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For a second, I thought Prime was doing this years coverage of the race


I hope the totally 100% legit website I use for motorsports I can't get here will have the Amazon prime races. 


I hope Amazon Prime in Canada will have these races.


Races will remain on TSN in Canada.


Just like the TNF football games that are on Prime are still aired on TSN. And all the US cable networks too, any TNT broadcasts back in the day were on TSN too. So it should be no problem, except for TSNs usual bullshit


Move it to TSN+ without any warning because we all need to watch Top 500 left handed goalie save of 1998.


Just like how Pinty's races are delegates to hour long recaps in between repeat episodes of Sportcentre on weekday mornings. Six channels and they can't put on the races live.


If I remember right TNF is simulcast to Twitch. I wonder if they'll do that with Cup?


Oh the endless loop of commercials for shows on other channels I will never watch lol.


All of the Prime Thursday Night Football games have been streamed on Twitch for free. I’m not sure if that’s been confirmed for the NASCAR races, but I’d say it’s a safe-ish bet


Yeah, Amazon specifically purchases sports rights with the intention of losing money but pulling more people into their overall ecosystem. They don't care if they lose millions by streaming NASCAR or NFL for free if it gets more people on Twitch, Amazon Prime accounts, etc.


My guess is they'll do the same thing for the NBA


One thing about having a streaming component is that the streaming partner is going to start cracking skulls on that front.


I mean I watch all my MLB games via those means and the MLB is notorious for being aggressive about that stuff. 


I already pay for Prime. Can I watch the races without commercials there? If so, I will. If not, I will continue to sail.


If TNF is any indication, maybe it'll be on Twitch


Sports that are streamed instead of broadcast are notoriously super easy to pirate. Shouldn’t be a problem at all


That's cool. I know that the NFL had a deal with Twitch to simulcast their Amazon games there, I was wondering if NASCAR was considering the same.


Amazon owns twitch so it should correlate if NASCAR wants it to. Only problem is it blocks you from casting on a tv or showing it on a console.


Laptop + HDMI should do the trick


It works on the twitch app that comes installed on smart tvs and Apple TVs though. I watched every Thursday night game last year that way.




Looks like the TV allocation is designed to give each broadcaster 1 major race (Fox with Daytona, Amazon with Charlotte, TNT with a street course and NBC with the championship race)


Yep, every partner wants/needs an anchor that will draw in interest. Edit: also it will almost definitely be free with a twitch account.


Pretty sure TNT's major race is the Brickyard


And TNT has the tournament now.


The TNT Sonoma race was absolute peak Nascar when it was broadcast there


our annual summer shitpost that felt like something that wasn’t quite a fever dream but also didn’t feel real


Street course isn’t a major race. The tournament is more compelling


Bob seem to hint the other day that TNT’s opening race would be Atlanta.


wait what was his hint to this because it was true




The championship race really isn't major anymore. It has been losing viewership massively since 2015. I think last year was another all time low in viewership coming in under 3 million, which, is quite bad.


Yeah I feel like having the playoffs as a whole is probably NBC's "major" thing.


Southern 500 is NBC's crown jewel and Brickyard is TNT's. the street course won't be a thing in like two years.


For a few minutes I thought I this meant prime was doing this years 600


Anything that isn't Fox honestly


This could've been known ever since NASCAR announced the deal but nobody bothered to just count the races.


It wasn’t the amount of races, it was the amount of off weeks.


I hope Amazon does this race justice. This is probably Fox's best broadcast of the year from start to finish. They highlight the prerace festivities and the meaning of the things that are going on. They highlight the fallen soldiers who are listed on the the teams windshields. They have great in race stories of those soldiers. I expect hiccups with Amazon's coverage being its first race just as they did with their first NFL game, but I need to see the effort put into this race that Fox does/did.


I don’t think Jr will let them half ass it.


The whole pausing the race to honor veterans thing is kinda silly to me. You take a race that was known for its endurance requirements and turn it into two races essentially when they do that. I’m all for appreciating and respecting the servicemen and women but do it before and after the race not during.


The halftime break with moment of silence doesn’t make any sense to me other than it being an over the top move to pander to a certain audience. I love a lot of what they do for Memorial Day with the soldiers on the windshield and other things, and I’d be all for a moment of silence, just do it pre-race when you are already doing the anthem and the prayer.


