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Anything but Cell 3 cause there’s 100% gonna be a fight every 5 seconds and I’m gonna get caught in the middle of all of them 💀


And the cell with the hungry bug man and the two wordless lunatics is gonna be better?


The farmer will take care of them if they try to start anything.


At least it'll be over fast.


The hungry bugman that smells like patchouli


Zamasu is gonna kill everyone in his cell. His entire thing is "no mortals" Buu or Janemba is gonna kill everyone. If King Cold doesn't kill you Piccolo will. Frieza is probably the safest bet.


I don't recall King cold just mindless killing people


..where's zamasu?


Goku Black


_K A K A R O T_


Knowing the more unruly ones you'll be the source of at least one for something like breathing too loud or bleeding from the last fight too much


Number four. Frieza will make Yamcha his bitch (cause he thinks he’s handsome) and Nappa will make Vegeta his bitch (cause he was a prison bitch already) so I’m off the hook


Woah woah reduce de level on those TFS references it's to high


The Frieza/Yamcha thing wasn’t TFS, they don’t meet even in abridged. It was from some video game. I’m pretty sure it was DBFZ, but not 100%. He has a line about Yamcha that’s something like ‘I didn’t realize Sayains made friends with such handsome creatures.’ or something.


It's dbfz, don't have the exact cutscene but I can confirm it's that game


With ahh that cell 4 is the best option




Someone's nettled


Cell number 4 probably stinks


It stinks of love and buttfucking <3


If Yamcha was the character the (mostly illiterate) fandom thought he was, you would be correct. The harsh reality is Vegeta would end up as Frieza’s bottom, while Yamcha and Nappa awkwardly try to mind their own business on their bunk beds.


I would like to watch Yamcha and Frieza


Cell 2 is the old heads, they'd be passing the boof and telling war stories more than anything


I never thought of that. I was thinking about how king piccolo literally uses murder as a hobby, but maybe having an mid teenager pop through his fucking rib cage has him chillin out now. I was thinking cell 4 since freiza would be busy fucking yamcha and vegeta would probably kill nappa again. Worst case, yamcha could do it now with ease if I could manufacture some beef there.


Cell 4 is probably the safest because Frieza hates Saiyans so he is gonna hate Vegeta and Nappa the most, he also has a huge ego so he might keep you alive just to be his henchmen.


frieza misses having his zarbon and dedoria, so you and yamcha will have to do


He fucked Dodoria?!


She was the prettiest girl on her home world


And most fertile!


Demon King Piccolo was absolutely unhinged. His entire plan was basically to slowly murder every single person in the world region by region just for fun. He just wanted to watch the world burn for no reason. He's literally the manifestation of evil, concentration and exercised out of Kami. In the original Dragonball before they introduced alien origins, Kami is God and Piccolo is basically Satan. He's absolutely going to kill you for fun, quickly if you're lucky.


King Cold or King Vegeta will probably kill him


Yeah but give him the zaza and he'll mellow


You wish 🤣


I thing king piccolo would be murdered in no time since he was so full of himself that would try to subdue king vegeta or king cold, and that would mean an extra empty spot and more confort.


Doesn’t matter cause I’m dead


Not necessarily, best bet is to pick Cell 4 and glaze Frieza expeditiously, you stroke his ego enough and he might just tell Nappa and Vegeta to leave you alone.


And Yamcha will try to keep everyone from fighting


Stroke his ego enough you'll have to stroke him too.


Cell 2 has the most “chill” villans I guess, that being king cold. I can forsee that if you promise loyalty to him and do stuff for him, *maybe* he’ll kinda defend you from King Vegeta and piccolo, but irs very unlikely, I mean he saw his own son get brutally murdered and thought “Wow good job sport, how about you replace my son for beating him?”


If you fell in line and just accepted king cold as your superior you would be fine. King vegeta would also fold, and if you swore loyalty to cold that would make you allies. Piccolo would try to start some shit and get taken out day 1, so just side with the winner and accept your new crew.


Nah my goat dickolo solos


Yeah we don't really know how unhinged King Cold is, he's probably the best bet.


He let the saiyans live under his rule, it was Frieza who destroyed them. Going off that I’d say Cold is more likely to keep lackeys around and not be so paranoid to their potential.


