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The amount of people running red lights lately is just mind boggling. Like, not even running them accidentally but stopping at the intersection and just deciding it’s clear enough to go 🫠😵‍💫🤔


I feel like the number of people blatantly choosing to break the law has increased, regardless of how dangerous it is. It's not just red light running. The number of people who just straight up pass on double -yellows or on residential streets where it's always illegal is going up too. I've been passed about 7-8 times this year while commuting on Marine drive. (Edit - and no, I wasn't going below the limit 😃). Twice they passed not just me but a truck going right at the speed limit in front of me. Worse, someone passed me on N Woolsey St a couple months back. I was going the speed limit. I know this area, I live here, there are way too many kids and pedestrians to even think of doing something that fucking selfish and stupid. Motherfucker floored it and must have been going 45 or 50 by the time they had to slam the brakes on for the red light on at Lombard. People like that need to have their cars sized and licenses revoked. Permanently.


Lookin at you 72nd and Foster


Oh 92nd and Foster


Or 82nd and Johnson Creek


Came here to post this, and the person who already posted it has a TV on the Radio username, from one of my favorite songs. Are you me? Edit: never mind, you're a Minnesota fan and I'm from Wisconsin, couldn't be more different


😂😂 well my wife is a sconnie so maybe I’m the Bizzarro version of you?


Bizzarro Jerry? Where up is down, left is right?


I live right by there and crossing that intersection on foot feels like a gamble every time.


That fucking left though?! It's impossible unless it's like 3 AM.


That's why you bum rush it as soon as the light changes. East Coast style


I’ve noticed a weird uptick in people just straight up crossing over the entire intersection from the far right lane, to turn left. As in, they’re sitting at the front of the far right turn lane at a light, then just cutting straight over through the intersection to join the people turning left from the middle lane.


I got hit by someone doing this very thing last January.


Gosh I’m so sorry


Some dude did this to me one time and I just laid on the horn and made my way in front of him as he was trying to take my position. I was shocked at the look of amazement on his face as he threw his hands in the air at me, as if to ask me what my problem was. Like, sure dude. You're more special than me. Just go ahead and treat me like shit.


An hour ago some dude seem to find normal to use the emergency lane by Terwilliger exit on I5 south going around 65 while I was going 55 in the “slow” lane. Why…


In Oregon the right lane is the passing lane, the left lane is for cruising 10 mph below the speed limit.


You must not have driven for a while. The shoulder is now the passing lane.


Main character syndrome. He cannot understand why you are on his road.


I'm just a sad NPC.


I've seen this twice now on Sandy.


Or driving in the oncoming lanes to bypass a left turn queue


I’ve been meaning to ask if people have seen an uptick in overall aggressive driving in the past few weeks. Just like all of the sudden my commute went from “pretty impressive for a city without traffic enforcement” to Mad Max.


Also stop blocking the intersections just because you wanna make the light. If you can’t actually cross the intersection just take the L and stop while it’s green.


It’s really annoying when I stop because I can’t make the light and the asshole turning right on red decided I must have stopped so he can cut in. No asshole, I’m waiting to enter the intersection until I can clear it.


This is absolutely the worst!


Yes I get honked at all the time for stopping when I don’t have room on the other side of the intersection, drives me nuts!


Ah you must have met the WA asshole who commute northbound on 205.




Turns out every state has terrible drivers.


Don’t even get me started on plasma drivers.


I feel like I'm a pretty solid driver.


Speaking of that, here's one... How about we *all* pull over to the right, as far as you safely can, when there's an ambulance or firetruck coming thru with lights and siren?? I see so many people who keep on going or, if they do stop, simply stop where they are. They don't clear a path. It's like they're afraid that if they get out of position, another driver will gain an advantage and get ahead of them. For God's sake, lives are at stake people! Your personal schedule comes waaay after that.


The other day there was an ambulance coming down the street and when the light changed, pedestrians started crossing, directly into the path of the ambulance. It was baffling


Someone honked at me on Naito the other day for slowing down for a fire truck. Honestly don't what reality people live in where they just pretend like they don't see or hear the giant red flashy truck coming down the street.


I don’t think it’s about a schedule, it’s about winning.




