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“Ah, yes, my anti-sequel technique. I haven’t used this since the Heian era.” -Sukuna, moments before sacrificing his ability to eat mangos at 4 am on a Saturday in exchange for an instant, time traveling strong cleave to sever Naruto’s right testicle in the past before he can nut in Hinata and create Boruto, giving him the win. https://preview.redd.it/2u25vcpjm9bd1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47ff6e6bc1d3b8696c82d2d55c6af4a51f99c234




What am I even reading lmfaooo


You're reading peak fiction






HxH, basically.


First and only comment I will ever save


https://i.redd.it/wgff602rvabd1.gif This is peak






Bro scaling into multidimensional outerverse into real life now








Oh my god it's Sunday




Somebody call Gege before chapter 264! We know how Yuta is going to find a way to fuck everything up!




this feels like a jojo explanation


But bro mangoes are so goated that it's kinda balanced




Ah. Sukuna did have to use those abilities.




I fucking love these binding vow memes of Sukuna.






"Ah yes my Anti two balls technique i havent used since the Heian era. I hereby sacrifice my ability to brush my teeth for ten seconds after drinking sea water in order to gain the ability to let every enemies left Ball explode up to 30 billion years in the past"


You think that someday he’ll lose track of what he sacrifices? Like he needs a 4am snack and he’ll see mangos and go “ooooo”


"Ah yes my Anti Forgetting my binding vows technique i havent used since the Heian Era. I give up on feeling anything in my pinky toe in order to never forget any binding vows"


One for X, one for Y






Boruto loses because I don’t like boruto




Same vibe https://i.redd.it/xk35zqwlrabd1.gif


Can't argue against that








You can't catch another trainer's meme! You need to use Mewtwo's pokeball for that.






And you're right by accident










So real






It’s because no one, not even powerscalers hates themselves enough to read Boruto And the poor souls who do, just can’t give him any credit because of how shit he is


man I tried to read it and it's just so boring


I’ve caught up to blue vortex and ngl it’s kind of ok now, but feels like a completely different manga/universe. Like if it wasn’t naruto I’d like it 10x more but it’s butchered the naruto verse


Elaborate. How does it feel completely different?


Dialogues are still shitty, asspulls are still being asspulled the plot is something an edgy 12 year old came up with. Basically reading a fanfic


Dude. This. I feel like if they hadn't shit on their own universe/characters to make Boruto shine. Like they didn't have to make Naruto completely fucking useless just so his kids can be cool. Also fuck Kawaki, what an unlikable edgelord loser.


I agree that's probably the cause, but it's silly. I haven't read a single chapter of Boruto, but it's just logical that Boruto scaling > Naruto scaling, and Naruto would fist Sukuna's tight little demon asshole. JJK is like city level at the highest end. That's not very strong in Naruto terms.


Well the problem is, you’re using logic at the benefit of Boruto, so you’re saying this series deserves our logic, hence our respect to some degree, which I will not be giving. So yes, Boruto is the weakest of the bunch


Lmao. Fair enough.


And it’s 80% filler within the anime is not helping it


I tried watching the Anime a while ago, but I dropped it when Rock Lee's son gets possessed or smth. It was just so boring, I really wanted to like it since Naruto is one of my personal favs, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.


Boruto>Luffy>>Prime AM>>>>>>>>>>>>Sukuna


although i agree with your list, doubt that allmight has that large of a gap from sukuna, saying this because sukuna reacted and used a world slash on a EM blastwave while the blastwave was in its trajectory, but blastwave path is predictable but his perception is still really good, might catch all night on one or two attacks (AM will most probably dodge the world slashes tho after he hears the chants also because maki managed to dodge them at the last moment and AM obviously outspeds her by a whole lot) but sukuna likely wouldnt be perception blitzed, also all might doesnt really have hax, sukuna does, so the gap wont be as large but all migth still slams


He aimdodged the EM wave and that was it.


yeah i literally acknowledged that he aim dodged, also he never really dodged but instead fired a counter attack to disperse it, his perception is still good to be able see that coming


