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“The mark of a good system is being able to hand it over to your enemy and not be worried” Butchering the quote (and can’t seem to find it on Google so someone please correct me if they can) but you get the point


> “The mark of a good system is being able to hand it over to your enemy and not be worried” 110% based


Dems have boxed themselves in because they portray a Republican victory as an existential threat to the country. Constituents who buy this narrative naturally want a resolution by any means necessary, because they now believe to lose is to die. Which of course means that any new political tools designed to beat Republicans will be handed to the Republicans when they win again. Dems have been banking on Republicans going extinct for a generation now, and act shocked every time they turn around to find they still exist.


There legit was a sense 10 years ago that democrats thought they’d have a political majority in perpetuity. You could see it reflected in the “demographics is destiny” crowd. You could also see it in the latent election denialism that followed Trump’s 2016 win.


It was straight up complacency and arrogance.The end of the bush years combined with Obama’s strength with the youth + minority vote made the Dems think they were invincible. They never thought the midwestern working class would turn on them like they did and shatter the big blue wall. I mean Ruth Bader Ginsburg refusing to retire so her successor was appointed by the first female president is pretty indicative of the scale of miscalculation the party has managed to accomplish since 2008.


Agreed. Arrogance did and still does define the prevalent attitude of the Democratic Party.


I feel like to some extent it's still there, given that there's now a toss up in running the guy who just got verbally battered on stage by the only other candidate, or last minute trying to shoehorn someone in (when a large portion of the electorate initially could have told you running Biden wasn't a good idea back in 2020, and only barely worked due to external circumstances) Maybe not amongst Democrats on the ground as much as Democrats in actual seats of power, but either way it feels like any time they make a move, it's somehow to spite anyone who tried to get Democrats to make larger moves.


I knew this big tent coalition that the Dems built up by 2015 was going to crumble. The arrogance of pushing Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders started the fracturing of the Big Blue Party


I happily voted for Obama in 2008 because I foolishly believed there would be hope and change. But their was neither. Even with that rare moment of controlling all three branches, the best they ever did was pass ObamaCare, which was just a money gift to the insurance companies. I also voted for him because he was so damn young. I was hoping his youth would lead to some real change. Instead we just got a mediocre to decent president.


Paying those fines for not having health insurance made me want to burn down some buildings


I'm sorry, but from the middle of the first paragraph this is the only thing I can think about: https://preview.redd.it/2li84sy9z8ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdcee8d0429102e98742d3392c819ceeefeca69f Dems in a nutshell


Yes. It is what happens when you tell your base comforting lies, then start to believe your own gas.


Kinda like how Roe was used as a tool for the longest time. It had multiple chances of getting codified in congress but the dems never followed through.


Pretending Roe was a "good ruling" is always wild to me. RBG said it was a bad ruling and very vulnerable to any challenge. That's why codifying it into law was part of Obama's platform. (and he absolutely could have done so instead of burning his political good will pushing through the mess that is the Affordable Care Act)


>Pretending Roe was a "good ruling" is always wild to me. RBG said it was a bad ruling and very vulnerable to any challenge. I'm still guffawing at RBG's sheer hubris of dying on the bench under Trump instead of retiring under Obama when they had the Senate. Probably the funniest prank pulled by a woman, ever.


She was expecting Hilary to win, so that she could retire and have the first woman president appointment her replacement. Whoopsie


Her blithe arrogance on this might be a statement on the mentality of the girlboss in general, lol.


I'm not sure that would have made much of a difference on the federal level, given how much of the authority in this area falls to the states. Sure, interstate commerce/travel and whatnot exist as edge cases to this, but in general it's states that make abortion law under their general police powers.


Tbf, after 8 years of obama, they really did feel like the eternal status quo. I remember starting off as pro clinton when I was a dumbass 16 year old because that was just what the status quo was saying was correct. It was only after I smartened up and realized the problems with said status quo that I started considering Trump and eventually voting for him when I could vote.


With how left leaning social media companies were during the Obama years, it definitely played into that perception. All the media was super liberal, social media vociferously banned and censored conservative talk. That still happens to a degree but I think conservatives have been successful in building a parallel economy of sorts.


