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Kaido gets blitzed. There's no way he's as fast as the Raikage and ohnoki was reacting and fighting alongside him. All they need is one solid particle style and kaido's done for. Gaara can also seal him, and if the mage get hit there's Tsunade who can help


Yeah Ohnoki in particular basically just deletes matter


What's the Raikage's speed?


The lightning lariat is lightspeed, I believe


He has to slow down for killer bee to do the lariat, we know he is fastest when his hair’s up and he was out moving MS sasuke and his eyes. So he should be FTL


Fast enough to leave an after image and make the sharingan miss Amaterasu which is stated to be instantaneous with no travel time. So pretty damn fast


No you’re just wrong on this, it’s never stated to have no travel time and we in fact see multiple people reacting to it, it’s in fact quite slow and limited to the users current sight, it’s able to be reacted to, blocked and outran, as demonstrated by Ay, Naruto and Sasuke respectively, that’s the downside of the technique, it’s got an insane range and lethality but it’s rather slow, you’re just tripping off of head cannons


Well, according to most, he's relativistic at best. Kaido is FTL+


It is NOT at all stated that Amatarasu is instant


base luffy 3 power up arcs before fighting kaido could casually dodge light beams with observation haki, luffy then proceeds to improve this skill to the point of seeing the future and kaido in his base form still blizted this luffy and faster forms later on


light with mass is not light. light moves as fast as it does because its force applied to nothing, remember a=fm? youre essentially plugging in 0 for m. kizaru, and by extension pacifista beams, have mass.


It is physically impossible for anything to move faster than light, yet this is a common occurrence in anime and manga for characters with mass to be FTL and people accept that... Yet for some reason when it comes to kizaru, everybody wants to get technical and bring real world science to state why he can't be light speed because he has mass. Either the man that literally turns into light is light speed, or no other character is, because they have mass.


Exactly, it's literally his fruit's power. He moves at light speed because his fruit is the light fruit. Haters gonna hate.


Kizaru does have to be able to get rid of his mass temporarily because Smoker does the same thing and if he couldn't do it then he couldn't fly


kizaru said it himself, "speed is power". light speed is thrown around way too lightly in scaling but characters who, through some magical means, bypass physics can totally move that quickly. like shinra from fire force. no one in the big three is light speed(with exceptions like kizaru when he's doing the reflection shit/the kages with teleportation) if a work of fiction isn't supposed to follow real world physics then there's no reason for light to be as fast as it is in the real world.


With this logic literally nothing in any fiction is light because everything within a massive radius would be vaporized. Sticking too close to science in Powerscaling becomes pointless quickly


untrue. just not a lot is light speed. what is powerscaling if not trying to apply science to fiction anyway?


Oh please, by this logic nothing in fiction can ever exceed the speed of light and that is objectively untrue, even ignoring things like teleportation. Using e=mc^2 (the... actual equation of relativity, you were probably mixing it up with f=ma but like... that's not applicable here) to justify why something cannot possibly be light speed with mass... in fiction, is silly.


u think oda knows all that bruh the magic light beam moves light speed


then why assume he was thinking abt the realistic speed of light there?


Kaido is like mftl with future sight, they aren’t blitzing him. He may not win, but dude does not get blitzed.


He doens't get blitzed at all. He destorys all of them with the exception of the old man who can use the Dimensional jutsu. But even then he has to hit Kaido with it, and he probably couldn't cause jutsu's are slow, and Kaido has Observation haki, so probably not.


No he isn’t. Future sight doesn’t give you speed. He’s the same speed just busted reaction time.


Your just wrong


Kaido sweeps if it was all 1v1 In 5v1 I think the kage can take it having a healer and gara defence will keep the heavy hitting raikage and ohnoki alive Just really depends on if Kaido is going all out from the start and just starts killing in his hybrid, future sight to see the 2 biggest threats are ohnoki and tsunade


Even in his own fight he wasn't going all out. The guy spent an entire night fighting 50 people and literally carrying the island they were fighting him on since before the fight started. And was so drunk he passed out during a part of it.


