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Nap time after this.


Every time I visit my mom, we take a day trip to Chicago. We usually grab giordanos, I eat the deepdish. I feel like poop for the rest of the day trip. lol. Like clockwork.


Yeah I love a proper deep dish, but I can feel the years just falling off my life whenever I eat one... ![gif](giphy|8JrcyXvpOaFbFIatkm|downsized)


Sometimes I go into a situation where I know I’m going to feel like shit for eating something, but it tastes so damn good that it’s totally worth it.


I usually feel the same after Giordanos, but oddly not after Lou Malnatis/Uno


Just processed heaviness from corporate sponsors. I feel like it’s a requirement when you sell out.


Laxative after this


In my case this would be a laxative


I had to go at the restaurant after immediately finishing my first piece.


Oofff I kno how that feels. It happened to me from a 4 cheese burger


A quarter of the pie is 100% nap time.




They ship nation wide! a buddy of mine recently asked me to go in on one with him so thank you for posting a pic


They take forever to heat up but they are pretty damn good.


google says 40, so about two as long as a normal frozen pizzza. I was expecting like an hour


It was closer to 50 for me.


Same. Definitely have to extend the time more than the instructions say. Otherwise it becomes a frustrating experience of continuous bumping up the time and checking.


> two as long Two as long Two as long Two as long Two as long


My brain was probably gonna write 'two times as long' then switched to 'twice as long' so we got that abomination of sentence.


Personally, I liked it. That's why I fixated on it I think


I love brain farts. The other day my boss asked to borrow my tweezers. He couldn't think of the name, so he said "surgical toothpicks."


> He couldn't think of the name, so he said "surgical toothpicks." Oh goddd, there is a subreddit for exactly that. /r/engrish has some found it, it's /r/wildbeef have fun buddy


Two ass long


A few more times and Jon Stewart will show up in your bathroom mirror and deliver the rant


Lou Malnati’s is better IMO and they ship too.


Lou Mal’s is soooo much better…


Maybe I got a bad one but my lou mal was mid af compared to my giordanos, might be a one off but still should be able to keep consistency imo


their frozen pizzas really dont live up to the fresh ones..(malnatis)


Blasphemy!!! Lol, but Gino’s East clears them both.


Does Gino's East offer online dry ice shipping? Looking it up now!


I found a Gino's east deep dish in the freezer aisle in Safeway


I found it to be extremely underwhelming, especially for the price.


are you talking about Gino's? or the frozen product. Between Lou's Giordano's, and Gino's, Gino's is the only one that i haven't had actually from the restaurant. But i was craving a deep dish and it was the only one available where i live (in HI). Unless i opt to get others shipped, it'd have to do for now.


The frozen Gino’s, was really disappointed and they definitely aren’t cheap for frozen pizza. I got Giordano’s shipped to me on a Costco special ($60/3) and it was way better imo. I would keep an eye out if they have the sale again.


And Pequod's is better than both of them.


I've heard so much about this place but have not had the chance to try them. Can't wait to do so!


My Pi is my favorite


But is Burt's Place better than Pequod's?


man i went to burt’s place back in like 2010 or something. so fucking good.


Hear hear!


I just had it today and wasn’t impressed. Might try Giordanos next time I’m in town


Everyone says that but Giordanos just hits different for me. Lou’s is more a deep dish vs a stuffed anyways.


My secret reddit Santa got me some before reddit went corporate and they stopped it. It was legit one of the coolest gifts I've ever received.


Christ! $85 for 2 pies?? It looks good, but I don't know about $40 a pie...


TBF most people are good for 1, maybe 2 slices (and a case of Tums). Split each pie 4 ways and it's not bad.


I once had 3 and then quite literally passed out later that night, paramedics called and everything.


I got 6 Lou M pies for $107 (or maybe 117) delivered. They have deals sometimes at gold belly.


And Lou's is better than Giordano's too. I'm not a *huge* deep dish guy (usually only go when family/friends come from out of town or I get a weird craving), but their "Lou" is pretty good all things considered.


Giordanos is more consistent from restaurant to restaurant, Lou’s can be a crap shoot depending on location.


That's like $5/slice. I was a large starving college kid. My friend and I wanted to split a large and the waitress said it was too much. We relented and got a medium and prepared to be hungry after the pizza. I had two slices and was absolutely stuffed.


Considering what you pay for a large basic Domino's these days. Not surprising.