Bro just fucking shoot me


go in cell 1 for that


Cell 1 im dead. Cell 2 torture or death, cell 3 death, cell 4 yamcha, i choose 4


and frieza


Cell 3. The lols alone while Broly just screams at everyone calling them Kakarot would be hilarious.


'KAKAROT!!!' '......this is the 7th time. I'm NOT KAKAROT!'


Cell 1, i would just give the farmer some crops to kill everyone else in there, he 1 taps the whole verse tbh


Do the crops untap him so he can tap again and kill again? Seems a bit OP.


2. Pilaf is pilaf King Vegeta would be chilled since Cold is there Cold ain't a maniac that kills just for the purpose of it Piccolo would work with you if you agree to let him take over the world


King piccolo would actually torture you for fun... I agree with king cold not being as bad as his son but....yeah


Nah bro. King Piccolo would try to start shit and get slaughtered causing pilaf to not try shit so as long as nothing happens between king Vegeta and King Cold then you’d live


What did Farmer w/Shotgun do to go to prison?


Cannabis cultivation




That's hilariously minor compared to everyone else


OH GOD NO MY MARIHUANA PATCH-! ...uhh I mean my *carrot* patch ...yeah!


Happy cake day 🎂


4 You can be friends and train with Yamcha and become an underling to freeza instead of being killed.


But what about Nappa/vegeta


They are already serving under freeza, I would just be the lowest one in hierarchy


I'll go into each and every prison cell and beat their respective asses


Farmer solos, you got no chance lil bro.




They knew what they were doing with cell #3 😭


Bro, cell 3 is onfire already, is a racist vs 3.


Hell nah bro it's definitely 3 KAKAROOOOOOOT vs Broly


Vegeta and Nappa are already known for breaking that bug guy out of prison before, they's help me out too.


#4 seems the most sane honestly even with vegeta during his unstable phase


why did it do that in all caps like that


Because of #


1 would kill me instantly 2 would make me pledge loyalty to cold 3 could kill me if i didnt rationalize with any of the non-Broly guys Yamcha can protect me in cell 4 (trust me he's totally moro arc)


Farmer would keep me safe


Cell 4. I’ll try my best to swear allegiance to Frieza and get on his good side, Vegeta and Nappa serve him already and Yamcha would probably have good stories.


Cell 3, would be fun to see Broly vs 3 Kakarots


Number 3 Broly will be so busy picking fights with the Kakarot lookalikes that none of them will notice me...


Then goku black wipes the floor with all of them, then turns his attention to you


If Boo or Cell absorb shotgun farmer they are all doomed.


I’m taking my chance with Pilaf and the gang. Genuinely some terrifying choices to be with.


There is only one prison Cell here.


Prison Cell #3 because they would all peg me.


The only correct option


02, has the most "Chill" Villain in King Cold, get on Cold's side and you don't have to worry about King Vegeta, King Piccolo is dead if he tries to oppose Cold(and he probably would) and wtf is Pilaf going to do, he probably in the same boat as me RN Was going to pick 03 but all that would accomplished is me becoming weaker Radiz(Frieza finds Yamaha handsome and special so he is fine)


I choose the bear


Cell 3, cuz I just tell Goku Black to kill me


Two weeks of pushups and you're stronger than everyone in cell 2 lol I'm going there and whooping FEET


How tf did farmer land in a prison


Concealed carry


Bro just shoot me outside the cells at this point


Cell #1 cause if anyone tries anything funny, farmer with a shotgun will smoke them. I hits gotta get on his nice side


Number three is for the hardest saiyans


Cell 2. I become King Cold Servant and he beats all other 3.


5 coz I can tell frieza that I'm with him


Put me in cell one, the farmer will protect me


Cell 1. Farmer with a shotgun will protect me


3, I would love to see Brolly lose his shit over all the Kakorots in the room.


cell 2 has king cold so i'd just go "your majesty" and he'd let me off the hook


Cell number 2 seems like four pragmatists whereas the rest are full of egomaniacs and psychopaths.


