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"im a military person" bruh pulling that card doesn't do anything for you here


She thought that was gonna be her “get on the plane late” card. Nuhhuh.


I'm pretty sure they know to be the fuck on time for group transportation in the military


On time is 10 minutes late.


15 minutes prior to 15 minutes prior to 15 minutes prior to 15 minutes prior to [...] CO says we have to be in formation at 8 so you're going to be here at 0600.


I was aircrew. If I had a 0600 brief for a 0800 mission, we would muster at 0500 for breakfast, roll out to the DFAC, and then have our brief. I would be awake at 0400 at the absolute latest to make sure I was ready to go.


Sounds like you should be awake at 0350 to me, In Order To ensure you hear your alarm. Don't be late, shitbag.


I needed every wink. 0800 mission launch, land at 2000, postflight duties and mission reports have us leaving for home at 2100. Dinner optional. Lather, rinse, repeat.


We also don't refer to ourselves as military people. Usually we just use 'Military' as the noun. If it were me, I'd prob say something like >I'm active duty military on \[leave\] orders, is there anything you can do? Most of us try to not cause a scene, especially when playing that card... out of fear that it ends up on social media and comes back to haunt us.. or we get our balls busted for the rest of our careers. Last thing I would want is my callsign to be "Spirit."


"I'm active duty military on [leave] orders, is there anything you can do?" Why would you even say that, even if saying it kindly/ without making a scene? What the fuck do you expect them to do for you? "Oh, well, if you'd have said you were a 'military person' I would have said I couldn't help you, but since you said 'active duty military' we'll definitely help you out!" 


> "I'm active duty military on [leave] orders, is there anything you can do?" > > Why would you even say that, even if saying it kindly/ without making a scene? What the fuck do you expect them to do for you? I've seen that work and they actually re-opened the door for what it's worth (the soldiers connecting flight was late), they were in uniform and also very polite which probably helps.


Jesus, I've never \*ever\* seen them open a door once it's closed. That's pretty impressive actually. I've been on a flight that was landing late, they were on the radio with a list of people connecting, got us off the plane first and had notified our departure gates that we were coming. I sprinted terminal to terminal but nope, they closed the door and that was that.


Squeaky wheel gets the grease. If they say "Too bad sucka!" then they should say "I understand, appreciate your help" and get on the next flight.


I've never served but I assume making sure you show up when you are needed is drilled into you pretty early on. It doesn't strike me as a 'stroll in when you feel like it' kind of organization.


Plus what did they expect when that's said? It's spirit airlines, they're not gonna be like "omg you're a MILITARY PERSON??" Johnson, get the pilot on the radio, he has to do a 180 and come back to the airport they forgot ONE military person! THATS RIGHT! ONE MILITARY PERSON!!! Dear Lord Almighty above forgive us for our sins on not waiting for this military person"


roger that, turn that fucking plane around, this E1 needs to get on that flight STAT


With locs that long, I HIGHLY doubt his affiliation. edit: forgot to capitalize.


He wasn't the one who said it though


He plays COD on his PS5


Undercover special ops, no doubt.


Why do people have such piss poor conflict resolution skills? They yelling like toddlers. Cussing like it'll do something. Learn to take the L.


Yelling and cussing can get some stuff done sometimes but not in this situation and they are about to find that out. Guess what? I bet they're not late next time.


> I bet they're not late next time. Brother, I will take that bet!


I wouldn’t because there probably won’t be a next time. No fly list in their immediate future is my guess


Sadly, they won't get on the TSA's no-fly list for this. In fact even most of the videos we see of people getting pulled off planes by police doesn't get them on the national no-fly list. At the most, Spirit will put them on a no-fly list for just their own airline and that will be it.


As a veteran, I think using the card is saved for the Boots


As a veteran that guy isnt a "military person", look at his hair and beard. WAYYYY out of regs.


> As a veteran that guy isnt a "military person", look at his hair and beard. WAYYYY out of regs. The woman talking to the gate agent at the beginning says it not him.


It is for people like this one in the video that there’s a certain stigma around military because this card is constantly used to get undeserved benefits somehow


military person lol...she probably on her way to Basic


Already AWOL without even making it there


Thank you for your service that I particularly didn’t ask you to do


"Sir, I'm a military person. I don't start trouble with people." So since you're a military person you understand the importance of being on time. The boarding process is 15-40 minutes long depending on aircraft. Sooooo not only were you late, you were at least 15-40 minutes late. It's not like you were 1 minute late. People always want to cut it to the last second. They're tripping. Also in the background you can see it's at LAX. The world's 8th busiest airport and the US's 4th busiest airport. Also LA traffic, worst vehicle traffic in the US and you still play around with not being early.


