folks, have common sense to check the weather beforehand and plan accordingly


Seriously. Theyā€™re damned if they do and damned if they donā€™t. If they announce too early and the weather clears then people complain. If they donā€™t enough early enough then people complain. We can all check our weather apps and look at the radar too.


šŸ’Æ% on point statement. This was of zero surprise, if you had been monitoring the weather forecast and radar data this week. I have been since Monday, and they pretty much knew yesterday and today, we're going to be a very narrow chance. So it's doubleheader Monday in DaytonašŸšŸ†šŸ˜Ž


I looked at the forecast, and knew I was safe planning something this afternoon. I knew they werenā€™t gonna race, and it shouldnā€™t have taken an expert meteorologist to figure that out as well


Awesome, I got off on a Sunday for once and work tomorrow afternoon.


decent time to start but I selfishly wish it would start at like 5 PM eastern so I wouldnā€™t miss probably almost half the race, but Iā€™ll get to see the end so Iā€™ll take it


It starts at 4 so you'll still see most of it. The green flag will probably drop a little bit later than that anyway


The thing I LOVE about rain-outs is when the TV broadcast comes on, they do a quick minute long speech, fire engines then start rolling


Yup no dilly dallying


I have to work till 6, then it takes about an hour to get home, so I'm gonna miss a BIG chunk


In some ways that's better. If you can DVR it, you can skip all the commercials. You might even get caught up by the end.


That's kinda what I'm thinking. Either that or stream at work then listen to MRN on the way home.


Iā€™m in central time so thatā€™s why I wish it was a little earlier, Iā€™ll be off work and home by 5 at the latest but I could use a little push back, maybe Mother Nature will let it rain a slight bit and push the Xfinity back a little, Iā€™m putting that evil on it!


Best part anyway


This is all Carol Baskinā€™s fault


NASCAR will never recover from this


I am happy I work from home on Mondays.


Well, for what it is worth. If a bunch of new eyes catch the second half of the race after their workdays, it could be really good at entertaining them. That puts checkered around 7:30p-ish? Will be very curious to see viewership numbers.


Down. Maybe a decent peak but average will be down. I get they maybe couldnā€™t get it to work but they really needed to push to for a primetime spot or at least something like 6


I just don't think they could have. One thing to remember, a huuuuuuge amount of the country has they day off tomorrow, as do their children. So it's not like it is an average Monday of programming.


There isnā€™t any other sports on Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s on that they canā€™t have the race on over but if they couldnā€™t make it work they couldnā€™t make it work I guess


Not other sports. Ads are sold for the primetime slot for the regularly scheduled programming.


checks notes: Yep so far weā€™re sticking with the 2020 script.


Oh great. Now I'm nervous about how it's going to end. I did not like that period of time between Newman's accident & the press conference updating his condition.


Me who had to work 7 days a week and had half his family die from non covid related medical problems in 2020 laughing nervously. šŸ˜…


Missed opportunity for a primetime Daytona 500 coming off of the Netflix show. I reckon I'll just avoid spoilers and watch the race on DVR when I get home from work tomorrow.


I had a massage for 5 tomorrow. Iā€™m cancelling out lol


So glad they made the call earlyā€¦ makes my life at the hotel way easier. Thank you nascar!! Canā€™t wait for tomorrow!!!


Very glad they made the call before I left my hotel.Ā 


So if I have a ticket to the 500, can I get in for the Xfinity race? Or is it just the other way around?


Yes, you just may have to find an empty seat until the Xfinity Race ends. https://preview.redd.it/z54b3w081djc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7280727983b1ac19fd219b92706558483454da


they really think half of those xfinity ticket holder will leave ha


They changed their minds, Xfinity ticket holders can stay.


If you have a ticket for the 500, you can get in for the Xfinity race, but Xfinity ticket holders have priority as far as seating. If you only have an Xfinity ticket, youā€™ll have to leave before the 500.


UPDATE: Xfinity ticket holders can stay. https://preview.redd.it/23e25kfebdjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41a6dfaa206e890057b7486d516e0efd6922b19b


I'm just posting because I would also like to know.


