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What is the definition of nerdy? Most people confuse it with appearance of a person. I'll tell you my nerd traits and you judge me from 1-10. 1. I like to watch history and geopolitical videos. 2. I like maths ALOT. I remember almost all algebraic and calculus formulas and short tricks up until FSC level. ( yes i remember all integration formulas ) 3. I remember the squares of all numbers until 40. Still learning more. It's all pattern recognition tbh. 4. I love gaming. In my free days i grind for around 8-10 hours. 5. I scored 149/150 in matric maths and most probably will score 180/200 in fsc maths coz the paper was easy i just didn't had enough time. 6. I suck ass at literary and science subjects ( other than maths and computer ) 7. I am a tech nerd. I can assemble and disassemble a pc in few minutes. I disassemble my pc every weak and clean it thoroughly. I think i would be 9-10😭😭. It helped me ALOT. I can comprehend things easily. I am a fast learner. Problem solving seems interesting to me. I can make friends really easily coz i know atleast something about everything. I am good at manipulation too. ( i know it's not a thing to be proud of )💀


These traits are not uncommon....Many people have them...A nerd is someone even more intelligent...I think you are only a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10.


Shit i need to be more nerd i guess


Yes, lol ....the traits you mentioned made me feel like I'm a 6 too though I am not a nerd


Casually hi 6 bol diya . Chalo GPA batao 🤓


U are Cool


Compliments are awkward


dont worry I cant take them too to the people I am acquainted with I say thanks to the people that are close to me I act in denial in front of them


4 10 if it's something related to Ben 10.


That sounds more like a geek than a nerd


Even better https://preview.redd.it/ruttdct7er9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a4f8b04bfa7923cb11835e8aad692dd640a80f


Who's faster stingray, xlr8, clockwork or alien x?


1. Alien X 2. Clockwork 3. Jetray 4. XLR8


no bro XLR8 is faster in one episode he moved so fast time seemed to be stopped


Yes. The scene you're referring to is from the episode "The Unnaturals" and it is indeed well recognized by everyone and it's XLR8's fastest speed we've seen on screen, he was moving so fast it appeared that he stopped the flow of time. But Jetray is still faster, in the episode "Eye Of The Beholder'' Jetray travelled through hyperspace. In mere seconds he was far away in the galaxy, to a different planet. This putting Jetray above XLR8.


I would probably give myself an 8 too. It has helped me a lot I can talk to most people on their favorite fantasy or sci Fi related things. Also picked up a lot of knowledge wish helped me in my career and studies If you're a nerd and you own it you're going to do well imo. Just balance it out with non nerdy things too and learn how to converse. How to segue into nerdy things without it being nerdy


7-8. Helped me a lot in life/relationships. I was not formally educated, due to finances. But I was just a nerd. I studied all O level subjects (both sci and business) never gave exams, since couldn't afford.  I was hired at a bank in UAE, cleared their post training assessment with 80%+ and was hired permanently. Thanks to that Job when covid hit it saved me and my family having that job.    I also managed to self study acca now (still studying) 7/13 exams done. And now I'd be getting a degree in Applied Accounting by March from UK. (Alhamdulillah).   At bank, I'd handle clients from all over the world including VIPs and Corporate clients. Both via oral as well written conversations. My Lead once assigned me to speak even to Saudi Royal as well.   It has always helped me and continues to do so. Happy to be nerd. (Credit also goes to my mom who did a great job at parenting and making me curious by entertaining my endless questions and welcoming them and encouraging them. And instilling in me the habit of reading). 


5 or 6. Learning the ways of the wise.




Did it have any effect on your life?


10 and no


my skin is acting up all the time and I also wear glasses, that makes me a nerd 100%


I wish I was a nerd. All the nerds in my high-school are well settled in their respective careers.


When I was a kid being a nerd was less common and more fun. As an adult I feel like all the people who worked in works I love had their works ruined by woke corporations who wish to insert identity politics into games videogames and movies to the point where I just am a nerd, but not what the culture calls a nerd now


I think around 7


Used to but now ig 3


lets be friends bruv


7 I believe. I love being a nerd, my juniors altogether in school, college and university have awarded me with the titles like bookworm, miss touch me not, the wikipedia. I personally think it has benefited me in a way that people don't trouble me a lot as they know that mostly I will be reading, or following something really interesting in which they are not even interested. So, being an introvert this is a blessing and professionally yep I have always remained a favorite student and employee because I used to mind my own business and did whatever was entrusted to me. Though I hate maths, rest everything seems intriguing including international politics, philosophy, literature, anime, history. Include everything else but maths and fashion, and you will always find me going on and on.


I’d say I’m an 8 or 7 at least. I also find that I get along best with other nerds. I find most non-nerds VERY boring (but I’ve noticed that it is not always true vice-versa). I’d say being a nerd is a double-edged sword career-wise. You’ll do well I’m academic and technical careers. But you probably won’t do too well in office politics or non-technical careers. For example, careers like sales require you to be a pro at overconfident BS-ing which I think nerds might not be super good at (often, but not always).


Probably an 8 but i tone it down to 5-6 most of the time


I am a 5 or 6 but my siblings are like 0.5 so I feel like I am a 10. Everyone thinks I am a nerd in my family even though I get average or sometimes above average grades. It’s weird when I meet new people who have already met my family because then they expect nothing from me other than locking myself in a room and studying all day.


That's so true. Nerdiness is also relative. All my friends are 1-2 and they do the know any thing about majority of the things, with them I feel like I am way above ten. But when I am with actual nerds I am somewhere 7-8.


Probably 7 or 8. I think I just have a lot of general knowledge and am a lil obsessive with my interests so nerdiness comes on it's own.




That’s not a nerd. That’s a geek. There is a difference. I think this video summarises it best: https://youtu.be/mF4q_K6YsjE?si=rnESIPUlaxTF5GBD