Tsunade, Ohnoki, Ay, Gaara, and Mei vs Kaido. Tsunade could probably match Kaido in strength, or stall him with hundreds healings, while Gaara uses sand to restrain his legs, Ay...isn't doing shit, Mei can spew lava release on him, and Ohnoki can finish the job with particle style.


Thank you for not glazing the fuck out of Kaido and instead showing a possible way that 5 Kages could win.


Yeah, either could win though, if Kaido goes dragon form first then Kage don't have a shot, but considering Kaido was suicidal for most of the series, I think the Kage will do just fine


If Kaido goes dragon form he gets dismantled


Oh thats pretty much my point, instead of straight up saying “they get neg diffed” or “kaido slams” I like when people go into ways that both sides would win.


What do you mean "Ay... isn't doing shit"? He's the fastest out of the lot.


And can't even tickle kaido


> Gaara uses sand to restrain his legs Could he not just turn into a dragon and make his legs irrelevant? > Mei can spew Lava release on him I’m not sure lava release will effect him, given one of his penultimate attacks has him himself coating himself in lava


But that’s going easy. Who said the only thing Gaara could do with sand is restrain legs lol. He could just cover kaido and crush him


I dont watch One piece but isnt that guy like a bigass dragon or something?


Yeah he is kinda like the Brock Lesner of bigass dragons


He’s not just a big ass dragon, he’s THE big ass dragon




The strongest creature lol


For reference he literally has tried to kill himself and the only way he can die is basically to be thrown into the core of Earth lol


For those who don’t know one piece, Kaido is the most durable, insane powerhouse speedblitzing dude. Anyway Gokage low diff lol


Low diff is crazy as fuck


I’m going to be honest….i don’t kaido is even stronger than full power kurama. The problem with the two verses is one piece characters like to tank attacks while those in Naruto are masters in evasion. Also teamwork. They are trained to to work together since birth and have lots of experience fighting tailed beast sized opponents.


The kage do have a realistic win condition in Onoki. Kaido also outstats them pretty heavily So this comes down to 2 factors. 1. Does kaido just let himself get hit? If so he'll probably be killed or seriously injured by particle style enough for him to lose 2. Is Kaido using future sight? Cuz that's a massive boon that we can't forget about that can negate alot of the actual threats to him


Does haki count as hax negation cos if it does than partic style does nothing.


kaido only win condition the kages have is onoki but there is no guaranteed kaido would let them hit him


...there pretty much is though, right? The King of the Beasts is also the King of Sandbagging. He loves getting hit with strong attacks to flex his monstrous durability. He could've dodged Dead Man's Gamble and Red Roc, but he chose to let them hit to demoralize his opponents. Big Mom had to prompt him to dodge Enma. I have no doubt in my mind that he'd let Particle Style hit him and get turned into the Apple Logo.


He has also dodged attacks the he knows will kill him, like with Zoro and Oden. He clearly knew they had a kill shot ready and made a choice to dodge.


You forget that Kaido has future sight, and as such would be able to see the effects of particle style before it hits


Yeah basically. If dust release doesn't work I genuinely don't know what will. Even in One Piece it's not very clear how much damage was needed exactly in order to defeat him


Mei’s lava release is pretty dangerous


Kaido will definitely let it hit😂


Not if he sees himself get deleted with future sight


Kaido got this https://i.redd.it/a5h8n7vdua9d1.gif


Yall are crazy. Kaido is stupid fast, stupid strong, and stupid durable. Nobody here beats him in any of the categories


Durability doesn’t matter when you get turned to dust ask obito


Good luck pulling that slow ass jutsu against someone who is way faster than you + can see into the future.




That’s simply not true. The raikage is definitely faster and even if we acknowledge everything else he’s not immune to particle style.


No one is denying that, but Tsunade can tank hits from him with her healing and is still VERY strong, Ay is fast as fuck, Gaara can seal stuff which is BROKEN, and Ohnoki can literally delete matter. They all just have stuff when together, is very hard to deal with.


Show me tsunade surviving her head exploding


Literally, I dont know what these guys are smoking, but they clearly have no clue what Kaido can actually do, theyre saying stuff like "gaara could crush him with sand" 😭


The ones that really have me scratching my head are the ones saying Mei's Lava Release would beat him. The man literally has a Burning Dragon Mode where he's coated with the hottest flames in the verse as far as we've seen so far.


