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She just spent 9 months inside mama. It is normal for her to want to continue to feel safe, secure, and warm now that she is on the outside. It won't last forever. Sleeping in shifts to help ensure everyone is sleeping is okay.


This is pretty common. She should outgrow it, I would practice putting her in the bassinet at least some of the time. Are you swaddling/using white noise/pacifier?


She absolutely hates swaddling right now, currently using a sleep sack and pacifier if she takes it


Hello, it will take some time. We found what worked for our kids was to swaddle the child and use a sound machine too. White noise. They like it. Every child different. I hope you find a method that works for you guys.


A few things come to mind, are you burping her enough? Mine hated laying down if they still had some gas. And 2nd she loves the comfort of you. That will be something she will get used to. My oldest hated sleeping alone. Many sleepless nights but we got through it! And so will you! It was all me with both of mine so it’s nice that you and your spouse take turns! That definitely helps! Have you brought it up with her doctor? They might have some more tips for you. Congrats! And I hope you find a solution!!


This happened to us too and it sucked sooooo much! You’re so exhausted and overwhelmed by this huge change your life. You just want to recharge by getting proper, deep sleep. My husband and I hit our wall at 5 days. We tried swaddles, white noise, heating the bassinet beforehand, putting her down butt first then feet and head, tried keeping our hands on her chest, etc. She just cried every time. We finally caved and tried out a pacifier. She loved it. Unfortunately in our case, she constantly needed it replaced at least 8-10 times a night. That doesn’t happen to everyone though, but you could try it out if you want. Good luck. It really is a hard situation. A lot of people are saying it’s normal for babies to want contact sleep. But it’s really hard to give so much care when you’re running on fumes. The first few months of parenthood is so hard. Things are going to get better. If you have any family that can come by and help, let them. You and your wife can sleep together, chat a little, recharge.


I really appreciate this answer.


Thought of you when I saw this: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewParents/s/cWykEGKvJ4 She posted up on two forums, so check out the post history for more tips.


Sounds normal. Are you swaddling tight? Sound machine? I read that you said she hates swaddling. Well babies change every day so try it again lol.