Agreed. The sad thing is that there are drivers who take advantage of the people who correctly pulled off to the right. So many times I've looked in the mirror to begin pulling back into the lane after the emergency vehicle(s) passed to find some douchebag gunning it past everyone. The last few times where I've been able, I've casually pulled in front of said douchebags and made them slam on their brakes. Screw 'em.


But it's a legit fear. I almost get rear-ended on driver side many times when I go back into traffic because some asshole wants to jump in front of me and take advantage of the space the emergency vehicle made vacant.


So let him go ahead of you. Trying to stop him only makes it less safe for *everyone*, whereas letting him be a dickknob only endangers him. And it makes it easier for cops to see, too, when it's just one guy rather than a huge cluster of people fighting to be *just 1 car further*. Out of all the places I have lived and driven, Portland drivers seem to have the most trouble with competitive driving and road vigilantism. It's wild how bad it is here, and everyone thinks they're the exception when they're not. Lol. It's wild.


AMEN!! Amen! I’ve never seen this shit anywhere else.


Much like people who don't like other people merging just before the end as you are supposed to..it depends on how far the emergency services are and their rate of speed. A mile away no, a few blocks away? GTF over


I call this behavior the intelligence test


A couple of weeks ago I was on 45th waiting to cross Multnomah and watched some idiot in the unprotected left turn lane pull so far out that she blocked the left turn lane for the 2 cars turning left from the opposite direction.


You should never “get caught in the intersection”. If there isn’t space for you to go through then don’t enter the intersection—I’m looking at you everyone trying to get on 26.


I love it when people freak out and honk at me for not going through when clearly there's no space for another car to fit without being in the intersection. It makes me smile knowing they're upset I'm not being an inconsiderate jerk.


I've had people just go around me when I do that. Like, sorry, I just want to be a decent driver.


I hate it when it looks like there is going to be room, but the two cars in front leave 20’ of space in front of them and stop instead of pulling up to the next car


People freak out and honk when you do that. It’s nuts.


Don’t block the box!


Unfortunately if you live in certain places it becomes a forced maneuver. People who learn to drive in other West Coast cities are probably used to this. I know of places where you will literally never get through the intersection if you don't get caught in the intersection. Seattle especially has some bad spots.


In LA it’s pretty much a rule that if there’s no protected left turn, 2 cars turn left inbetween or after the yellow-to-red transition. That being said, don’t think that really needs to be adopted in Portland anytime soon.


This is all over in Arizona too, and I was told it's legal there (to sit in the intersection on a blinking yellow and go after the light has cycled to red). Not sure if it's true, but I'd usually see 2-3 cars turn left before the oncoming traffic could go forward despite having the green light when driving around Phoenix.


In most east coast states you are allowed to wait in the intersection to turn left, if there is no one in front of you. To his allows you to turn more quickly/safely because you don't have to first pull forward to make the turn. Then you're also required to clear the intersection when the light changes, so you legally get 1 car through that way.


Hot summertime anger, be SUPER CAREFUL of road rage and impatience this time of year.


I've sort of wondered why this seems to have become more frequent in the last 5-10 years...


Population (of the whole metro area) has grown by almost 20% in the last ten years. I just assume it's all the new people bringing their different driving cultures here. 🤷


actually...I was in the Bay Area from 2014-17, and I was mystified by people running stop lights so much more often, yes, usually close after the light-change. I wondered why. Then I moved back here and noticed similar behavior...


There's definitely been a change in car culture here over the last several years towards being more aggressive and less bike/pedestrian friendly. It correlates with our pop increase, but who knows what the actual reason is. I moved here from Tennessee 25 years ago and was surprised how bold the pedestrians were. Now a days pedestrians *need to be* way more cautious


I can tell you pedestrians are still very bold. I'm an incoming train with horns blaring and they don't even look up from their phones. Like they trust that I see them and will slow down. Do you know how hard it is to stop a train? Like, r/bitchimatrain.


Seriously. There’s plenty of bold pedestrians still. One that really gets me is the people who will cross the street with oncoming cars assuming you’ll stop, then they get to their car and swing the door all the way open into the lane. It’s very irritating.