Don't forget that "You're only against Obama because you're racist and want to see a black man fail" talk by Democrats and the Left.


then the repackaging of that as "you're just a misogynist who hates strong women" during HRC's run. no critique was entertained, no matter how valid.


It's a very common trope nowadays. Don't like ghostbusters? You must hate women! Don't like the acolyte? You hate women \*and\* are a racist. You can tell that sort of thing is losing steam now, thankfully.


Thankfully the democrats used the word racist so much it lost all meaning. Now you got micro aggression not liking forced diversity in movies and far radical literal KKK members in the same boat. So ya know of course people are going to react negatively to that.


I agree it’s losing steam, but it’s taken entirely too long to happen. SW is still getting run into the ground by people whose main concern is identity politics in general. I can’t even feel good about buying the old shit anymore knowing where the money is going.


So that's why they say such mean things about Thomas, Tim Scott, Ben Carter, the Democrats are racist


The fact that conservatives and libertarians still exist even after every form of media rails against them is proof of the competency of their ideas.




It's incredible how drastically the country changed after just 8 years of Obama.


Dems thought they had the golden ticket and Republicans just stopped attempting to govern, just went full obstructionist. Fox and co succeeded in brainwashing a large enough portion of their viewer base that Barry O and the dems were actively trying to destroy America and after Barry O the other media companies did the same thing to their viewers about Trump-tard and the GOP. Now we are here where half the country hates the other half and I just want to grill.


Obama is president. While he's president the US changes for the worse. It's republicans and fox news fault. Ah yes, logic checks out.


Makes sense every president plays the it's the other sides fault. And then trys to take credit for the good stuff that happens after they leave.


I am waiting for a Trump comeback for another 4 years of memes, that's all I need for al lifetime supply of entertainment, so please keep grilling or vote red. I also wanna buy the dip once the stock market freaks out so I can afford grad school.


The secret, of course, is that Trump isn't really better. He's just a different evil. A dumber, less insidious evil, but at least he isn't the status quo. He could at least accidentally shake things up for the better, I guess. I will continue to throw my vote away on the Libertarian ticket, because someone has to.


I ll also be voting third party, you aren’t alone here 😤🫡


They thought only boomers were republicans, and they are dying of old age. They didn't think that young males would do a hard flip to conservatism when their culture screams at them to be ashamed of themselves for how they were born


Don't forget that a lot of immigrants have socially conservative views by US standards. If you come from a country where being openly gay is uncommon or even illegal, then you're unlikely to agree with the idea of trans kids.


Democrats underestimate just how insufferable they are, which is why they keep being blindsided


Can’t disagree. The insufferableness and elitism of Democrats is what shifted me toward the right in college and afterward.


It's tough being a dem for this reason. The sheer fucking superciliousness and faux superiority complex is so grating. The first week of trump winning was deeply satisfying for me, but then reality sank in real quick >.> But man those first couple of days were the purest schadenfreude


> There legit was a sense 10 years ago that democrats thought they’d have a political majority in perpetuity. You could see it reflected in the “demographics is destiny” crowd. You could also see it in the latent election denialism that followed Trump’s 2016 win. [*The Emerging Democratic Majority*](https://www.amazon.com/Emerging-Democratic-Majority-John-Judis/dp/0743254783) and its consequences... But you're not kidding. There was a presumption that Hillary was headed toward her coronation on the backs of Latinos, who'd always be Democratic voters. Forever. As if they were a monolith and were literally incapable of changing their minds. [Even the 2016 election night sketch by SNL referenced this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHG0ezLiVGc). "Because of shifting demographics, there might never be another Republican president in this country." "...Word?" —————————————————————————————————— "I'm gonna go ahead and call it: Florida's going blue. To Latinos!" ["To Latinos!"](https://youtu.be/SHG0ezLiVGc?si=EBdcmYqm3pj7gXfr&t=86)


During Obama's second term there was a real sense that Democrats would never lose another election. Real enough that even middle school and early highschool me was able to sense it. Then Trump changed everything. Had a lot of fun spamming pro Trump memes sophomore year and then after he won I wore a MAGA hat and shit eating grin to class the next day.


All the dems had to do to win in perpetuity is not hyperfocus on a handful of divisive, irrelevant social issues and here we are.


