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I find it funny that with the amount of powercreep in DBZ and DBS yamcha could unironically solo the entire planet with two words “spirit ball” or one word “kamehameha”


At a certain point, shouldn’t we DEMAND we see that happen first? When does a character actually have to prove they can do that thing before we say they can?


It’s rlly based on power levels isn’t it? I mean weak ahh piccolo back then Destroyed the moon with a normal non special attack ki blast. I’m sure yamchad could do the same with a charged beam or ki ball


Going back even further, ~~Roshi~~ Jackie Chun destroyed the moon in the first marshal arts tournament we saw in og Dragon Ball.


Exhausted Jackie Chun destroyed the moon. He had literally just finished using his Thunder Shock Surprise. Destroying the moon was the 3rd hardest thing he had to do that day


He hasn’t used that since


The moon hadn't really needed to be destroyed by him since, and he lives on a literal beach island, so I can imagine why he wouldn't want to mess with the tides via no moon


Jackie Chun lives on an island too? Weird master roshi lives on an island too. Maybe they're related?


If you won a tournament and got a lot of money, wouldn't you want to live on an island?


okay but getting laid is almost impossible if you stay there all the time.


The Thunder shock surprise? He used it briefly in the tournament of power, but he didn’t really have an all out battle after that moment. He held back against Tien to talk to him and he went for the Mafuba immediately against King Piccolo


He has a surprising amount of techniques no one ever uses despite them probably being useful every once in a while Hell, remember his sister and her fighter that could make anyone that had even a bit of darkness in their heart explode? Pretty sure that would've been handy in a few fights since then no?


The mafuba was(at first) a deadly technique, used as a last resort, and by the Saiyan saga, probably useless, or at least the Z fighters though so, because even Sheng-long couldn't beat them. I think it was used in super again, but I don't know how effective it was. The electric attack was probably too scummy. I think the heart exploding guy was supposed to be the literal christian devil, probably why no one tried to imitate it


I think it's a bit sad how after the power creep really got going the interesting techniques just vanished No more "Sleepytime" technique or "janken fist" and I don't think Roshi ever even taught the turtle school students the technique that he uses to buff up It's a thing I actually liked more about the classic, power levels were so close together that often gimmicks worked (remember when there was a really smelly guy in the first martial arts tournament that beat enemies by smelling so bad they passed out?)


Screw that. I want to see Yamcha use the Spirit Ball control technique to *crash the moon into the Earth.*


Majoras mask ass lore


He has traded punches with characters much above this level of power


Piccolo blew up the moon in early Z, and even if you somehow low ball Yamcha as never getting stronger after King Kais training, he should be over 100x stronger than that.


Piccolo blew up the moon in Z, but Roshi blew up the moon in Dragonball for the same reason. Young Goku was Oozaru form and that was the only way they could think of to stop it. Almost anyone with Ki can blow up the moon. They gotta stop wishing it back.


Gohan, teaching Videl to fly: "That's it! That's ki!" Videl: "Quiet, Gohan, I'm trying to focus!" \*fires off a ki blast that takes out the moon\*


I agree completely. He does kick a modest amount of ass in the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga.


That confuses me. All these cell level prisoners just out there capable of giving the fighters trouble.


Most of the Galactic Patrol Prisoners have been locked away for massive amounts of time. Or at least, thats the implication. They were all 1 of a kind powers in their time until the Patrol caught them.


I could’ve sworn some of them were also buffed by Moro leading to that ridiculous power


I'm pretty sure that happened too. But Moro was basically doing what Babidi did. His crew were buffed, but they were already very strong.


They definitely were. Moro buffed a fuckload of them, with each having the merest sliver of his power.


Okay that’s better


They were way above Cell, they were shrugging off SSJ3 thanks to Moro and Yamcha solo's most of them (off panel) later on in the arc.