Holy shit, had no idea they started this after I stopped watching. I get wanting to honor the fallen, but you're right - it is over the top. Do it before the race, please!


They didn't do that before at NASCAR's peak and only until recently (I guess when stage racing started?) though they did when the race actually was delayed until Memorial Day.


It may be an unpopular opinion, but the Coke 600 in recent years has gotten so over the top with it's jingoism that it feels almost like bad parody. The ads on the radio for this year's race sound like they are trying to downplay a race is even happening and it's an American soldier remembrance event that happens to have a race at it.


Viewership is going to be down compared to broadcast TV or even cable. Wonder what the sponsor rates would be for the racecars for these streaming only ones... Hope there is a rebroadcast on another NASCAR partner channel overnight/next day for viewership/DVR recording purposes (NFL Network replays the Amazon broadcasts usually right after the live one). Many people don't watch the race live and instead record and chase play (zip past cautions/commercials), this is something streamers haven't thought through (doesn't matter for TV shows, matters for live events/sports). And the potential problem with searching for the race replay is the potential for spoiling the results (picture of winner, other clips etc.), this needs to be resolved by next year.


I have Prime so it's whatever but it still mind boggling that NASCAR put one of their largest marquee events on a streaming only platform. I'm pretty sure ESPN even puts Monaco on ABC but they know how important Memorial Day Sunday is to race fans. NASCAR definitely saw the $$$ over anything else for this.


I wonder if it's going to be on Twitch, and if I am going to have to show my Father in Law how to use it?


Off-topic but I wonder how much longer it will be until FOX announces they have acquired the IndyCar rights? Seems this was the final major hurdle before making that announcement.


I hope not. I like watching Indycar on Peacock.


I feel like NBC has done so much better with Indycar than ABC did in their final 15 years. Phoning it in is probably the best way to describe ABC's coverage of Indycar during their last few years. I personally hope NBC stays. If what we see with NASCAR on FOX coverage today is any indication, I don't have much hope with their coverage of Indycar.


Indycar didn’t affect anything lol.


Hopefully soon since Mark Miles has said they’d prefer to get it announced before the Indy 500.


All these people complaining and I'm jumping for joy. I haven't had cable for 10 years and the one and only thing it has made difficult is watching Nascar. I have an antenna which I'm assuming would get me access to some of the channels but I honestly don't know since I never use it. Even if it does between my work and sleep schedule I'm rarely around to watch live. I just do my best to avoid spoilers and watch it late that night or sometimes even Monday. Again this works perfectly fine for everything but Nascar. I can come home late on Sunday night and use F1tv to catch up on F1 then flip over to Peacock to watch Indycar and IMSA. Yet after trying multiple routes both legal and illegal the easiest and most reliable way I have found to watch Nascar a few hours late is to download a torrent. Its almost halfway through 2024 Nascar so badly needs its own dedicated app to watch live races, replays and past historical races just like F1. In the meantime, if I've got to deal with Prime which I'm already paying for to get the free shipping I guess I'll gladly take that.


I bought an antenna because of how much this subreddit swears by them only to find out that I couldn’t get Fox or NBC where I lived lol


Did you buy an indoor antenna? You need an outdoor mounted antenna if you want good signal 40 or 50 miles from a broadcast tower. Especially if you are in a mountainous, hilly, or tree covered region.


You'll be able to watch the whole xfinity series on the cw next year with an antenna(assuming you're in range)


NASCAR does have a website for historic races called NASCAR classics, or classics.nascar.com it has lots of great races throughout NASCAR’s history on it


Does Amazon Prime have recording options? Or will the races be ready to stream for playback relatively soon after the races end? I've got two young boys and we don't watch the races live. Usually watch before they go to bed due to the length of time or other life commitments.


You can watch any broadcast in its entirety (even pre and post-race) after the broadcast is over on Amazon. I can rewatch all the TNF games on Amazon.


I’m curious what the commercial breaks will be like with prime? Same, less? Pay for none?


They have the same amount of ads on NFL. Primes gotta make that money back somehow.


Oh okay, bummer.