If the left actually focused on helping the working class like they used to, they'd be far more popular. Instead, they unanimously decided to go down the Emily rabbit hole and focus on niche social issues that don't affect 95% of the population.


Kennedy democrats would win in perpetuity. The party became so devisive on social issues and things like illegal immigration that my mom, aunts, uncles - all Irish Catholic union members now vote Republican.




JFK/RFK. Who would probably be considered conservatives nowadays.


Hmmm. In some ways yes, like the whole gender identity and weird focus on drag queens and transgenders, but in some ways no - they needed to pursue economic policy that actually helped the working and middle classes. As it stands all they’ve offered is token legislation that was further watered down by Republicans. I don’t understand, for example, why the Live Nation and Ticketmaster merger was allowed to happen. Same thing with T Mobile and Sprint. Especially in the wake of 2008, Dems could’ve gone all in on breaking up toxically large institutions but they just accepted the idea of Too Big To Fail. Healthcare policy is a joke. Support for unions is a joke, not that union leadership is actually invested in the people they represent anyway. I think if Dems had pivoted to a more leftist economic policy, they’d be more successful electorally - their base would show out, and that’d sway a lot of independents. But the center-right-lite approach just does nothing for them.


Dems CAN'T pivot to more leftist economic policy. Sure, they promise it. But they can never deliver it. The political party itself has been captured by the billionaires. Sure, the same is true of the Republicans, but at least the Republicans are more or less honest about it. "We're going to tax the rich! Just as soon as those thousands of billionaires who run our super Pacs and run the party itself give us the okay!"


> "We're going to tax the rich! Just as soon as those thousands of billionaires who run our super Pacs and run the party itself give us the okay!" We're also going to have healthcare! Did I say healthcare? I meant extortion. We're extorting you on behalf of the insurance industry, get fucked plebs.


> latent election denialism latent? More like full-blown hysteria to this day.


If demographics is destiny then the Republicans will one day cease to exist... because they are too liberal


Well my point is that demographics are for sure not destiny, and Dems banking on every minority just co-signing whatever they want to do was a hilarious proposition to begin with, and has at this point totally backfired.


The celebrate all the liberal 18 year olds but don’t notice all the 30 year olds voting republican 12 years later. They are unable to process that people’s ideas change over time.


That sense existed in the 90s too during the Bill Clinton years. The Simpsons even made a joke about Republicans never winning another presidential election back then IIRC.


Next four years are going to be spicy if Trump wins.


Spicy for Dem city dwellers who will show everyone what a menace Trump is by...burning their neighborhoods down and looting electronics stores.


Me, a lib-center republican living in a Dem city: pray for me lads


*Keep your rifle by your side*




Follow the example of the Rooftop Korean's.


I just don't see how he doesn't at this point. The polling was already leaning in his favor before the worst debate performance in American history happened. And it isn't like what happened in that debate is something fixable, it's something that's actually going to get worse over the next 5 months. I really worry about what this means for Ukraine and global stability...


Any wagers on how many impeachments we'll get? I'm sure it'll be at least one more.


They do this crap with parliamentary rules in congress all the time, don't they?


Certainly rules committees may try to give themselves an edge here and there, but unless the composition of Congress becomes radically skewed, they would have a difficult time getting enough votes to install an "I Win, You Lose Forever" provision. I don't know actually where the guardrails lie for this type of thing, but at some point you would also run up against the basic workings of Congress and representation outlined in the Constitution, which would require a constitutional amendment to alter.


Yeah ofc they exist. This is a constitutional *republic*.


They both equally do not need unfettered power, nor the feeling of complete security from punishment for their actions. Fuck party alignment.


George Washingmachine guessed this 300 years ago. That a multi party system would tear the country in two.


Tf are we using “enemy”? We are on the same fucking team!


I was told in high school that the golden rule of expanding your political power, is asking yourself what the opposition will also do with that power. I don't believe this grade school level question has been asked by any major Washington politicians since 2012.


Hey remember when they were talking about court packing and LITERALLY EVERYONE WHO WASNT A CONGRESSMAN was like "this is going to be an arms race ending in tens of thousands of supreme court justices"?