A "Military Person" knows if your are not 10 minutes early, you are late.


My platoon had to be 15 minutes early to our standard 15 minutes early because we failed to be 15 minutes early so many times. So this is just wild using "military" in this manor.


You’re right it’s 15. Not 10 ever


It's only ever 10 minute at the Chinese takeout!


Hurry the fuck up and wait here.


The 1SG put formation at 5 the PSG: formation at 0445 arrive 15 mins early, the squad leader formation at 0430 arrive 15 mins early we end up just showing at 0415. It happens a lot in one of my units




Company Comander: Company PT at 0500 Platoon Commander: Company PT at 0445 Platoon Sgt: Company PT at 0430 Squad Leader: Company PT at 0415 Fire Team Leader: Company PT at 0400 If you’re not fifteen minutes early to the fifteen minutes early to the fifteen minutes early to the fifteen minutes early, you’re late…




Oh I'm sure there are a few members of the e4 mafia with side hustle


Better go AX Somebody


The Lizzie Borden solution.


Like just admit SOME fault. Like if they had be "honest", but humble, e.g. "Hey, my cousin got me here late, and I know we missed it, is there ANYTHING you can do..." I bet the gate people would have probably bent over backward for them


While a little different, I used to be a KFC manager Whenever a customer was polite and nice, I was willing to go above and beyond for them, if they came in like a rude entitled asshole, I would stand my ground and fight them for an hour if I had to, was so tired of the assholes bullying their way into getting what they wanted


Sir, a KFC manager *is* front line military.


If KFC's are Frontline, are Waffle Houses like 200 miles spec ops behind enemy lines?


Thank you for your service. No, seriously


I take this exact same approach at my place of work. If someone arrives late and is reasonable and apologetic, we will do what we can to accommodate them. If they come on being dick heads to the staff then we have no desire to help them.




It looks to me like they're not together, they don't interact *at all*. If I had to guess, it would be that they were both on the same connecting flight and Spirit screwed up the connection. Everyone's clowning on the woman, but she's actually being very polite here dealing with the complete mess that is Spirit Airlines. The military reference is a bit goofy, but why not give it a shot to see if it gets you on the next flight?


Man I wont lie, I'm a person who pushes that deadline, always leave the house 20min later than I planned to. But if I miss that flight, its on me. I fucked that up. These people are all fucked up if they think they deserve special treatment and maybe coulda got it if they weren't complete dickheads.


I get to LAX 2 hours early. I don't fuck with that hellscape.


Correct me if I’m wrong but once they close that gate door, it doesn’t reopen due to airline policies?!? Like even though the airplane is still at the gate but that gate door is closed, you’re basically S.O.L. at that point. Lesson learned hopefully for these entitled morons. 😂


Since some people are going back and forth about it, and it’s my job (and I’m forcing myself to stay up late for a red eye), here’s an explanation: The process from when the pilots first walk onto the plane to when it pushes back from the gate involves a long series of steps. Some can go out of order, to an extent, like choosing to get the latest weather or an ATC clearance first. Others can’t, usually because it relies on a prior step. The exact steps vary a little between airlines and plane types, but they’re very similar around the world. I could go to another country’s carrier flying a different type of aircraft and follow along with 95% or more of what they were doing, even if at times I didn’t know the precise way they did it. In the case of the cabin door closing, a number of steps can depend on that. Most involve readying the plane for taxi - it needs to be disconnected from any ground power or air, the jetbridge needs to be pulled back, a clearance for the ground crew to push us back must be received, and numerous checklists leading to engine start and taxi. It’s a process that takes a few minutes when it goes quickly, and can run much longer if there’s any holdup (an amended clearance, traffic, changes to weight and balance, and so on). All of these delays push back the departure time further and further. Most airlines run a 45-50 minute turnaround time, and even five minutes added to that can cause delays that will cascade throughout the day. That means the on time passengers will be delayed for potential connections, the plane will be late for the next flight (as will *those* passengers), the flight crew may time out, we may miss an ATC release window and have to return to the gate… there’s a little padding for delays, but not much. And the fastest passenger in the world will still need a few minutes to sit down and be ready to go. On occasion, time can be made to accommodate late arrivals - almost exclusively if it’s the airline’s fault - but it’s rare and usually more expensive than just rebooking passengers on the next flight. Two or three late people is better than potentially hundreds. It’s not necessarily national rules or sterile cockpit so much as it’s the industry practice of managing an on time departure. People will look at the plane sitting at the gate with the gate door closed and think they can still get on - nope. If that door is closed, the flight has already started.