If it comes down to $11 a month for F1 ad free vs $100+ a month for NASCAR where you miss 25% of the race, I know which one I’m picking. The less races OTA, the less races I watch. This will be my last 600 I guess. Next year I’ll be watching Monaco instead.


If Amazon advertises this right it could be big for a casual nascar audience. 600 mile races are just crazy to a non racing fan


I’m here for it. Hopefully we won’t get a commercial every 15 laps now


Kind of bummed about another streaming service. I'd love a single source of streaming NASCAR like F1 and Indycar.


I watch the races on Nascar's youtube when they post them a few days later. Wonder if they'll still be uploading them on there too.


So I need prime to watch the race?






It’s $9 for prime video.


On top of the expensive cable subscription you already need. And Amazon shows you ads on that tier.


Cable is the problem. $90 a month to watch, what, 6 races a year in 2025 vs $9 to watch 5 on Amazon Prime. Cable has ads too, not sure why thats a surprise.


Oh that's not bad


I’d recommend subscribing through apple if you have an Apple ID. Apple makes it insanely easy to manage your subscriptions all in one place, and cancel and renew at will. No jumping through hoops, it’s just one button in your settings app. Unfortunately after the lawsuit some companies are forcing you to subscribe through their website and not through apple, but Amazon isn’t one of those yet.


What lawsuit? Knowing Apple, they’ve had plenty of those.


Spotify vs Apple in the EU. One of those things where in principle Spotify is right, but the only real victim of the lawsuit is the consumer.


Depends on if Twitch will simulcast like they do for the NFL. If they do, you won't need Prime or a Twitch account to view it, and it'll be totally free.


Wondering the same. I pay for YouTubeTV which covers everything right now. I'm not paying for another streaming service.


Yea and good luck canceling the service once you watch the races. It’s worse than trying to cancel SiriusXM.


Jesus. This should be illegal.


Amazon is really easy to cancel now. They had to streamline it due to a law in California


Good to know. It was horrible when i accidentally signed up for Prime in 2022 I think.


Good job California.


Nice. I won’t be able to watch now. And that’s my favorite day of racing


It’s $9 for 5 races 🤷‍♂️


I'd pay $150 for a full season.


Good chance it will be streamed for free (with commercials, of course) on Twitch. Just like Thursday Night Football.




Just pay for prime


I don’t buy anything on Amazon so most likely not.


Don’t listen to these corporate bootlickers telling you how to spend your money


When you live in bumfuck nowhere and a good 45 minutes from the nearest walmart...you will rely on Prime


Not me


In before the controversy. All sports are streaming now, either get with the times or fall behind.


If nascar had an app like f1 does, I’d drop Hulu with live tv


I don’t have cable and F1TV is awesome imo. I also watch the lower series when I can and having historical seasons and documentaries/other shows is cool too. I’d get one for NASCAR as well if it was reasonably priced. I think I pay $80 for F1 for the year (works out to about $3.33 a race weekend). It also has practice and qualifying, as well as driver cams for all 20 drivers. It’s very nice to have the race, 2 driver cams, and a track map up on the second monitor.


Dang $80 is pretty high for me. I'd love watching those in-car cams, though, especially for F1. If NASCAR takes this route, I hope its less than that.


How dare anyone not want to pay for 15 different services when they all used to be combined in 1




It's cheaper to pay for 1 but 10 of em is also 90 bucks...


Yeah the whole streaming is cheaper narrative has died within the past year or so. Hulu Lives basic package is 84 dollars a month. Peacock just went up from like 4 dollars a month to 15 a month. It’s not any cheaper now and it’s more of a hassle to know where to watch things. It was nice those couple of years though before the big networks caught on.


Hulu Live is literally just cable delivered over the internet. Here’s what I pay: - Hulu, Disney+, ESPN+ ($15) - Paramount Plus ($6) - Dropout TV ($6) - Peacock ($6) - Amazon ($9) - Max (included in my phone bill) $42 a month, a lot cheaper than cable, and a ton more convenient when I can instantly access all of that wherever I am. I don’t get the narrative that cable is less of a hassle when I have to spend 8+ hours on the phone with a representative every year to get the Braves on cable for my grandfather.


How are you watching nascar with that package? To legally watch nascar you’re gonna need Hulu Live, You Tube TV or cable.