It ends with every single person in the country being declared a SCOTUS judge and we accidentally reinvent direct democracy.




Judge Grills, reporting for duty.


Hmmmmm, I'm in


I got banned from the professors sub for saying that. Apparently it's Nazi apologism now.


Do they understand that they are giving the "Nazis" infinite unchecked power too?


"They'll never get that power if we save democracy by making it impossible to elect them."


'Oh no, our attempts to stop them getting elected got them elected!' You'd think with how much they bloody obsess over the Nazis, they would at least spend 5 minutes learning about what happened to Weimar.


It just proves they are on the same side.


The best example of this is the Nuclear option in the US Senate. Copied and pasted from Wikipedia "when a Democratic majority led by Harry Reid used the procedure to reduce the cloture threshold for nominations, other than nominations to the Supreme Court, to a simple majority.[2] On April 6, 2017, the nuclear option was used again, this time by a Republican majority led by Mitch McConnell, to extend that precedent to Supreme Court nominations"


Even more ironically, Harry Reid did this with the intent of giving the powers to president Hillary Clinton in 2016.


Womp womp, that led to Trump appointing how many justices, three?


Three, for now.


Likely five if he wins in November.


Whose retiring?


Thomas is 75 currently, Alito is 73, and Roberts is 69. If Thomas and Alito were smart, they’d step down towards the end of Trump’s term to ensure they get replaced by a young appointment. Roberts is Chief Justice and power hungry so I don’t see him stepping down during Trump’s term. Sotomayor is 69 also but no chance in hell she steps down if Trump is elected. Rumors about her health are circulating and dems have been pushing her to step down so Biden can replace her, but it’s unknown. I think 2 more appointments, or 5 total is expectable. It won’t change the 6-3 majority but it will mean 5 of the 6 are very young.


I give even odds to Sotomayor making it through 2028.


Everyone go ahead and thank Harry Reid for our current Supreme Court linup. He tried so hard to let Hillary stack the court he caused the overturn of Roe. I will bring this up every single time leftists advocate changing how the government functions to be more "democratic" or stop "fascism" or some such nonsense.


>Everyone go ahead and thank Harry Reid for our current Supreme Court linup. He tried so hard to let Hillary stack the court he caused the overturn of Roe. To be fair its not like McConnel couldn't change the rules if Reid didn't McConnel could have still changed the rule


Precedent is a massive thing, Republicans are usually too by the book to establish such a rule change. Due to the precedent, they made the change for very little cost.


Harry Reid is a scum. Lying about Romney not paying taxes and when confronted said, [“Romney didn’t win, did he?”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/09/15/harry-reid-lied-about-mitt-romneys-taxes-hes-still-not-sorry/) But that’s okay. He’s an asshole, but he’s our asshole.


He's dead so *was*. Still a goblin


How did I not realize he died a few years ago? Today may be a good day.


Unfortunately they renamed McCarran International Airport to Harry Reid National Airport because of "racism, anti-semitism, and xenophobia" but it was blatant, poorly disguised sympathy for communists/marxists as he was a staunch anti-Communist. Renaming an airport that was named after the first senator to be a strong proponent of air travel to the name of a corrupt piece of shit who publicly called Obama a monkey. This name change wasn't done with the approval of the public, either, it was entirely done by the Democrats running Clark County, with which the funds to perform this name change was all through private donations. How convenient!


As an aside I personally think LAX should go back to being called Mines Field because I think it's a funny name.


I will say this, I see nothing wrong with killing the filibuster and allowing Congress to do their job with a majority, the filibuster is a modern Senate rule not a requirement of the constitution and allowing Congress to actually do their jobs and the parties to go on record with what they ACTUALLY support allows Americans to vote more accordingly and get the change the people actually want to see Plus plenty of countries just need a simple majority in parliament to pass legislation including most US State legislators, the whole "u need muh 2/3rds to pass anything" bullshit is something Boomers in Congress shit out so they would always have an excuse to never do their fucking jobs while taking all of our money and dividing us anyways


The filibuster’s fine if they actually had to throw on a diaper and yammer until they lost their voice. Being able to filibuster like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy is soft.