I said bold not stupid. 😆 But yeah I take your point. I was thinking more of people I know who've lived here decades who can no longer assume that cars will stop for them if they're trying to cross at an intersection. Of course, I saw something new on the other extreme the other day: a car stopped for me at a busy intersection on 82nd where they had a green light and I was waiting for the walk sign. Dumbass glared at me for not risking my life for his "courtesy".


Also speeding. When I moved here in 2006, NO ONE speeded on the highway. Now, when I'm going the limit, I'm the slowest by far. No where needs to be gotten to that quickly. Slow down and enjoy life.


The entire United States is driving like this now. It’s not just here. Apparently everyone started driving like maniacs during the pandemic (after the mask mandate) and haven’t stopped. Been a lot of articles on it. And my insurance agent will tell you some stories…


We got rid of traffic cops and the most obvious outcome ever happened


It's the Californians, 100 percent.


I’ve seen more red lights run in one year in the Central Valley than in my entire (admittedly short thus far) life in Oregon. So glad to be moving back home next week.


Its almost as if a city that allows open squalor and lawlessness is encouraging a general disregard for basic traffic laws….mmmm, so weird…


The act of driving a car makes like 20% of the population totally insane. This is why people want car free zones and significant traffic calming in cities. No amount of enforcement or pleading will make people who drive like psychos drive more considerately.


The bigger the car, the more people feel like they can do whatever they want in my experience. So much road rage from people in trucks




The implied speed limit increases inversely proportional to the number of cars on the street. Duh... It's a similar thing with the need to tailgate in the left lane during rush hour. I think that's in the driver manual that so many people obviously didn't read.


The other fun one is when people in those big trucks or SUV’s see what kind of car I’m driving. (New WRX) Instantly cut me off or do whatever they can to not let me in when I’m merging on to the freeway. My choice at that point is to either drop a gear and just swoop in front of them because I AM faster than they can even realize OR hit the brakes and risk getting rear ended. Yet when I drive my jeep or even when I had my jetta it never happens. And I drive them all the same for the most part, I mean obviously one can be a lot faster, but I drive the same speeds regardless of which vehicle I’m driving.


Isn't this amazing? Similar situation. My family, we have newer cars to commute. We also have a rusty, visually-falling-apart 40-year-old Chevy work truck that we use to do property maintenance, get mulch, and take loads for recycling. With our wide-brim hats and work clothes, we look like landscapers or whatever. You would not believe how the attitude is totally different from other drivers on the freeway. Now, the truck isn't happy going much over 70, but we'll be in the freeway right lane or on a side street and people tailgate like we're completely in the way. Swoop around angrily, the whole act. Same speeds, but in the commute cars, not nearly the same treatment. And, I have to be honest, it's usually a big newer truck or SUV, like you've noticed. I hate to make a judgment, but... yeah. Last time, it was a young woman in an SUV on 205, and we're in the right lane, she's tailgating. Like... go around! Move to the center lane and pass us. Yo.


Not only the size but also the dealer price of the car.


Whoever paid the most for their car has the right of way. /s


I thought it was a Portland thing, because I figured it was some sort of residual thing about culture or whatever and streets not being designed for trucks. Here in Nashville for a week, and the most aggro drivers are still the trucks, and they have an ongoing problem with road rage shootings. Also Nashville traffic is the second worst traffic for aggression I have seen in the country- LA is still the worst.


I hate giant cars as much as the next person but asshole driving is not the domain of large car owners. Plenty of regular and smaller cars drive like maniacs too. That being said giant trucks and SUV’s are terrible.


I don’t think it’s the cars that cause folks to be completely self concerned and devoid of empathy but the anonymity of getting behind the wheel probably exacerbates it.


Cars: encouraging anti social behavior since forever


I had a friend who memorized the route of the driving test only, passed, and then NEVER IMPROVED HER DRIVING SKILLS OR BECAME A BETTER DRIVER...


I blame the lack of traffic enforcement/general law enforcement. The amount of cars I see that either don’t have any plates on them (not even temp reg), or look like they haven’t been inspected in 30 years is insane to me. Not too long ago I saw someone cut off a cop on Broadway without even using their turn signals, sped off, and they didn’t do anything about it lol


>I blame the lack of traffic enforcement/general law enforcement. This is exactly the issue. PPB very publicly announced they weren't going to enforce any traffic laws and people now drive knowing there aren't any consequences.


