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I’m just curious on what number BI is looking for rn. At 50M, he’s not worth it (as of right now) but him at 40 ish worth more than CJ imo. Also don’t think Trey should get the rookie max when he’s up


He might take less than 50 ,they reported that BI wanted to stay in NOLA ,so he might accept less than 50M per year


He's a number one option. 3level scorer who makes teammates better. 50mill is what he deserves.


Without knowing what their respective returns would be this is a pointless discussion. Both of them bring value but are limiting, just in different ways.


I agree, though I do find CJ off the bench leading the second unit to benefit us much more in terms of fit.


I've been saying that for months, totally agree, and I think it is not outside the realm of possibility either.


Do people think teams are calling for either of them and we're only trying to trade BI? BI's the problem because he wants more money than we think he's worth, and probably what the rest of the NBA thinks he's worth. That is the sole reason he's in trade talks right now.


CJ can def fit on alot more teams than BI so yes I would say there are calls for him also. Arguably the best 3pt shooter this year


CJ is undersized, over paid. Trae Young 2.0. Cant defend, takes bad shots, 2 many turnovers


Even if we hypothetically do bring him back at a more reasonable price point, we should still be looking to trade him with Murray on the team. The fit between the 3 is really poor.


Yeah build around a guy who cant/never shoots, has ever played a playoff game, or a full season. That's a great plan! Lets see where that gets us. We are building around Ben Simmons..smh


Setting salary cap stuff aside since I don't know details, if BI will shoot open threes it's much better to pair him with DJ than CJ for defensive purposes.


The Pels wouldn't accept a Lopez-for-McCollum deal...they moved off JV for similar deficiencies Brook possesses. They're looking to play a bit more aggressive with their defensive scheme and thus the kind of C they'd need to bring in is one who can move on the perimeter some, which is why Theis is seen as a fit, along with his ability to shoot (meh but he can). Someone like John Collins is available and is a fit. I'm not saying that they should make a move for him or move BI for him (Jazz wouldn't want CJ presumably) but he's the kind of big the Pels are looking for. Preferably it'd be one with more size but C's with both size and mobility are a unicorn.




The appeal to moving CJ to the bench is that he (although best-suited to play off-ball) likes to have the ball in his hands. But we currently have 3 other ball-dominant guys in the starting lineup. Coming off the bench provides a jolt to the 2nd unit and he gets to be more free to do his thing. Meanwhile, both our overall net rating and Trey's averages/efficiency all prove to be better with Trey in the starting lineup. But with BI still on the team, both CJ and Trey are most likely to go to the bench. Because our starting lineup will almost certainly be (as it is currently) DJM-Herb-BI-Zion-(center). If BI gets traded for a starting center, then that'd leave room for 1 of CJ or Trey to come into the fray. The main downside to CJ coming off the bench is that our bench is now lacking in size/defense. CJ needs good defenders around him since he's also giving up size/defense.


CJ is a selfish player, that’s why he’d be great as 6th man. Him playing PG is 🤢


Completely disagree on Murray and CJ sharing much time together


So who carries this team when Zion gets injured? Is this a playoff team without BI and Zion?


Like I mentioned, the only benefit of trading CJ is because he’s older but it kills our shooting. I think CJ in that starting lineup takes up too much away from Dejounte on the ball and same as Zion. CJ fits the bill for leading the second unit at the 2 guard. Yes it depends on matchups but most of the time if we went with Zion at the four and CJ at the two we’d been undersized.


CJ has been frustrating to watch sometimes, and I think we can fairly say he really shouldn't be the primary ballhandler for extended periods, but yeah, I think people are scapegoating him for a disappointing season. His shooting is crazy streaky, but it's pretty elite on aggregate, and he's the best 3 point threat on the team. I think he's an important piece going forward, and is going to look much better now that we're not asking him to be the primary distributor.


Need to trade CJ for a center. Give Hawk and Murphy CJ's minutes. Defensive liability, turnovers, overpaid, and he's just lazy on the court.