That legally gets you 28/36 races. I’m not paying $270 ($90 a month for 3 months, or $34 a race) to watch the last 8 FS1 races on cable legally. I’ll either go to a restaurant because it’s cheaper, or find another way. I had YouTubeTV for about 3 years and the only thing I ever watched on it was NASCAR and it was always painful, so for me it’s an extra $90 a month to watch NASCAR. Never really understood why people always argue cable + streaming, when cable has nothing of value except NASCAR to me. It’s streaming + cable to watch NASCAR. Moving races to Amazon means they’re available on a $9 a month service that 170 million Americans already have instead of a $90 a month service that 70 million Americans have.


You don’t need 10 of them lol.


I'm in the younger demographic and even I hate the streaming crap. I used to be able to watch football, basketball, baseball, nascar, golf, fishing, corn hole, TV shows, documentaries, whatever all at once. Now I have to turn on the TV, go to an app, log in, check what's on, find out nothing that interests me is on, then go do that for 2-3 other apps until I find something. Want to watch MLB baseball? Sorry, not avaliable in your region. Watch to watch NFL football? Get game pass and prime or whatever crap they have. Want to watch NCAA football? Get ESPN+, peacock, whatever it's on. Want to watch basketball? We've got the NBA league pass. Just so much different crap and different services for one individual thing, then spread that out over multiple sports and hobbies. Sure it can be simplified if you solely want to watch Nascar on Sunday, but people want variety. And I will happily pay a premium fee to have it all in one format with a simple guide at the push of a button and not the headache of spending 20 minutes figuring out what is even on, much less what I want to watch. Edit: Also to add, I just don't do it. If something is somewhere I have to go stream it, I just don't watch it and I'll watch the highlights or hear the results later. I'll watch Nascar when I can pick it up with the rabbit ears but if it went full streaming I'd drop it without a care. Same as everything else.




The problem is all sports still require cable to access all of their events. Like baseball has some games on apple tv+ and prime but I still need cable to watch the majority of my local team’s games. Football you still need cable for the ESPN Monday night games . NASCAR you still need cable for the FS1 and USA channel (unless the USA channel race happens to also be on peacock). And before someone chimes in with “you don’t need cable you can just get YouTube tv, HULUTV, Fubo etc.” Those are just cable without the cable box. Same stuff. So the issue isn’t necessarily streaming but that I need to subscribe to multiple services AND cable to get all of the events. It’s annoying.


Damnit. Guess this’ll be the last 600 I watch legally.


Mexico will probably be on the FOX portion to replace that "highlight" race


the Daytona 500 is already a "highlight" event


So was the Coke 600


Won't Fox also keep the All-Star race? Which is another "highlight" event, even if it doesn't pay points.


Yeah assuming they don't change it for the first time in how long *(all-star before the 600)*, the All-Star race would be Fox's last race of the season


Side note but I'm still convinced that Mexico City is a ploy to bring Montreal to the table.


I'm not high on Montreal like everyone else seems to be. As far as international events, Mexico City is more interesting as a spectacle, and Mosport is the best for pure racing in MX/CN.


CTMP isn't set up for Cup level pit stops and I think the amenities lack a bit for a full Cup weekend but we can dream. That is the majority of the traction behind Montreal. It can be set up to be on par with COTA (a favorite of the sponsor representatives) and is much closer to Charlotte than Mexico City is.




It’s not, there using the last three races on Prime to set the seeds for the bracket.


Oh that's right them and TNT each and have 5 races next year


I can’t wait to have to set up all my old relatives to use streaming. Doesn’t bother me because I stream everything but the old timers will have a big learning curve


“Comcast remote, turn on NASCAR on Amazon Prime.”


will be the last Coca Cola 600 on wjzy 46


There are approx. 230MM prime subscribers and a prime subscription includes prime TV. Most already have Prime for no additional cost from what they already pay for.


Is that U.S. or worldwide?


Sorry 167MM as of 2023 in US. Still more than some cable channels


I just cancelled so they have 166,999,999 in the US.


That sucks. Fox does 2 races really well (The 500 and the 600).


If I did my math right, you can get the 30 day free trial for Prime before the Coke 600 and all 5 races will fall within that 30 day window.