I like naruto but imma make this joke anyway "Dont mess with us naruto powerscalers, we cant read!"


bro was also swimming in literal laca 💀


😭 fr bruh


Particle style is the kage win con. Tsunade is strong but she doesn’t have durability negation which is almost mandatory to hurt kaido, that said with her healing and strength she can at least keep him busy. All kage are slower than kaido but they have numbers advantage, if they are smart they stay in the fight. Mei and Gaara are honestly kinda useless, no heat mei produces will hurt kaido and the gaara sand will not be able to restrain him particularly in dragon form. Ay is in the say boat as tsunade, probably can’t hurt him but can at least stall, he won’t last as long as tsunade though. Ohnoki is really their only hope, particle style is durability neg that could hurt kaido (unless haki negates it). He needs to be protected though, landing a hit on a mftl with future sight target is going to be difficult. If kaido is in character, that is he isn’t really trying to start with and tanks hits on purpose he really could lose. If kaido is serious the whole time, I’d give it to him more times than not.


Only way Kaido loses is if he sits there and eats particle style. If it weren’t for the fact that internally damaging attacks are basically a necessity, Tsunade would be able to get some good hits. But because of his durability, Ay and Tsunade aren’t really doing anything I can’t anything heat based hurting Kaido or not being used in his own fire coating attack Gaara’s best shot is restraint, but Kaido has the speed to completely blitz Luffy, and he’s overall just huge.


mei can use lava + water to help hold him. Especially since he loves to tank attacks.


He bathes in lava bro


But it can be hardened with water to slow him down. Plus it's pretty thick stuff anyway. she also uses water fyi


Water cooled lava forms gases in the formation creating pumice which is actually quite porous compared to normal rock and stone so if anything Kaido would have an easier time breaking out of it. Igneous rocks on the other hand which is lava/magma cooled with no external source is much harder but I doubt Kaido would be waiting around for that to cool down even if Gaara was trying to hold him down.


Rock and roll and stone!


People are acting like haki negates everything and anything like wth haki is not durability negation or super durability shit It's for attacking people who have logia fruits and increasing strength and range of attack as in case of conquerors. Both verse have light speed in only combat anyways and being able to see in future is advantageous for Kaido. Ohnoki lifted turtle island and large ass meteor and tanked two meteors. So yeah unlikely he is going to get one shot and kages are relative to each other. It's like putting 5 yonkos against one yonko. Both verse are kinda relative until six paths power. Kaidos Boro breath was strong as Bijuu dama with both being able to vaporize a mountain (not as strong as Kyuubis anyway.)


The Kage have to many abilities for Kaido to combat, the 5 KAGE win.


Wtf Kaido loses this unless you wanna bring up haki. And that's just cringe


straight up no diff by kaido unless he decides to eat a particle style for fun. they have no other means to actually hurt him lol


**Kaido wins if he has onigashima with him.** (speculation: if kaido can spam dropping islands then it won’t matter whether or not mei or ohnoki can do damage) But if not, and we assume raikage is faster, tsunade is stronger, mei can melt his scales, and ohnoki can dust. Kaido still is the king of durability, in a fight where the kage relies on chakra levels they are definitely at a disadvantage especially if the fight lasts a full day. I would say high diff fight with kaido dead and tsunade the only survivor (keep in mind katsuyu is weak to fire attacks)


Onoki is the deciding factor. No one else here has anything in their arsenal that can hurt him


Raikage alone probably gives kaido a mid diff fight. The short old guy as a duo could 2v1 kaido tbh


Kaido has way stronger **durability**. Luffy's 3rd/ 4th gear do not have enough power to hurt Kaido. (3rd and 4th Gear can easily 1 punch destroy ship, buildings and multiple punch can destroy a small island) Doubt Raikage can do the same. Also Kaido has way more **stamina.** Even Jinbei and Ace can fight 5 days nonstop. Kaido is only even longer.