> On occasion, time can be made to accommodate late arrivals - almost exclusively if it’s the airline’s fault - but it’s rare Had a place delayed for us because of a late flight previously. Difference here was there was over 30 of us on that flight. 


Additionally the cabin door would be armed, so you can’t just “open” the door again. You’d have to get in contact with the cabin crew inside the aircraft, which would be difficult once the doors closed. Doing so would delay the flight as you said, and all for one person who decided to show up late.


Yes. It means the pilots have sat down and their door is closed. And the law states the pilots can only talk about flight procedures and the take off until the plane is at flying altitude. So even if they were asked, they would not respond


I imagine airflight control having to coordinate every plane getting in, out, and near the airport plays a lot into that.


Yep, and several planes have crashed because of distracted pilots missing something during check-offs, so now they can only speak about the check-offs. It's called a sterile cockpit


Thanks for the idea for a shirt for my pilot friend https://preview.redd.it/7zt6pr7l0v5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=894e5a497c6bb6db081eafecce18b59854ae7384


I love this


They did once for us at Amsterdam. We turned up baked af and I left my laptop at security so had to go alll the way back out and in through all the checks again. They let us on because it was easier than trying to get our bags off the plane I think.


That’s 100% why they let you on… looking for your bags is at least 10-20mins, easier to just open the door for you and let you on


I've never talked to a service employee like that in my life. Nothing has ever been that important.


Seriously, acting like it's the employees fault that the asshole showed up late to a flight


Showed up to a Spirit flight late. Plane was still there but they stopped boarding. Said “oh well” and then went to the desk to figure out what to do next. They gave us the option of the next flight that night but we ended up choosing a flight out the next day, free of charge.


A lot of magical things can happen when you either take life as it comes or have basic emotional regulation.


Dude is using the dark arts to burn bridges that haven't even been built yet


rhythm spark gray humor ad hoc slim heavy special shame imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just sounds like you need to axe somebody.


I dunno about that guy, but around here if you go to axe somebody you are probably going to go to jail for a real long time.


Or you’re going to make them smell like a douche from 2002.


need to axe the right questions


Just axe somebody first. Then what?


I came for the axe talk and was not let down


Fuck is you talkin bout




Axe me how about that


But even if you did what do you think the likelihood of getting the resolution that you desire is? You think they're going to say a hold on a second and try to find this guy another plane? It's rude but also pointless.


Yea real talk most airlines employees get it. Tell them you were late and ask if there's another flight you can get on standby later.


Well you’ve never spent all that money on spirit flights


You mean $48.97 for a round trip?


I've never flown. Is it really possible to get a $49 round trip?


Sometimes you can get a one way ticket for cheap- like breeze airlines. All depends on


Shit, musta dropped dead in the middle of typing that sentence. Really wanted to know what it depends on. RIP


I'm a clairvoyant I just spoke to them in the afterlife and this is what they were gonna say "...whether you pay for any add-ons like personal items, carry-on, checked luggage, etc."


Depends where you're flying to and from. I used to fly New Orleans to Dallas frequently and remember booking them for around $50.


If you want to bring nothing, maybe


I don’t understand what you’d expect to happen if you did. Why would they even want to help you at all if you screamed and cursed at them? It really is amazing how far a little patience and civility can go in situations like this whereas anger and vitriol will leave you stranded alone in the terminal.


I did when I was a dumb kid who didn’t know any better. A grown man should know better


Such is the way of customer support/service. Even in the tech support, most people easily thinkg *you* are to blame for their internet or TV going out, like you're just hitting an on/off button nearby that controls just their services. Loved the ones that called in with a power outage. Whatdya mean I can't watch TV without power?!


They’re just mad at themselves for being idiots, so they’re pulling the standard adult toddler routine. Sorry, planes don’t wait when you take your time getting to the airport.


The least the employee could have done was ax somebody


“Lizzy Borden to Gate 13 for customer assistance, please”


I think this person deserves Gate 41 after she saw what he had done. 


I know this is a joke but a key tool in any retail employee handbook in avoiding asshole customer confrontation is to walk to the back acting like you're "asking somebody/checking on that" when you really just scroll on your phone for 3 and half minutes, then you walk back out and say "sorry, we're out".