Having a big race locked behind a streaming paywall isn’t the best look or will give the best ratings exactly


My hope would be that Amazon can promote the race to more people. There may be fewer Prime subscribers than people with access to network TV, but there may well be more of them who use the platform consistently than tune into FOX and they should thus be easier to reach. Not that this has borne out with Thursday Night Football, where Prime's viewer numbers are improving but still aren't nearly what they were when the games were on FOX.


It'll probably be simulcast on Twitch


Many many more homes have access to Prime video than cable.


Normally the Coke 600 is on FOX


The 600 is usually on main fox not locked behind cable plans


Yeah and 200 of the 400 laps are fucking commercials lol


Unless you live in an area where main Fox is locked behind cable lol


The 600 has always been on free to air channels. Amazon does a bit of an accounting trick when they report numbers as memberships but not as accounts. With sharing the actual number of subscribers is far less than the number of members if that makes sense. Ratings will obviously suck compared to a race being on broadcast tv but hopefully it will draw enough eyes to make them think it’s worth putting money into. NASCAR just needs a good and competent broadcast more than anything.


The 600 is OTA


If you live in an OTA area.


Most people do


I generally don't get to see the 600, but now there's no chance of getting to watch it. They were Idiots for introducing this prime deal.


I called it. I mentioned last year the way the schedule was structured that Race 14 would be the Coke 600. Everybody said it wouldn't leave FOX and they wouldn't put a crown jewel on streaming.


But the date stays the same, right? Memorial Day weekend? I had a lot more trouble reading that post than I should have


Yes, stays on Memorial Day weekend.


Welp guess I can’t watch the 600 now. Wonderful.


This may just be the worst decision NASCAR's made in a long time.


I will see everything because we pay our $200/year for Prime delivery. Amazon is a genius company, but I still don’t understand how they make money on Prime. We probably buy one item a week via Amazon, at least. So we’re only paying $4 per package for shipping, then, and Amazon also has overhead for all of the fulfillment centers and warehouses in addition to the delivery contractors.


YAR HAR FIDDLE DEE DEE, YOU ARE A PIRATE it is MORALLY RIGHT to steal content and run adblock everywhere




Can’t even blame you. Piracy went down dramatically when people were offered a reasonable priced legal alternative. Spotify, Netflix, Hulu, etc. No one was going to pay $150 a month for cable, $20 a movie, and $15 an album. In comes Spotify, where you can pay $9 a month for unlimited music, and Netflix where you can pay $9 a month for a great catalogue of movies. Offer people a reasonable solution and people will buy it. Piracy is annoying. People are willing to spend money on things if they deem it valuable. The issue now is that it’s not valuable. Netflix is $20 now, you need Hulu, you need Prime, you need ESPN. Now we’re back to the same price point as cable to get everything I want to watch, so piracy is on the rise again. It’s a pendulum that’s swinging back in the other direction. I think the film industry is in a really rough and transitional place right now. Same with the video game industry. The cost of production and overhead is sky rocketing, but the cost that people are willing to pay is the same as it was ten years ago. I fear that the next ten years is going to be awful for the entertainment industry, and I fear that it will carry over in to the sports industry.


it's almost like the media that people like costs more than a $9 a month subscription to fund.


The issue I have with your statement is music. Independent artists rely on purchases of their songs/albums as well as merch sold at their shows. Album costs today are the same they were on CD in the 80's. Cassette singles in the 80's and 90's were 3.49.


Absolutely wild to have a crown jewel race on a holiday weekend on a streaming service. Nothing says grow the sport like limiting who can watch it without having to spend more money.


I hope you know during NASCAR’s boom in the 80s and 90s the Coke 600 was on TBS and the Southern 500 was on ESPN. TBS was still regional in the early 90s too.


Cable prices weren’t absolutely stupid back then either


>boom [confetti.](https://i.redd.it/zvyemepykshc1.gif)


That’s 30+ years ago and those were all cable channels, you just needed to know what channel it was on. If you had cable, you were set. Now you need some sort of tv service or a subscription to peacock and fox sports, a prime membership, or a spot to go to watch the races. I have these things already so it doesn’t hurt my viewing experience, but there are a lot of people who are going to lose the ability to watch a race.


There were a lot of people in the 90s that didn’t have cable either.