Did we run at out of Naruto characters so now we gotta pull one piece into this.


5 Kage


Maybe in a 1v1 against each character he could win. But all of them together?? Like even if he was too strong for them their fighting style is so tricky they could pull off a sealing jutsu. The Naruto verse isn’t just about illusions but sealing jutsu/magic which is dummy powerful and people forget about those jutsu’s


I think any combination of 3 of the gokage could do it obviously kaido stomps in any one on one's but the kage when working together have all been shown to punch a bit above thier weight class and they are all decently strong.


Gaara alone could probably take him out


gaara would get one shot unless you can claim his durability is less than katakuri luffy


As much as I love anime I always find these debates laughable because there’s never a correct way to powerscale, so no one will accept any answer from the opposite side. You have people arguing about the speeds they can move at and everything and who is multiversal or whatever when in reality, there’s no right answer cause they’re not in the same verse. The only real debates we should be having is general questions, not who’s stronger. Like “who’s a better leader?” Or “who has the better drip?” Or even “what village would Kaido fit in the most/what pirate crew would each Kage most likely belong to?”


all of the statements you said are subjective idk the difference




It would be more fair to put Big Mom on the team too. 5 v 1 is hard for anyone


Originally I thought Kaido would lose but I did some research and..... This man probably blitzs everyone other then A the only one who can even damage him is Onoki but he'd probably dodge that this man scaled to Luffy who is above light speed proven by his fight with Kizaru Also if that wasn't enough he tanked a hot the size of Onogashima coated in armament and Conquerors Haki There is no way Particle style hits unless he lets it which while possible for like magma release he has future sight he ain't letting that shit hit and as we saw with shanks vs Kidd he can do I just looked in the comments and saw a bunch of people saying Kage would win so I decided to disprove every argument


Well duh man. Narutoverse is far stronger than one piece. The fuck.


Kages win. Kaido is too prideful and takes hits - there is nothing besides jutsu absorption and insanely high defense that saves one from particle style, and Kaido can be stalled easily. Not to mention that it’s a team effort, and that team has someone with healing powers that can definitely prolong a fight.


Kaido is done for


Kaido gets slumped


Kaido one shots all 5 with blast breath or thunder Bagua


Kadio has the arsenal to win, but not the brains, so Kages win.


kaido gonna get solo'ed by rock lee, no need for kage to step up.


Bro use your thinking cap. If Sanji, a 2nd Yonko Commander, is stronger than Rock Lee, what makes you think Kaido, a yonko, is weaker?


Kages solo then hit the German gritty


How do Kage(s), as in multiple, solo? 😂😂


Kaido isn’t that much stronger than an individual Kage and sort of just gets jumped.


Kaido literally oneshots a single Kage


Realistically only Onoki can damage Kaido non of the other four have the strength feats to even damage Kaido. As a reminder One Piece top tiers are island buster on the low end small country as the potential eos. Non of the Kage are even close to this level. However someone at that level is Madara with sussano’o and again the only kage that even approaches that level is Onoki. As for the fight the Kages win easily, Kaido is a tank that takes every hit sent to him. As soon as it start one particle blast from Onoki will permanently weaken Kaido.


Kaido annhilates


People in this forum are all wrong! 5 Kage win. Onoki has particle style that shit is pure hax. More if hes busted with Tsunade chakra.


Kaido blitzes and one shots


“One shots” theres 5 people there and he cant one shot like 4 of them


Kaido actually loses


Was saying wtf and then realized I was on narutopowerscaling. Seen both shows but now it makes sense…


Mei can lava style and lava clearly is effective against kaido lol. So it’s not like their only win con is particle style.


Not my ass thinking that guy on the left was Uncle Ruckus 😭💀


Water style, water dragon jutsu


The 5 Kage are no joke, but Kaido isn't a pushover either. I think if Kaido goes all out in the beginning, he'd win. His greatest fight is the old man who erases matter (I forgot his name) The Kage could win if they knew Kaido's powers ahead of time, but I personally don't see it. Kaido outscales them in most things.


The Tsunade vs Kaido slug fest would be fun to watch tbh.