All Might does perception blitz. Even if you accept the EMV aim dodging. And considering the AP difference it's a one shot


>All Might does perception blitz thats considering AM is around as fast as EM waves, and thats light speed, i personally dont think anyone other than deku in that verse is near light speed >All Might does perception blitz. sukuna did see the EM wave come at him and quite literally reacted by moving his arm infront to direct world slash, if im not wrong perception blitz is when someone isnt even able to process that speed in their head, all might speedblitzes not perception blitz, sukuna's body wont even be able to react to AM but he can see him at the very least


[All Might is MFTL](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/sXGT9hZaqx)


oh shit myb then


No he is not. The entire argument you linked for those characters being FTL is based on determining distance from the PIXELS ON A PAGE. Using a perspective shot and artistic choice to CREATE A DISTANCE that was never stated by the author to then scale the speed to it is just fucking absurd. It would completely break the continuity and logic of MHA if all of the characters were MTFL.


Pixel calcing is the only way to scale speed for manga series. Unless you can magically detect distances from a panel. So you either accept pixel scaling or refuse to scale manga in general


We have author statements, character statements, genuine distances and speeds given, and idk, ACTUAL FEATS? To act as though pixel calcing is the only way is entirely disingenuous.


"Author statements" Bs. The creator of Invincible thinks Mark can beat Superman. The creator of Istant Death stated Yogiri is the #1 character in fiction. Authors don't care about powerscaling. "Genuin3 distances and speed given" Distances are never given. Almost never. Could you calculate the exact speed Nagant bullet traveled against Chisaki wutbout pixels? Dis Horikoshi state how big was the Radio waves cannon Shigaraki used against Star? No, and tbats where Pixel Calcing helps. No series ever gives distances. And even then the Nagant bullet calc uses a location given by the author


The two author statements you've showed have one thing in common: They involve other works that aren't theirs, so of course they're wrong. If the creator of invincible says that mark can beat omni-man with only a fist he's probably right (He is). The creator of instant death can say yogiri is the strongest character in the verse, or that he's the strongest character he has ever made. But he can't include OTHER pieces of media because their word as no power there. Author statements matter... Like alot, unless they straight up don't make any sense or include works that are NOT theirs, they matter. When I say "don't make any sense" I don't mean when it goes against your pixel scaling, it's just when the story is so obvious about something and the creator denies it. If a series DIRECTLY says that a character has X speed, they have that speed. Idk if you say that by pixel scaling they should be faster/slower, they ARE that speed, that's what the show wants it to be. If a show ever tells me a character moves at mach 50, I'll believe it over pixel scaling.


That is quite possibly the WORST way to calculate speed. Mangaka aren't considering fucking speed calculations when they're drawing, they're trying to make the panels look cool/aesthetic. It's extremely stylized, you could get almost any verse to light speed with this stupid method.


"Mangaks aren't consider8ng speed calculations" They aren't considering powerscaling at all. There is a reason it's a hobby. If you showed any scaling to the author ofbtheir respective series they would laugh. Writers aren't powerscaling


Most mangaka still try and stay consistent with their statements in and outside of the story, even if there are still internal consistencies. They have a general idea of where their verse caps out at (like gege obviously writes fights with city level in mind). Pixel scaling ignores all of the author's intent, it can make everyone light speed off of vague ARTISTIC panels.


Bro posted his own thread with wank. Deku leaving behind sound is impressive and shigaraki couldnt even dodge laswrs from 100m away but ftl for sure


Except when they fight they aren’t constantly breaking the sound barrier with each of their movement. Like use some common sense. The attack you’re powerscaling off of is obviously just not actually light speed.


Appeal to reality. Sound barriers are rarely portrayed in fiction. Following your reason no media is ever above Mach 1


Fraud might isn't ftl.


I wish the word blitz didn't exist so people would have to explain exactly why someone is more powerful than someone else every time they claimed it lol.


That EM was nowhere near as fast as a natural one. EM waves are light speed so at the distance it was at, it woulda reached Sukuna in 0.00000000166782 seconds. Sukuna cant even make Black Flashes at will which require a perception speed of 0.000001 second.