Number 3 but I have to become racist and start hating Kakarot so I can befriend broly


Cell #4 100%, Cell #1 is full of 2 genocidal maniacs who'l probably fight until the heat death of the universe, Cell himself, and it's 1st form Cell no less so he's probably gonna absorb me to boost his power level, and farmer with a shotgun who's just gonna het killed by Cell since he's so weak he isn't even worth absorbing, Cell #2 is just gonna be a slaughterhouse for DKP since he's the weakest and afterwards it's gonna be me and King Vegeta serving King Cold and King Vegeta's probably gonna kill me at some point, anything but Cell #3 honestly, it's just full of people who look like Goku and Broly, who's gonna cream his pants since he gets to kill Goku 3 times, and i'm probably gonna get caugjt in the crossfire of Goku Black defending himself as best he can against this hulking beast of an enemy, even if i survive Broly's gonna kill me for fun just like he blew up that planet full of slaves for shits ans giggles, Cell #4's definitely the safest since it's just gonna be Frieza riding Yamcha and making sure Nappa and Vegeta don't do anything to interrupt, and since Yamcha's a good guy he'a probably gonna make sure Frieza doesn't kill me or let Nappa or Vegeta kill me


Cell 3 goku black would make it quick..


Cell #1 is insta death. Nobody should ever drop the two eyelids during sleep. It's probably an illegal government experiment or some psy ops stuff. Only hope to survive is farmer's peacemaker maintaining the good customs and being under his wing. Cell #2 seems like a cold (heh) war of the gang lords of the prison. It's somewhat chill until you receive some sudden beatings and harassments during sunbath at the order of either one of the big three, just to enlist you to a side. Pilaf is probably a double-crosser snitch who boasts to lesser inmates that he is hot shit and will throw you under the bus by blame shifting just to save his hide.  Cell #3 is also a hellscape. Either Black or, more likely, Broly is gonna start some beef. It's probably a 1v1v2. Either a full-on brawl on Day 1 or a series of skirmishes if Zeno and Daishinkan are guarding this place. Ki blast bombs, ki razors hidden in the toothbrush... anything goes.  Good thing is, they're less likely to notice you. Bad thing is, if they are convinced that you "joined" the other side and decide to test you, or if you just become a "collateral" in a sudden scuffle. AND Black will probably emerge triumphant and kill you in the middle of the night anyway, just by spite alone. Cell #4 seems ok enough. It's 75% the same-ish faction and Yamcha is both a Freeza's protegé/prison spouse and the Saiyans's bullying magnet. Keep your head down and you will be more or less fine. Just don't second-guess Freeza even if he affirms that 2+2=5.


Kid Buu alone would make Cell 1 unbearable to stay in. Let alone together with Janemba and Imperfect Cell, these 3 have 0 interest in cooperation or talk. Memes aside, the farmer is a commoner who won't do much to help the situation, and will probably go insane very quickly out of sheer fear, so you'll have noone to properly talk to. Cell 2 is somewhat similar to Cell 1 due to King Piccolo who is pure malicious type evil. But it's still generally better, because King Cold and King Vegeta will likely keep him at bay. All 4 of the characters are on a more egoistical side of the spectrum, essentially being dictators, so you can expect frequent conflicts in the cell and attempts to manipulate you. I reckon that King Cold, King Vegeta and Pilaf are tolerable as cellmates, but it would take lots of effort to stay out of trouble in that cell. Cell 3 really depends on whether Z Broly is kept properly restrained or not, and if Goku Black is allowed to try 0-mortal-ing the cell or not. So it has the potential to be the worst cell or a good one. Assuming you are relatively safe in the cell - besides calm Broly, you have a space-faring warlord who likely has a lot to tell, a god who probably has even more knowledge, and the GOAT himself to talk to and learn from. There's also the possibility of Broly constantly aggroing on all the other 3 in the cell at once due to all of them having Goku's appearance. Would be absolutely hilarious to see that. I'm probably picking this cell personally, no matter what happens. Cell 4 is the most reasonable choice with the sanest characters. Frieza isn't actually that bad as long as you're careful not to piss him off, and he's not irrationally murderous all the time. Vegeta and Nappa can be communicated and cooperated with without major issues, and if all else fails, there's always Yamcha to be friends with.