One time, I missed a bus out of Chicago for my own reasons (there were two busses parked next to each other going to similar places, I unknowingly waited in line for the wrong one and watched the one I was supposed tot take leave without me). Naturally, I'm in a huffy mood when I go to the counter to get on the next bus and I said something that the lady behind the counter didn't like. Bless that woman because she stopped typing, looked at me and said "Don't get snippy with me because you messed up." Shut me down real quick but also she was so right I had no answer.


All this money… on a spirit airlines flight. I mean, how much can one spirit airlines flight cost Michael, $10?


There’s always spirit airlines flights in the banana stand.




Fucking Patrice ❤️


^^He's, ^^^a ^^^^flamer.


Was looking at flights to LGA the other day. The price of the Spirit flight (no carry on, no seat selection, 1 checked bag) was about $30 off the price of a Jetblue flight (no seat selection, 1 checked bag).


Whoa! We found the big spender with all the upgrades.


If “No Fly List” was an instructional video


Nobody axed to watch that video


“Sir, im a military person” said no military person ever.


Can confirm: am military person. I would never ever say that I’m a military person. It’s very unmilitary.


Nobody’s fault you were late


...well it's their fault




How many times has yelling and being a dick at an airport worked for anyone?


If by "worked" you mean an angry tirade at the gate agents has now GUARANTEED they will not be boarding the flight...then it's worked 100% of the time.


I am a wierdo. I actually like sitting at the gate, reading something, people watching or fucking around on my phone, a little time to chill.


I don’t think that is weird. I’ve always liked getting to the airport early, getting a nice spot at the gate, and walking around the terminals, checking out the planes that are heading out to all the different places. There is also a certain comfiness or satisfaction of being at the gate 2 hours early and knowing that killing time is my ONLY problem now. I’m not stuck in traffic and won’t be missing my flight. I’ve also only ever traveled on planes for fun things like vacations and weddings. I’m sure those that travel often for work don’t enjoy airports as much.


Exactly… I’d rather be bored than worried about missing my flight.


Same. People are always talking about how much they hate flying and being at the airport but I love it.


Yeah if you travel enough for work, you’d want to spend as much time away from the airport. Having precheck and only a carry on bag, the goal is to arrive to the gate 5-10 mins before boarding.


I’m late for everything, except the airport. Mostly for those reasons.


Very few things make me lose respect faster than someone who is consistently late.


You best ax somebody!


How would one even get an axe past TSA?!


Or my sword?


They took my bow


You wouldn't deny an oldan his walking stick do you?


And your arrow to the knee


How do you not show up early for a flight?? How fucking dumb can you be?


Like Jesus Christ I can’t imagine being late for a flight. The airport in my province demands that you be there three hours early.


Holy crap that’s early. I do two hours and my wife gets angry.


Yeah, yelling like that will make everyone want to help you…. /s


“A lack of planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on mine”


I’d spend “all this money” to not fly Spirit. No TV’s, just DayCare in the Air


Hey depressurize that plane and make everyone that was on time late for us. We’re the main characters. My mom paid all this money for this flight


They don’t pressurize the plane on the ground haha


I don't know how people be missing their fights like this. I'm so goddamn nervous about missing my flight every time I'm early as hell. I'll waste an hour or two in the airport just to make sure I'm not missing any flights. It's worth it


Weird eh, it's like there's a scheduled departure time or something.


Go ecksumbody


Is that hard to get to the airport at least 1-2 hours before the flight you need leaves, especially when you know you live in a city with fucked up hour(s)-long traffic?!?! Just saying.....


Do some people think the plane is going to wait for them?


In the military? Then you furthermore should know not to be late sir!


The Waffle House of the airline industry.


That man has a lot of attitude for spending maybe $67 on a ticket. If you think of the modern marvel and economics of air travel, that is wild. The least he could do is be on time or early.


LAX-sumbody first!


Find me a military person that calls themselves a military person. Source: I'm a military person.


If the plane is still right there and they still won't let you on, it's because they gave your seat to a standby, they already moved the jett bridge, and the ramp crew are already catching the plane (pulling it onto the electro push back machine). At that point, they're not letting you on because they have a schedule to uphold. Best you can do is get a refund and look at other airlines or see if they can place you on the next flight. You should've been there 2 hours before boarding and screaming, and acting a fool will get you the exact opposite of what you want.


When did people stop saying ask? Why is it axe all sudden? It feels sudden.


“Go axe somebody”


When I missed a flight maybe 30 seconds after they closed the door I just said "Oh man. I'm an idiot. thanks for trying though. I was stuck in the bathroom with a minor medical situation " (They paged me and held the plane for a few minutes) The staff bent over backwards to help me. The next flight was full but they offered someone some vouchers and I got their seat. They didn't need to do that. I was polite and apologetic and they took pity on me. If you miss a flight it's your own fault. I show up 2 hours early to any airport. Maybe even 3 hours.


