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Yeps. Trophy position.


That’s how I was taught it (by a tennis player) as well! Love an overhead opportunity now.


Here's another overhead trick. Don't back peddle. Turn your hips 90 degrees and run sideways while your upper body stays in the trophy position.


Definitely point at the ball with non-dominant hand, but you also have to make sure you rotate that non-dominant arm out of the way. Pull it in close to your body as you rotate your core. Ever seen ballet dancers or figure skaters, when they start with arms out long and then pull them close? Rotational speed goes WAY up. Same principle here, your power on slams will go way up.


Great advice, thanks!


Anyone got a YouTube explanation?






This is good volleyball advice too…


Coming from volleyball, I did this intuitively in pickleball as well.


Agreed! Also, keep the ball in front of you. Too many people try to contact the ball directly over their shoulder.


Hard to get on top of it that way.


This makes sense. It's also a classic tennis tip that was taught to us as kids. Whenever we did overhead/smash drills, coaches always told us to point at the ball and follow it with our non-dominant hand. Glad that it's working out for you!


Yep literally just pretend it’s a tennis serve and let rip


You’re scaring the normals.


Yep! Great, easy advice. Watch any “real” tennis player and they are pointing!


Provides excellent spatial awareness and positioning


IMO, pointing is not the answer. Works in tennis because of the length of the tennis racquet. Instead, use the softball reference and visualize the ball landing in your non-paddle hand. This is a more accurate version for the shorter pickleball paddle. I demo this here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqKK-FM1wRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqKK-FM1wRc)


I'm def gonna try this next time . Thanks!


Learned this while playing competitive badminton. Such a good tip and great way to control slams


Where are you playing open play in Milwaukee if you don't mind my asking?


Works in tennis and volleyball as well.


Anyone have the issue I have where if I hit overhead to close to my body it go s not net/long. But when I hit away from my body it's good?


I’m guessing that you are referring to making the mistake of having a lob come down essentially on top of your head before striking it…the “overhead” slam is literally not over the head, it should drop so that your eyes are perhaps at a \~50° from vertical to horizontal. This will allow you to move your momentum slightly forward at impact, and allow your arms to fully extend. The result maximizes power and accuracy due to the momentum and angle at impact. Any other position will result in less momentum and too much ”wrist” turn at impact which creates less power and accuracy.


If I find myself too far under the ball, I either have to not put much power on it, so it stays in, or do a very pronounced downward wrist flick to help give it more angle downward. It lacks full power but it’s not bad. If I’m too far under the ball and I give it the beans, it’s sailing long.


I still always hit it out, no idea why...


Common reasons the ball goes long and out. 1) You're paddle is late getting to the ball so it never gets on top of the ball to get downward angle. Try to get your paddle there earlier. 2) The ball is over your head and not out in front of you. Ideally, you want a 45 degree angle on your hitting arm when you contact the back. I demo this here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqKK-FM1wRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqKK-FM1wRc) 3) You are leading with the elbow or wrist when you hit and not the tip of the paddle. Swing with a straight arm. Don't have the elbow out in front when you swing and don't have the back of the wrist out in front.


good idea. i get cocky sometimes and forget to do that




Yes and no. The pickleball doesn’t really bounce. In tennis with most overheads, the object is to hit down hard enough so the ball bounces over the opponent or even out of the court completely (over the fence, into the stands, etc). In pickleball it’s going to be hard to hit winners using a traditional tennis trophy position overhead. Even if you generate enough angle to the outside as the ball won’t ever bounce high enough or travel far enough. I’ve found it better to side step it a little bit and let the ball drop a little lower and side swipe slap it more like a baseball pitcher. It generates more speed, it reduces the angle of incidence it approaches the court, keeping it lower, maintaining the speed, and putting more pressure on the opponent(aim at their feet). And if the lob is so far back that you can’t do this. It’s best to let it drop to the ground and drive it or dink reset and attack the net. Edit: it also depends on how the opponent reacts to their own lob. Are they staying at the kitchen? Or do they perceive the lob was weaker and are retreating more defensively


\^this is exactly right. Spiking the ball down is bad!! trophy position and aiming up at the ball, pronating your wrist from the trophy position is no bueno


I honestly feel bad for pickleball players that never played tennis. Y'all struggle with sometimes basic technique that's just ingrained in tennis and it's why tennis players get good so fast.