1 because the farmer with a shotgun will protect me


Cell 3, sure I'll be beaten likely nearly to death! But I'll be stronger for it


4. At least Yamcha is the nicest of all of them.


Question: Why doesn’t Cell #3 have Goten instead of DBZ Broly to complete the “Goku-look-alike” theme? I would take Cell #1. Farmer with Shotgun can solo the other 3 and we can be friends. I hope.


I'm pretty sure the point of Cell 3 is that it's 3 Goku Lookalikes and DBZ Broly who loses his shit if he sees a person who looks like Goku


Number 4 if it’s buu saga then definitely


First one. The only one with a dick has a power level of 5.


I don't really see any good choice. Buu is gonna kill you Piccolo is gonna kill you Zamasu is gonna kill you Frieza is gonna kill you Every prison cell has somebody who is gonna kill you without any provocation. Honestly Cell 4 is your best chance to survive because Frieza hates Saiyans, his hate might be focused on Vegeta and Nappa enough that me and Yamcha can survive. But I think it's a matter of time before Frieza or Nappa kills you for fun.


The trick is that there is a chance of surviving in each cell as long as you know the way. Cell 1 the trick is thru Buu. You play into knowing Mr Satan and hope fat Buu is still inside him to keep him and the others from killing you. Cell 2, the one to appease is King Cold. You help him, he helps you. Legit you could be like a butler to all of them and show some respect and you'll live. Even with Pilaf. Cell 3 is trickier. You see Zamasu as the big threat? Honestly Broly is as he is stronger. Remember, Goku was playing with him in ss2 when they first met. Meanwhile if this is Super Broly, Rose doesn't phase him. So you essentially stay out of Broly's way and don't anger him and you're good... Meanwhile he just kills everyone else there because they look like Goku. Rip Bardock though. I'd rather chill out with him though and hear his full story. Cell 4 is like 3 and 2. Appease Freeza, let him kill the Saiyans, and you and Yamcha(if he's smart) be servants to Frieza until your time is up.


Im gonna have to say Cell 2. The rest of them contains at least 1 villain who kills for fun while in cell 2 its just dominance and so long as i dont wanna be number 1 i will be a-okay


In cell 4 they won't kill you without a reason, even when the reason is "It would be mad funny ngl" I would've almost went with cell 2 because it's that but even more, but King Piccolo ruins it .. Also I wanna be inside Mr. Daddy Perfect Cell


Prison cell 01 because farmer with a shotgun will keep me safe


This is interesting. You’re basically asking who has the best smelling balls. I feel like, from this one metric, you can extrapolate how bearable each individual cellmate would be. What this does not take into account is group dynamics, and from there we need to move from the balls to the shaft. Ideally, the one hanging the most dong should also be the most chill and down for like snuggling and stuff.


Cell 1 has farmer with shotgun, I'm safe from the rest at that point


4 would probably try and recruit you given Frieza likes having henchmen helping him. The others would end in a stabbing IMMEDIATELY.


Cell 4 is the best because friezas gonna be to busy getting his cheeks clapped by yamcha to do anything


I go to cell 4 and swear myself to frieza


Cell 4, if i can play it cool i can wait it out, and even if i dont at least frieza would make it quick


Cell 4


doesnt matter because the entire prison is doomed to explode due to kid buu


I think I would ask for death row. Please.


Cell 2. It’s the only place that has a low chance of brawls. It would also be funny to see Pilaf acting like a servant to the other three.


Number 1. The shotgun farmer can keep them all at bay.


3 or 4


Cell 3, all of the cells have psychopaths that could off me in a snap, buuut cell 3 have Black that might just be open for a talk so i can stall, but he may just kill the others mortals in the cell, best shot I think


Cell 4, I could keep Frieza in check by stroking his ego and telling him about the Super DBs and how to find them or by telling him that there is an actual Super Sayan around (since the photo tells me it's the pre-spirit bomb DBZ Frieza). This would automatically keep in check both Nappa and Vegeta, maybe I could get in their graces especially by starting with Nappa and with Vegeta I could get buddy buddy with him by telling him the whole Zenkai boost ordeal and the Super Sayan path to achieve it. Yamcha would be an actual nice companion in there. If he's Moro Arc Yamcha though... I'm absolutely covered


Alr so we got death death death or death this is a hard one


2. King Cold wills Demon King Piccolo because he didn’t know any better and challenged him and the rest of us are Cold’s toadies. Every other cell will have someone who’ll just kill you on the spot.