So in 2020 the brazilian television decided not to broadcast the Daytona 500 live on Sundayā€¦ then the race got postponed to monday This year the brazilian television (different network this time) decided not to broadcast the Daytona 500 live todayā€¦ then the race got postponed to monday In the other years the race was broadcasted live here. So blame the brazilian television


Send the CIA in this some bullshit


Looks like there's 0% chance of rain next week in Atlanta. So, yeah, prepare for a cataclysmic flood.


This was the most depressing part when I worked there. All the prep, all the maintenance, the long, long hours. Just such a letdown. You'd see some fans leave. Just a complete bummer. I feel bad for the fans and all the guys in the maintenance dept at DIS. Couple more nights fellas.


Of the four top 3 series races, we've only got one in so far. This year is cursed already


Thank you NASCAR for saving my Sunday. See yā€™all tomorrow


4 is disappointing. I wish theyā€™d have pushed for a primetime slot


Can't wait to get home and watch a half-completed 'superbowl for our sport' :\


This starts at 21:00 for me, and to get up for work I should go to bed by 22:00. Iā€™m torn on whether to stay up and risk feeling awful at work, or watch it when I get in from work on Tuesday and risk seeing the result.


Couple of Rowdy Energy drinks and youā€™ll be good


Thatā€™s Tuesday youā€™s problem


Anyone need tickets? I have a couple or Xfinity tickets for sale. You can stay and watch the 500


If no one takes them off your hands, you have 60 days to roll them over to another race. Check the Daytona website, you're not totally hosed, thankfully.


I'd actually prefer that, thanks for the heads up


I donā€™t get home from work until about 7pm ET I can stay off of social media but where will I be able to rewatch the race with out having the end spoiled?


Not possible. Even the full race YouTube uploads will have spoilers in the title, thumbnail, or top comment


You can't record it?


is MRN a viable option for you?


If by some chance you have YouTube TV, you can add it to your library and watch from the beginning when youā€™re back. If the guide isnā€™t updated by the morning, you should probably add anything airing from 4-10 just in case, you can always delete it later


You are a life saver we just got YouTube TV recently I didnā€™t know I could do that thank you!


Happy to help my friend, enjoy the 500


Donā€™t forget the Xfinity race too


Record it, DVR


I mean, the forecast looked grim. Not surprised they said ā€œscrew it, weā€™re not even gonna try todayā€


Man I wish I had a later flight..... hopefully get to catch some of the Xfinity race. Can't believe of all of the rain outs in history I'm now 0-2 on Daytona!


Big nascar W. I got up late assuming I wouldnā€™t make the 3 hour drive today. I was right. Back to bed.


Smiles in Martin Truex.


Glad they just called it versus making us wait all damn day.


So what we are going to do this afternoon?


Watch last year's 500?


Watch some old races on YouTube. I like old Busch series races from like 97-05 because I donā€™t who won already


Glad I get Presidentā€™s Day off. It will be a busy Monday.


I think we should simply take Daytona and push it somewhere else.




Was really thinking it would be 5.


Damnit, I've got my parent's anniversary dinner tomorrow.


Correction you HAD your parents anniversary dinner tomorrow lol


Haha, I wish! I joked with my wife and said "I think I have COVID."


Take them to Hooters for dinner and a race. Problem solved.


Put daytona in a giant glass bubble so we can race in any conditions


Well, shit, now I'll be missing a crucial part of the race during my work commute, ah well.


Good thing I have some PTO to burn. 800 miles of racing on a Monday is gonna be interesting.


Anyone know a cheap way to change a flight from Monday 8am to late Monday night? šŸ„²


Call the airline and try and get one for Tuesday am. Unethical way, blame it on Covid or a sickness


Thank god I saw this before leaving the city limits of Orlando


At least they didn't make us sit through a 5 hour rain delay today pretending like it wouldn't happen


It was jinxed when one of the announcers during the DUels said "Well look at the forecast, nothing but blue skies this weekend!"


People with hotels etc are screwed. It was right call to make but man stinks for them


fine I guess ill paint my goddamned stairs


![gif](giphy|kigUsT73lQABJRyN98) got ribs smoking this morning for tommorow i guess


Such a shame that nascar has had the unluckiest weather start to a season, starting with the rare LA monsoon. Glad they postponed it early, no need to tease people and teams with the idea that they might actually attempt it today in 100% chance of rain.