Yeah there should be tools for a minority party to protest legislation but being able to kill anything that doesn't have 2/3 Senators in a country where both sides want radically different things and live in different realities is basically just a fancy way to give Boomers an excuse to not do their job but tweet about how evil the other side is anyway If this was any other country or even most US states you would just need a majority to legislate which is how it should be and instead of getting ridiculous and unrealistic promises from our leaders they would have to actually put their money where their mouth is and be held accountable by their constituents if they fuck up For example yeah Republicans can pass a federal abortion ban but 1 The President can veto it and 2. it will just lead to Democrats having 65 Senators and overturning it


I would be fine with a fillibuster if you know, they actually had to filibuster. Force the senator to get on the floor and talk for as many hours as they can. Far as I know only rand paul ever accomplished that recently.


I love precedent. It is a concept that somehow 99% of Reddit can't understand. If you allow something to happen once without fighting it you've established it as acceptable. Basically: if Trump wants to go after his political opponents in the future it is not only legal now but completely acceptable.


Both sides: “we can be trusted with this power, but the other guys can’t. Vote us”


"There's no way we'll ever lose elections either so there's no way this power we're asking you to give us will be turned against us or you."


I don't see no flair


Flair up scum


flair up


Flair absent. Opinion disregarded


Flair up!


Boy, we don’t cotton to unflaired folk here


\*Politicians This cuts across party lines on the regular.


Republicans scaremonger people's rights away citing criminals and immigrants; Democrats scaremonger people's rights away citing Republicans.


Mitchell McConnell didn't do a whole lot, but he did deliver a baller line a few years back after the dems pushed some sort of bill that would give them more power when they had majority: "You will regret that"


They still do this every time and are still calling for it now.


The calls to pack the supreme court because they don't like the last 2 rulings are insane


If Democrats add three additional justices to tip the rulings in their favor, Trump will add 20 additional justices. Never go full Borgia.


Though if you want a constitutional amendment establishing a set amount of justices on the Supreme Court, this is how you get it passed.


Roman senate moment


Could you imagine the collective ree if Republicans acted the way Democrats are right now?


Tbf republicans would act the same if the situations were reversed lol. Everyone plugged in is a hypocrite it seems.


Our brave command of power. Their disgusting ploy for control.


Except the perfect gigachad centrists, right?


Oh yeah for sure bro. Just stay grillin’. I’m about to join y’all’s team.


These assholes always call for changing things when they don’t like the outcome. Add more Supreme Court justices to cancel out the ones they don’t like. Abolish the electoral college because they don’t like people who don’t think like them having representation.


Anyone who calls for court packing of any sort doesn't play chess. Or can't fathom second order consequences. Sometimes I spend longer than usual contemplating the fact that 50% of America has a below average IQ. Not that I'm a rocket surgeon, mind you, but jeez.


I think it's because we don't teach self determination skills. It may be purposeful to keep a population vulnerable to propaganda. Just like how they dangle taking away social security all the time while they have money for everything else.




There's the longtime thought experiment of if an individual was given a time machine and a gun and using those, the ability to kill Hitler, would they? Along with various permutations - would someone who thought they couldn't commit murder be okay with killing Hitler; would it be justified if it was Hitler in childhood; what if it meant your own death, or that you couldn't return to your own time, etc. Most people's knee-jerk reaction is that, of course, you go for it. Then there is a significant number of people who actually believe, with all their being, that Trump is "worse than Hitler." When you combine the two ideas, you get a very concerning set of circumstances.


>Then there is a significant number of people who actually believe, with all their being, that Trump is "worse than Hitler." It’s amazing how people get so worked up into a blind rage over someone that they actively ignore all logic like this. I see it on Reddit a lot when presidential discussions come up and people here say Woodrow Wilson was the worst president of all time. Why? “Well he was a racist piece of shit!” But they ignore other presidents that *literally owned slaves* because they’re too busy fuming over meany head racist Wilson.


Wilson was the worst president of all time because his actions made the league of nations and that turned into the United Nations.


He also created the Federal Reserve


I hate Wilson so much.


Thing is, wilson was extremely racist *for his time* and really hurt the subject - segregating the federal government and giving support and immunity to the ku-klux-klan. Also it negatively effected his foreign policy, which was a flaming disaster.


I would bribe the art school to allow him in. Save everyone and no murders on your hand.


