• By -


It's like all possible paths converging into this present thoughtless moment. It's an infinite informational orgasm that loops back on itself forever. There's no where to go because it's everywhere. There's no other time because it's all of time. There's nobody else there because it's everybody. It's not a personal experience but it's somehow also all you. It's before the universe, it's after the universe. In fact the existence of a universe becomes completely nonsensical. It will always be THAT thing, there's no room for physical existence whatsoever. There never was a universe. And you can never come down from this realization. It's Nirvana and it always has been Nirvana. But then in the same paradoxical way that you forgot this unforgettable thing when you were born. You forget it and are rebirthed. It's like the realization shape shifts into non realization. It's still THAT thing but it's completely unlike itself so you don't recognize it anymore. It's just normal reality as we know it. Something like that! xD


Holy. Shit. This is AMAZINGLY so well put!!! Yes. Yes. Triple yes. And it's like we know this in the moment but when we dip back "into" reality we forget. Is that why I always write down to remember?? You just blew my mind. Thank you💖


Haha I'm glad what I wrote struck a chord! 😁 You're very welcome!


Yeah that's insane...


I always laugh and say “you got me again”


A joke is funnier the second time you hear it if you’ve forgotten the punch line.


You’ll definitely like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/s/rkbp5z6AsN) comment I saved from years ago then.


lol.. yup. That funny and accurate!


That was great


Yes! I don’t get why we forget when we “return”. I call this phenomenon of forgetting revelation “spiritual amnesia”. When we are experiencing revelation, I like to think of the experience as having “impossible thoughts” because they feel like they aren’t possible to experience in the earthly state of consciousness. I relate so much to your OP. It’s one of my biggest questions: how do we forget something SO obvious?


I think the forgetting is a function of necessity. In order for the All to continue experiencing itself, the I has to exist.


Yes, this makes sense. Our sense of separateness creates an “I” when everything is just an “All”. I guess I’m still just confused why people aren’t making a bigger deal out of this?


I would say our brain is a filter. And life on earth wouldn't be possible without heavily filtering down these described frequencies of Truth/God/Consciousness/Universe/Oneness.


The truly memorable trips stick with ya , what the commentar described reminds me of my superpositional highway trip it started basically as op described but I realized instead of nestling into the flow of repeating chaos in the organism I could instead go up an out and I saw the organism from the outside and it was like a chernobylite creature filled mouths and eyes and impossible geometry basically sucking on its own tail. From there I realized I could go onto any plane I wished so I went to the aether an relaxed with the nature spirits.


The message was to remember to be present. But in remembering, we become not present so its best just to forget it. When you become present and ego death ensues its an all familiar feeling from when we were kids not thinking about the next moment or the one before. Just there.


So is this what the Hindus mean when they say that all is Brahman and anything that appears to be outside of Brahman is Maya (the projection of the world, of forms, of time, of space)?


I think kind of, Maya isn’t technically outside, more like it’s a hologram or shadow or dream of the actual thing. The “actual” thing is Brahman. Btw i think this is specifically vedant (because there are many philosophical factions in Hinduism), you could ask this in r/hinduism if you want.


This is beautiful, you should write more


Thanks! :)


Well written! I mostly refer back to UNI or ONE, something like you and the universe becoming one thing and then all becomes crystal clear in your mind, when goes away you forget the secret of life.


Well said


Thanks! :)


You might like the stuff that Quantum Gravity Research is pitching as a new model of reality.




The newer self simulation theory.


Have you considered writing poetry? 🤝 wonderfully said


Thank you! :)


>Thank you! :) You're welcome!


Or Satya consciousness.


Holy shit bro that’s deep! I like where you’re coming from my friend!


Words words words.


it surely feels like home


Non-duality. You are Me.


I AM YOU ⭕😌🙏


"What is it?" It is What. It is! What's in a name. But whatever we say What is - What's What all the same.