We have seen that


Simple power progression. Roshi destroyed a moon in dragon ball, Piccolo was much stronger and did it much easier. These characters are now stronger than Saiyan Saga Vegeta who could blow up planets. So Yamcha can definitely blow up a planet or at least easily blow up a moon since he's well above Raditz power level


We don't have to see them bench press 225 to know they can


Kamehameha already been proven to destroy celestial bodies, absolute zero singular benders could destroy a country much less a moon. Faster than Light travel has been a staple in DBZ such that even a fucking cat can go FTL. The fastest bender in Avatar could probably be on par with Usain Bolt if they don’t use the elements to boost themselves.


i mean, kefla the was as strong as UI Sign Goku, do you really think she can’t destroy a planet like saiyan saga vegeta just because we didn’t see her do it?


Dragon ball’s power system is fairly linear. If someone is “stronger” than someone else, it usually applies to all of what’s considered the stats ki amplifies. Physical strength, speed (movement, reaction, and agility), and destructive potential with their biggest ki attacks. Vegeta, in the saiyan saga, has an excess of proof for blowing up planets. He said he could blow up earth, everyone who heard believed he could, he actively tried to, and if we count filler, he had blown up a planet on-screen before (arlia) and was stated to be stronger than his father, who blew up 3 planets with a wave of his hand. Recoome was noticeably stronger than vegeta (who had, himself, gotten much more powerful by the time of their fight), and yamcha (also in filler) completely folded recoome in a 1v1. He also survived being a cell jr’s chew toy, and those guys are only a step or 2 below solar system level. Another detail that puts him at probably above planetary is that, for at least a moment, gero and android 19 mistook yamcha for goku. At the ABSOLUTE minimum, this would give yamcha a power level of over 8,000, and Akira Toriyama himself has stated that it takes a power level of 10,000 to destroy a planet. He also definitely has a technique with the destructive capacity for planet busting, as the kamehameha was directly stated by vegeta to be the same kind of beam he planned to use to destroy earth. And all that’s not even including moro’s henchmen. Besides, there’s only so many planets in a universe. You can’t have EVERY character blow up a planet to establish power, or you’d run out of planets.


Around 100 something is good enough for a moon & 1,000 is good enough for a mid sized planet. Anything in the 10,000 range can confidently destroy any planet.


Powercreep? Bro Saiyan saga yamcha solos already


That only issue is if energy bending and chi-blocking can work.


Yamcha is infinitely faster than the entire avatar verse, they can't even perceive him moving.




In a flashback on Legend of Korra, Aang broke through Jakon's blood bending on him because he entered the avatar state, i am 100% sure Yamcha could also breakout of the blood bending control through sheer power.


I thought that was based on him bending his blood back where it was supposed to be, since one of the past avatars knew bloodbending. I’m not sure yamcha could, since he can’t bend. But then again he could also just kill any bloodbender before they can even perceive him.


Can't remember shit about avatar watched it way back as a kid do their bending abilities have range or object limits cuz yamcha has ki around his body protecting him while fighting as all dragon ball characters do they have to get through that first.


They do have range and size limits, softly, as in they can’t bend anything too big or too far away, but I don’t see why ki would help against that. It doesn’t make things further away or more massive, it just makes them more durable. Which woudnt help against bloodbending.


It might not even matter honestly. When Goku first arrives on King Kai's planet, he notes that having higher gravity is way different from weighted clothing as even the organs, blood and the internal stuff also becomes heavier. Presumably, him being able to exist and function normally on King Kai's planet after that means that he has trained his internal organs to function even under extreme stress and outside forces, which also applies to future similar situations like Goku 100x gravity and more relevant, Yamcha using the gravity room in the Androids arc. If Yamcha can force blood flow over 200x it's normal weight (since he struggled with 300x gravity and we're low balling here), then logically, he can force normal blood flow even with blood benders trying to control his blood. Admittedly, we do not know the force blood benders can move blood, but considering an estimate of Yamcha's normal blood amount to be 3.4 kg (generous 5%) and 199 times (200-1) that being 676.6 kg, it's a lost cause to say their blood bending will overpower Yamcha. Thanks for attending my TED Talk.


If the weight of the blood is the same as their water bending limits, it genuinely doesn't matter though. More experienced water benders, who are the only ones capable of even attempting bloodbending, are able to move vast amounts of water at once, massively exceeding 700kg.