Wait till someone axes him how he’s wants to pay for those two carry on bags 


I'm pretty sure it's a felony to "axe somebody" in an airport 


Mofo paid 59.95$


The inability for people to say ask correctly boggles my mind


Dumb and dumber did it better.


If i am late for a plane i am 100% blaming myself. i just can't understand people who act like this.


Entitled much? You fucked up


Yes yelling at people has been proven by numerous experts to be a great persuasion tactic


Well, well, well... if it isn't the consequences of my own actions...


Lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part.


Why is he telling the guy to kill somebody? 😂😂😂


My last spirit flight to Vegas- 2 chicks drunk off their ass were told they wouldn’t be flying due to their inebriation. They caused a scene, screaming at the gate agent. Finally boarded our delayed flight. A dude decided he didn’t want to go to Vegas anymore as we were backing out of the gate. Grabbed his shit, bolted for the door and told the attendant he wanted off the plane. They pull back up to let the guy out. 1hr in this 3hr flight a young man in front of me calls for an attendant, saying his friend had just fainted. This ‘fainted’ man gets the works. Snacks, drinks (he drank a cocktail before this event) even an oxygen mask. The rest of the flight was chill though The return flight was greeted by police, they arrested a passenger.


wtf does “aks somebody” mean ?


Means you gotta ax somebody


It doesn’t work like that lol once the doors are closed, they’re closed.




As a former agent, if there was a simple way (I forget) to add someone to a few certain FAA lists...at least the male would be after that bullshit.


You can bet I would ax somebody. *Call random number "Hey Chris, I have two passengers here. Can they board... no? Ahhhhhh! What a shame. Can you ask Cheryl? Still a no? Ok thaaaaanks."


Little disappointed, nobody got axed.


Axing people on a plane is never a good idea.


he wants him to axe somebody i don't think they do that


A.S.K. the s comes before the k.


AXE, AXE, AXE why can people not say ASK!!???


Tell me you don't know the flying rules without telling me you don't know the flying rules.


Has this ever worked for anyone ever. No.


When bus people fly


If you get to the gate after the door closes, you are NOT getting on the plane. What about this is hard to understand?


If the doors to the gangway are closed, you’re SOL. Everyone knows this. Abusing the desk staff doesn’t magic the plane into waiting for you.


Let me inconvenience all 200 passengers who got here on time and are already boarded, because your lazy ass overslept and got here late.


I complain about my job often, but these types of videos make me thankful I don't have to deal with the public.


You could not buy me a flight to paradise on Spirit. Thanks, I’ll walk .


“Go aks somebahdee”


Bruh it isn’t hard to be on time you have ages to board lol


His grandma paid for the flight too


Who he want axed?


Did he indeed go axe anyone?


Lol! Only cheapskates fly Spirit. 🤣


I wouldn’t travel on Spirit even if you offered me a free unlimited lifetime travel membership. Spirit airlines- the Walmart of the skies ✨


Yo guys, hopefully, this is my chance for a ton of upvotes. I was actually sitting right in front of her on that flight, which was from LAX to Baltimore! She was not late for boarding. She was one of the last on the plane, like myself, and when she got to her seat, she tried to stow her carry-on up above. She could not get it to fit and proceeded to drop like 10 F-bombs, and the stewards were like, "we can't have any of that here, ma'am." Then this dude got called and said, "Ma'am, I have to talk to you in private." After that, I never saw her again. I don't think what she did was that bad either. Crazy to see a video on here from something I actually witnessed happen in person, lol. Sincerely, some dude on that Spirit flight.


My very busy hometown international airport was recently fortunate enough to be cut from Spirit airlines flight map completely. The decrease in down right terrible people, was noticed immediately. That and I always feel like discount airlines tend to attract the type of person thats has never/rarely flown before and just simply don't understand how to fly and not burden those around you.


I used to work for an airline, There's a reason for cutoff. We have to put so much fuel in the plane, And that fuel allotment is only for the people who are actually there and on board. It's not as simple as jumping on the plane and taking off, Let's imagine sixty five people all showed up at the same time as these folk did. That's an extra 10,000+ lbs. Especially if this flight is going long distance, the difference in fuel necessity can be drastic. Once the plane is set and ready to go, honestly just take the L. Get to the airport early next time. It's really, really easy to do. Just simply show up relatively early, and you'll always be okay. First thing you do when through security is find your gate. Then backtrack to any snacks or stores you saw.