I love this💖


No but I know exactly what you're talking about lmao


or possibly EVERYBODY KNOWS - even the ones who think they don't


It *does* feel like remembering, or coming back, even the first time. Maybe you’re on to something


That which can be described is not the tao ❤


After almost 500 psychedelic explorations, me and my brother came up with this theory (rough explanation), that this is actually the realisation of your godly nature, which is born from within you at that precise moment (search: ξνθξογξνξσΡ - entheogenesis = god born from within) In those moments, you emit different brainwaves that actually vibe (synchronise/ become one) with the vibration of the flow (God/ Universe) and thus you feel the profound excitement and the realisation that, All is One. You finally understand, that you are a part of this grand scheme...of everything. You are God (Flow, Way, Universe), living your human experience and observing "Now". And since, this knowledge and the feeling of this moment is not yours to experience (being a mere human, living and experiencing the "human experience), you cant really express the feeling and the awe of "THAT thing". Therefore, it remains unnamed...only and just only for God being the one, having the burden of understanding "that" thing. How lonely must it feel...?


But because loneliness is one side of a polarity and God is one with everything, how could God be lonely? Doesn't loneliness only exists in relation to it's opposite emotion? Isn't it an emotion that mammal forms experience when they feel like they don't belong in a group with mammals of the same species. For a human to realize his/her true form is one with God on psychedelics, he/she feels lonely because he/she is still playing as a human so this divine revelation is still interpreted within the framework of human emotions. On the other hand, God cannot truly be completely understood by a human being. I have definitely had peak mushroom experiences of alternating madness and bliss of "Oh my God, I am eternal and trapped forever alone" and "Oh my God, I am everything and it is all love".




And similarly the concept of Lila in Hinduism, which refers to the idea of cosmic play. The idea that the universe and all its constituents are just one thing wearing many masks.






Welcome home isn’t it 😌


Well hello again, where have I been?


you've been imagining you've left again 🤦‍♂️


Phew, for a minute there I lost myself


And we thought we lost you. But you always come back.


For me it was "I get it!" Friends looked at me like I was nuts. But I get it. They get it. **YOU** get it.


People who dance are thought insane by those who cannot hear the music. 💖


Definitely. My last trip I said to my partner “And I get it once again!” Then I forgot it, LOL!!! Always happens :)


That “ thing” is also weirdly nostalgic


So familiar... 🤔


like you always knew but you couldn’t remember.




Remember that everything is connected, no matter how separate they may seem. A ripple and the stone that caused it, the movement that put the stone in action. It could have been wind, a bird, a woman dropping a pebble into a pond. But the ripple still continues.


You can learn to find that place while sober with meditation.


I try to meditate but my ADHD makes it hard ☹️ I try to do 10 minutes a day in my closet.


Try active meditation. I would run. Once I hit a certain point, all I could focus on was one foot in front of the other, one breath after the other. It really helped me bring my brain past the barriers that prevented me from just letting go.


I used to feel that way, but really it's almost a tool to getting better at it faster. it seems like it's hard because you can't stop the thoughts, but that isnt what you're meant to do anyway, once you learn to look past the thoughts it gets easier and easier and it becomes very fun to do actually, I recommend ram Dass guided meditations or the one Alan watts one (with or without music, whichever you prefer)


Yes. Both Ram Dass and Alan Watts helped me understand meditation in a way that I could actually benefit from it. Same with Sam Harris. Actually especially Harris. Focus on your breath. Every time your mind wavers (and it will), re-focus on the breath. Every time you do that is like a pushup for your mind. That's the whole practice. Doing that allowed me to have almost nightly lucid dreams.


Thank you!


I would put it this way: Meditation isn't the stuff that's being "sold" as meditation, it's simply the act of being present. Actually being in the moment, being with and as whatever is right now. If there's thoughts, there's thoughts, even if they are intense and captivsting. Just try to recognize them as thoughts, disidentify from them (thoughts are just, like, whimsical movements of consciousness -- they're not "you") and return to the sense-fields. Of course this isn't the only way to approach it, because e.g. one can also inquire "what are thoughts", and try to catch them as they are arising, and so many other things.  There's also approaches like "natural meditation" where you just let consciousness go wherever feels natural, and there are body-focused practices.  Just don't operate under an assumption that there's a goal like "stop thinking" or anything like that. If there's a thought like "stop thinking", that's just another thought. Recognize it as such and return to (or remain in) presence.


Everything makes sense because nothing makes sense, and it’s absolutely beautiful.