They had to buy one thing, cable. If they wanted to watch races they bought cable and they had access.


Different era, should be aiming for more viewership not less


I am going to tell you this. It’s not about viewership. It’s about the TV contract.


I could probably figure this out on my own but can you start the broadcast from the beginning at any time? I’m often doing stuff with the fam until late evening so I like to be able to record the races and watch later


Prime does this with their NFL broadcasts, so hopefully the same will be true for NASCAR 


Can’t wait to see what Amazon does for this race!


I fucking hate all these sports moving to streaming options bc it makes it impossible to switch between the race and other games (such as the Stanley Cup playoffs or golf this past weekend) easily. I'm getting sick of all this shit. Soon we will be reminiscing of the days when we could watch everything under 1 subscription and simply flip between channels.


I have Prime myself and I really do think they'll a good job. I really worry however if the ratings will drop. I'm kind of thinking maybe not as Prime is one of the biggest streaming services compared to maybe Paramount+. I've not watched a TNF game on there yet, but I've heard its really interactive compared to watching games on linear networks. It feels weird to have one of the biggest races go streaming only, but this one would probably be perfect to start Prime's run.


In addition to there being probably double the amount of prime subscribers as there are cable subscribers this is a huge step in the direction of the glory days we remember of the sport being all of Wal-Mart and K-Mart. Amazon will advertise this being available, everyone’s gonna see it when they use the website. Retail is growing exponentially online, this is NASCAR getting back into the ad space of one of the largest retailers in the US.


I’m not subscribing to Prime


That’s great for the drivers. It looks like the Olympics break this year opened future seasons up for some weeks off throughout


odds are there will again be only 1 off week.


Where will WWT Raceway be on next years schedule, with this Easter off week?


Curios to see what happens if the 500 ever shifts a week later.


It could if the NFL goes to an 18 game schedule


I think NASCAR is definitely dropping the ball not racing on easter


Fine with the Easter weekend off. I’m not religious myself. But there’s enough fans and employees of teams in the sport out there that are that it raised issues and ratings/attendance had a reflection on it enough to make a change. Business is business, fair play on it.


At least we know the Camera resolution will be higher than Fox broadcasts in and it will look great




So NASCAR is FURTHER increasing the price and difficulty of watching its sport despite ratings being stagnant, if not down. Bold strategy. Meanwhile it’s STILL just $11 a month to watch EVERY F1/F2 race/practice/qualifying on ONE platform with multiple broadcast options. Leave it to Brian France to make Liberty Media look competent, there’s a reason F1 is doubling up NASCAR in the under 50 demographic


Isn’t adding NASCAR to Amazon, like, exactly what you’re asking for? It’s way cheaper than cable and available to more Americans already.


Right now I can watch Fox/NBC races OTA. If they’re giving races to TNT and Amazon, that means I now I have to pay for them. So that’s even less races I get to watch each year without adding an extra subscription, or in this case, two (Max is going to start charging for B/R soon).


So you asked for an $11 a month subscription but you're complaining about a $9 a month subscription because you currently are lucky enough to live somewhere you can get OTA broadcasts for part of the season. Make it make sense. Edit: Also confused about what Max B/R has to do with this? TNT and Max have the same parent company, but TNT is not part of B/R? Its a separate thing.


TNT, B/R and Max are all owned by WBD. I believe TNT and B/R do a fair bit of collaboration.


Yeah, I know they’re both owned by the same company, I already said that, but they’re distributed very separately. That’s the point.


A $9 month subscription that includes the NFL, NASCAR and most likely the NBA, not confirmed yet but rumored. I don’t see what’s their problem is here, especially when F1 isn’t even weekly and only provides about 8 hours of content per week.


The races will be free on Twitch lol


Is that confirmed?


Not confirmed for NASCAR but the NFL has been simulcasting games this way. Don’t see why they wouldn’t do the same given the demographics of twitch.


Gotta say, I like the way prime is investing in the sport. A lot of big announcements from them recently


So the Coke 600 is moving from Memorial Day Weekend to the weekend after Easter? Am I reading/understanding that right or am I a moron?


No, the 600 is not moving , Bob is saying there will be an off week between the 500 and the 600, most likely it being Easter weekend.