*monkey's paw curls* History proceeds as normal, but we get some absolutely bitchin' artwork out of it


Yeah the point completely went over your head. The entire point was that no President should ever have this kind of power, yet the Supreme Court forced it on the President (against his will btw as the Justice Department was arguing against it). The argument now being that since they forced this unwanted power on a Dem president, a power the Republican candidate wants and has openly promised to abuse, the Dem should use it first to prevent the Republican planned abuse. Dems have been arguing against this insane ruling but now that we have it anyway may as well use it once to prevent it ever being used again. The ironic part here is GOP begging for a crazy power grab for the President and now are pickachu facing now that there are calls (some ironic others not so much) to actually use the power handed to them that they didn’t even want. This is egg on GOPs face way more than Dems.


I am centre left and I legit do not understand what you guys are joking about here. The posts about Biden using seal team six is a reducteo-ad-absurdum of this Supreme Court ruling. It’s saying “if Trump wants to claim asking pence to overturn the real slate of electors was official presidential business, then surely using Seal team 6 to assassinate Trump could also be official presidential business” Obviously (other than the crazies) nobody on the left is saying we should actually assassinate trump. They’re just saying “this ruling is dumb, and neither should be above the law”. In fact, I honestly don’t understand OPs post. It feels the opposite to me - the republican court ruled that the republican ex president is “almost above the law” - shouldn’t it be republicans that are worried about how Biden might use this new power?? In fact it’s telling that no one actually seems to be worried about this (almost like no one really thinks Biden is an authoritarian threat). Why aren’t republicans worried Biden will ask Kamala to scrap the 2024 slate of electors? Edit: looking for good faith disagreement!!


I'm right wing, but I agree here, that is clearly mostly reductio ad absurdum


While I think that's generally true, I'm sure lots of them are serious.


"Because I can imagine people being like this, it must be so." Well I can imagine you being worn like a sock puppet by a large handed Swede named Gunther, but that doesn't make it so.


I got my first Reddit Cares Award, I made it boys!


That's how leftists concede the argument


Nah it definitely happens on both sides of the aisle, I got one from a right-winger a few weeks ago, and then from a leftist a week before.


I have received it several times from righties and lefties


i still remember when I was new to Reddit and I got one…I was so confused😐


Report it. There should be an option to do so in the message. Reddit doesn't fuck around with people abusing that.


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I got one a while back and I still have no idea what comment it was for lol


Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. Sow no wind, reap no whirlwind. Sow less government, reap less tyranny.


If people who agree with my philosophy are running things, it is not tyranny.


The perfect solution to this problem is to just never let the opposition come to power again, by any means necessary


Now we're fucking talking.


Hell yeah, then we can all just get on with our lives rather than arguing "Hurr my party didn't win" every 8 years. What a stupid merry go round


That'll protect democracy!


Who said anything about protecting democracy?


That made me think of this meme. https://preview.redd.it/t84jca8u26ad1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5d0a8512e9933425fae25e9da8799f4285527d Sorry it's shitty but I made this on my phone on the toilet at work.


Based and Paid to Poo pilled


Dictators are great when it's your guy in charge.


Problem with dictators is they don't stay your guy.


With a dictator I'm super happy half the time. With democracy I'm super unhappy all the time


“Lets pack the courts” - Dems right now, again “Oh no why are you adding justices?” - Dems when the next R president


Didn’t the Supreme Court just do that but for the other side.


Yeah, since when is this sub just blatantly fake news?


He probably thinks since it happened during Biden's term, the Dems are responsible.


This is why it was always called a political nuclear option. Mutually assured destruction.


Democrats love [shooting their dicks off](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2013/11/harry-reid-and-filibuster-reform-the-nuclear-option-is-a-huge-victory-for-progressives.html)


Wow, now that's an article that aged poorly.


What's this in reference to? Are you talking about the Supreme Court decision on pesidental power?


never expected to see a gundam meme on this sub but this was an extremely pleasant surprise


I dont know what democrat ever saw that ruling as a good thing.


Just be glad the federal regulatory agencies got the ability to interpret laws as they feel they should be. The President is in charge of them. Now, he isn't able to tell them to do something only Congress and the courts can do.


