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His conversation heavily implies that he thinks bisexuality = multiple partners. Reminds me of an episode on House when Wilson questions 13 (a bi character) on her experience with threesomes. Giving Chris a benefit of a doubt, it was very cringe but I think he was just deeply uneducated and didn’t know how to behave once he realized he offended her and every LGBTQ person watching…and didn’t want to dig a bigger hole.


Yes! That’s why I put the dialogue up because I wanted other’s perspective on his motives. I couldn’t tell what he was saying when he said he’d like to “explore”. It was vague but it felt like he was implying they could have three sums but he carefully worded to not explicitly say it


Uneducated is right. He's the kind of pretty face that meant he never had to develop an actual personality or level of intelligence. People just say do and say nice things to him because he's pretty.


Dude is an idiot but that was still cringe and not to be expected.


This is also the same dude who asked if brother/sister twins were "identical or biological" if I'm not mistaken. Like, the IQ doesn't top double digits.


That’s right! 😂😂😂


Technically in times where people choose to identify by the sex they feel more like, I'd say the question wasn't as wild as some people make it. What if the twin sister was born biologically a man but a woman inside and that's why she's referred to as a sister who really could've been an identical brother at birth. Just a speculation - but not impossibility.


You’re missing the point- they’d be biological twins regardless. Twins can be identical or fraternal, but they’re always biological.


Well yes but he corrected himself asking if they're identical. I assumed the biological part was a slip of word. I doubt anyone, even an idiot, would think twins are not biological siblings.


No shit it was a slip on words. We're literally pointing out how stupid he is because he doesn't actually understand these words. That's why he slipped. But if you explain what those words mean he kinda gets it.


Lmao you’re an idiot


WHAT LOL this makes absolutely zero sense


This is the stupidest thing I’ve read all day


Identical twins happen when one single egg splits and becomes two fetuses. Each twin has identical DNA. Fraternal twins happen when two different eggs are fertilized, so two babies share the womb, but genetically are no closer related than siblings born at different times. I think Chris was referring to fraternal twins, otherwise I'm not sure what biological twin meant. I see your point and actually experience something close- I'm a female twin with a twin sibling who was born male and transitioned to female. So now I say I have a twin sister, and people often ask if we are identical. However, given Chris's track record of being a little bit of an airhead and not the most "woke" my guess is he was displaying ignorance, not trans-awareness, with this comment. That being said, when my sibling identified as male, I would say "I have a twin brother" and people would still often ask if we were identical. Even when we were standing in front of them, clearly not identical. So I think it's just kind of an "auto ask" for people when they hear you're a twin.


>I think Chris was referring to fraternal twins, otherwise I'm not sure what biological twin meant That's what I assumed too. >However, given Chris's track record of being a little bit of an airhead and not the most "woke" my guess is he was displaying ignorance, not trans-awareness, with this comment Most likely. I was simply pointing to a theoretical possibility for sister/brother twins to be identical twins that most people ignored. Thank you for responding kindly, it was a first in the thread.


Just for fun I did the math... In the US the odds of being an identical twin is 1/250, and the odds of being trans is 6/1000, so the of being a trans identical twin are .0024% or 24/1000000 So in the US there should statistically be about 8000 people with identical twins who are now different genders. Not good betting odds, but possible!


LoL thanks for the math 🙂


I hate Chris and guys like that sm I can not tell u how many times I’ve had the 3sum conversation w/ every man I’ve ever talked to about my sexuality massive ick


Eww I’m bi and that’s exactly where their head goes to straight away or their other little head goes to at least 😁


Actually the grossest thing for you guys to experience that! Bisexuality does not mean 3sum automatically! Its like saying a straight couple cant want a 3sum because they are straight. Some just want to try it but it doesnt equal bisexual


Yeah he’s the worst


Agreed. Actually, everyones the worst here!