Traffic/pedestrian deaths are also shockingly high. It’s not a coincidence. [63 people were killed in Portland traffic crashes in 2022, report says (OPB)](https://www.opb.org/article/2023/03/13/portland-traffic-deaths-crash-2022-bureau-of-transportation/?outputType=amp)


>It’s not a coincidence. It's definitely not. The PPB made this calculation in an attempt to further punish Portlanders for overwhelmingly voting in police oversight measures in 2020.




Just the other day I was stuck behind a car on the 5 that had so much shit coming out of it's tailpipe, I thought it was on fire at first.


And fuck all of you out there without licenses. Seriously.


It is a misdemeanor so a lot of people just keep dealer plates. Similar in the part of California were. I am from. Was unfortunately a neighbor to a road rage truck driver. For over 3 years that I was his neighbor, he had new dealer plates (advertisement placard) and would change them once in a while as they got old. Great way to avoid tolls and keep from being tracked by his victims.


Please stop driving drunk, high, distracted or some combination of all of the above. It's painfully obvious.


It seems like everyone on the road is on their phone


If I could just WFH and not risk injury driving everyday, that would be great.


Yeaaaahhhh... Actually if you could come in this weekend, yeah, that'd be great... Thanks...


Yeahhhh.... I'm gonna need those tps reports by the end of the day.


The amount of times I have to avoid people hitting my car every week while commuting is ridiculous. No wonder car insurance is so high in this area.


Yes. Ive seen so many high speed, reckless lane changes lately. Wtf why cant people invest a few seconds in being safe about it


Just this week someone in a hurry on the Ross Island in 5 o’clock traffic almost clipped my front end quickly changing lanes when there wasn’t an opening and they were trying to go way too fast


It's almost like people are hiveminds and can't self govern when they see others breaking the law with no consequences. We need more enforcement of all traffic codes.


The governor just signed a bill that expands red light cameras. So if you drive while poor, obey the laws.


that will work real great for ever increasing population driving without plates. /s once again only the tax and fee paying populace is getting in trouble


We need some sort of reporting system on this, and occluded plates. I sound like a nag here, but it's reaching the point where a bunch of cars can't be identified by plates anymore. I know on the east coast they have reporting of cars with fake plates or occluded plates to get out of speeding tickets.


I had a rich person threaten me recently because I said I drove the speed limit. We weren't even driving and he was red with anger. I told him he didn't pay my speeding tickets and he should lobby for different speed limits if that's what he wants.


Those jerks I move over and let them get the tickets. They can afford to pay those $300 fines. I had one call me a Wh0re because I could not make left turn fast enough. The Sheriff behind us was happy to pull him over.


Unless there has been a recent change in enforcement I don’t think there is much penalty anymore unless you are pushing 90+ mph. I mean yes you could theoretically get pulled over for speeding but that does not seem to be happening if you are on a highway or freeway and keeping below 90.


Exactly, we call them rabbits or bird dogs where I'm from - they flush out the cops ha


I love instant karma


Traffic tickets should still exist but scale with income. There absolutely needs to be a consequence for reckless driving, whether it happens in a 2023 Audi or a 2003 Honda.




I have no problem with such a system. I was once pulled over in Hood county for speeding. (Actually, all of the traffic was going about 90. I just happened to be the only one that wasn't aware of the speed trap ahead, so I was the only one going 90 at the wrong moment. Mea culpa.) The fine was going to be over $400. However, since I had a clean driving record (of getting caught) they allowed me to take a day of traffic school. For $65. That cost, plus the costs of the drive to Hood River and lunch, were cheaper for me than the cost of the ticket and new insurance rates. And the violation came off of my record. $400 is a lot of money for most people, especially for a "kid" in his late 20's.


Do it yourself https://www.portlandtribune.com/news/as-an-oregon-citizen-you-can-write-a-traffic-citation/article_53b43938-4175-5f41-bd2f-074ebec1a6be.html


this would be helpful if the insane drivers on the road here actually had valid plates/any plates at all on their vehicle I guess you could follow the driver and get their VIN when they park and leave the car, but I’m not about to risk my life We need actual traffic enforcement in this city


And don't honk behind me when I take a moment to look left and right after our light turns green.


