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Um… This is beyond our pay grade.  A 10 year old who screams and doesn’t have self control or self awareness to stop?   Seems like a huge cry for attention and help.  OR- it is some underlying condition that professionals need to look into. This is not a 2 year old with an underdeveloped frontal cortex.   Go right to your kids’ pediatrician.  Go from there. Check in with the school setting, if similar behaviors have been witnessed. Good luck!


Thanks. It is stressful to be sure. It doesn't happen at school, thankfully. It is a huge cry for attention. It happens when she doesn't get her way or we ask her to do something she doesn't want (like get ready for school). We are mostly (90%) consistent and she has boundaries but she is spoiled and lately acting much more brat-ish.


Kids can’t spoil themselves… I think there needs to be much more immediate consequences for her behaviour. Losing screentime after school is not immediate enough for her. Maybe she has 2 breakfast choices, one that is strongly preferred? This option can be set out and explained it is on the menu for good emotional regulation, but will be taken away for screaming. Then follow through. If the taking away causes more screaming, be ready with even more immediate consequences to be doled out for every minute the screaming continues. This is completely unacceptable for her age and needs to stop. What is her therapists’ advice?