Yeah no definitely, I revise my earlier comment because Harry, Dominique, and Kaz are definitely worse Alara, Tolu, Justin, and Nigel are my favorites by the end


I am happy he asked those questions and revealed this side of him. Only because it raises awareness of how many men perceive bisexuality and the sexism/ hypersexualization many bi women must go through. It was uncomfortable to watch but needs to be called out


That conversation was gross. I immediately came here to talk about and was so shocked there weren’t a million incensed points about it. His ignorance, his stupidity…it all just made me wanna rage. Dom handled that so well. I felt really bad that Dom had to endure that.


I thought Chris was very obviously hoping Dom being bi opened the door for threesomes. It was gross and I def don’t believe it was some innocent interaction on his part.


Even in season 1, bisexuality was heavily fetishized by the guys and even some of the girls.


Francesca and Karisselle making out in front of everyone with Joey cheering them on was so irritating to me. 😒


I know! And the way she responded to Abby when she shared her concerns about it. Also the way Joey kept telling KariSselle he "supported" her sexuality but kept making jokes about threesomes with Francesca and implying that "support" mainly meant the same kind of support Chris was offering Dominique this season -_-


Incredibly biphobic. Like, yes of course, every single bisexual wants to have threesomes and explore your porn rotten brain fantasies. Oh pleeeeease. Bisexual aren't automatically more premiscous and the fact that people still go around saying the same shit he's saying is so gross. Ew. And let me tell you. No it does not open a lot of doors, it in fact hinders you quite a bit. Like for instance dudes that you're interested in suddenly not caring about you anymore but only your sexuality and in which ways it can serve them. Wonderful.


Omg exactly how does it opens doors? So ridiculous! I wanted to yell at him and say can you elaborate in wtf you’re taking about!?


As I bi person I don’t feel this is biphobic. Ignorant? Yes. Biphobic? Not so much.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biphobia "Biphobia is aversion toward bisexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being bisexual. Similarly to homophobia, it refers to **hatred and prejudice** specifically against those identified or perceived as being in the bisexual community. It can take the form of denial that bisexuality is a genuine sexual orientation, or of negative stereotypes about people who are bisexual **(such as the beliefs that they are promiscuous or dishonest)**." ... maybe redefine your definition then. Ignorance doesn't absolve people of being shitty and or X-phobic of anything. Would you say it's just ignorance to assume that all gay men have aids? Or is that just *ignorance* too? No. It's text book homophobia. Just like this interaction was biphobic.


None of this was an aversion, hatred, or prejudice (in a harmful way). I will keep my definition. Thanks.


So assuming all bisexual people are premiscous is not harmful? (Which you know... is literally a predjudice). Okay. What is **your** definiton? Since the actual real life, text book, all agreed upon definition isn't an option for you for some weird reason. And from one bisexual to another: a little more outrage against harmful sterotypes and straight up grossness towards US, would be quite good and encouraged. But you do do you girl.


I think there is a HUGE difference with intention. When someone is ignorant and uninformed outside age doesn’t do anything or create a fruitful conversation. Hate, actually be scared, phobic, using hateful language, physical acts of violence, treating someone different in a negative way are all great examples for me. Someone thinking she might be more open to a thresdome? Not so much. No comments or assumptions made about her “promiscuity” if I recall correctly


You know putting the pretense of "they had different intentions" in front of interactions like this is pretty fucked up. *He meant well! He burned down the school to save on heating costs. I mean his heart was in the right place, right???* Thinking your doing something good doesn't equal doing something good. There's a lot of ways you can do bad things with good intentions. Too many to count. So what was his intention then? Other than her sexuality being used to satisfy him? He said smth along the lines of "this opens up a lot of possibilities for us/me". I heard that and thought immediatly that he means theres more options for him sexually, romantically, because she's bisexual. Since that is what the conversation was about. Which is gross and regardless if he meant threesomes or other acts, it's directly linked to her sexuality. You've moved the goal post a few times now to justify this jerk and his gross outdated biphobic thinking. Why? What do you gain from protecting a man who would see you as an oppertunity to live out his fantasies? And to go back to your comment you gave "treating someone different based on sexuality" as a valid reasons to call it biphobia. You don't think he treated her differently based on her being bi by immediatly jumping to conclusions? You think he would've said the same stuff if she was heterosexual? Clearly not since her opening up was the catalyst for his comments. *(Edit: Saying that the only valid forms of -phobia are the ones were there is physical harm involved earses all progress for anyone of a group being harmed. And it honestly sounds like the definition a 16 year old came up with who doesn't understand what it's like being discriminated against.)* All I wanna say is that excusing this behaviour instead of calling it what it is, is in itself harmful. And I hope that you can understand some day that you do not have to make apologies for people who wouldn't fight for you but instead use you. And I sincerely hope for you to never encounter this is in real life with a loved one. And more so I hope that if it happens, you stand up for yourself instead of making excuses for them.