True, but all this back and forth is a mute point honestly. We do not know what are the limits of a lot of people in the Avatar Verse. But let's be honest, Yamcha most likely clears this.


Mako was able to fight the bloodbending through sheer muscle and will enough to get off a lightning blast, and he is not physically impressive even by Avatar standards really. Yamcha would probably just feel a tickle if someone tried to bloodbend him


Avatar state aang probably can, but blood bending relies on moving the blood in the veins of the muscles of the victim to do that, ymacha's muscles are probably too strong to be moved by water


Even if he couldn't move his muscles, Yamcha could just focus his ki to fly into the avatars and paste them from high-speed impact, like Vegito as the hard candy against Buu.


Mako resisted bloodbending with raw physical muscle Yamcha can easily


Yamcha could fucking nuke the the planet if he wanted to, don't underestimate this man, especially if it's filler Yamcha.


Nuke? More like obliterate. Even krillin is above namek saga frieza in Z


>Even krillin is above namek saga frieza in Z Where exactly did you get that info?


Bro damaged Cell Max. That’s all the info you need. In Z, he couldn’t even dent Perfect Cell.


bro couldnt even dent first form cell


Cell max got damaged by Fat Gotenks... Cell Max's power is super inconsistent. 


Common sense? Scaling has become absolutely busted, krillin was able to freely spar and trick goku in blue, meaning he’s probably around ssj3 or slightly higher, goku beat frieza easily in normal ssj


I dont know about ssj3, but he's above Namek Saga Frieza for sure. People who think otherwise are kinda strange. They act like power creep exists for everyone BUT Krillin.


When in reality it’s my boy tien who’s missing out


Recommend this video by Carthu's Dojo, [When YAMCHA, KRILLIN, and TIEN Surpassed FRIEZA! - Dragon Ball Z](https://youtu.be/Rcbq-Q9dYfE?si=u1jj8pkkAxfveuqO) But to summarize: It just makes sense in the plot of the story. Trunks come from the future to go "Hey these 2 guys waaaay stronger than Frieza show up in 3 years, so train a lot" then even Piccolo says something like "Don't show up if you aren't prepared." After the 3 years Tenshinhan says that Chiaotzu has to stay back. It makes sense that they would at least be stronger than Namek Frieza, if not Mecha Frieza if they show up to fight. The Z fighters have consistently raised to at least match or beat old threats before dealing with a new one. Like how all the Z fighters (besides Chiaotzu) were around or above Raditz's PL.


I don't buy that considering base Goku was stated to be weaker than Final Form Frieza in BoG.


People always conveniently forgot about this


What about "that time I was reincarnated as Yamcha" Yamcha? That would just be unfair.


Filler Yamcha is kinda broken. At the very least filler he’d would be at mastered ssj level.


I mean there are no fillers in Super so canon Yamcha took Champa's strike and lived so he's above planetary durability


people underestimate yamcha way too much, it's not that he's weak,he's just surrounded by multi-universal gods, it's like putting an adult in a pack of lions,yeah the adult is strong,but what is he compared to the lions?


more like a bullet ant in a group of lions


People keep underestimating this man because they're comparing him to Goku and Vegeta. Dump him into so many other verses and he becomes the protagonist.


Hell, give the man a time machine and let him go like 10 years in the past and he's dominating everyone


Yamcha likely clears all the way until Android Saga at minimum on his own


I wouldn't doubt that dbs Yamcha is first form or second form cell level


I need a DBZ game that has a boss rush mode and show accurate power scaling. The debates that ensue will fatten me with popcorn, but the game would be dope.




More like millions upon millions upon billions of times 💀. Still solos 95% of fiction though.


>cosmic fighter with the ability of distroying solar systems >born in a verse where people who can distroy planets are weak


A demi-god born in a world full of gods


It's worse. It's not even that people who can planet bust are weak, quite the opposite, he just has the terrible fortune of living on the locus where all the universe ending freaks congregate. No joke, I believe that all the human Z fighters barring Chiaotzu could solo the entire Frieza Force, and they deliberately scout out warriors considered 'strong' by the verse's standards.