Just got $400 tix for $50 a pop. Sorry travel people canā€™t make the extra day but big win for locals that were priced out of the premium seats


Come onā€¦ two races in a row impacted. This shit sucks


It's just NASCAR helping end any droughts.


Good thing I have off work tomorrow.


Boo. I will be able to watch at 4 but I know that will still be hard for some folks. Really should have been like 6 or 7.


They donā€™t want the race to end at 10-11


Thatā€™s stupid. Biggest race of the year I think we can stay up till 11 for it.


Why not? Monday Night football runs that late 17 times a year and does fine.


I don't think they logistically could make that work (intentionally that is, obviously if Daytona does its normal red flag things, it could be a late evening). Staffing, local law enforcement scheduling, various permits, and other logistical things really are the deciders of green flag time here.


Fox also plays a big part in the green flag time.


Hopefully pitbull and the rock will be back. Hoping to meet them.


I swear Mother Nature will not allow NASCAR to capitalized on any momentum. Does anyone remember back during COVID, when NASCAR had the golden opportunity during the summer months being one of the only show in town and of course Mother Nature said hell no on multiple races lol frustrating for sure.


Can we still go into the midway and fanzone today


What are the chances for xfinity to actually start at 11am vs after the cup race?


They are announcing xfinity at 11am and cup at 4pm over the PA at this moment. Itā€™s been a cold, wet, miserable few of days here in the infield.


Gonna be a struggle to watch this tomorrow. I have band at 8 pm so itā€™s gonna be tight. The race probably wonā€™t be in in four hours, Iā€™ll have to miss the end. Damn it.


So I have 6 tickets right now, 3 for the Cup series, 3 for Xfinity. With the way our flights work out we will miss the Cup race (or see just the start). Does anyone know if Daytona will honour us the weather protection program if we only watch the Xfinity race tomorrow? I canā€™t get through on the phone at the moment.


I think so. Just don't scan your cup ticket when you enter. I'm gonna try this scam lol.


Good reason to call off tomorrow šŸ”„


Thank God for presidents day


mother nature hates nascar


This is why I always take 500 Monday off. And I should be able to catch Raw afterwards. We ain't moving out of the recliner much tomorrow.


Told a buddy Wednesday it might be worth preemptively rescheduling this to Monday just seeing the forecast. Hate that they waited til day of but I get itĀ 


Thanks mother nature. Now I'm going to have to do house chores all day. And miss at least half the race.


Obviously it is what it is, but Iā€™m not sad about this. We took a weekend get away and now I donā€™t have to miss racing šŸ˜


Fuck a duck. Looks like Iā€™m going to miss the race now.


I've driven 3 hours to so many Daytona races over the past 9 years while I lived in Florida...got rained out a lot. Went back the next day for a ton of races. This is a great call. People will always complain. But if you wanna go to the race...you'll find a way to go to the race šŸ˜Ž


my girlfriend gives zero shits about nascar so my plans to watch the race today and drink beer will not be changing. hope they run a replay of an old race lol.


I never really understood why nascar doesnā€™t just put races in prime time slots on Monday races like 7pm just like NFL and other sports do that way most people can watch it after work but big props for calling it early


Thatā€™s itā€¦ put a Dome over Daytona šŸ¤£


Man, as an overseas fan im glad I accidentally woke up early and saw this, would be a bummer to wake up on time and realise the race isnt on


Is it my fault??? I was thinking to myself last week, ā€œman I wouldnt mind a rain delay because my sons meet is 3-6pmā€ā€¦ā€¦. The lord asnwered my prayer guys. Sorry.


Thank god for PTO


When NASCAR keeps talking about bringing in a 4th manufacturer right now Evinrude is looking like they have a shotā€¦.


šŸ¤ž Full race tomorrow.


Start it at 5 boys


Welp I got class till 4-8ā€¦ so I guess Iā€™m gonna miss the entirety of the race


>Welp I got class till 4-8ā€¦ so I guess Iā€™m gonna miss the entirety of ~~the race~~ my class FTFY


Class is temporary, 500 is forever


There's always next semester




Call in sick


You sound really sick, I think you should just rest until Tuesday to be safe. Also looks like you have a fever.


Great move by NASCAR to announce it early.