I don’t know about speed but wasn’t sick dying all night strong enough to like change the weather with punches


OBJECTION!! https://preview.redd.it/srn745e2zebd1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fccae06ff5b2cc772bb12808d37924481e289012


It's obviously goatkuna https://preview.redd.it/owp4wn1tp9bd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ae9e57b8d6991dcb9dc31f12c7cdc175bbbaa8a


Yuji solos Sukuna. How: call someone else to exorcise him




I hate this. I agree that Boruto would win but I hate Boruto. Fucking Mary Sue. Mr "Oh I am so much better than Naruto or Sasuke"


It got much better, you know?


Last panel I saw was someone internally reacting to something Boruto said with “Don’t say that! That’s too cool!” Like who gasses up their one liners with the in universe characters? 😭 To be fair that was a while back now, maybe it’s not just a cringey power fantasy about how cool Boruto is but that sure is how it appears at a glance


Oh, that was Ada. 😭 She did that fan girl shtick like twice, but she's actually one of those "no nonsense" type characters. She's not actually cringy like that.


i gave it a chance i swear i did but i just could not stand it man i want to see the gold in the pile of shit but i just can't


Are you talking about blue vortex?


i started with og boruto My friends said i should just endure it or skip it cause blue vortex was good i toughed out regular boruto started blue vortex and it was so boring i was watching all these characters talk about stuff i don't care about fighting villains i don't care about in a village i no longer care about


Really? I like what they've done so far with Twin Blue Vortex. I think that, now, with Kishimoto taking over since the Isshiki fight, the writing has improved a lot. Though, I'm unsure where the anime stands since I don't watch it. Edit: Grammar


Boruto isn't a Mary Sue. That term gets misused a lot to mean "Anyone who's extremely strong for no reason and/or hasn't earned it." By that logic, Naruto is a Mary Sue. Ichigo is a Mary Sue. Hell, 90% of anime characters become Mary Sues under that definition. A Mary Sue is a character that has no flaws, and is unreasonably loved by everyone around them without justification regardless of whatever terrible things they might do. There's a much better argument to be made for characters like Star Butterfly and Zac Snyder's Superman being Mary Sues; not so much for Boruto. Needless to say, Boruto has plenty of flaws. And even before the timeskip there were plenty of characters that hated Boruto/were neutral towards him. In fact the only characters that really liked or were close to Boruto were Mitsuki, Himiwari, Sarada and Sumire. After the timeskip, everyone in the world hates him except for those last three. He's seen as the worst criminal in the world for >!killing the hokage!< and is constantly impeded by people trying to kill him for it. It's fine to hate Boruto as a character. A LOT of people hate him. But people should hate him for the appropriate reasons.


The definition of mary sue is very fluid and can be more/less severe, a classic sue trope is being stronger and better than the previous main characters and/or being born incredibly special, naruto and ichigo are totally mary sues in my book, like how many characters sit there awed by their strength when naruto is just flexing his infinite chakra hacks


That's fair; language evolves alongside culture and doesn't necessarily have to be beholden to its original intended meaning. What I've found is that often times, people weaponize the term "Mary Sue" against a character they don't like, while excluding other characters that they do like which would ironically also fit their definition of a "Mary Sue." That's more what I have a problem with. But you're right, and its more accurate these days to describe a Mary Sue as "a character that is just unfairly better than everyone else."


Yeah terms get watered down a lot, i find it's better to have a checklist, being unfairly or unearnedly powerful is one, characters and the universe bend over backwards to glaze them, even if they are wrong everyone thinks they are right and anyone who challenges them is automatically wrong/bad etc... basically to me it's the author stating *this* character is right and the best but it doesnt feel earned We see a lot of unearned power in power fantasies, that's practically the norm, but if you just use power as the only neasuring stick technically saitama would be a sue, everyone has their own criteria, personally i just dislike the glazing naruto gets especially when he gets called an underdog when he's born a walking nuclear reactor with a healing factor and the reincarnation of a god but its fine cuz his childhood was sad and he worked so hard!