$40 for a large domino’s??? Where the hell is that?


Unless they live in an even more expensive place than I do, it doesn’t exist unless it’s like, at an airport. I just priced a large two topping Dominoes pizza at 22 bucks.


buddy you gotta use the app I can get two pizzas, a 32 piece parm bite, with tax and round up it's like $19, use the deals my guy food for two for the weekend


When I go get one at a restaurant, they're easily $30-35 or more, depending on toppings. But I don't do that often, because I live in Texas and can't find one as good as the pizzas that come out of my kitchen.


Those are like $30 a pie in restaurant so it's not too bad if it's $85 for two pies and everything needed to ship it and keep it fresh. I'd recommend making a get together out of it though if you're on the fence. Get like 5-8 people together have them chip in or bring some drinks and have a good time.


The dollar to ounce ratio though.....


With respect, please consider there’s 6lbs of cheese here.


Thank you! Ordering now! This looks incredible!


I once sent a deep dish pizza to a friend in NYC and he called me. “Uh… I got a package from you that says it’s a pizza… but it weighs like 10 pounds?”


I just got some for the first time. Very good but I would get extra sauce or add some when you make it at home. Came out great though and super cheesy 


I just got three for my birthday. Crushed a pepperoni yesterday. Absolutely wrecked me in return next day


They have restaurants in Az. Worked with Starbucks to make a ro system to make Az water taste like chicagos. I have had them in both areas and the are the same


Now I have to find a confederate to smuggle this into Canada.


In our AP English class our teacher ordered this for us because all of us passed the exam at the end of the year. Can’t remember if the teacher was from Chicago or went to school there, whatever the reason it was a pizza experience.


It's so expensive though. I know they also have a few locations outside of Chicago, I've had them in Denver and Las Vegas belle and it was pretty good. I just wish they'd was some authentic deep dish on the east coast, I like to mix it up every hour and then.


Thanks bro I just ordered 3 lol


"....it's under the sauce"


"it's from chicago"


"I'ts a marinara wading pool for rats!" ~Jon Stewart


okay, yeah, but where's the cheese though?


"....it's under the sauce"


Okay...I was gonna be nice, but now you’ve gone too far. So let me explain something, deep dish pizza is not only not better than New York pizza, ITS NOT PIZZA!. It’s a fucking casserole. I’m surprised you haven’t thought to complete your deep dish pizza by putting some canned onion rings on top. It’s a cornbread biscuit which you’ve MELTED CHEESE ON and then in defiance of God and man and all things holy you POURED UNCOOKED MARINARA SAUCE atop the cheese! ATOP! The cheese! Atop! The sauce! Naked! Cold! On display like some sort of sauce whoo-re! You know the expression “There’s no such thing as bad sex or bad pizza” your pizza is like sex with a corpse made of sandpaper. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING! THIS IS NOT PIZZA! THIS IS TOMATO SOUP IN A BREAD BOWL! THIS- IS AN ABOVE GROUND MARINARA SWIMMING POOL FOR RATS! Let me tell you something about your fucking NOT PIZZA! I wanna know when I get drunk and pass out on my pizza that I’m not gonna drown. Let me tell you something! I look at this-! MMMARGH! YOU SONOFABITCH! I LOOK AT THIS! MEEEAUGH! GABBA-GOO! I look at this— When I look at your deep dish fucking pizza I don’t know whether to eat it or throw a coin in it and make a wish. AND IF I MADE A WISH! WOULD BE THAT I WISH FOR SOME REAAAL FUCKING PIZZA! Now! Now! With all due respect I realize, it’s very cold in Chicago very cold, windy you need to be able I dunno have a pizza and cut it open and climb inside it like a Tauntaun to keep warm. Seriously, who are you kidding? Who uses an iron skillet to make pizza? You don’t use an iron skillet to make a pizza you use an iron skillet to fend off someone who tries to serve you fucking pizza made in a skillet.


What are native Chicagoans’ opinions on Lou Malnati’s vs Giardano’s?


You don't have to hate one to enjoy the other.


Not asking about which one they hate, I’m asking which one they prefer.


Between Lou's and Giordano's, I'd say Lou's. They're both good and I'm never disappointed in either, but I think Lou's crust is much better and is similar to a buttery pie crust than bready dough. The sauce is a little more acidic and goes with the dough and cheese better.