Cell 1. Just befriend farmer with a shotgun and you'll be fine


3 cuz bardock is my favorite character


Cell 1, farmer with the shotgun would protect me.


cell 2, cuz i would pledge alligance to our great Daimao Piccolo, and 2/3 left wouldn't think of touching me. King Cold might threaten me, but seeing Daimao Piccolo just make more soldiers for himself will probably get him to back off. Daimao Piccolo would probably eventually question my usefulness, but a shank or two to the opps will prove otherwise. I'd probably not have a long sentence in there anyway, so it doesn't matter.


Yeah number four. Those are Saiyan saga nappa and vegeta, so I just join the frieza force as a low level coffee hauler or whatever.


Hey, Mr. Broly, that guy is kakarot's father, and that guy is somehow related to kakarot, and that guy stole kakarot's body. Watch the cell painted red.


Number one. All cells are filled with menaces that will kill you and at best someone who can't help you when they do. Cell will drink you, but Buy will probably call dibs and he's way stronger, and if you are inside Buy you are kinda still alive inside him in a sense.


number 2 or 4 cuz they'd be the least murderous


Only one room has a chance of you getting sucked. The rest will expect you to do the sucking


2 and 4 are the only ones with any chance of survival


"Choose one cell" \*number one is two cells\* My day is ruined


Cell 1: Death. Cell 2: Don’t get caught in the crossfire of King Piccolo getting killed and pray that King Vegeta and King Cold don’t start shit. Cell 3: Death. Cell 4: Don’t piss off Frieza.


Idk 02 seems pretty chill.


Not cell 3 because they all look like Kakarot to Broly and when he swings at them, his goddamn arms are gonna cover the length of the whole cell


Pretty sure 4 is the only one of the group that has no one who kill people for absolutely no reason. Like yeah, Frieza, Vegeta, and Nappa are evil, but unless you give them any reason (even if it's extremely small) they wouldn't really see it worth their time. As a completely normal human I wouldn't be worth Vegeta's time, as long as I show respect to Frieza he'd have no reason to kill me, and Yamcha I could probably take in a fight.


Definitely not 1. I don’t wanna be that guy that everyone watches cell drink…


Cell 1 AKA The Asylum two of four in here Kill me for fun, one kill me for Power....Yeah... Cell 2 you and Pilaf are slaves. If lucky an Footstool. Cell 3 Bros be fighting 24/7, Black Cause he hates Mortals, Broly cause They all look like Kakarot, Bardock is offended Black stole his son Body and Turles is offended Black copied him. Cell 4 literally glaze Frieza and you Are assistant to King of The Prison.


Cell in a cell


By the time I approach cell #3 it will be just Broly left and 3 Kakarot corpses.


farmer with a gun ill just roast the hell out of janemba and cell idk he'll just kill me as soon as i get in and buu uhhh idk


Cell 2 is probably for the best. those four will all want to be top dog and will likely kill eachother over it, if my understanding of all of them is correct then king cold will win. Then I’ve just got to be Daddy Cold’s bitch for a bit and I live maybe.


4's the safest. Nappa and Vegeta wouldn't dare step out of line with Frieza. I should be fine as long as I treat him and Yamcha with respect. Frieza thinks Yamcha is handsome, so if I befriend Yamcha, I should be golden.


Four is only if you serve Freeza and you have a Talent.Even a Cook can serve Freeza.


02 and 04 will end up with a social hierarchy putting me a the very bottom . 01 and 03 are basically battle fields, will die (early enough) as a collateral victim. Hmm I’m choosing that


02 and 04 will end up with a social hierarchy putting me a the very bottom . 01 and 03 are basically battle fields, will die (early enough) as a collateral victim. Hmm I’m choosing that


02 and 04 will end up with a social hierarchy putting me a the very bottom . 01 and 03 are basically battle fields, will die (early enough) as a collateral victim. Hmm I’m choosing that


4, cause Yamcha will just get beat every day and keep coming back..like a roach.


