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It feels longer because Duncan was such a rock for 20 straight years, but the Spurs’ Big 3 “only” lasted from 2003-2016, while the Warriors’ Big 3 lasted from 2013-2024. It took the Warriors two years to become a championship team with that core while the Spurs already had prime Duncan carrying the load, but overall the runs are honestly fairly comparable (just two years short for the Warriors, as well as some of those injury plagued years after 2019)


Also although I'm obviously biased, I think you do have to consider GSW played with cheat codes turned on for two of those titles due to their once-in-NBA-history ability to field 4 maximum contracts all on the same payroll. Seriously, the KD/Curry rings are probably some of the least impressive in NBA history, being essentially a forgone conclusion from the second KD signed. You'd probably have to go back to the early 60s, when the league had like 8 or 9 teams to find rings that were less "free" than those two rings.


I hold the rings against KD but in the Warriors’ favor honestly, they lucked into Curry being injury prone to start his career ofc (which drove down his contract) but otherwise read the winds and saw what was coming with the cap spikes and played their cards right to put themselves in a position to add an MVP player to their team. Luck is where opportunity meets preparation, and the Warriors had certainly prepared themselves to potentially be lucky in the 2016 offseason years before it happened. It suppose it does change the complexion of their Big 3’s resume in comparison to the Spurs’ Big 3 though, as one of the Warriors’ “Big 3” wasn’t one of their best three players for two of those titles.


when did the warriors have 4 max contacts on the roster exactly?




But still rings correct?


Of course. They're extremely unimpressive - but yes rings nonetheless


Are they unimpressive to you? I’m sure you don’t find any of the spurs rings unimpressive(ring in the short season)


I mean I would more say they're unimpressive to basketball watchers, but that's just me


So you agree that the spurs ring in the lockout season was not impressive correct




Why is a ring that the warriors won unimpressive in a regular season?


Because they went 73-9 and then signed a league MVP lmao not that it's not impressive but it certainly wasn't competitive


Tim, Manu and Tony's record in regular season and playoffs as a trio will probably never be beaten. The most insane stat is that they won more playoff games together than any pair of players which is not formed by two of them, including Malone Stockton. The consistency is insane.


Fuck Zaza forever


and the nba for having those fucking seats like three inches from the court. kawhi landed on david lee first, then zaza finished the job.


Fuck Zaza


It makes me appreciate Manu more. He was the third best SG in the league for most of the 2000s and agreed to come off the bench. That just doesn’t happen very often, dude really decided there are way more important things than getting your stats. 


Honestly, if not for klay’s injuries, the warriors would’ve stayed together. This kind of needed to happen, he needed to find his new self. But also, the warriors couldn’t do right by him financially because of these new cap rules. In reality, if we had our big 3 in today’s cba, it might’ve been impossible to keep them together.


I think it would've still worked. Duncan and the rest took pay cuts to stay with spurs. They didn't get paid full value. Especially Ginobili, he was all about winning.


Small pay cuts, yes. That was a thing in the 2000’s. Deals were also allowed to be 6 years. Now, if you cut a year off of a high value deal, you’re losing 30-50 million. Which is just stupid to give up on a personal level. Also repeater taxes are much more aggressive now and back then, the super max and rose rule contracts didn’t exist. It’s so much harder to keep teams together now.


The cap rules didn’t make them sign Poole and Wiggins to giant deals before coming to Klay to ask for a discount. They mismanaged their stars by trying (and failing) to do a two timeline process.


Poole and Wiggins at the time were coming off of career years while klay was coming off 2 significant leg injuries. They were also over the cap and couldn’t sign anyone else had either of them walked.


And you got downvoted for simply stating facts. SMH.


They also failed to capitalize on high draft picks that could have extended the window.


Wait, I thought the Warriors FO essentially told Klay they couldn't pay him that much, only for him to discover that they were secretly offering Paul George what they told Klay they couldn't afford. That was my understanding at least.


lol no. They never had the money to outright sign Paul George. They were trying to trade for him. That only became an option when they realized klay was out. The initial issue I think came from them not trying to extend him because you know, injuries and they’re a super expensive team to begin with.


Imo the new CBA is really good because it hampers teams that are in second apron already. This prevents rich owner teams from just paying anyone and creates more parity among all teams. so unless you are sure that your team is a contender like Boston, there is no way you go to second apron. I think this was the dilemma Golden State had with Klay


Genuine question: didn't Klay find out that they were offering Paul George a very similar amount to what they were telling Klay they couldn't pay him? I thought that was the final straw that broke the camel's back for Klay.


They cannot offer Paul George the max contract because they don’t have cap space. The only way they could sign PG was thru sign and trade from the Clippers


fuck zaza and the league


The Warriors empire lasted about 10 years. How we managed to stay afloat for 22 is one of the signature achievements in NBA history




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I have a feeling Klay Thompson's stint in Dallas will be short lived and easily forgettable.