Omg, this is so obtuse and ridiculous… I can’t. If you honestly think this was malicious then there is no hope for you. And hanging someone out to dry isn’t fruitful. Get a grip


I agree with you and don’t know why you’re being downvoted or called out so aggressively. His reaction was definitely ick and beyond ignorant and I’m in no way attempting to justify the behavior in any way. It’s perfectly valid for you to not feel it was phobic but stupid. My perspective is informed by coming out in 1990 and having been around for a while. I have faced it all. Erasure, sexualization, hatred, exclusion, you name it. My experience does not equate with the next persons and my opinion is my own. But of course, this is Reddit, and outrage abounds.


Exactly. Because people like to be pissed, have a hill to die on, and also claim to be open minded and “inclusive” until your ideas and experience don’t match theirs perfectly lol


Biphobia isnt what he was feeling. It was his fetishizing of Dominique and her being bisexual. Fetishizing someone does not equate being biphobic at all. Use the right definition and stop saying stupid shit.


Chris is a red flag but I'm willing to downgrade him to yellow because he's just so dumb about it. Dude was so obviously smelling a threesome in his future.


Yep, thats it. He is stupid and that what it was. Like Netflix would keep a comment that in any way would be offensive and an attack on the LBTQ+ community. Stupid loser thinking bi means two girls and him.


I was so grossed out by the way he said that HE wanted to explore HER sexuality


I can’t with Chris he looks like the lead singer of Creed to me lol


Bwahhahaha omg yess a young Scott Stapp 🤣


He looks like a Dawson’s Creek dude


He was implying exactly what Dominique said. As soon as he heard the word "bisexual", Chris most likely thought she was a freak and totally down for a threesome with another woman.  It's sad that many men still view bisexual women as a walking fetish. 


Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈


Why are there guys who are not toned on these shows and why are they going shirtless if they aren't fit. The women are held to a higher standard it seems.


Chris is such a moron, must have a super low IQ, I don’t know why any woman would find him the least bit appealing.


I’m 100% convinced that was him asking for a threesome cause otherwise why word it like that? i get he might not be the brightest there but with that he knew what he was asking


You would not believe what straight men have said to me when they find out I'm bi. One guy who I'd been friends with forever invited me over after class (we also went to grad school together) to hang out and have some drinks, come to find out his live-in gf is NOT home and then he just propositioned me saying, "Oh I could never tell me gf. I would never want to hurt her like that." And he knew I had a long distance boyfriend!!! Needless to say, I left right after that. Here's the thing with Chris: he is not a smart guy. He comes off as sheltered and honestly just not that intelligent. I don't see him as malicious, he's like a goofy dog. He's a labrador retriever. Don't try to go too deep. He's not thinking on that level.


I truly think Chris is just a very stupid person and a lot of the stuff people got mad at him for during the show was him just not knowing what words or phrases meant


It was equal parts gross and uneducated, for me, and as much as I just kind of struggle with Dom was tied with Xanthi for the most honest people on the show. She was sick as hell and never held back for any of the frankly horrible guys on the show.


men being so insanely stupid is such an ick


as a bisexual queen this is my whole life experience i don’t even make it known anymore


I can't tell if he was stupid or if it's a weird bad edit. But I originally took it as him asking, "Are you committed to one person at a time?" Instead of "can we have a 3 some"


Interesting, if that was his intention he probably should have elaborated instead of just saying “yeah” and just going silent


That's why I can't tell if he is stupid (show filled with Himbos and Bimbos) and doesn't know how to express himself with words or just a bad edit. The show made so many of these people annoying, via how they cut the conversations up


Himbos 😂😂😂


I truly TRULY can't stand Chris. He is SO slimy and reeeeally dumb. During that bit I was actually losing brain cells listening to him. It was just so AWFUL.