I still wouldnt consider them Mary Sues, just because their the main character with certain boons or special abilities. Its not like their was 0 effort on their part to get where they were, and people dont just like them for no reason whatsoever.


Nah, he'd win


He’s going to end up looking like the last guy that said that




1. Boruto 2. Luffy Gap 3. All might Gap gap gap gap gap gap Gap gap gap gap gap gap Gap gap gap gap gap gap Gap gap gap gap gap gap Gap gap gap gap gap gap Gap gap gap gap gap gap 4. Sukuna


I think that All Might would be lower then Sukuna sadly. He just wouldn't be able to deal with the domain expansion however if he just blitzed him all might would have it. Luffy is stronger then Boruto.


>He just wouldn't be able to deal with the domain expansion Malevolent Shrine isn't dura-neg, and we saw Gojo taking it face on. And even though Gojo used RCT to heal, the manga states that the cuts were too shallow(especially since we have seen what Shrine does to those with low durability in Shibuya), and prime All Might is definitely more durable then Gojo. So All Might should be more than capable of to tank MS long enough to reach Sukuna and turn him inside out. And for fuga, the way it works can potentially be counterproductive for Sukuna, since to use it at full power he needs to make the domain airtight, which means that the air pressure from All Might punches would be even stronger, and blow away all the explosive dust. And Sukuna wouldn't be able to use fuga without domain, because fuga is specifically stated to have poor speed.


I like the way you explained that. You got me on your side


Gojo was using the half assed anti domain technique to lower the cut's effectiveness We do see allmight tank so crazy shit though from my memory, I doubt he would would get diced fast enough


https://i.redd.it/qnjs3eya5bbd1.gif Boruto loses


Bumruto loses, I hate him even more than MIDgiri. I hope Sukuna chapters 236 both of them.


Today, I've learned a new word


Only luffy came in the right place here, they might as well have just never seen any of them


Boruto literally has an extremely casual attack that uses the revolution of the Earth, and the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. Calced to be at least Planet level. But sure, Sukuna beats him.


Doesn't it just use the rotation of the earth just to make people dizzy or am I missing something?


Good argument, but I don’t like Boruto, and don’t want him to win. Simple as


Who is calcing that Uzuhiko is planetary? The fact that it utilizes the rotation of the earth manifests exclusively as a semi-permanent vertigo, not actual destructive power. The only brute-force damage that it delivers is the same as that of a normal Rasengan, maybe even lower based on how code wasn't sent flying very far at all when he got hit by it. Either way, the effectiveness of Uzuhiko is limited by whether or not Boruto is able to actually hit someone with it, which he would struggle greatly with against a high-speed zoner like Sukuna. Even if he manages to get past all of that and hit Sukuna with Uzuhiko, it's not going to be nearly enough to put the man down. He can still throw potshot dismantles and open his domain for a sure-hit effect anyway (assuming that chakra = cursed energy).


If I understand what you're talking about correctly and you're talking about that Rasengan with permanent aftereffect then that's just laughable. Yes it uses the spinning of the planet, but calling that planetary is stupid since all it did to Kode was basically just make him dizzy. He literally just fell to the ground a few times which did no damage and Boruto proceeded to give his talk about how that'll kill Kode *eventually* About the rest idk, not aware what's going on in more recent chapters, maybe something else actually makes him planetary, dunno


Boruto's Uzuhiko Rasengan doesn't use the revolution of the Earth, but rotates on itself endlessly LIKE the Earth does. The attack itself is not planetary, Boruto just compares it to the planet. https://preview.redd.it/f9a7m7pceabd1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2d15f7d401a3e8dc51574ab18af793ee97ff79


Bro literally ignores the official description of the attack in order to push this nonsense. Here ya go, buddy. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS3z8C-YP0dFJcM9nq8T-rmx0FTJ-HVqSgnBg&usqp=CAU


Naruto/Boruto fans when they no longer have arguments to use: throw random ass statements backed up by nothing. Not to mention, that even considering it a rasengan that uses the rotation and orbit wouldn't be enough to be considered planet level.