Yeah but krillin is the strongest human and ten is in between these two


A single wicked spirit ball would clear the verse


I think people forget that base sayians are planet level, and that yamcha has come a long way, all it takes is a ki blast and the planet is fucking gone 💀


In their defense, DB fights and their destruction don't really scale the best with their power levels. Unless you support the theory that the Earth gets a Zenkai boost every time it gets damaged, fights beyond Android saga would probably rip it in half at the minimum (SPCell could nuke the solar system with one Kamehameha). Occasionally we do get the risk of it (Beerus vs Goku in Super and the Arena in Uni Survival being the biggest examples), but those are the exception rather than the norm imo


He solos the verse


Intrusive thoughts for dbz characters must be crazy destroying planets in one beam oof


Imagine someone shit talking you and having to resist the urge to vaporize them.


Yamcha when he loses a baseball game (He ''Accidentally'' Sent a stray energy blast to the bus with the entire enemy team)


I cannot imagine Yamcha losing a baseball game to anyone.


Yamcha is a fast learner and creative at that, if he had a mindset like Goku he would rival him in strength eventually.


Naw. He doesnt have the genetics. Still dangerous tho, and has heart like krillin.


Yamcha solos the entire avatar universe, be grateful he'd rather chill and have fun adventures with Aang than become the true Phoenix Emperor or whatever kuvira called herself. He'd probably be a fun big bro type for Aang


Dude would be teaching Aang Ki Control with a game of baseball, it would be so dumb and awesome.


Picolo could explode the moon at the star of DBZ....Yamcha is much stronger than that in the point of the story where he has his hair looking like this, soo yes. He solos everyone in there, including Korra who is not there.


Hell Master Roshi blew up the Moon in Dragon Ball during the first martial arts tournament


The problem with crossovers interaction of Dragonball characters is that they will do dumb stuff but this applies to most cross over cases. That's why I am of the opinion that if you wanna do a crossover debate use villains.


Cell would fuck them up.


And Vaatu (as dumb as his and Raava’s concept is) might be able to fuck Cell up


Yamcha solos this entire verse 💀


Yamcha folds them, and goes for Naruto's verse next


Guys, Yamcha isn't the weakest character, it's a tie because Satan and Monaka, so stop putting disrespect on Yamcha... PLEASE!!!


Yamcha and Mr. Satan only look like bums because they hang around with gods. Literally.


They forget DBs yamcha scales to above roshi who held his own against galaxy busters if not higher


Reminder that a DB character that fights might be weaker in their verse compared to others like the Saiyans, but are absolutely busted if they were dropped in another verse.


People forget that even a lesser Z Warrior like Yamcha is stronger than almost any other character in fiction.


The creator of Naruto said that at his max power, Naruto is comparable to Nappa. Nappa!


“How far?” Lil bro, Yamcha can blow the planet if he wants.


The entirety of Avatar isn’t getting past Raditz, Yamcha solos


Lol. Yamcha dog walks all of them.


Fellas. Can the Avatars stop a literal planet buster?


isnt said in the manga that Yamcha now is roughly on the same level as Perfect Cell?


In the Moro arc he mentions having trained with Piccolo, and he blitzed 3 of Moro's soldiers (Which gave SSJ Goku and Vegeta trouble) So bare minimum, he could defeat half the people in the Buu arc


He wins unless someone like destroys his eyes or sends air up the butt (I heard that’s lethal).


If Aang SOMEHOW manages to get close enough to Yamcha to seal his ki using energy bending, then MAYBE they would have a fighting chance, but it would still be very likely that the avatars lose, even in that scenario.


Yamcha is a contender here when we first meet him in og DB. End of Z yamcha has had otherworld training. He can literally blow up the planet.