Wouldn't it be the other way around? 3 of the 9 SCOTUS judges were appointed by Trump


Don't confuse PCM with the facts Both parties have expanded government power


You just have to accept the majority of people on this sub are terminally online people who’s exclusive media outlet is one guy on YouTube they watch and agree with


This really is a chronic problem I can't tell what is real anymore. Sources on the right say the left has a stranglehold on the country and wants to infringe on your rights, turn you gay, steal your money and want to put all their political enemies in jail. The sources on the left say Trump wants a complete takeover of the government, piss on the constitution, make the rich richer and project 2025 is the start of the 4th Reich. Who is right, wrong and to what degree?


Yea it’s also hard to tell trolls, bots, etc. I think the safest path for an individual is to resist the gut reaction to a story and look into it. Regardless of political leaning Also, have your own beliefs and don’t just capitulate to whatever your party and or political leader tells you. Too many people look at politics as a game of winning or losing when it should really be “hey what’s the best pathway to use our resources and scale to make sure we’re the best that we can be as a country”


No the meme is criticizing the expansion of the supreme court which was a suggested reaction to the ruling. This of course would bit them in the ass when a Republican takes charge and just expands it again using their precedent See: Harry Reid Trump filling 3 spots != expanding it


Yes. It's literally Democrats who opposed this expansion of power and Republicans who supported it. Biden promised not to utilize it and Republicans are already plotting how they will.


It literally is the other way around, PCM'ers are so fucking obtuse they blame the left for shit the right does constantly.


I do believe this is referring to the changes to the cloture and filibuster rules, made by Dems, then successfully being wielded by subsequent Republicans. Or at least something like it. I don't believe the SCOTUS situation is a good example of the OP meme.


I find it ironic that this meme has been posted while the Supreme Court is considering a case for presidential immunity from crimes for Trump.


Wow I didn't realize Biden packed the court, man I'm so misinformed


“DeMoCrAcY dIeD tOdAy”


110% what happened when Trump won in 2016. They spent 8 years voting more and more power into the executive branch. Suddenly someone else had that power. "No one should have that power!" No fucking duh, as every right wing, centrist, and plenty of left wingers told you. Checks and balances exist for a reason. You literally have yourselves to blame.


Wen da fuq did the democrats do this last?


You mean the thing that dems didn’t do and are actively trying to undo? This is sub has been more delusional everyday lately.


Republicans do the same thing lol. Both sides are fucking stupid and don't think about how the other side will use new powers.


It makes perfect sense. If you don’t take advantage of an opportunity, the other side will when they get a chance. If you do take advantage of an opportunity, the other side will also when they get a chance. So, which is the better overall outcome for your team?


Who the fuck thinks Democrats gave this power I can't believe this is getting upvotes


Project 2025 is every year for the blueys


No matter who wins, we all lose


Everyone is always talking about how to make their stick bigger and bigger. All I want to do is take away the stick.


...Arbitrary attempts at impeachments and packing the Supreme Court with extra slots... *"How could this possibly go wrong!?"*


It's because totalitarians never intend to allow their opposition to be in power ever again. The other guys being in charge and getting to use the new power, it's not supposed to work that way. The power is supposed to prevent that from happening


I really don't understand the controversy. Well I do, because we need to fear monger "our democracy is at stake!!!!!!" - just like it was the first time, right? Anyways, they didn't give the president anymore power then they already had. They reaffirmed what the constitution already says. "But.... but they've never had to do that in 250 years" Correct, they've never had a political opponent attempt to be persecuted in such a shame way.


Yeah my favorite part of the constitution, presidential immunity. Not made up by an activist court at all.


> Republicans on the supreme court expand presidential power > Democrats: this is bad, we won't use this power > Republicans: this is good, we will use this power > PCM: how dare Democrats expand presidential power, now Republicans will use it, Democrats hoist by their own petard!


Wait, isn't this exactly what just happened with the recent SCOTUS decision just politically inverted?


I don’t see how the left has anything to do with the latest executive power expansion


Did the democrats stack the Supreme Court? Huh? Was it the democrats who passed the Patriot Act? Oh?


Yeah the democrats declared the president immune to laws. Sure. They're the power hungry ones.