Prison Cell 4 so i can watch frieza and yamcha have sex


Cell 1 is the worst one. Don't wanna be anywhere near Kid Buu or Janemba. To add to that is what Imperfect Cell can do to me. Cell 4 is prob the second worst. Simply because of Frieza. Cell 3 is awful but not quite as bad as the previous two. Cell 2 sounds like the least terrible option.


3, as long as Broly recognizes that only Goku Black is Goku, I think I’m safe.


Cell 3 not because i would survive but because it would be funny seeing broly lose his mind after losing to goku black


Number 2. King Vegeta and Piccolo might wanna overthrow King Cold, and meanwhile me and Pilaf would be cowering in a corner, quickly forgotten. In all the others there's a chaos agent or nobody to entertain the murder happy crew. Edit. Apparently adding a pound symbol makes the text megalarge. New knowledge acquired.


Prison cell #02 because cells #01 and #03 will be destroyed after a few seconds.


That first cell is a competition between who can absorb the other first, it’ll be utter chaos from the first second. 3 out of 4 people in cell 2 will certainly kill you or make you a toy. Cell 3 is straight hell, everyone here is out for blood, you’re getting shanked instantly Cell 4 may actually be your best bet if frieza doesn’t straight up laser you. He’ll probably be too busy fighting vegeta so you may be okay in this, nappa won’t do anything unless vegeta gives it a green light and yamcha is chill


Dude there's 3 wholeass gokus in cell 3, I'm as save from broly as can be.


I guess 4 if I dropped the soap there would be no gay guys I think


3 for my king Turles


I wouldnt even struggle, i would instantly go into #4 because yamcha would be the bitch of us 4.


"Hey drake I hear you like em young You don't ever go to cell block 1" Well I guess we know why


Cell 2 cause if you listen to them they probably won’t do shit to you


If i can convince Cell 3 and 4 to break out, I should be fine. Otherwise Cell 2. Doubt they'd kill me when they're busy doing their own stuff


Cell 2, just royalty bickering and if king piccolo tries something he instantly gets a beat down or killed. Never cell 1 that one is extremely cursed.


Cell 2, I feel like King Cold would keep everyone in check


Prison cell 3 all I can say is as long as I’m quiet and don’t piss them off im making it out alive


Weird how being with the genocidal racist tyrannical dictator would probably the safest bet


Cell 3! But only because cell 1,2 and 4 already have punching bags 👀 I mean… if I’m injured enough then I’d have to stay in the infirmary my whole sentence…


Befriend farmer with shotgun in cell 1 and he's gotta defend my ass everytime some bad shit goes down


Based on how they treat me in Xenoverse 2, Cell 3 is making me quiver in a good way


Assuming i dont get killed, prison cell 2 and bully tf outta pilaf and king vegeta. If killing IS an option, go to cell 4, become firezas right hand man and bully tf outta vegeta and yamcha.


Cell number 4, that FighterZ cutscene just makes me want to see Freeza x Yamcha happen


3 Porque Broly si no está Goku no tengo por qué tenerle miedo ya que no se va a enfadar conmigo, black si soy educado no me hace nada, Bardock si yo lo respeto no me hace nada y turkes pos se lo dejo pa que Broly lo use de saco de boxeo xd


4 absolutely, those dudes rock


How to survive each one: 1, get farmer with a shotgun to defend you. 2, convince them to go on “back in my day” rants. 3, glaze Goku Black and his plan and get him to defend you 4, glaze frieza


Definitely cell 3


Number 3 would suck but remember Kid Buu blew up the earth just for fun not long after his “birth”.


Cell #04. Yamchad will protect you.


Cell 4, we all know Vegeta was the prison bitch.


Cell 1


1 and 3 are a definite hell no, 6 out of 8 of those guys will kill me on sight. Either Cells 2 or 4


Cell number 1, because there is a cell inside the cell, and that is a paradox so I would get released.


Anyone who says anything other than 4 is looking to die.


I feel that Cell 4 is the best. Sure, I'll become a Frieza's soldier, but that's better than having to live with 3/4 people fighting each other all the time. Nappa and Vegeta were still under the control of Frieza at the time so they aren't going to fight for no reason.


I'll take #4, I want nappa to teach me to play Patty Cake better than Yamcha.


not cell 3 i tell ya that much Explanation: I like my ass unfuked