The problem with DBZ is that Toriyama gave exactly ZERO fucks about powerscaling. He literally made shit up on the fly. The moon getting blown up is literally something that just happens on the fucking fly for no good reason. So reasoning that these characters can do all these crazy things when they have no business doing so is insane. Like dude, the amount of power Goku and Vegeta alone have should be enough to wipe out a fucking universe when they power up alone but noooo, we attribute that to the weak ass excuse that is Ki Control. MF, BROLY DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT KI IS AND HE WAS STRONGER THAN GOKU AND VEGETA AND DIDN'T BLOW UP THE EARTH. Why do I have to believe that these guys can just blow up the planet when guys who are clearly stronger than them and sometimes have no grasp on the concept of ki control don't blow up the planet by accident? By all matters of the definition, Cell Max should've been doing catastrophic damage to the planet simply by powering up his giant ki ball, but no, it doesn't even do shit. Him blowing up should also have done some massive damage considering that he could tank attacks from the likes of the Gammas which are stated to be at least SSB Goku and Vegeta levels and Ultimate Gohan and Orange Piccolo. The same explosion that destroyed a body capable of withstanding those types of attacks should have done more than just leave a random, mediocre sized crater on the planet. There is no consistency to power levels in this series. It's all just flashy spectacle. Not once has powerscaling EVER worked in this series and nor will it ever work. The fact that the likes of Goku and Vegeta and Gohan keep getting stronger without consequence to their surroundings, and somehow, there's always a stronger opponent in this universe despite the fact that it was STATED that the strongest mortal being at the time was Frieza, but somehow in the course of what? 20 in universe years, there's being tens of thousands of times stronger than Namek Saga Frieza popping up? Nearly every other month? Not to mention how quickly Frieza was powercrept following his defeat at the start of the Saiyan Saga. There's so many examples I could keep throwing out, but I already look like a hater. I love Dragon Ball as a franchise, I do. The story is not the best, but you have to give credit where it's due. Powerscaling is not one of those credits because every feat of power you see on screen is done for spectacle and nothing more. It's not like other IPs where they actively try to make characters unfathomably busted on purpose (Superman, Batman, The Flash, etc.)


momo solos dbz


Dragon ball powerscaling is insane 💀


HOW FAR??? Bro is dominating, even saiyan saga Yamcha would probably win. There may be some avatar feats I'm unaware of that boost them a bit.


Yamcha before training under master Roshi might get stopped, but after there's no chance.


Aang has an ability to seal someone’s control of energy, but it requires direct physical contact, and even without Ki, db humans can still do insane stuff. Mr Satan can pull multiple tons worth of weight, and he has no Ki control at all.


I love Yamcha, and he was supposed to be better, but the man himself said it was unfortunate how Yamacha kept ending up in those circumstances. He was supposed to be a measure for someone who could fight on par with Goku. So if someone beat Yamcha, then “they will surely be a problem for Goku!!”. But this happened too much, and now he’s our favorite towel boy. 🪦


Yamsha would litteraly be a god for humans


He stomps. Now in Naruto world the dimension trap thing I worry if he’s against an outsuki.


I mean even if yamcha could get his kid taken he’s proven to be a capable fighter without it so he probably still solos even if aang got the chi blocking but then again yamcha is very strong so he prob mulls it like the guru (can’t remember his name) said you need to have a strong will to do so which is why it worked on ozai and the blood bender and yamchas will probably is stronger than aangs anyways so tldr yamcha could still solo with or without ki (first time talking here just wanted to add my input)


Their bending arts don't have any chance against the Sokidanbending Master


Entirely depends on whether the fact children shrugging off every element means bending is really weak or humans are super durable in Avatar.


Most of the people who made this kind of stuffs most of the time dont know how far the scaling goes on the first arc of Z alone. Or they joking. I dont even know which.


Yamcha is weak compared to living Gods. He's still stronger than 99% of people. He'd still punch Aangs head off his shoulders before he could even move.