100% co-signed


Agreed. But a typical Chicagoan's answer to your simple question is 'Giordanos tastes like ass' or 'Deep dish is horrible. Everyone eats tavern'


Fuckin southern Illinois monicals pizza horseshit. It's the herpes of pizza, every one of those tavern mofos probably eats them with a side of ranch, too. Fucking adsholes.


Southern Illinois does Quatros pizza bro. Don't even, I will throw hands over Quatros deep dish until the day I die or the restaurant is shut down. And even then, I'll throw hands over what it used to be Quatros could go toe to toe with any pizza from Chicago and that is not a joke.


Quatros was always on point, really good stuff. However I'm pretty confident I can find better pizza in Chicago.


I had a sibling who worked at Quatros - those were glory days for sure. Challenge all the way! (Also dope on the nights when they did whole wheat crust.)


Yes it is a joke and I’m triggered rn lol. I worked at Quatros in Carbondale while in school coming from Chicago. Literally all of the pizza in southern Illinois is in a class below Chicago pizza. None of the Chicago distributors would sell product that far, by buddy delivered cold food in his independent semi from Chicago to Peoria (Avantis was the big account for him) and said it wasn’t worth it to go any further south. I was constantly lied to by people who had grown up in Central/Southern Illinois with them saying “this is the best pizza ever, better than your Chicago stuff” or “this is as good/better than XYZ pizza place by you”. My whole life I grew up eating Chicago pizza and when I got down to school me and my homies from up north were like “wtf is this?!” but the people from central Illinois like Bloomington/Peoria sounded like you. It’s not the same ingredients and the flavor profile is not comparable to any good old established place in Chicagoland. The little pizza shop that locals swear by tastes like a dominos pizza at best down south. Pizza is like sex tho, even when it’s bad it’s still at least a little good. Quatros is good and I’d eat it all the time but you are telling on yourself if you are putting it above even the average Chicagoland pizza joint.


Monical’s was decent when I was at EIU in the early 90’s.


Dipping their thin crust pizza in the “house” French is even more of a thing in my town.


Lou's for sure


100% correct. Lou's is fabulous and tastes homemade. The sauce is awesome. Giordano's is good but very chain-pizza tasting to me.


Love the buttery crust of lous.


It's definitely the best of the chain deep dish, way better than Uno's.


There is not even a debate. Giordano's is fine, but Lou's with the sausage wheel and butter crust is the paragon of deep dish pizza.


Lou’s for traditional - Pequod’s for the best tasting - Vito and Nicks for Tavern style Deep dish usually is for family events and not eaten as often as tavern for locals IMO.


Vito and Nicks and Palermos on 63rd are my 2 favorite tavern style pizzas. It's a Sophies Choice between the 2.


Pequods beats both


Man they all do it a little differently yet they are all freaking delicious


Pequods is so good! One of my best pizza memories of all time. Top 5 for sure. That crust with the caramelized cheese! I need to get back to Chicago ASAP.


There’s a reason the show The Bear picked Pequods


This is the right answer. When I hear people fill their drawers raging about “dEeP dIsH iS jUsT cAsSeRoLe” I know I’ve met someone who needs a Pequods experience.


Only complaint I have with Lou’s is the sausage patty. Was not a fan of that 1 type of pizza there.


Lou's for the win!


I'm in the minority, but I think Giordano's is so much better than Lou's. Cheesier and better sauce. The only thing Lou's has going for it is their butter crust, and their thin crust is better than their deep dish.


I agree with this. The Lou Malnatis crust is a lot better than the Giordano's crust. Giordano's crust is kind of shitty. The Lou Malnatis plate of sausage is kind of gross.


Where are my Gino's East fans at? (but definitely Lou Malnati's over Giordano's)


Gino's was always the better of the big 3. More expensive too. They had the sweeter sauce and always worth a trip. That chain really fell apart. Probably due to their higher prices. They just weren't very competitive.


Pequods and Malnati have similar enough pizza to compete with one another. When you’re in the mood for stuffed crust vs deep dish, Giordanos always hits.


Just stuffed, not stuffed crust, but yes agree. Lotta cheese!