Yeah. Everything and nothig are exactly the same thing. Everything exists beccause nothing exists... Such a hard concept to understand, but even in ancient Mayan mathematics zero and infinity were considered one and the same. There are similar statements in many religious traditions as well. To describe the world from physics viewpoint you need both sides of infinity — negative and positive and since those are distributed evenly, they cancel each other, arriving at zero. There are other similar theories, like the Dirac’s Sea, in physics. The infinite Universe therefore is nothing but a zero and that’s why according to quantum physics, you need an observer in order for a particle to have a certain specific location in space. So there is actually nothing there and you are the zero that makes it an infinity.


Oh, home?


Came here to say that. Exactly.


Until the last bit of your post, I had no clue what you were talking about, but I GET IT!! When it first happened to me, I literally just described it as “experiencing everything”


🎵"Ohhh that magic feeling! Nowhere to go...Nowhere to go!"🎵


The upanishads do it quite well! And they are thousands of years old!!!


I've read the upanishads. I enjoy philosophy and theology in particular. I've read all of the dhamapada and Tao te ching, etc. my first trip I saw the Trimurti and it was intense lol Shiva chewed me up and spat me out. Creating something new in me.


I called it "breaking the glass". Coined it when we got our friend stoned out of his mind on a grave bong and he realized that he was... Kinda an asshole. He broke the glass, and saw everything at once in a way. Like sticking your head out of the 4th wall. Years later I'd be on a 4g shrooms trip and break the glass and realize that there are layers to it. Because at that point I felt the convergence, the illusion of reality, the feeling that everything was pointlessly yet carelessly crafted mirage. That all things come together, and split apart. Ceaseless cycle.


Very well said... 👏 I like your term... similar to shatering the mirror. Thanks for your comment.


You are describing a "non-dual" awakening experience - It's the aim of a lot of spiritual practices, and it, by it's nature is beyond conception and language. But the "technical" way of explaining it, is generally — "the subject/object relationship breaks down." So there's no sense of a "me" over here, and a "that" over there. The relationships between this/that breakdown, and there is only all that is all at once, without any sense of duality -- hot/cold, good/bad, up/down, past/future, me/you -- all that goes away and what is beneath all that feels more real than the dualities, which end up clearly seeming to be an illusion created by our minds/bodies to navigate our environments and to be able to communicate with one another. The Dzogchen practice in vajrayana (Tibetan) Buddhism aims for this kind of eyes-open, momentary glimpse of this (maybe lasts some seconds, maybe minutes) — it's called "Realizing Rigpa." It can be validating to have these experiences also not via psychedelics, because then you can confirm for yourself it has something to do with the nature of consciousness, not just "tripping." When I "Realized Rigpa" on a 2 week silent retreat, it was quite joyful, lots of tears after. Teachers asked me questions to confirm it happened and I understood it properly etc. Very validating of past psychedelic experiences (all those naysayers who say "it's just drugs and means nothing, etc." ).


Thank you so much for your insight!! You gave me a lot to research 😊


I can’t describe it. It’s very weird, and magical!, to me that humans can experience sensations they can’t explain in words or recall the feelings of after “returning”.


The wordless reality


I've come to think of that place as the "I Am" The ever-flowing river of eternity that spills forth into every tributary of love and hate, horrifically decaying into the most beautifully exquisite birth of perfection.


I might know what you're describing, you will have to collapse to mania if you want your answer, some riddles are best left a mystery 


For lack of a better term, GOD


After years of going through the experiences and spending tons of hours exploring and conversing about the thing; I only have a few things to say. Don't spend all of your time trying to remember that thing. You'll miss the reason you made this. Watch as you live your life. The practice is integrating that thing into your everyday life. I recommend a balance of the idea of you and that thing. The idea of you needs to be used as a tool, and that thing needs to know the versatility of that tool, how to treat it right and to trust it to do what it needs. Remember, for you to exist, there has to be other. That other is you, too.


Yes. A total onslaught of confusion for lack of a better word. Not cinematic, but there is a rhythm and harmony to it, horrific beautify and wonderous macabre; semantic satiation, *presque vu.*


Yes! Horrifyingly beautiful and beautifully horrifying.


It’s your true nature.


You're holding the threads of the universe in your hand. Everything everywhere is just as it should be. It's all everything and damn is it beautiful.


I always have a phase I go through that I refer to as having the “oh yeah’s”. It just hits you, and you’re surprised you hadn’t remembered sooner, because how could you forget? Can’t really put my finger on what “it” is, it’s almost like being nostalgic for right now. Not “now” as in “10:52 pm, April 6th, 2024”, but capital NOW. It’s all Now, everything is here, there isn’t anything else, how could there be?