Yamcha is the weakest earthling in the z fighters, but I'm sorry, he solos all of em, I love ATLAB and DB and have enjoyed both, and the powerscaling is very different


Dead ass Yamcha can solo verses that don’t have really strong hacks


Yamcha at his strongest was during the cell saga. Dr. Gero saw Yamcha and assumed Yamcha was Goku as Yamcha was roughly equal to Goku last time Gero spied on Goku during the goku vs Vegeta fight. Gokus power lvl during the Goku vs Vegeta fight with Kaioken x4 was around 32k. This means yamcha at minimum had a power lvl of 32k during the cell saga, tho it might have been slightly higher, id say around 40k. Keep in mind the anime had alot of filler that makes yamcha seem stronger than he really was. With a power lvl of 40k yamcha would be able to destroy a planet 4x over making him well above any avatar


Yamcha already solos his own verse fr fr


Yams can destroy planets, right? That's the bar


Solos the verse


Yamcha solos ez


That depends. Is Yamaha Fireproof or Lightning proof?


Honestly, I think Avatar Aang will win by talking Yamcha out of fighting and peacefully leaving. The guy isn’t a Sayian so doesn’t love to fight and Aang can definitely convince reasonable people to stop fighting.


Can Yamcha breathe without air?


Can the entire verse stop Someone who is capable of going faster than light and could nuke a star?


I don't hate him or anything, but he's just not interesting to me. And his personality is admittedly a bit annoying. Now, he was cooler in DB. Still a total dingus, but he had some cool moves. Krillin falls into a similar category. He's not that interesting as a person, but I respect his abilities.


Clears the whole verse


Am I the only one the cringes whenever someone brings up planet busting like any of the z fighters would even do it considering since of I don't know it would be so extremely out of character?


In the same way Aang wouldn't simply draw the breath out of Yamcha to kill him if he had the chance. In-character fights and out-of-character fights are completely different. Bloodlusted Yamcha vs Bloodlusted Avatars means they die before they even know the fight began In-character Yamcha vs In-character Avatars probably is a visually stunning and interesting fight, but still goes his way because he's quite simply eons above what any fighter in Avatar is prepared to fight. Everyone would probably be really, really curious about how he uses ki


The invitation


SSJ Hercule solos


Why dont yamcha use a shit ton of spirt balls


I wonder if blood bending would work on him. And then there is oxygen stealing. Even Yamcha needs to breathe.


This is a straight joke yamcha solos the verse with a finger. They would be dead faster than you can say spirt ball.


He gets as far as Aang. Aang: Why the violence? Yamcha: I woke up today and chose violence. Aang: Are you sure we can't resolve these issues over a friendly game? Yamcha: Do you guys know baseball? Aang: No. Yamcha: Ho boy, do I have a game for YOU! \[Violence Resolved\]


It’s not really fair to put the avatar up against other universes, because while they can dish out a whole fuck ton of damage, they can’t take all that much more than normal humans


To make it fair, you’d have to go down to Chi Chi because I think even Roshi would run the board. Yamcha would mow everyone down in an afternoon.


It's one of the reasons I'm not as big a fan of DB as I used to be, or as involved in the fandom, The disrespect for the humans. Like, Yamcha never did anything wrong, he got dealt a shit hand for no reason and now that's just his character. Him, Tien, Krillin all get shit on when they still lock in and knuckle up against the odds. I never found the 'lol Yamcha is weak' jokes funny.


Yamcha would absolutely destroy all of the Last airbender crew.. then he would fall for toph just to get dumped 3 years later and replaced by trunks.. oh how Vegetas bloodline still haunts this man.


Dude casually soloes


Why would Yamaha be fighting avatars? They would both have the same goals. There’s no reason for them to fight. How would all the avatars be able to fight at the same time anyway? They’d only have the current avatars body to use. And how would they be in the same reality? It just doesn’t make sense that Yamaha would fight avatars. I’m not buying it


Yamcha can easily defeat them all with no effort whatsoever


The amount of times this gets reposted is crazy


In terms of power, Yamcha could decimate the verse. In terms of Yamcha, he would get folded because funny joke.


Yamcha solos


He survives for however long it takes to get to the first bloodbending Avatar who has no problem with killing. Then he's dead on the spot.


I thing so Yamaha would win


Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga blew up bug planet and (IIRC almost bew up earth) and Yamca much stronger than him currently


Yamcha is reverse Homelander. Homelander is the strongest in a verse full of small fry. Yamcha is bottom fragging in a verse full of gods.