I don't know One Piece Power Scaling, so does he have a counter for Particle Style? Or even Tsunade's punches?




Here's where the image is from: https://youtu.be/9BD-AxBKflg?si=bmkM8tZsyN3KMfai Do with this info what you will.


The way I look at it is “Can Kaido beat Madara? If not, is it close?” Yes he can win. But if you think he can’t is it close? If it is then he beats the 5 Kage. If you think Kaido gets obliterated you’re glazing


Kaido is the World's Strongest Creature which means he wins 🗿No brain rot detected


I know next to nothing on one piece, but with how they ended up after fighting Madara. I'm not betting anything on these 5 kage.


Only one of these people can turn into a dragon, and that’s pretty darn cool.


Kaido stomps lmao


Kaido, and as the title suggests, it's not close. Oh wait, I'm in a NarutoPowerscaling section, nevermind.


Literally just gaara


People forget kaido can casually drop islands way bigger than the meteors madara dropped on the kage. And Mind you one piece earth is big, onigashima is as big as a state. How are the kage going to counter that?


As an OG Naruto fan and a Huge OP fan I say Kage. Ay in my opinion can definitely pierce Kaidos skin, not as well as Oden or Zoro but close enough. Particle style is always a GG move so there’s that. Gaaras sand probably can’t restrain Kaido for long but can definitely slow him down if Kaido isn’t flying. And Meis Lava is definitely able to hurt Kaido, at least a bit. Tsunade might be the least useful here honestly…


Oh boy here we go I e seen the video and I don't know why this is a discussion no one buy onoki particle really van hurt kiado too low so tsunade and Ay have island lvl ap to kiado planetary but if you font like that then bare minimum multi continental. The speed is to great tsunade and Ay are just Ftl while kiado is easily mftl so kiado wins 🏆


Kaido gets destroyed


Onoki is the Kages win condition, 8/10 kaido wins


Kaido is a lot faster and stronger than all of the kages. So him of course. Not even biased it’s insane how many feats he has over them


Kaido destroys And if u watch the vid he explains it perfectly


I’d say Gara. Almost everybody there is a pusher/attacker. Gara has defense on his side. Not that defense wins battles though


kaido absolutely decimates all of them, and then proceeds to try to kill himself again


Good fight, Kaido is stronger than all of them individually in my opinion but the Kage are strong enough to fight him and win. I think their diversity gives them and edge. Kage mid-extreme diff depending on some things but I don’t see Kaido dealing with all of them.


Kaidou honestly ganks, he’s Multi-Continental at Max, none of the Current Kage are on that level with only Tsunade and Ay who scales to her being Continental at their absolute greatest, not to mention him having a much bigger AOE than any of them even Mei could handle. Maybe if Gaara had Shukaku, but none of them have the firepower to take him out. Mei is irrelevant, Ay is worthless, Tsunade’s best usage is healing and summoning as much of Katsuyu as she can hope to but she dies too. Onoki and Gaara are the only relevant ones in the fight, moreso Onoki, as Kaidou has no answer for Particle Style but that’s assuming that it would be strong enough to override Haki which it could but not to the extent of killing Kaidou I feel. Gaara can create very large constructs but not automatically and he doesn’t have Golden Sand yet, I don’t see nothing he creates withstanding a single Dragon Breathe though. Poor Onoki carries and he ends up dead with the rest of them.


Pretty sure he tanks all their attacks, and then he proceeds to destroy them one by one.


Kage I think. Kaido would defeat A in an extended 1v1 of course, but I think Gaara could find an opportunity to immobilize him within that fight, then make him eat particle style. It would be difficult to pull off but with Tsunade to heal, they’d have multiple attempts and the odds would be in their favor. That’s with Kaido in base or hybrid form though. As a dragon, I’d call it a stalemate.