Most locals I've asked said Lou's but I liked Giordano's significantly more personally


Local here and I agree with you on Giordanos being much better


Same, Lou’s sauce is too acid y for me But for actual pizza orders not at either of these, anywhere with a great cracker crust


Native chicagoin here. I’m big boned not too fat ya know? Once in a great while sure lous is tasty as fuck. Every weekend being a total fatass about it? Giardanos. Giardanos is tasty if you eat it over and over again. Like it don’t stop being tasty. After a while lous ain’t as good imo but it’s still tasty af Could be bc I grew up with Giardanos nearby and didn’t get to taste Lou’s until adulthood so my taste doesn’t like it too often. In contrast I can eat Giardanos cold. Ya know what I mean? I can eat it out the fridge after some beers. That was my go to for so many years. If I had to pick. Giardanos. No hate on lous. Lous is delicious! Giardanos. Yeah that’s my pick.


LouMal’s. Crust is better, only separating factor for me. Edit: Giordano’s and Uno fucking slap, too.


Pequads is the local favorite for deep dish


Lou's >>> Giordano's for sure. I usually get the Lou (spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, with mozz, cheddar, and a garlic butter crust). That said, it's a rare thing that most Chicagoans will get deep dish. We mostly eat tavern style here. For that I HIGHLY recommend Armand's.


Lous. Art Of Pizza or Pequods are both better (Art has the best sauce I've ever tasted, Pequods is obvious from an image search - it is as good as it looks) Lous is not terrible but it's behind those two. Giordanos has bland, dry crust. I didn't enjoy it when I tried it.


Ayyy first time I've seen art of pizza talked about in one of these threads before. Had it while staying with a friend and it blew me away for two reasons. First, the price: it was like 10 dollars at least cheaper than Lou's for the pie I ordered, and it was not 10 dollars less of ingredients or size. Super happy with that as I used the 10 saved bucks to get it delivered to where I was. The second was the taste, which was great across the board. I've only had it the once, but I can't wait to get it again


Everyone is better than Giordanos


Chicago deep dish is my favorite food. I’ve tried many places in the city, and I still think Giordano’s is excellent.


Tourist here. But when I was visiting Chicago from NH we tried Giordano’s. Ended up eating there three times that week and loved it! We never found Lou’s even though we were looking for it. Time availability and location of where we were in the city though made Giordano’s an easy visit. And we were perfectly happy with it! We got Roasted Garlic and Sausage. Sooooo damn good!


Lou’s is mostly in the ‘burbs and neighborhoods, not in tourist areas. I mean sure, there’s one in River north and one in the viagra triangle… but it isn’t prominent like unos.


Viagra triangle?


It’s an area of the Gold Coast neighborhood known for playboy older men—[here’s an article](https://www.llworldtour.com/rush-street-viagra-triangle-chicago/) that seems to describe it. It’s not really touristy, but it’s close enough to the mag mile to be a tourist area.


Also Logan square there's a newish one


Good to know! Is Logan square touristy now? When I lived in Chicago, Logan square was too rough for tourists, but just right for edgy, trendy young professionals.


Also from NH. I have had both. Lou's was special. One of the best. Next time you're there I would highly suggest you try Lou's. :)


Na, try Pequods


Agreed, Pequods is amazing


Gino's East is also amazing. But I think there's only 1 or 2 left in the city.


I just hate the crust the most Signed, temporary Chicagoan back in the day


Yeah, I was visiting there a few months back and we tried Giordano’s. Loved the way it was made and all the cheese etc. but didn’t love the crust. It was almost too “biscuit-y” if that makes sense.


Yes. Giordanos crust is very floury and doesn't have any spice to it. It's just crisped up dough. It doesn't taste good on the underside if it gets soggy which can happen if it's undercooked or has too many toppings.


That shit is amazing. Fried ravioli too.


Believe it or not we have two locations here in Orlando.


A must-stop for me when I hit the Windy City.


Their chopped salad is also great.


I was there last August and the pizza was great.


Yum!!! enjoy 😊




Just had that for dinner. Mmmmm extra pepperoni.


The cheese is under the sauce


The Giordanos hate is impressive. If you don’t like Giordanos because of its growth (and somewhat decline in quality) that makes sense. But give us another option for STUFFED CRUST.


Not stuffed crust!




Just ate that last week! Was in chi town for a work trip. Had the Rosemont location




I miss Giordano's. We would always get their tavern style pizza with a side of deep fried mushrooms to dip in ranch. sigh. so good. Los Angeles has crap pizza.


The Greater Los Angeles metro has 18 million people. There's no way all of the pizza is bad. You just haven't found the good pizza.