It's literally the official description of the attack, my dude. Wtf do you mean backed up by nothing? Shit came straight from the author himself. What more do you want, lmao.


This is the real list here. 1. Luffy: Could scale anywhere between continent or large planet depending on how you scale the size of thw One Piece world. 2. Boruto: Easily scales to Planet as of TBV. Its obvious based on how he >!defeated Code and Kawaki with minimal effort!< 3. Prime All Might: Scales to around Large Mountain level. Is roughly the same strength as 100% Deku in the war arc. 4. Sukuna: Is the weakest physically, possibly slowest(Might be faster than all might), and doesn't scale past Large City. Small Country is you really wanna wank him.


The only person who is planetary in One Piece is Whitebeard and now Blackbeard. Not with a single attack, but unleashing the full power of the Gura Gura directly on the world and sinking it with massive tsunamis.


Thats why its opinionated. It depends on how you scale the verse. The Earth in One Piece is roughly 7 times larger than our own, so their is really no way to make a proper guess without lots of math involved.


Massive downplay on Prime All Might. In episode 2 he makes it rain with a single punch while being 60x weaker than his prime self. That feat without the multiplier is already mountain level. I could write other feats here and upscale him from other high tiers but there is no need. Prime AM is country level


Possibly... and where did the x60 weaker come from?


In S1 EP12 he fights a Nomu. He beats it and says: "Back in my hayday 5 hits would've been enough to knock that guy out. But today it took more than 300 mighty blows." So that's why the 60x multiplier


No one in one piece has any feat that scales to there world. The only thing they have is a statement that can be taken as hyperbole, or as throwing the world out of balance. But if we include statements than zetsu says that kaguya could destroy her dimension, the one with the star and planets


Most reasonable by far


https://imgur.com/Vz5XmNK (Country) He’d still lose either way but this is just where I scale him


If thats where you scale him, cool. Thats why I added the option of Small Country. Not that it has to be wanking but this is just where I scale him too.




Boruto loses cuz I'm biased


Look, I like JJK, but Sukuna, in the grand scheme of manga, just isn't that big a threat. His best feat is the World Cutting Slash which requires him to charge up first and still might not kill someone if he doesn't go for a kill shot.


All might is turning the king of frauds into red mist


(Its true)


Going purely off of things we’ve seen and not over explaining talking about planets and multiverses and universes in feats alone that we’ve witnessed Sukuna makes sense for this pick. Anything we’ve seen the others do without all the extra shit you’d like to tag onto the feats literally pales to what Sukuna has done. Let’s put it like this. If we copied and pasted Sukuna into each of these animes and made his abilities correlate to the terms of power in the show, which one of these characters could beat him? Boruto hasn’t done anything by himself that’s so spectacular to where you think he’d be able to win. All might I could see him being something like the final big bad of mha verse that I doubt all might could beat without the extra abilities from one for all like midoriya has Luffy? Idk I’m not a one piece fan I just know that luffy can be cut and that he can drown seems like a terrible match up. I’m not a power scaler nor am I invested enough to go back & forth so if you plan to respond dick eating then you’ll be talking to yourself😂


Doesn't Luffy Gear 4 sink islands?


Damn, the guy who would objectively come in last place gets the most votes, ironic


How is All Might stronger? He's just strong


Fast enough to blitz sukuna and given that he’s between mountain-country level he’s strong enough to oneshot


We’ve seen all these characters lose besides Sukuna. That should already tell you enough already


It’s the JJK fandom, what did you expect?


Sukuna is based, Boruto is cringe. The conversation is over. https://preview.redd.it/cej2wnxrlcbd1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc2786125fd9db8ab854c3c34d46d8a71a0c72c


Isn't boruto just a knock off Naruto without the stuff that made Naruto Naruto?


Boruto loses contextually, he not even faster than luffy and sukuna cuts through space and boruto’s is susceptible to duraneg which luffy can hurt him without even touching him.