I feel like this could go either way. On Kaido's end he's just a brutal monster with Battle senses that would make a Saiyan cry tears of pride and if he's keeping his haki well that adds another layer of difficulty for the Kage. I feel like Kaidos insane durability is also gonna work in his favor for over half of the Jutsu'd thrown at him. While I'm sure Particle dismantling would undoubtedly put Kaido down or atleast do some fight ending damage in a short amount of time. I don't see it hitting him on the first try. Kaido would realize what kind of threat that attack and Ohnoki is and he would try to eliminate him ASAP so he doesn't have to deal with it later on. The other thing is Kaido's sheer raw strength. Let's be real here... some of these Kage's are gonna eat a Thunder Bagua and the question then becomes how much can they take. Now on the Kage's end their teamwork is going to be absolutely pivotal which I'm 1000% sure they'll work together better than Luffy,Law and Kidd did. Just my opinion here. You gotta break it down into jobs Tsunade has to be the obvious healer because their all gonna eat some nasty blows. Ay is gonna have to be the tank atleast to the best of his ability he is gonna have to go band for band with Kaido's strength. Mei and Gaara have to apply distanced pressure to keep Kaido on his toes and they can't let him get settled or else their in for a bad time. Ohnoki is your win condition. Not saying they can't win without him for sure. But he makes it alot easier if he can get him with Particle dismantling. If Ohnoki gets removed from the equation then you are now stuck in what I like to call the "Bad Time" carnival...


Kaido will get jumped. If it was his three calamities with him, then beast pirates win. But if it’s just kaido, he gets mid diffed


Kaido got it Extreme diff. Raikage Ohnoki and garaa will be the issues. Ohnoki being the main issue.


Kaido gets slammed


If they play their cards right the Kage could win. Gaara+Ohnonoki have a win con through seals+particle style, so if the other 3 can hold Kaido off for long enough (very likely if Kaido is in character) then they could win through that.


Lmao op fans still think op verse is on the same level as naruto power wise haha. After asspull 5 they’ve been quite bold


Kaido wins mid to high diff, hybrid Kaido with future sight, ACoC haki and all his devil fruit abilities is to much for normal humans, I get a lot of you Naruto fans probably haven’t read the manga but Kaido’s feat put him clear above anyone not Sasuke or Naruto from Boruto by a lot.


These buns barely couldn’t handle Madara, and Madara scale closer to Kaido than any of them combined.




It depends on how ohnokis dust release works I think Kaido can defend against it with haki


The actual video brings up very good reasoning as to why kaido clears. It becomes more apparent when the kaido and madara video is also used.


Particle style stomps most other characters


Lol ive been arguing this for like 3 years now. Naruto fans are literally the worst. They refuse to think any other verse can beat them. Had a guy argue that narutoverse beats dragon ball because dragon ball has no counter to reanimation jutsu……


Ya no way they win without seals. That is if seals even work on a target with haki


So in a 1v1 these are semi fair matchups but the 5 five kage steamroll him. Think about it this way Naruto has the power to destroy planets. One piece characters don’t have the same destructive power. Two massively strong characters Aokji and Akainu which are compatible in statues level between shows barely even destroyed an island going all out.


Kaido wins. He would easily Take Out onoki, and without him, they lose their only way of destroying His defense.


imo kaido high-extr diff


The moment Kaido flexes his Conqueror's haki, what are they gonna do to counter that? People always like to think that the Naruto verse powers work in One Piece, but for some reason, the One Piece powers don't work in the ninja world 🫠🤷‍♂️


yea Kaido outstats them in every conceivable metric. They cant even get the particle style win because he they cant consistently hold him down(between future sight and his ability to change shape and his speed advantage) and no one has enough physical strength to do any real damage. Kaido hits them with Acoc thunder beluga and team wipes for comparison, the island drunk kaido lifted up WHILE getting jumped by like 25 people is dozens of times bigger than the meteor madara used that almost killed the entire senobi alliance


Kaido > everyone


Why do people only ever do this with one piece and Naruto characters? Where's the seven warlords vs bleach captains matchup?


Who comes up with these dumb ass things. I'm a hardcore one piece fan, and I still know gaara no diffs. If raikage doesn't smoke him instantly.


Vs the 5 elders is a much much better comparison


Tsunade (the strongest of the Kage) and Kaido are both country level. Tsunade pushes Kaido to extreme diff already. Then you throw in the other Kage, most of whom have crazy Hax (onoki) or are baseline relative to Tsunade (Gaara and A), Kaido is getting dealt with easily.