The guy is always drunk. He is al alcoholic. He was on LIB and he was definitely drunk several evenings on PM


I think your thinking of Izzy


Oh shoot, yeah.


I mean close enough lol


There’s nothing confusing about out it. He was trying to find out if she’d have threesomes with him.


As a fellow bi woman, it massively grossed me out. When I started dating my boyfriend the topic came up, and he was like “oh, cool!” But that was the extent of his thoughts on the matter. We of course discussed our own views of monogamy, and mutually agreed that neither of us is or ever will be interested in a “third,” nor do we consider “fooling around” to be okay just because I’m also attracted to women. In fact, I am about 95% attracted to women, both sexually and romantically, and while my boyfriend was an exception we’re happy together and he doesn’t fetishize my sexuality. I’ve had almost every man who knows that I’m bisexual immediately ask questions about threesomes, or tell me how “hot” it is that I like women as well. It’s both invalidating of my sexuality (because F/F sex is often not considered “real” sex), and painfully obvious that many guys seem to misunderstand their own attraction to women. I’m not just sexually attracted to women - I also love many, many things about relationships with women, I love women’s empowerment, I love softness and vulnerability, I love girls nights in together, I love companionship, I love all of it. I ALSO love a lot of things about men who aren’t plagued by toxic masculinity. When men make such comments to me, it often makes me wonder if they are actually attracted to women as real people, or if they simply find women sexually appealing.


Yeah I was like WOW what an asshole. To me it seemed he was excited and thought she would bring multiple partners and that’s why she explained she’s monogamous.


It taps into bi-erasure and making gay or bi people into a caricature. But also reminds me of how much the binary and this kind of thinking destroys looking at people as individuals, resulting in a really sad loss of potential intimacy. There is so much variation in the people who identify with the gender “woman,” yet Chris would never be saying he needs to be with all the diffferent people/types while in a relationship (well maybe he would 😂😂). I wish the default we were given was learning “these types of feelings mean you may have romantic/sexual/whatever interest in this individual person” rather than the default you’re straight or (wildly still not accepted in lots of communities) gay. The idea that it’s ok to fall for two people and have a 3-way as he’s implying because you could be attracted to their different genders is, though stereotypical, actually extremely arbitrary as she points out- choosing monogamy and sexual orientation are different.


As a bisexual woman, let me tell you the number of men that think it’s an automatic gateway to getting a threesome. It’s actually super gross and this conversation pissed me off so bad. I pretty much saw red when he said he wanted to explore her sexuality. Like that’s not how any of this works.


Chris definitely confused bisexuality with polyamory. I’m not even surprised because he asked if Kaz and his brother were “identical or biological twins.” I think he needs to just…take a breather for a minute…


Honestly I've never felt so uncomfortable watching someone respond to another person's sexuality like that. It was so bad lol.


If you're not around it a lot you can be uneducated to approach the situation. I feel like people should educate those who are not fully understanding or uninformed, not make fun of them or make them look stupid


Maybe he was trying to ask with her bisexual would it mean she’s monogamous or ethically non monogamous? Perhaps poly? Might want to know if she wants to explore her options with women in the house? There are some lesbians that don’t like to date with bisexual women because they assume they will want to have a male partner or not take their relationship as serious. I think Chris is just dumb and ignorant. I honestly don’t believe he meant to be sleazy with that conversation. I think he may have felt threatened to know that his competition would be not only men, but women too. So he decided to move on. That what I perceived from the conversation. Dominique is ok but she seems prickly… someone easily offended and quick to be defensive. At least that’s how the show edits made her look.


>You wouldn’t ask a straight girl how promiscuous she is ?????? u good dom?