God is a moment. The only one we ever live in.


To me it’s being absolutely present which is rare and unfamiliar. On the cutting edge of time. Totally actually present with no consideration of future nor past which goes hand in hand with feelings of profound unity and infinite boundlessness and dissolution of self. Bliss


I met myself face to face to face. Life changing. "That thing" is powerful


Mystical reallocation of your unconsciously built up illusions about the nature of the universe, realization of the One again because you always knew it


Don't describe it. Once you describe it, you confine it to the restrictions of words and meaning. It is that which is indescribable. That which can be described is not the Tao.


You forgot again. You’re all alone for all eternity. Might as well make up a story. It’s a really somber and depressing realization. The “oh yeah, that’s how it’s always been” It’s really scary tbh I think about it a lot. Sometimes I get this feeling that I’m being mocked or laughed at by some cosmic audience because I keep falling for the joke over and over again. Theres also that feeling like you have this ultimate truth that would save the world but no one will ever believe you if you even managed to put it into words. So there’s a lot of feelings of hopelessness. Although it is a lonely feeling. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s experienced it.


I stopped talking to people about it because it was obvious they 1. Didn't want to hear about it, and didn't care, they roll their eyes and continue on without questioning anything and 2. Don't believe the experience is something "real" even though it's way more real than anything I feel day to day. So now it's just this cosmic secret I keep to myself unless I bump into another knower. Peace be upon you brother💖


I've had the "thing" happen to me once, I was on 150ug, reefed on a dab pen for a while (I was sitting there just hitting it casually for a fat minute) came to reddit to talk to some people and randomly the thing happened, I tried conveying the information to people on reddit but it was PURE gibberish, I think the only proper word I typed out was ego in all caps. people started replying like "here's some playlists listen to some music" because it looked like I was freaking the fuck out, I started entering into like a panic when I realized I couldn't convey this information properly and then got slapped with ego dissolution (I think I typed the word ego out cus I started recognizing the ego dissolution setting in at the same time as I was experiencing the thing and while I was in like the "transfer" stage where I was still "I" I started seeming panicked? idk it happened a while ago and the weed let me sleep like 6 hours in so theres not a ton to remember) then threw on sematary for like an hour or two 💀 regardless it's weird, no idea what it is but it just seems like an infinite information train running through my brain where I'm grasping onto numerous profund realizations and then losing them immediately


The birdeye view from above. The disconnection to your family and friends yet a deep connection to all being around you including trees and even the rock. The moment of realizing we can do whatever the fuck we want, and above us in the space there are man floating around while we’re here tripping. Then we move on and live and learn and repeat.






I call it absolut death. The most terrifying and beautiful thing during the trip, death and rebirth and death again. You die so many times but it feels like a god is forging your mind with a dimensonal hammer. Each hit is another death and each time you get stronger.


It's the same thing that happens when we die. Alan Watts referred to it as the inevitable ecstasy.


“But nirvana is a radical transformation of how it feels to be alive: it feels as if everything were myself, or as if everything---including "my" thoughts and actions---were happening of itself. There are still efforts, choices, and decisions, but not the sense that "I make them"; they arise of themselves in relation to circumstances. This is therefore to feel life, not as an encounter between subject and object, but as a polarized field where the contest of opposites has become the play of opposites. When you know for sure that your separate ego is a fiction, you actually feel yourself as the whole process and pattern of life. Experience and experiencer become one experiencing, known and knower one knowing.”― Alan Wilson Watts


Can't describe it but oh yeah... I know! 👀


I want to go back there so badly


It was a nice read i think i know what you're talking about still not sure tho


"It's radiating from you right now, as you, right here in this moment. It is effulgent, visceral, radiant, and absolutely void of any objectivity or subjectivity whatsoever." -Mike Snider


"You" just lost The Game ;)


Bro! Fuck you! 😂 Wtf...