For real it always cracks me up when people are immediately honking at the green. I’ll give my horn a little love tap if the person in front of me is obviously on their phone and oblivious to the light, but otherwise its safety first and chill out people.


My mom gets mad at me whenever I honk. I’ll be in the car with her and wait at least 2 seconds before honking at someone who’s on their phone, and she’ll still get on my ass about it lmao. I asked her how often she uses her horn, and she said “never”… That’s not something to be proud of, *MOM!*


It's so odd that Americans think honking is mean.


Depends on the light, some of them only let three cars through. I don't want to wait a whole second cycle because you're too busy playing with your stereo to see the light changed. Let off the brakes so people can tell you're doing something and you'll get honked at less. Edit to the dude who replied "yeah just roll into traffic and get hit by the people running the red lights" and then deleted his moronic reply, I hope you realize you can gently let off the brakes without flying into traffic before you hurt someone. If you don't want to communicate that you can see the light change, don't bitch when I directly communicate with my horn about it.


I refuse to let someone honk to intimidate me into risking my life. If I’m wrong, they lost a few seconds of time. If they’re wrong (and they usually are, as they can’t see as far to either side as I can), .I’m the one getting injured or killed.


Also please go to the front of the merge lane. Stopping 20 cars because you can't understand how a zipper works is dum dum


…as traffic backs up into the previous intersection. Don’t waste perfectly good pavement!


Unfortunately people try to actually kill me when I do this, and it happens nearly every time - some idiot in an SUV thinks that you haven't waited long enough to enter "their" lane so they try to run you off the road. I just straight up don't zipper merge unless the other drivers are in semi trucks because they'll at least get it.


Also please stop blowing through stop signs! I live in NW and this has become such a massive problem. I can’t think of a single time I’ve been in the car with my partner that we didn’t almost get creamed because some idiot either completely ignored the stop sign or was so distracted/oblivious that they didn’t see they had a stop sign. When I’m out on my own as a pedestrian I am typically in a wheelchair and I notice it happening a lot then too. I’ve been nearly run into/over both inside and outside of a car, by other cars, that I’ve literally started having nightmares about it. I grew up in a major city, I have spent all but about 1 year of my life in cities and this has never been a problem before, at least nowhere near to this degree. The amount of increased aggressive driving, road rage and distracted driving over the last year or two has gotten fucking insane here.


I made the mistake of going to Winco in "Happy" Valley today ... at no point did anyone exceed 20mph in the 35mph posted speed on 82nd ave ... and I got honked at for stopping when the protected turn light turned red before the guy in front of me ran it, while I was also yelling at the asshats taking a coffee break at the protected turn signal! Its that Arbys right on the corner - people seem to think its cool to just block a major (King Rd) road while you wait for the drive through line to move


That’s an LA driver thing. It’s super weird and dangerous everywhere BUT in LA and it’s a crazy hard habit to break. I’m not from LA but I lived there for work for two years and you basically have to learn it. It took me a couple months to unlearn it when I left. That’s not an excuse, just an explanation. It needs to not happen.


I've noticed that when I cross over into Washington people drive about 10 mph faster and give less notice for changing lanes. I think Oregon is the outlier


DUDE thank you for this. Washington drivers have *zero* clue what a turn signal is. Its so confusing.




That's Oregon drivers. Merge? wtf is that?


People seem to get very offended by a zipper merge situation, which is too bad because it’s very effective.


Was hoping someone pointed this out. It's absolutely an LA thing. (though it happens in SF too)


lol, what do they call "California stops" down there? just "stops"?


Yeah, it's unfortunately almost completely necessary to turn after the light has gone red if turning left anywhere in LA. One thing I learned when visiting my family down there last year. For a place as car-dependent and sprawling as LA you'd think they would at least let those stuck in traffic make less risky moves towards their destination.


I was back in LA recently, and I saw for myself that a lot of drivers really have gotten worse. So much more honking, too.