I'll say that Luffy is the strongest here just because I don't like Boruto. https://preview.redd.it/vc1zy3myifbd1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195af94ee5b3fb5b6df85e75926e43a12f81692f


, Luffy clearly takes it, Luffy>All might>>>Sukuna>>>>>>>Boruto


https://preview.redd.it/4tg6hv35mgbd1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c3d363ba8178a690189668fbebd7d99230a600 another win for the goat


This shit vile. They all blitz and one shot Sukuna with any casual attack😭


I vote for Luffy because I don't like Boruto.


Boruto sucks so he loses


That is sukuna after he sacrificed two of his white hair strands.


People don’t seem to realize Boruto can solo some verses alone now


They just saw Boruto and said "Fuck it". Can't blame them.


The binding vow merchant can't lose 💪🏽


This could've been r/WhoWoulCircleJerk if they weren't having religion wars


Black star soloes


This is not horrendous, because people voting this don't individually know all 4 franchises, not in any detail. They probably only know 1 or 2 well.


Laffy? Lmao


Luffy, because I've only watched the first season of MHA, I don't even know who the hell Sukuna is, and my Naruto canon ends with Sasuke dead at the Valley of the End and cuts off before any of the characters get married.


Jjk brainrot


Either Boruto or Luffy, and that's saying something cause I don't like one piece, and haven't seen Boruto yet (if ever)




Boruto haters in shambles 


Sukuna is more powerful in his universe. He stands head and shoulders above everyone else. Luffy has Imu. I am sure Boruto has something and allmight had all for one. Perhaps fans were not powerscaling but simply stating who is more powerful in their world. Which would be the right ranking.


I'm caught up to boruto and atp it's enjoyable ad it's monthly it's hard to keep you going tho funny enough now it's being held back because it's in the naruto universe. TBV it's good I'd say give it a try if you can't stand the manga for the first part or second part there's some guy who man a catchup on YouTube for yall it's less than a couple of hours.


I don't think most people keep up with Boruto so yeah noone's gonna vote him no one knows him


Goku versal


Luffy> boruto


Luffy slams bams and wagga-lagga-lams his way to victory due in full to his "really big mallet" technique.


Gear Five Luffy, he scales everyone here unless TBV Boruto has done something crazy I don’t know about (I never fisnihed Boruto)


1.Boruto 2.Luffy 3.Prime All might 4.Sukuna


Okay but isn’t that pic of Luffy like, after basically discovering that he actually ate the Toon Force fruit?


Should I be glad I have no clue who the fuck these people are?


It'll be between Luffy and Boruto  Luffy seemed more faster bur Boruto has the better Power AP Doesn't matter who wins, Sukuna loses against all of them


Pretty sure Prime All Might or Luffy would win. Why not Boruto? Because Boruto is bad.


Sukuna wins cuz i sucked his willy


Gege I didn’t know you had Reddit


I am not gaygay >:(


engagement farming at its most cringe


He loses to any one of them


I’d say Luffy


Sukuna’s the first one out. Then Boruto, because it’s hate-o-clock. It’s down to All Might vs Luffy.


Bro rn https://preview.redd.it/uku7pyc2vgbd1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f3fa00f35990966d6dfd3a3c4c6337377ffa39


I've never seen Boruto so I don't know how strong he is, and although I've started one piece im only like 430 episodes in or something so Luffy is presumably far weaker than in that post. So it's kind of hard to decide who is the strongest


I just saw a boruto fan say shibai>featherine💀


No one read Boruto, in fact if someone actually read Boruto he would prefer to shit on it and say that Momoshiki is base Rock Lee victim because duh he is


Bruh luffy claps


Until you realize that Boruto loses to everyone on that poll


As much as I love Jjk and One Piece, All might canonically scales above Thanos.


Luffy most likely.


It’s Boruto. Luffy is the only one who can threaten him and Boruto still wins 9/10. People need to realize that JJK is city level at the highest. Unless you’re asking who is the best written, then it’s Luffy.


Bro, Prime All Might alone is beating Sukuna’s ass


It’s boruto and it isn’t close