Depends on how strong you think the avatars actually are. I don't see them as much more than a regular person who keeps themselves fit with a bit of a power boost in the avatar state. But even then they are susceptible to basic attacks from a non-avatar bender which would just be some regular person who trained a bit extra hard in their craft. Yamcha is a superhuman. Speed, agility, and strength that far surpasses *anything* in the Avatar universe. If Yamcha were going all out they wouldn't see him, let alone be able to touch him. Like, sure, there's bloodbending and Aang's ki-stopper. But they'd still need to be able to focus on their opponent long enough for it to actually do anything and a superhuman punch coming at you at more than Mach 5 is not a conducive environment for having that kind of focus.


Well let’s hope the avatar gets along with him


Look I get the powercreep is insane but I don’t think we’ve seen Yamcha’s full power to judge this


He 1 tapped “Hercules” who went band for band w/ pikkon, who solo’d the first half of Z villains. Who all thought they could jump Goku. This also implies frieza and cell trained together! That in itself is a plot hole due to super. Let alone them retconning friezas hell. So if you actually use super data. I fail to see how yamcha wouldn’t beat buuhan if frieza and cell were training. Because it’d basically be impossible not to solo beerus w/ how fucking goofy they r w/ power scaling after one sesh of training: cell and frieza. W/ their unholy talent.


Idk why his character was destroyed like this, its unfair


He unironically solos


*dies to 1d4 of "being Yamcha" damage*


Cabbage Merchant victim


Yamcha sweeps, put some respect on my GOATs name


Solos with neg diff


Dragon Ball fans can rag on Yamcha but it's fighting words when other fandom chimes in. Benders are powerful, but I'd like to see them go aginst Ki blasts.


Yamcha explodes the moon, Zhao rolls


Well if im correct none of the avatars know blood bending, so as long as yamcha actually does his absolute best he would probably win, I mean he did train with king kai, and he was able to body Recoome in the namak saga when they was on king kais planet and vegeta, Gohan, and Krillen couldn't beat him.


Depends on what era Yamcha. Dragon ballz saiyan arc...no chance man isn't even a world destroyer yet. Dragon ball z during the android saga he is right around 2.4m power level which is why he gets confused for goku. In the kid buu Saga he is confirmed to just barely eclipse 3m power level. Which is still the weakest amongst the Z fighters but could clap Super Cell. As human he can be considered something of a genius but he just never had the drive that other z members did to train. In addition he retired for a long time after the cell sage and unlike his counterparts humans tend to lose there abilities rather quickly when they don't use them. You also have to understand that yamcha was never "awakened" like krillen was. Perhaps things would have been different then.


Fire lord would be kissing Yamcha's feet for mercy.


The air gets sucked out of him literally.


Hydrogen bomb vs nursery of coughing babies


Probably whole way considering avatar is weak af


Yamacha can 1 shot all the men but he's going to have trouble with the women. Yamacha's not a quivering virgin anymore but not sure he can hit women. Then Yanchen could get him with the old choke out sphere.


Didn’t the z fighter minus goku gohan piccolo vegeta scrap with the dead Ginyu force -Ginyu


Yamaha solos


Yamcha would pop them like grapes.


Dragon ball strong, other weak, give upvote


Gets to Kyoshi. Kyoshi then promptly kills him with a technique. She has never shown anybody… lightning cutter


Let’s say there’s a fly and it accidentally flies in front of every Avatar. Yeah. Yamcha won’t even get through the fly.


This is just a lack of respect for DB verse at this point. They’re not even in the same tiers


Just watched the baseball episode of Super, and literally fainted from laughter when the only score was by Yamcha laying in a crater. Epic .


Yamacha is finished reduced to a baseball hurting him.


immediately stops at sokka hands down 🫲🫤🫱


He prolly solos until yangchen


He’s so under utilized like the rest of the og z fighters, they need a buff so it’s not the Goku/ Vegeta show. That said at this current power he solos the whole mob.


I’d love to see them as comrades db style rather than enemies in a big fan of both series