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I’m having the same exact experience as you (except a little financially burdened with college)… Down to Ovchinsky even being listed first in my research. He’s my bias thus far but it’s mostly because I was given a good personal review about him and his staff. Won’t be able to have operation til next summer so that’s as far as my insight goes but I’m wishing you well on your journey and hoping to keep updated since there’s a lot of parallels between us!


No way?!! Ovchinsky has been my #1 choice and my favorite since I found him… what a weird coincidence lol! That’s the reason why he’s the first on my list (I avoided saying he was my favorite so I wouldn’t influence any answers). Safe to say my heart is pretty set on him though. I know I shouldn’t just go to one doctor without considering others, but I constantly compare every single other surgeon to him. I just can’t see myself to going to anyone else. And it’s even better to hear you have heard positive things about him! Message me if you ever want to discuss and share any of the research we both have done so far. I will definitely keep you updated, thanks so much!! Good luck to you as well :)


I had a consult with Dr. Glasgold about 4 months ago. I will say he will spend a ton of time with you. (About 45 min) but after I went to other doctors I felt like he just used a lot of filler words. Just explained stuff more scientific to just make it sound like he knew what he was doing. Which I’m sure he does but he quoted me so high and his 3D imaging ended up being exactly like my surgeons who quoted me a few thousand less. I didn’t really like that he also said if I wasn’t satisfied they can always use filler or steroids as though it’s expected to not be happy with the results. I spoke with Dr. Corrados team and I did have to cancel my consult bc I already decided on my surgeon but his team was amazing! They are so thorough. His assistant asked me so many questions and really asked me what I envisioned and wrote it all down for when I see him. They also asked things like have I ever used accutane which other doctors didn’t ask and I was on it a few years ago. I know someone who went to Ovchinsky and whole her nose looks good I felt like it was too conservative for me. I wanted a more drastic change.


Omg this is so helpful!! I also got his name wrong, I meant to say Robert (not Mark) is who I have been considering. I have seen a couple bad reviews about Glasgold that kinda worried me, but his before and after gallery of results look amazing to me so I figured I’d at least do a consultation. I have a bump on the bridge of my nose and I don’t like my nostrils (Italian nose, lucky me) and have been focusing on doctors who produce really great results with my type of nose. I really like Ovchinsky as well, he’s been my favorite! But I similarly want dramatic results that make me feel like a new person. The more I looked at Ovchinsky’s gallery while researching surgeons, the more I noticed that the results are not overwhelming, but still very good. I was really impressed with Tobias and Morin. I believe Dr. Tobias is the most expensive out of all of my choices, but he really seems to be worth it.


My biggest tip is go on the surgeons profile and do some digging. Find the people who had done surgery with them either through them getting tagged or in the comments and follow them. Go through their photos and check if they are constantly using filters or how their nose looks months and years down the line. It takes a ton of research and of course you can’t expect perfection but just try to find real photos with people who have results similar to what you want. And I 100 percent think consults are worth it. You would be so surprised how different these Surgeons are in person!


i recommend this 100%


Ooh I didn’t think of that, great idea! This is such a huge deal to me and not to sound dramatic, but I think having a nose job will literally be life changing for me. I say that because I will finally feel confident and love myself, instead of constantly wishing I had a different nose and always focusing on it.I hate pictures of myself and I feel like it gets annoying for everyone around me. Lacking confidence probably has prevented me from things I wouldn’t even think of. Thanks so much for the feedback!!


Also to say I had a consult with Robert Glasgold not Mark but I know they work in the same building.


I just had a rhino done with Tobias- go to his insta and look


I’m cracking up everyone looks like they’re being held against their will lmaoo but he has great results. If you’re comfortable sharing, may I ask how much you paid?


So youre just limited to Jersey? Not PA or NYC?


PA is doable I’m not far, and NY I would consider. To be honest, I just didn’t want to be bothered traveling out of NJ unless need be and figured that there were already good surgeons here that I wouldn’t have to go out of state. I am also 3 hours roughly from NY. I’m located in south jersey, and I live pretty close to AC (about half an hour from AC) to put it into perspective. Do you think any surgeons in NY are worth the trip? Or PA? I can look myself now that you got me curious, but if you have any suggestions or recommendations please let me know!


For NJ, I would also consider Dr. Samir Undavia in Cherry Hill. He does ethnic rhinos well and he’s a good person also. For PA, you should consider Dr. Jason Bloom in Bryn Mawr. I have seen some of his revision rhino patients up close and he does great work. He costs $$$, but worth it. Also in the Philly area, Dr. Tina Ho is excellent also. I really like Dr. Ho’s facial rejuvenation surgeries and she has a gentle hand when it comes to Botox and fillers. She’s also really nice and kind as a person.


Thanks for all the great recommendations and feedback!


Tina Ho botched my rhinoplasty. It was BAD. I required a revision with another surgeon. Stay far away


Richard Reish and Dara Liotta are two NYC surgeons I would look at if money and geography is no issue. No one is perfect, but Reish is world renowned and has hundreds of post ops to prove he's got the goods. Liotta is a bit of a sleeper agent, but if you know you know. Does one of the cleanest rhinos I've ever seen. Absolutely chefs kiss at the end type of thing.


I love Dr.Reish’s work, he has flawless results. I also love how he’s very active on social media and makes informative/insightful videos. Thank you for your advice!


I do not recommend dr tobias. I had 2 surgeries with him and cannot breathe and do not like how it looks. In addition, he was supposed to do a alar base reduction during the first surgery and decided during the surgery that he didn’t think I needed it. It’s also not listed on the surgical report for the second surgery even though he said he did it!! Please be careful.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I would be so upset waiting my entire life to finally have the nose I always wanted, just for something like this to happen. I hope something changes for you soon. Also,omg.. so glad you let me know. He’s very expensive and I was really considering him to he in my top 4 surgeons to go to for a consultation. He has a couple pretty bad reviews that I happened to find, but I brushed it off. This was my sign so thank you lol Do you have any recommendations for another surgeon?