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Maybe something along these lines : "Art is something that comforts the disturbed, and disturbs the comforted" But maybe this doesn't hold true for people.... I just realised I referred to inanimate stuff


>"Art is something that comforts the disturbed, and disturbs the comforted" your this sentence seems like an art, can't able to understand but create confusion and look so cool to read 🤣😉


touchè. gonna hang it to my wall.


tashreeh please


No tashreeh for you




For a person art is their actions imo, how they treat others and themselves too. Art is anything you do to express your feelings. It can be a drawing, it can be a kind gesture. That's a stretch lol but this is what I think.


Some people are both. For example, Doja Cat


Card B is up there as well. But her real art is her poetry.


Of course. There's a reason her WAP lyrics are displayed in Louvre Museum.


erm nicki ate her


Where? I'd like to see that


joke dude, i like em bothh


real. https://preview.redd.it/ozdxkzi40c9d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d76bea7b89b807f60273e96c0ee128bc708b218 (i've been waiting for the right moment to use this meme)


Hah I used this song as my ringtone for a month I think


🐮  https://preview.redd.it/vjfik9m12c9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a096422a0732584a6eaafdc6c9e9b0ecfbafbbc


The physical form of a human being is, indeed, a masterpiece of art. Our bodies are symmetrical, with identical eyes, a well-proportioned face, and a structured body that exudes balance. These qualities align with the fundamental principles of art, making us the greatest artwork ever created. The harmony and proportion in our physical form are a testament to nature's artistry. However, art goes beyond physical appearance. The soul, our thoughts, and behaviors also play a crucial role in defining us as art. When our thoughts are balanced, and our actions reflect kindness, compassion, and empathy, we become a masterpiece of art. Our inner beauty shines through, complementing our physical form and elevating us to a higher level of artistry. On the other hand, if our behaviors are discordant and harmful, we fall short of being considered art. Just as a beautiful painting can be marred by a single discordant note, our inner ugliness can detract from our physical beauty, making us less than a work of art. A human being is a multifaceted work of art, encompassing both physical and inner beauty. When we cultivate balance, harmony, and kindness, we become a masterpiece, a true work of art.


I guess the words 'graceful' and 'effortless' go along with the word 'art' in the sense of human beauty. Some people are so physically striking that one can't help but look for a little bit. Ofcourse they've been made beautiful by God.


As an artist, art, for me, is the person I'm in love with.


Good luck with your art! Praying things turn out best for you when you shift. Ameen.


Ameen. Much appreciated, man. Bless u !


Likewise. Have a great (rest of the) day :D


Art inspires, that's literally the simplest way to put it. Any piece of art, will always inspire someone who profoundly understands it and genuinely has an interest in the area. It could inspire one to both do something or very simply learn something. Some people tend to have personas that mirror this characteristic of art, hence why they're defined as art themselves or artists who are art themselves too.


Beautiful question. Any human being, man or woman, who’s completely in tune with themselves, so focused, dedicated and committed to their purpose in life, that they’re somewhat unbothered by life’s everyday monotony and white noise, whether it’s their goals, their craft, building something for themselves or this world, maybe even both, is watching poetry in motion. Nothing more hotter than the whole world watching them but their eyes are on the prize. This also applies to someone who’s fierce, unapologetic, someone who’s not afraid to say what’s on their mind (respectfully), but also walks their talk, and staying true to their beliefs regardless of what the world thinks of them. A man or woman with depth in their intentions, thoughts and actions, who can offer something to this world and to the people around them. A living, breathing masterpiece and a muse for the ages.


This answer is a piece of art itself.


Real recognizes real. Appreciate you!


Someone can be considered as art if she's beautiful or handsome. Or someone who despite of her flaws and imperfections, you can see she has this kind of beauty that only you appreciate it. A kind of beauty that more than physical appearance.


it's been 200,000 years to human existence but still can't able to describe what art is?


Anything or anyone that inspires you or moves you in any way. Through their actions, their intentions, their words, their movements, the way they speak or just be and exist.


so if anything or anyone does inspire or move me in any way or if anything doesn't effect me in any sense or if i didn't notice or acknowledge anyone and anything wouldn't be an art or artist?




never mind just leave it 😅


Its just their aura, I guess? (Other than that, some people truly are a peace of art 😌 (in sarcastic way)


They must be talking about nami from one piece.


Didn't get you here