Some call it the (big-s) Self, others God, Brahman, or the "I am-sense", "knowingness", "reality", the absolute (as opposed to the relative where we usually seem to be), presence, "your true nature", and some call it "noticing the obvious" because we can go our entire lives without noticing it but it's literally always present. It's the non-conceptual answer to any question (aka Koans) like "what is Mu?", "what was my face before my parents were born", or "how to arrive where you have never left?" Don't try to conceptualize it; that's a trap. It can't be captured by any concept. It doesn't have any properties, not even that of being property-less. It can only be pointed to in the relative, and thinking that you understand it is like pointing at the moon and mistaking your finger for the moon. Or mistaking your conceptualization for the thing itself. Just explore the sense-fields, meditate, inquire, but not in a conceptual way. That way lies liberation, or so I'm told. Look up "nonduality" if you're interested in different ways how to approach this, but beware of taking a framework (like buddhism) too literally/seriously. This is about identity, and skillful inquiry is never conceptual. See for yourself; don't take any "master" or "teacher" to have some sort of absolute knowledge.


It's always now, no matter when. Universal individual experience. For me the most interesting thing is that there has to be a consciousness for some "I" to be experiencing the now. Without a given consciousness, there is just no time or subject thing, there is just an always everywhere. When you dissolve your "I", this is what happens.


I saw behind the curtain, Time is the end all be all of existance, unlike literally everything else in existence, Time forever marches on, unwaivered by our attempts to conquer it or slow it. No matter how you build your legacy, be it a wonderful loving family, or a monument to a god, all will surrender to Time eventually. All great kingdoms and nations bow to the whims of Time be it a century, or millenia, in the end, Time will claim it. Time existed before the beginning of our universe, and will exist far longer than it. Time is my personal manifestation of what some people would call God. Am I doing this right? I'm really high and didn't really understand the question.


I'm convinced consciousness is a "thing" that exists in the universe beyond materiality. Something that spans dimensions that our physical forms experience. When we engage in psychedelics we open up a gateway to these other dimensions that our consciousness lives in or comes from but we can't experience that and our current dimensions at the same time. It would never work, like the way creatures in flatworld can only experience a sliver of to the third dimension. As such, when we're in our normal state here in this dimension, the 3rd, we can only experience a sliver of the 4th dimension. This is why we forget and can't comprehend it after we return. When "that thing" is happening, we're experiencing consciousness as it exists in other dimensions, we only return with a sliver however because that's all that can ever exist here.


0 = 1 = ∞


What's crazy is I have written this exact thing in my journal. Lol it cannot be a coincidence that people independently come to the same conclusions over generations. Just sayin


The only thing that exists is nothing. But nothing can’t exist, so something exists. Something exists, so everything exists infinitely But nothing actually exists


Idk what tf your talking about but I do


Varieties of Religious Experience talks about it at length.


Das ding


The ineffable is so tantalizing. It’s cool though, you’ll probably find your way back to it.


The dao one speaks of is not the dao


That thing? https://youtu.be/wfYbgdo8e-8


Might be totally off but One time I was in "it" multiple times in a trip and it clicked that it was a pure "psychedelic experience". Idek lmao that term is used to generally describe taking psychedelics, but it felt really "right" calling it a psychedelic experience. It's been a few years since I tripped tho. I've taken psyches without achieving that state too to differentiate


we wake up from the dream to see the real thing... only to sink again into unconsciousness and once again forget we are dreaming.


Same thing happened to me


I would call it satori as in bhuddistic literature. That sense of sudden enlightment where you dissolve in to the present and there is no you, you cannot tell where you begin nor end, you have broken through the "matrix" created by the mind and are perceiveing reality as it truly is, and it leaves us all awe struck, it cannot be described because that state exists beyond human creations like words, it just is, as you just are, as it always was. And always will be, this is what i call sometimes christ conciousness  or when the bhudda remembers he or she is  bhudda


I'm sorry, I've been there a lot but you have described NO thing. Like nothing. If you can't even describe what part of something is the thing your looking for us to describe, how are we supposed to know what part of something is the thing you're talking about?


I see it as your brain beginning to become more primal and yet more aware of the true nature of reality. It’s you realizing that the reality you see doesn’t even exist, the only thing that truly exists is we, and even saying “we” doesn’t seem right because it’s more like everyone is you and you are everyone. And that doesn’t stop at being human, EVERYTHING is connected.


That thing is actually NO-THING. It is not a thought. It's only visible by the process of attempting to think of it. Look around you and see if you can find something that didn't require a thought to be there.