In defiance of God and Man and all things holy you poured uncooked marinara sauce *atop* the cheese! *Atop! The cheese!* On top! The sauce, naked! Cold! On display like some sort of sauce *hoo-er!*


"it's a casserole"


“It’s an above ground marinara swimming pool for rats!”


No thank you.


That looks amazing!


SO GOOD, I remember it for two reasons. I was in Chicago in 19 for a convention, had never had it before wound up eating there 3 times while I was there. 3rd time I was eating as I was filling up before traveling back home, women chatted me up clearly flirting and giving the vibes and i passed because I was too narrowly focused on having to leave town. I never think about that moment.....




Giordano’s is my favorite but geno’s east was meh.


The sauce atop the cheese?? I'll stick to our NJ pizzas, thank you.


Kill myself.


Gyatt dyam I'm comatoast after eating this. Looks real good need to get to Chicago for that fire za.


I love me Chicago deep dish (I live in the burbs of Chicago), but its so expensive.


My love is Connie’s Pizza


Used to go there until I discovered Lou Malnati which I used to go until I discovered Peaquod’s. Now I live far far away from Chicago hoping to take a trip in the future.


My god…… that looks so good.


I stopped in to a Giordanos last summer and was honestly disappointed. Pretty average pizza in my opinion. They also charge $13 for a tall Modelo!


My mom lived around the corner from a Giordano’s Evanston. Same for me, whenever I’d visit there it required a stuffed spinach and mushroom. Didn’t make me poop though. Miss her and so much of Chicago.


Visited Chicago once and tried going but they were too busy. Is it really worth the hype or is it just a bunch of cheese and some sauce on top?


This isn’t pizza… It’s a gloopy mess that Chicago calls “pizza” to distract tourists from actually good food.


That's the nicest slice of pizza I ever came across


That have the best Chicago style pizza around No one compares


Italians looking at this don't know wether to be depressed or overjoyed. I mean , it looks good but also why is it so thic Not from USA and never seen this before


Went there while visiting Chicago years ago, and made the mistake of ordering the pizza with anchovies. I like anchovies but there were so many it was like eating the ocean.


this is sooo good


Ours went downhill and we don’t go anymore. Not even that old. Think it opened a couple years before Covid.


Giordano or Gino's, the great debate


I visited from Detroit and thought Girodanos was absolute trash. It tastes like it’s the little caesars of Chicago style pizza (basically 1 step above fast food quality). Just go to a less traveled neighborhood and you will find much better. Also giordanos wait times are ridiculous. If anyone from Detroit is in here Giordanos is a lesser version of pizzapalis imo.


Well, thanks. I was thinking about going to bed, and now I can't stop thinking about this piece.


is it good? because it doesn't look appetizing at all


Looks good but doesn’t slap.


That is the most disgusting slice of "pizza" I've ever seen. No one in the UK would eat that shit.


I gotta say, I love Giordano's pizzas, but the one thing that erks me is when you're eating your last slices and they've gone somewhat cold, and that cheese solidifies. I do not not enjoy when the cheese in pizza is a solid. :/


yes, the frist slice is amazing.


Is there better deep dish than Giordano's? Absolutely. That said, their bbq chicken is forever a guilty pleasure of mine


I’m sorry that happened to you. Next time try Piquods.


Deep dish is for when you want to spend 40 bucks on a pizza and only eat one slice.


Not a big fan of the sauce. Decent otherwise.


oh wow the cheese is really *under the sauce*


Looks good but that’s not pizza


Chigao style pizza is the worst


Omg never had this but it looks so damn good


Looks like dominos. Great on pictures then comes reality


That’s just sexy.


Giordanos is fire, unless your in Chicago, then it's cap


That’s a casserole


That’s not a pizza, that’s a kiddie pool filled with cheese and sauce.


It’s better than pizza




Can someone enlighten me on what's so good about Chicago style pizza? They've always just seemed like way too much to eat for me. One of my favourite things about Italian pizza is that it's thin and light, this seems like the opposite


Have you ever actually had it? Because if you had your question comes off like "I hate scifi movies, can someone explain why I should watch scifi? Um, you shouldn't. There is no reason at all to do something that is so much against your personal preferences. That being said, if you've never had it, try it and come to your own conclusion, but be sure to go to a place that does it right. Yeah, it's heavy af, but the flavor, texture, and structure of it is amazing.