Came here to say this


Also vehicles please stop using the bike lane. That is for people with pedals only. Not for you to park your vehicle and smoke crack in. If you have a vehicle related emergency pulling into a parking lot is a lot safer than pulling over and potentially crushing a biker. Also White Lincoln Navigators please stop trying to side swipe random people on the freeway.


I’m not disagreeing with you but technically cars have pedals too




Technically correct. The best kind of correct. LOL.


🔥🔥🔥 literally cannot with these idiots parked fully in bike lanes or driving half in and half out. Gtfo of my way!


And stop ratrunning through parking lots and small neighborhoods. You make things worse for everyone by being a selfish prick.


Can we add driving the same speed/slower in the left lane on the freeway


This is beyond annoying, daily I’ll get behind some yahoo in a pickup going 40-42 in a 55. Just cruising in the left lane. NOT WHAT ITS FOR FOLK


I assume every left turn will have an extra driver or two after the light turns red. It’s ridiculous how often this happens. It’s not red + 1…….


Saw a motorcyclist with a "northwest patriots" vest run two red lights yesterday by Clackamas mall, also nearly got T Boned by a Lexus 2 seconds after I had a green and was moving into the intersection waiting to turn left last week. Way too many cars out there with no plate/paper license in windows feeling emboldened to drive like ass after facing no consequences the last few years. Sadly none of them are going to read your post and think it applies to them or care but I commiserate with you.


I moved in from Colorado and I totally thought the traffic laws must be different out here. For example, in CO and most everywhere else, if the traffic engineers specifically put a red arrow that means you can't turn (even right). If the light is just red you can make a right turn barring other signage. Uniquely, in Oregon it appears red arrows are no different than just normal red lights. Nobody ever waits at them for the light to turn. I started doing it too but this would easily get me in trouble outside of Oregon.


I'm a local. Years back, in HS traffic safety courses, they taught that it was not legal to turn right on a red arrow, specifically. You would think... what's the point of installing a red-arrow signal, if, legally, it's the same as a plain red circle? I think, maybe it used to be illegal and the law changed, or everyone is just ignoring those arrows.


I know it’s not strictly Portland but there is a 100% chance that people will run the red light at Scholls Ferry and Cascade. I have been driving through that intersection every day for the last 10 years, and post-Covid it is GUARANTEED that someone will run it. I’ve even reported it to the county since I think the light is not timed properly, and they just shrugged their shoulders. Oh well.


Been in the area a couple years now, and the thing I notice most around here with driving habits compared to most other places I have lived, is following way too close. I learned always give at least three car lengths, more at greater speeds. I almost want to put a bumper sticker that reads, "If you insist on riding my ass, can you at least buy me dinner first?" What is up with that?


It was a speed thing I was taught. 30 yards behind when 30mph, 55 yards at 55mph and so on. Just a guideline though. Astonishing when cars are doing 65mph on 26 about 25 yards behind the next driver.


My favorite is, “…at least pull my hair.”


Friendly reminder that it is legal to turn left against a red arrow onto a one way road!


It's like the Wild West out there. I was driving on Columbia Blvd. First, at Vancouver or Victory, there was a smashed up Prius in the left lane. Hazards on, no driver in sight. I think stolen and got in an accident, so driver ran. Not 2 mins later, at Chautauqua, crazy truck did a spin out, burning rubber. Then a car full of teens with a teen with his torso sticking out a window entered the scene. I later saw the same teens around Willis. I prayed to make it home safely that day.


How about we stop hanging out in the left lane whilst going slower than traffic in the right lane. Cause you're going to get passed on the right when you don't move that Rav4 /Rogue / CRV / Highlander / MDX out of the PASSING LANE. But we all know that's when you start to accelerate and give that karen-class glare or start talking shit with your window rolled up. Oh, and also, when you hit the gas as someone is passing you legally on a 2 lane road. What are you trying to prove? Because you're not only being petty, you're putting lives at risk.


So much blatant red light running in NW and especially. 23rd/21st area. I almost got hit crossing the street by a red light runner at like 6pm by Legacy last week. No one should run red lights anywhere, but ESPECIALLY the most pedestrian neighborhood in the city.