The fact this is even an argument is hilarious. Kaido would dogwalk all 5 low diff.


Oh-"back-break"-noki ain't landing PS:AD Jutsu anyway. And Tsunade may be strong, but equal stating will say that she ain't Kaido level. Gaara with Shukaku might've been a match, but Nerf-Gaara is kinda weaker. One tail Gaara might've worked with battling hybrid or Dragon form. Also, who and how does a person seal Kaido? He's technically alive, as no one could revive him by retrieving the dead body from lava. Mei is ARGUABLY the most useful here. She has the second best HAX here, Lava and fog style. She can work something out, if she can be defended by other Kage. But no high hopes. And as most people guessed, Ay is useless...... he's just a brute force fighter. No talk in speed as we all know, Kaido is equally fast, if not more. But hey, they have one way. Just leave. Madara Uchiha loves to fight strong guys. Although Kaido is strong and 1v1 in One Piece bet on Kaido, this is necessarily not true in Interdimensional fight. Final form Susano'o Madara can somehow pull off the win.


He speed blitzes and one shots all of them in base


Harsh reality is that none of these people can put a dent in kaido except for ohnoki. Kaido would go for ohnoki first and at that point its a slaughter.


Kaido absolutely dog walks them because no one even comes close to matching his energy. Its 5 chess players vs. a gorilla with a shotgun


Base kaido


As a diehard one piece fan… it’s the Kage


If you power scale this is a dub for Kaido with minimal effort and hes probably wasted while hes bludgeoning all of em


Ohnoki solos.


1 jutsu makes this feet an instant and easy defeat for me. Particle style.


Basically what happened with the madara fight, but worse. I'd like to remind everyone in the entire fight with fluffy kaido was carrying a big ass island in the air. the kage almost shit their pants trying to stop a almost static meteor.


Yep Kaido could have kept the meteor floating in the air for hours with his flame clouds


Hm I wonder what the naruto sub reddit will say


Shouldn't Kaido be the tall one?


they need a plan if they are cause all kaido has to do is pick the strongest future sight it and not let them use any jutsu


Im pretty sure kaido has better AP,Environmental control and durability. Plus, he is way into MFTL+ based off chain scaling/comparison while none of the kage go beyond FTL+. At first, I do think that the kage could rock kaido and possibly even kill him, but once he gets serious they’re getting speedblitzed from head to toe and maybe even one tapped. IMO, Kaido would win due to future sight+acoc+acoa etc. but if it’s verse equalization, he’s probably getting wiped out before he can get serious enough.


Kaido one shots them all in one thunder bagua it's not even close. pry could just end them all with conquerors haki.




If it's 5 v 1 kaido gets stomped. If he's running a gauntlet he wins


You’re posting this in Naruto Powerscaling, you think other people are gonna give Kaido credit?


These people could barely touch momoshiki.


These guys lost to madara and id def say kaido is stronger than madara so kaido wins…. Why are you even making this comparison?


The kage’s have a chance with Ohnoki but I think realistically Kaido wins 8/10 times, and if Kaido has his observation haki he wins everytime.


If kaido is going all out from the jump I’d put my money on him, but if he’s true to his character, he’d probably try tanking things he really should avoid, and with particle style on the field, that could prove deadly.


Ohnoki can literally erase Kaido. Tsunade has brute force enough to shake mountains. Raikage is as fast as light speed.


5 Kage pre Boruto get washed, but I’d bet boruto 5 kage (not including Naruto) win that 9/10


Only real challenge here is Tsunade and Raikage imo. The best I see Gaara doing is stalling Kaido for Ohnoki to hit particle style but Kaido is too fast to let that happen. Mei lava isn’t doing anything to Kaido. As far who wins I’d say Kaido. Raikage should be able to pierce his skin and damage him but I don’t it’s be much and Tsunade has the strength but it’s not enough. Pretty much battle of endurance


how about you watch the video


Kaido shit stomps due to the reasons the video in the picture provided


5 kage lol They all have the AP to 1 shot him too


Kaido durability is not above the 3rd Raikage so his most def getting tossed