Amen to this one a thousand times. It is beyond ridiculous. I don't drive often but every damn time I'm on the road there are red light runners. Today between home near Mall 205 (west of 205) and the Clackamas County PetSmart, four intersections with red light runners. This isn't a new thing, Portland drivers ignoring red lights. Must be very cautious at all busy intersections. Pause before moving forward with the green light. The runners, doesn't matter if they are going straight or making left turns.


Driving a daily commute is PVP. You have to assume the worst from other drivers at all times.


Here’s one, actually fucking stop and let pedestrians cross at designated crosswalks. It’s the law, you dumbasses!!!!


I don't know if it's a holiday weekend thing but I've seen like 10 different motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic, passing in a no passing zone (26 to the coast), or driving at at least 20-30 over the speed limit. I recognize that motorcycles often take risks, but the behavior seems particularly risky these last few days


I saw someone run a red light but then follow that up by stopping in the middle of the road to let someone walk across the road without a cross walk. Bizarre


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get out of the far left lane on the freeway if you aren’t passing/going above speed limit people end up stacking and crowding the left lane and (justifiably) frustrated drivers dart out to pass on the right which is SO DANGEROUS the left lane is not for you to cruise in (I’m looking at you Prius/Subaru drivers)


I don't think the people doing the red light running you're referring to are going to be taking driving tips on Reddit. Not saying it shouldn't be mentioned here, just saying I have seen a ton of people do this as well and I think they're beyond caring what is safe or smart.


Stop signs too. I'm always having to slam on my breaks on Brooklyn St because people blast through the stop signs.


It’s really bad!


This happens in Tigard all the time.


Ive just started going when my light turns green. Surprises the shit out of some of the people who are going for the red light. Nearly been hit a couple times, but its worth it when they stop in the middle of the intersection and you can honk and point at your green light, making them the a-hole.


Covid turned everyone into a Feral inconsiderate asshole


Reminds me of NE Broadway & NE 33rd Ave!


Also get off your damn phone…


Some asshole the other day literally swerved into the other lane to go around cars waiting at a red light so they could go through a 3 way intersection. I was unlucky enough to be crossing the street and I was quite close to getting smushed bc he saw me at the last second and swerved. Almost gave me a heart attack. And of course the car was obnoxiously loud. Fuck that guy.


It is crazy. More and more people are getting bolder and just bluntly running them solid red. Time every light had a camera.


I blame Californians, I remember that it was pretty common in LA so I think they brought it with them.




Red is the new yellow…


live on LC coast and the sirens all day long from tourists crashing is crazy, so not just a pdx problem. it's like, dude, just stop at the lights. It's not a big deal, people. You're not on your way to cure cancer.


So I make a post here asking people not to park in mobility spots illegally, and it gets deleted as a rant. But this gets to stay up? Cool. Cool.


And get over as far left as you can when you're turning left so the rest of us can go.


Also tell pedestrians to stop crossing when it clearly says stop.


Started last year, and blows my mind. I was never a proponent for red light cameras until now. California much?


Yes. Wherever you brought this from, send it back. Not welcome here.


These posts are the absolute pinnacle of pointless choir preaching. You may as well make "please stop stealing things" or "please stop selling drugs" next.


Stop all the downloading!!


Remember when there were cops patrolling? After they got in so much heat from the blm protests it’s like they’ve quiet quit now. I commute through Portland every day and rarely see a cop anymore. During rush hours, the 405 interchange is like the thunderdome now.


They were only assigning one, maybe two? traffic cops the last two years I believe.


My office is close to a law enforcement training center. The recently restarted PPB traffic team (motorcycles) is starting to get back into it.


Today caught 3 people going thru major intersections well after their light turned red. Very close to getting hit on my bike on one of those too. Portland drivers are next level BAD


I knew it was a bad idea to stop giving traffic tickets/citations in any way, shape, or form.


It’s pretty bad


I wish we would get rid of cars and roads in favor of sustainable, faster, and more convenient transportation systems so this type of dangerous behavior could never put anyone at risk.


I’ve almost gotten rear-ended a few times. How dare I slow down so I can stop when approaching a yellow light. Way more aggression out there lately. Like, you have no time to stop but plenty for an accident?